[Alba-desarrollo] SVN Alba r5218 - in prosistem/alba/trunk/alba:
apps/principal/modules/informes/validate config data/sql
lib/model lib/model/map lib/model/om
commits en pressenter.com.ar
commits en pressenter.com.ar
Mie Oct 10 22:53:57 CEST 2007
Author: josx
Date: 2007-10-10 17:53:17 -0300 (Wed, 10 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 5218
Nueva version embrionaria de generador de informes dinamicos=20
Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/actio=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/actions/act=
ions.class.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/actions/act=
ions.class.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -33,12 +33,373 @@
class InformesActions extends sfActions
+ public function executeIndex()
+ {
+ return $this->forward('informes', 'list');
+ }
+ public function executeList()
+ {
+ $this->processSort();
+ $this->processFilters();
+ $this->filters =3D $this->getUser()->getAttributeHolder()->getAll('s=
+ // pager
+ $this->pager =3D new sfPropelPager('Informe', 10);
+ $c =3D new Criteria();
+ $this->addSortCriteria($c);
+// $this->addFiltersCriteria($c);
+ $this->pager->setCriteria($c);
+ $this->pager->setPage($this->getRequestParameter('page', 1));
+ $this->pager->init();
+ }
+ public function executeCreate()
+ {
+ return $this->forward('informes', 'edit');
+ }
+ public function executeSave()
+ {
+ return $this->forward('informes', 'edit');
+ }
+ public function executeEdit()
+ {
+ $this->informe =3D $this->getInformeOrCreate();
+ if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() =3D=3D sfRequest::POST)
+ {
+ $this->updateInformeFromRequest();
+ if($this->getRequest()->getFileName('file')) {
+ $mimetype =3D $this->getRequest()->getFileType('file');
+ $ext =3D substr($this->getRequest()->getFileName('file'),str=
+ $realFileName =3D $this->getRequest()->getFileName('file');
+ $uniqueFileName =3D uniqid(rand()) . $ext;
+ $this->getRequest()->moveFile('file', sfConfig::get('sf_uplo=
+ $adjunto =3D new Adjunto();=20
+ $adjunto->setFecha(date('Y-m-d'));
+ $adjunto->setNombreArchivo($realFileName);
+ $adjunto->setTipoArchivo($mimetype); =20
+ $adjunto->setRuta($uniqueFileName);
+ $adjunto->save();
+ $this->informe->setFkAdjuntoId($adjunto->getId());
+ $this->saveInforme($this->informe);
+ }
+ $this->setFlash('notice', 'Your modifications have been saved');
+ if ($this->getRequestParameter('save_and_add'))
+ {
+ return $this->redirect('informes/create');
+ }
+ else if ($this->getRequestParameter('save_and_list'))
+ {
+ return $this->redirect('informes/list');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return $this->redirect('informes/edit?id=3D'.$this->informe->get=
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->labels =3D $this->getLabels();
+ }
+ }
+ public function executeDelete()
+ {
+ $this->informe =3D InformePeer::retrieveByPk($this->getRequestParame=
+ $this->forward404Unless($this->informe);
+ try
+ {
+ unlink(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir')."/".$this->informe->getAdjun=
+ $adjunto_id =3D $this->informe->getFkAdjuntoId();
+ $this->deleteInforme($this->informe);
+ $adjunto =3D AdjuntoPeer::retrieveByPk($adjunto_id);
+ $adjunto->delete();
+ }
+ catch (PropelException $e)
+ {
+ $this->getRequest()->setError('delete', 'Could not delete the sele=
cted informe. Make sure it does not have any associated items.');
+ return $this->forward('informes', 'list');
+ }
+ return $this->redirect('informes/list');
+ }
+ public function handleErrorEdit()
+ {
+ $this->preExecute();
+ $this->informe =3D $this->getInformeOrCreate();
+ $this->updateInformeFromRequest();
+ $this->labels =3D $this->getLabels();
+ return sfView::SUCCESS;
+ }
+ protected function saveInforme($informe)
+ {
+ $informe->save();
+ }
+ protected function deleteInforme($informe)
+ {
+ $informe->delete();
+ }
+ protected function updateInformeFromRequest()
