[Atl42] Fwd: [utorrentideas.uservoice.com] started: 'Make a uTorrent for Linux'

fede diaz fedediazceo en gmail.com
Mar Ago 17 03:34:24 CEST 2010

A mi me encanta utorrent!!


2010/8/16 David Fernandez <rdavidgeek en gmail.com>

> Se lo instale en la maquina de mi novia por que no encontre ninguno libre
> como la gente para windows, pero yo me conformo con trasmission.
> El 16/08/10 20:39, Sergio Araki escribió:
> No le encontré equivalente real en linux, si cuasi equivalentes =P
> 2010/8/16 david fernandez <rdavidgeek en gmail.com>
>> Teniendo tantos clientes torrents lindo te gusta utorrent? jaja
>> El 16 de agosto de 2010 20:27, Sergio Araki <sergioaraki en gmail.com>escribió:
>>>  Vamos que ya solo falta que corra el PES en Ubuntu y me olvido de
>>> Windows XD
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: µTorrent <no-reply en uservoice.com>
>>> Date: Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 8:13 PM
>>> Subject: [utorrentideas.uservoice.com] started: 'Make a uTorrent for
>>> Linux'
>>> To: sergioaraki en gmail.com
>>>    Idea Bank for µTorrent  utorrentideas.uservoice.com
>>>  [image: Conversation_24] Status update
>>> An idea you follow has been updated:
>>>     5163
>>> votes
>>>  started
>>>  +3 votes
>>>    Make a uTorrent for Linux<http://utorrentideas.uservoice.com/forums/47263-torrent-for-windows/suggestions/701286-make-a-utorrent-for-linux?email_login_token=49eaefad43b77540bc03046d145f4d58&tracking_code=861642cfcb2c38bce958fc441bf34b73>
>>>  Planned → Started
>>> We're making good progress on the Linux client. Sit tight and we'll have
>>> a client out soon enough.
>>>     Firon Admin, µTorrent
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>>>  [image: powered by UserVoice] <http://uservoice.com>
>>>  ____________
>>> Answer to life, the universe and everything = 42
>>> atl42-public en lists.ourproject.org
>>> https://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/atl42-public
>>> http://identi.ca/group/atl42
>> --
>> David Fernandez
>> GTalk:  rdavidgeek
>> E-mail: davidfernandez en riseup.net
>> ____________
>> Answer to life, the universe and everything = 42
>> atl42-public en lists.ourproject.org
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>> http://identi.ca/group/atl42
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> Answer to life, the universe and everything = 42atl42-public en lists.ourproject.orghttps://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/atl42-publichttp://identi.ca/group/atl42
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Federico Díaz
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