[Atl42] Keeping Track of the Weather
Facundo Andrés Bianco
facundo en quilmeslug.org
Sab Jun 26 18:37:15 CEST 2010
Another straightforward use of website scraping that illustrates yet a
different approach is a weather forecast tool. Specify a zip code, and
this script goes to the Census Bureau to obtain population and
latitude/longitude information. It visits AccuWeather to extract the
current weather in that region.
The Code
# weather - Reports the weather forecast, including lat/long, for a zip code.
if [ "$1" = "-a" ] ; then
size=999; shift
if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "Usage: $0 [-a] zipcode" >&2
exit 1
if [ $size -eq 5 ] ; then
echo ""
# Get some information on the zip code from the Census Bureau
lynx -source "${llurl}$1" | \
sed -n '/^<li><strong>/,/^Location:/p' | \
sed 's/<[^>]*>//g;s/^ //g'
# The weather forecast itself at accuweather.com
lynx -source "${wxurl}$1" | \
sed -n '/<font class="sevendayten">/,/[^[:digit:]]<\/font>/p' | \
sed 's/<[^>]*>//g;s/^ [ ]*//g' | \
uniq | \
head -$size
exit 0
How It Works
This script provides yet another riff on the idea of using a shell
script as a wrapper, though in this case the optional flag primarily
changes the amount of information filtered through the head at the end
of the pipe. This script also takes advantage of the natural source
code organization of the two sites to slice out the population and
latitude/longitude data prefixed with the strings <strong> and
Location:, respectively, and then it slices out the forecast
information wrapped in a sevendayten font container.
Running the Script
The standard way to invoke this script is to specify the desired zip
code. If census information is available for that region, it'll be
displayed, and the most recent weather forecast summary will be shown
too. Add the -a flag, however, and it skips the census information and
reports a full ten-day forecast.
The Results
$ weather 66207
Zip Code: 66207 PO Name: Shawnee Mission (KS)
Population (1990): 13863
Location: 38.957472 N, 94.645193 W
Currently at 10:35 PM
CLEAR Winds SW at 4 mph.
Temp: 28 / RF 26. UV Index 0.
A typical winter evening in Kansas: a warm 28 degrees Fahrenheit. Brrrrr.
(vía: "Wicked Cool Shell Scripts", capítulo 7)
Facundo Andrés Bianco (Vando.)
GNUPG ID: 0x89C1B42F
XMPP: vando en jabberes.org
omb: identi.ca/vando
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