+ {
+ $informe =3D $this->getRequestParameter('informe');
+ if (isset($informe['variables']))
+ {
+ $this->informe->setVariables($informe['variables']);
+ }
+ if (isset($informe['descripcion']))
+ {
+ $this->informe->setDescripcion($informe['descripcion']);
+ }
+ if (isset($informe['nombre']))
+ {
+ $this->informe->setNombre($informe['nombre']);
+ }
+ $this->informe->setListado(isset($informe['listado']) ? $informe['li=
stado'] : 0);
+ if (isset($informe['fk_adjunto_id']))
+ {
+ $this->informe->setFkAdjuntoId($informe['fk_adjunto_id'] ? $informe[=
'fk_adjunto_id'] : null);
+ }
+ if (isset($informe['fk_tipoinforme_id']))
+ {
+ $this->informe->setFkTipoinformeId($informe['fk_tipoinforme_id'] ? $=
informe['fk_tipoinforme_id'] : null);
+ }
+ }
+ protected function getInformeOrCreate($id =3D 'id')
+ {
+ if (!$this->getRequestParameter($id))
+ {
+ $informe =3D new Informe();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $informe =3D InformePeer::retrieveByPk($this->getRequestParameter(=
+ $this->forward404Unless($informe);
+ }
+ return $informe;
+ }
+ protected function processFilters()
+ {
+ if ($this->getRequest()->hasParameter('filter'))
+ {
+ $filters =3D $this->getRequestParameter('filters');
+ $this->getUser()->getAttributeHolder()->removeNamespace('sf_admin/=
+ $this->getUser()->getAttributeHolder()->add($filters, 'sf_admin/in=
+ }
+ }
+ protected function processSort()
+ {
+ if ($this->getRequestParameter('sort'))
+ {
+ $this->getUser()->setAttribute('sort', $this->getRequestParameter(=
'sort'), 'sf_admin/informes/sort');
+ $this->getUser()->setAttribute('type', $this->getRequestParameter(=
'type', 'asc'), 'sf_admin/alumno/sort');
+ }
+ if (!$this->getUser()->getAttribute('sort', null, 'sf_admin/informes=
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ protected function addFiltersCriteria($c)
+ {
+ if (isset($this->filters['nombre_apellido_is_empty']))
+ {
+ $criterion =3D $c->getNewCriterion(AlumnoPeer::NOMBRE_APELLIDO, ''=
+ $criterion->addOr($c->getNewCriterion(AlumnoPeer::NOMBRE_APELLIDO,=
null, Criteria::ISNULL));
+ $c->add($criterion);
+ }
+ else if (isset($this->filters['nombre_apellido']) && $this->filters[=
'nombre_apellido'] !=3D=3D '')
+ {
+ $c->add(AlumnoPeer::NOMBRE_APELLIDO, $this->filters['nombre_apelli=
+ }
+ if (isset($this->filters['division_is_empty']))
+ {
+ $criterion =3D $c->getNewCriterion(AlumnoPeer::DIVISION, '');
+ $criterion->addOr($c->getNewCriterion(AlumnoPeer::DIVISION, null, =
+ $c->add($criterion);
+ }
+ else if (isset($this->filters['division']) && $this->filters['divisi=
on'] !=3D=3D '')
+ {
+ $c->add(AlumnoPeer::DIVISION, $this->filters['division']);
+ }
+ if (isset($this->filters['nro_documento_is_empty']))
+ {
+ $criterion =3D $c->getNewCriterion(AlumnoPeer::NRO_DOCUMENTO, '');
+ $criterion->addOr($c->getNewCriterion(AlumnoPeer::NRO_DOCUMENTO, n=
ull, Criteria::ISNULL));
+ $c->add($criterion);
+ }
+ else if (isset($this->filters['nro_documento']) && $this->filters['n=
ro_documento'] !=3D=3D '')
+ {
+ $c->add(AlumnoPeer::NRO_DOCUMENTO, strtr($this->filters['nro_docum=
ento'], '*', '%'), Criteria::LIKE);
+ }
+ }
+ protected function addSortCriteria($c)
+ {
+ if ($sort_column =3D $this->getUser()->getAttribute('sort', null, 's=
+ {
+ $sort_column =3D InformePeer::translateFieldName($sort_column, Bas=
+ if ($this->getUser()->getAttribute('type', null, 'sf_admin/informe=
s/sort') =3D=3D 'asc')
+ {
+ $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn($sort_column);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $c->addDescendingOrderByColumn($sort_column);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected function getLabels()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'informe{descripcion}' =3D> 'Descripción:',
+ 'informe{nombre}' =3D> 'Nombre:',
+ 'informe{listado}' =3D> '=C2=BFEs un Listado?:',
+ 'informe{fk_tipoinforme_id}' =3D> 'Tipo de Informe:',
+ 'informe{fk_adjunto_id}' =3D> 'Plantilla del informe:',
+ 'informe{variables}' =3D> 'Variables:',
+ 'file' =3D> 'Plantilla del informe :',
+ );
+ }
+ public function executeBorrarAdjunto() {
+ $id =3D $this->getRequestParameter('id');
+ $this->forward404Unless($id);
+ $informe =3D InformePeer::retrieveByPk($id);
+ $informe->setFkAdjuntoId();
+ $informe->save();
+ $adjunto =3D AdjuntoPeer::retrieveByPk($informe->getFkAdjuntoId(=
+ unlink(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir')."/".$adjunto->getRuta());
+ $adjunto->delete();
+ return $this->redirect("informes?action=3Dedit&id=3D".$id);
+ }
+ public function executeMostrar() {
+ $informe =3D InformePeer::retrieveByPk($this->getRequestParamete=
+ $this->forward404Unless($informe);
+ $establecimiento_id =3D $this->getUser()->getAttribute('fk_estab=
+ $aAlumno =3D $this->_getTodosLosAlumnos($establecimiento_id);
+ $datos =3D $aAlumno[0];
+ $this->reporteTBSOO($informe->getAdjunto()->getRuta(), $informe-=
>getTipoInforme()->getNombre(), $datos);
+ return sfview::NONE;
+ }
+ public function executeBusquedaAlumnos() {
+ $informe =3D InformePeer::retrieveByPk($this->getRequestParamete=
+ $this->forward404Unless($informe);
+ // inicializando variables
+ $optionsDivision =3D array();
+ $aAlumno =3D array(); =20
+ // tomando los datos del formulario
+ $division_id =3D $this->getRequestParameter('division_id');
+ $txt =3D $this->getRequestParameter('txt');
+ // llenando el combo de division segun establecimiento
+ $establecimiento_id =3D $this->getUser()->getAttribute('fk_estab=
+ $optionsDivision =3D $this->_getDivisiones($establecimiento_id);
+ =20
+ if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() =3D=3D sfRequest::POST) {
+ $aAlumno =3D $this->_getAlumnosPorDivision($division_id, $tx=
t); // buscando alumnos
+ }
+ // asignando variables para ser usadas en el template
+ $this->optionsDivision =3D $optionsDivision;
+ $this->division_id =3D $division_id;
+ $this->txt =3D $txt;
+ $this->aAlumno =3D $aAlumno;
+ $this->titulo =3D $informe->getNombre();
+ $this->is =3D $informe=3D
+ }
+ private function reporteTBSOO($archivo, $tipoinforme, $datos) {
+ define('BASE',sfConfig::get('sf_app_module_dir') .'/informes/' .=
+ require_once(BASE.'tbs_class_php5.php');
+ require_once(BASE.'tbsooo_class.php');
+ $OOo =3D new clsTinyButStrongOOo;
+ $OOo->noErr =3D true;
+ $OOo->SetZipBinary('zip');
+ $OOo->SetUnzipBinary('unzip');
+ $OOo->SetProcessDir(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir'));
+ $OOo->SetDataCharset('UTF8');
+ $OOo->NewDocFromTpl(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').'/'.$archivo)=
+ $OOo->LoadXmlFromDoc('content.xml');
+ $OOo->MergeField($tipoinforme, $datos);
+ $OOo->SaveXmlToDoc();
+ header('Content-type: '.$OOo->GetMimetypeDoc());
+ header('Content-Length: '.filesize($OOo->GetPathnameDoc()));
+ $OOo->FlushDoc();
+ $OOo->RemoveDoc();
+ }
* Informe: Alumnos por Division=20
private function _getDivisiones($establecimiento_id) {
$optionsDivision =3D array();
@@ -450,4 +811,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/confi=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/config/view=
.yml 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/config/view=
.yml 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- layout: layout_sinmenu
+# layout: layout_sinmenu
stylesheets: [informes, %SF_ADMIN_WEB_DIR%/css/main, main ]
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/lib/tbs_=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/lib/tbs_cla=
ss.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/lib/tbs_cla=
ss.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,3397 @@
+TinyButStrong - Template Engine for Pro and Beginners
+Version : 2.05.8 for PHP >=3D 4.0.6
+Date : 2006-05-02
+Web site : www.tinybutstrong.com
+Author : skrol29 en freesurf.fr
+This library is free software.
+You can redistribute and modify it even for commercial usage,
+but you must accept and respect the LPGL License (v2.1 or later).
+// Check PHP version
+if (PHP_VERSION<'4.0.6') {
+ echo '<br><b>TinyButStrong Error</b> (PHP Version Check) : Your PHP ver=
sion is '.PHP_VERSION.' while TinyButStrong needs PHP version 4.0.6 or hi=
+} elseif (PHP_VERSION<'4.1.0') {
+ function array_key_exists (&$key,&$array) {
+ return key_exists($key,$array);
+ }
+// Render flags
+define('TBS_NOTHING', 0);
+define('TBS_OUTPUT', 1);
+define('TBS_EXIT', 2);
+// Special cache actions
+define('TBS_DELETE', -1);
+define('TBS_CANCEL', -2);
+define('TBS_CACHENOW', -3);
+define('TBS_CACHEONSHOW', -4);
+define('TBS_CACHELOAD', -5);
+define('TBS_CACHEGETAGE', -6);
+define('TBS_CACHEGETNAME', -7);
+define('TBS_CACHEISONSHOW', -8);
+// *********************************************
+class clsTbsLocator {
+ var $PosBeg =3D false;
+ var $PosEnd =3D false;
+ var $Enlarged =3D false;
+ var $FullName =3D false;
+ var $SubName =3D '';
+ var $SubOk =3D false;
+ var $SubLst =3D array();
+ var $SubNbr =3D 0;
+ var $PrmLst =3D array();
+ var $MagnetId =3D false;
+ var $BlockFound =3D false;
+ var $FirstMerge =3D true;
+ var $ConvProtect =3D true;
+ var $ConvHtml =3D true;
+ var $ConvBr =3D true;
+ var $ConvSpe =3D false;
+// *********************************************
+class clsTbsDataSource {
+var $Type =3D false;
+var $SubType =3D 0;
+var $SrcId =3D false;
+var $Query =3D '';
+var $RecSet =3D false;
+var $RecKey =3D '';
+var $RecNum =3D 0;
+var $RecNumInit =3D 0;
+var $RecSaving =3D false;
+var $RecSaved =3D false;
+var $RecBuffer =3D false;
+var $CurrRec =3D false;
+var $PrevRec =3D array();
+var $oTBS =3D false;
+var $BlockName =3D '';
+var $OnDataOk =3D false;
+var $OnDataSave =3D '';
+var $OnDataInfo =3D false;
+var $OnDataPrm =3D array();
+function DataAlert($Msg) {
+ return $this->oTBS->meth_Misc_Alert('MergeBlock '.$this->oTBS->ChrOpen.=
+function DataPrepare(&$SrcId,&$oTBS) {
+ $this->SrcId =3D& $SrcId;
+ $this->oTBS =3D& $oTBS;
+ if (is_array($SrcId)) {
+ $this->Type =3D 0;
+ } elseif (is_resource($SrcId)) {
+ $Key =3D get_resource_type($SrcId);
+ switch ($Key) {
+ case 'mysql link' : $this->Type =3D 1; break;
+ case 'mysql link persistent' : $this->Type =3D 1; break;
+ case 'mysql result' : $this->Type =3D 1; $this->SubType =3D 1=
; break;
+ case 'pgsql link' : $this->Type =3D 8; break;
+ case 'pgsql link persistent' : $this->Type =3D 8; break;
+ case 'pgsql result' : $this->Type =3D 8; $this->SubType =3D 1=
; break;
+ case 'sqlite database' : $this->Type =3D 9; break;
+ case 'sqlite database (persistent)' : $this->Type =3D 9; break;
+ case 'sqlite result' : $this->Type =3D 9; $this->SubType =3D 1=
; break;
+ default :
+ $SubKey =3D 'resource type';
+ $this->Type =3D 7;
+ $x =3D strtolower($Key);
+ $x =3D str_replace('-','_',$x);
+ $Function =3D '';
+ $i =3D 0;
+ $iMax =3D strlen($x);
+ while ($i<$iMax) {
+ if (($x[$i]=3D=3D=3D'_') or (($x[$i]>=3D'a') and ($x[$i]<=3D'z')) or=
(($x[$i]>=3D'0') and ($x[$i]<=3D'9'))) {
+ $Function .=3D $x[$i];
+ $i++;
+ } else {
+ $i =3D $iMax;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif (is_string($SrcId)) {
+ switch (strtolower($SrcId)) {
+ case 'array' : $this->Type =3D 0; $this->SubType =3D 1; break;
+ case 'clear' : $this->Type =3D 0; $this->SubType =3D 3; break;
+ case 'mysql' : $this->Type =3D 1; $this->SubType =3D 2; break;
+ case 'text' : $this->Type =3D 4; break;
+ case 'num' : $this->Type =3D 6; break;
+ default :
+ if ($SrcId[0]=3D=3D=3D'~') {
+ $ErrMsg =3D false;
+ $this->FctOpen =3D $SrcId.'_open';
+ $this->FctFetch =3D $SrcId.'_fetch';
+ $this->FctClose =3D $SrcId.'_close';
+ $this->FctPrm =3D array(false,0);
+ if ($oTBS->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($this->FctOpen,$ErrMsg)) {
+ if ($oTBS->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($this->FctFetch,$ErrMsg)) {
+ if ($oTBS->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($this->FctClose,$ErrMsg)) {
+ $this->Type =3D 11;
+ $this->SrcId =3D& $oTBS->ObjectRef;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ErrMsg!=3D=3Dfalse) $this->Type =3D $this->DataAlert($ErrMsg);
+ } else {
+ $Key =3D $SrcId;
+ $SubKey =3D 'keyword';
+ $this->Type =3D 7;
+ $Function =3D $SrcId;
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif (is_object($SrcId)) {
+ if (method_exists($SrcId,'tbsdb_open')) {
+ if (!method_exists($SrcId,'tbsdb_fetch')) {
+ $this->Type =3D $this->DataAlert('The expected method \'tbsdb_fetch\=
' is not found for the class '.get_class($SrcId).'.');
+ } elseif (!method_exists($SrcId,'tbsdb_close')) {
+ $this->Type =3D $this->DataAlert('The expected method \'tbsdb_close\=
' is not found for the class '.get_class($SrcId).'.');
+ } else {
+ $this->Type =3D 10;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $Key =3D get_class($SrcId);
+ $SubKey =3D 'object type';
+ $this->Type =3D 7;
+ $Function =3D $Key;
+ }
+ } elseif ($SrcId=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->DataAlert('The specified source is set to FALSE. Maybe your con=
nection has failed.');
+ } else {
+ $this->DataAlert('Unsupported variable type : \''.gettype($SrcId).'\'.=
+ }
+ if ($this->Type=3D=3D=3D7) {
+ $this->FctOpen =3D 'tbsdb_'.$Function.'_open';
+ $Ok =3D function_exists($this->FctOpen);
+ if (!$Ok) { // Some extended call can have a suffix in the class name,=
we check without the suffix
+ $i =3D strpos($Function,'_');
+ if ($i!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $x =3D substr($Function,0,$i);
+ $z =3D 'tbsdb_'.$x.'_open';
+ $Ok =3D function_exists($z);
+ if ($Ok) {
+ $Function =3D $x;
+ $this->FctOpen =3D $z;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Ok) {
+ $this->FctFetch =3D 'tbsdb_'.$Function.'_fetch';
+ $this->FctClose =3D 'tbsdb_'.$Function.'_close';
+ if (function_exists($this->FctFetch)) {
+ if (!function_exists($this->FctClose)) $this->Type =3D $this->DataAl=
ert('The expected custom function \''.$this->FctClose.'\' is not found.')=
+ } else {
+ $this->Type =3D $this->DataAlert('The expected custom function \''.$=
this->FctFetch.'\' is not found.');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->Type =3D $this->DataAlert('The data source Id \''.$Key.'\' is =
an unsupported '.$SubKey.' because custom function \''.$this->FctOpen.'\'=
is not found.');
+ }
+ }
+ return ($this->Type!=3D=3Dfalse);
+function DataOpen(&$Query,&$PageSize,&$PageNum,&$RecStop) {
+ // Init values
+ unset($this->CurrRec); $this->CurrRec =3D true;
+ if ($this->RecSaved) {
+ $this->FirstRec =3D true;
+ unset($this->RecKey); $this->RecKey =3D '';
+ $this->RecNum =3D $this->RecNumInit;
+ return true;
+ }
+ unset($this->RecSet); $this->RecSet =3D false;
+ $this->RecNumInit =3D 0;
+ $this->RecNum =3D 0;
+ if ($this->OnDataInfo!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->OnDataOk =3D true;
+ $this->OnDataPrm[0] =3D& $this->BlockName;
+ $this->OnDataPrm[1] =3D& $this->CurrRec;
+ $this->OnDataPrm[2] =3D& $this->RecNum;
+ }
+ switch ($this->Type) {
+ case 0: // Array
+ if (($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D1) and (is_string($Query))) $this->SubType=
=3D 2;
+ if ($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D0) {
+ if (PHP_VERSION=3D=3D=3D'4.4.1') {$this->RecSet =3D $this->SrcId;} el=
se {$this->RecSet =3D& $this->SrcId;} // bad bug in PHP 4.4.1
+ } elseif ($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D1) {
+ if (is_array($Query)) {
+ if (PHP_VERSION=3D=3D=3D'4.4.1') {$this->RecSet =3D $Query;} else {$=
this->RecSet =3D& $Query;}
+ } else {
+ $this->DataAlert('Type \''.gettype($Query).'\' not supported for the=
Query Parameter going with \'array\' Source Type.');
+ }
+ } elseif ($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D2) {
+ //Found the global variable name and the sub-keys
+ $Pos =3D strpos($Query,'[');
+ if ($Pos=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $VarName =3D $Query;
+ $Keys =3D array();
+ } else {
+ $VarName =3D substr($Query,0,$Pos);
+ $Keys =3D substr($Query,$Pos+1,strlen($Query)-$Pos-2);
+ $Keys =3D explode('][',$Keys);
+ }
+ // Check variable and sub-keys
+ if (isset($GLOBALS[$VarName])) {
+ if (PHP_VERSION=3D=3D=3D'4.4.1') {$Var =3D $GLOBALS[$VarName];} else=
{$Var =3D& $GLOBALS[$VarName];}
+ if (is_array($Var)) {
+ $Ok =3D true;
+ $KeyMax =3D count($Keys)-1;
+ $KeyNum =3D 0;
+ while ($Ok and ($KeyNum<=3D$KeyMax)) {
+ if (isset($Var[$Keys[$KeyNum]])) {
+ $Var =3D& $Var[$Keys[$KeyNum]];
+ $KeyNum++;
+ if (!is_array($Var)) $Ok =3D $this->DataAlert('Invalid query \''.=
$Query.'\' because item \''.$VarName.'['.implode('][',array_splice($Keys,=
0,$KeyNum)).']\' is not an array.');
+ } else {
+ $Ok =3D false; // Item not found =3D> not an error, considered as=
a query with empty result.
+ $this->RecSet =3D array();
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Ok) $this->RecSet =3D& $Var;
+ } else {
+ $this->DataAlert('Invalid query \''.$Query.'\' because global varia=
ble \''.$VarName.'\' is not an array.');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->DataAlert('Invalid query \''.$Query.'\' because global variab=
le \''.$VarName.'\' is not found.');
+ }
+ } elseif ($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D3) { // Clear
+ $this->RecSet =3D array();
+ }
+ // First record
+ if ($this->RecSet!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->RecNbr =3D $this->RecNumInit + count($this->RecSet);
+ $this->FirstRec =3D true;
+ $this->RecSaved =3D true;
+ $this->RecSaving =3D false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1: // MySQL
+ switch ($this->SubType) {
+ case 0: $this->RecSet =3D @mysql_query($Query,$this->SrcId); break;
+ case 1: $this->RecSet =3D $this->SrcId; break;
+ case 2: $this->RecSet =3D @mysql_query($Query); break;
+ }
+ if ($this->RecSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $this->DataAlert('MySql error message=
when opening the query: '.mysql_error());
+ break;
+ case 4: // Text
+ if (is_string($Query)) {
+ $this->RecSet =3D& $Query;
+ } else {
+ $this->RecSet =3D ''.$Query;=09
+ }
+ $PageSize =3D 0;
+ break;
+ case 6: // Num
+ $this->RecSet =3D true;
+ $this->NumMin =3D 1;
+ $this->NumMax =3D 1;
+ $this->NumStep =3D 1;
+ if (is_array($Query)) {
+ if (isset($Query['min'])) $this->NumMin =3D $Query['min'];
+ if (isset($Query['step'])) $this->NumStep =3D $Query['step'];
+ if (isset($Query['max'])) {
+ $this->NumMax =3D $Query['max'];
+ } else {
+ $this->RecSet =3D $this->DataAlert('The \'num\' source is an array t=
hat has no value for the \'max\' key.');
+ }
+ if ($this->NumStep=3D=3D0) $this->RecSet =3D $this->DataAlert('The \'=
num\' source is an array that has a step value set to zero.');
+ } else {
+ $this->NumMax =3D ceil($Query);
+ }
+ if ($this->RecSet) {
+ if ($this->NumStep>0) {
+ $this->NumVal =3D $this->NumMin;
+ } else {
+ $this->NumVal =3D $this->NumMax;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 7: // Custom function
+ $FctOpen =3D $this->FctOpen;
+ $this->RecSet =3D $FctOpen($this->SrcId,$Query);
+ break;
+ case 8: // PostgreSQL
+ switch ($this->SubType) {
+ case 0: $this->RecSet =3D @pg_query($this->SrcId,$Query); break;
+ case 1: $this->RecSet =3D $this->SrcId; break;
+ }
+ if ($this->RecSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $this->DataAlert('PostgreSQL error me=
ssage when opening the query: '.pg_last_error($this->SrcId));
+ break;
+ case 9: // SQLite
+ switch ($this->SubType) {
+ case 0: $this->RecSet =3D @sqlite_query($this->SrcId,$Query); break;
+ case 1: $this->RecSet =3D $this->SrcId; break;
+ }
+ if ($this->RecSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $this->DataAlert('SQLite error messag=
e when opening the query:'.sqlite_error_string(sqlite_last_error($this->S=
+ break;
+ case 10: // Custom method
+ $this->RecSet =3D $this->SrcId->tbsdb_open($this->SrcId,$Query);
+ break;
+ case 11: // ObjectRef
+ $this->RecSet =3D call_user_func_array($this->FctOpen,array(&$this->Sr=
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($this->Type=3D=3D=3D0) {
+ unset($this->RecKey); $this->RecKey =3D '';
+ } else {
+ if ($this->RecSaving) {
+ unset($this->RecBuffer); $this->RecBuffer =3D array();
+ }
+ $this->RecKey =3D& $this->RecNum; // Not array: RecKey =3D RecNum
+ }
+ //Goto the page
+ if (($this->RecSet!=3D=3Dfalse) and ($PageSize>0)) {
+ if ($PageNum=3D=3D-1) { // Goto end of the recordset
+ if ($this->RecSaved) { // Data source is array
+ $PageNum =3D intval(ceil($this->RecNbr/$PageSize));
+ } else {
+ // Read records, saving the last page in $this->RecBuffer
+ $i =3D 0;
+ unset($this->RecBuffer); $this->RecBuffer =3D array();
+ $this->RecSaving =3D true;
+ $this->DataFetch();
+ while ($this->CurrRec!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($i=3D=3D=3D$PageSize) {
+ $this->RecBuffer =3D array($this->RecKey =3D> $this->CurrRec);
+ $i =3D 0;
+ $this->RecNumInit +=3D $PageSize;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ $this->DataFetch();
+ }
+ $this->DataClose(); // Close the real recordset source
+ unset($this->RecNum); $this->RecNum =3D 0+$this->RecNumInit;
+ $this->FirstRec =3D true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($PageNum>0) {
+ // We pass all record until the asked page
+ $RecStop =3D ($PageNum-1) * $PageSize;
+ while ($this->RecNum<$RecStop) {
+ $this->DataFetch();
+ if ($this->CurrRec=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $RecStop=3D$this->RecNum;=09
+ }
+ if ($this->CurrRec!=3D=3Dfalse) $RecStop =3D $PageNum * $PageSize;
+ $this->RecNumInit =3D $this->RecNum; // Useful if RecSaved
+ } else {
+ $RecStop =3D 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return ($this->RecSet!=3D=3Dfalse);
+function DataFetch() {
+ if ($this->RecSaved) {
+ if ($this->RecNum<$this->RecNbr) {
+ if ($this->FirstRec) {
+ if ($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D2) { // From string
+ reset($this->RecSet);
+ $this->RecKey =3D key($this->RecSet);
+ $this->CurrRec =3D& $this->RecSet[$this->RecKey];
+ } else {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D reset($this->RecSet);
+ $this->RecKey =3D key($this->RecSet);
+ }
+ $this->FirstRec =3D false;
+ } else {
+ if ($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D2) { // From string
+ next($this->RecSet);
+ $this->RecKey =3D key($this->RecSet);
+ $this->CurrRec =3D& $this->RecSet[$this->RecKey];
+ } else {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D next($this->RecSet);
+ $this->RecKey =3D key($this->RecSet);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!is_array($this->CurrRec)) $this->CurrRec =3D array('key'=3D>$thi=
s->RecKey, 'val'=3D>$this->CurrRec);
+ $this->RecNum++;
+ if ($this->OnDataOk) {
+ $this->OnDataPrm[1] =3D& $this->CurrRec; // Reference has changed if=
+ call_user_func_array($this->OnDataInfo,$this->OnDataPrm);
+ }
+ } else {
+ unset($this->CurrRec); $this->CurrRec =3D false;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ switch ($this->Type) {
+ case 1: // MySQL
+ $this->CurrRec =3D mysql_fetch_assoc($this->RecSet);
+ break;
+ case 4: // Text
+ if ($this->RecNum=3D=3D=3D0) {
+ if ($this->RecSet=3D=3D=3D'') {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D& $this->RecSet;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6: // Num
+ if (($this->NumVal>=3D$this->NumMin) and ($this->NumVal<=3D$this->NumM=
ax)) {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D array('val'=3D>$this->NumVal);
+ $this->NumVal +=3D $this->NumStep;
+ } else {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 7: // Custom function
+ $FctFetch =3D $this->FctFetch;
+ $this->CurrRec =3D $FctFetch($this->RecSet,$this->RecNum+1);
+ break;
+ case 8: // PostgreSQL
+ $this->CurrRec =3D @pg_fetch_array($this->RecSet,$this->RecNum,PGSQL_A=
SSOC); // warning comes when no record left.
+ break;
+ case 9: // SQLite
+ $this->CurrRec =3D sqlite_fetch_array($this->RecSet,SQLITE_ASSOC);
+ break;
+ case 10: // Custom method
+ $this->CurrRec =3D $this->SrcId->tbsdb_fetch($this->RecSet,$this->RecN=
+ break;
+ case 11: // ObjectRef
+ $this->FctPrm[0] =3D& $this->RecSet; $this->FctPrm[1] =3D $this->RecNu=
+ $this->CurrRec =3D call_user_func_array($this->FctFetch,$this->FctPrm)=
+ break;
+ }
+ // Set the row count
+ if ($this->CurrRec!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->RecNum++;
+ if ($this->OnDataOk) call_user_func_array($this->OnDataInfo,$this->OnD=
+ if ($this->RecSaving) $this->RecBuffer[$this->RecKey] =3D $this->CurrR=
+ }
+function DataClose() {
+ if ($this->RecSaved) return;
+ $this->OnDataOk =3D false;
+ switch ($this->Type) {
+ case 1: mysql_free_result($this->RecSet); break;
+ case 7: $FctClose=3D$this->FctClose; $FctClose($this->RecSet); break;
+ case 8: pg_free_result($this->RecSet); break;
+ case 10: $this->SrcId->tbsdb_close($this->RecSet); break;
+ case 11: call_user_func_array($this->FctClose,array(&$this->RecSet)); b=
+ }
+ if ($this->RecSaving) {
+ $this->RecSet =3D& $this->RecBuffer;
+ $this->RecNbr =3D $this->RecNumInit + count($this->RecSet);
+ $this->RecSaving =3D false;
+ $this->RecSaved =3D true;
+ }
+// *********************************************
+class clsTinyButStrong {
+// Public properties
+var $Source =3D ''; // Current result of the merged template
+var $Render =3D 3;
+var $HtmlCharSet =3D '';
+var $TplVars =3D array();
+var $VarPrefix =3D '';
+var $ObjectRef =3D false;
+var $Protect =3D true;
+// Private properties
+var $_LastFile =3D ''; // The last loaded template file
+var $_CacheFile =3D false; // The name of the file to save the content i=
+var $_HtmlCharFct =3D false;
+var $_Mode =3D 0;
+// Used to be globals
+var $ChrOpen =3D '[';
+var $ChrClose =3D ']';
+var $ChrVal =3D '[val]';
+var $ChrProtect =3D '[';
+var $CacheMask =3D 'cache_tbs_*.php';
+var $TurboBlock =3D true;
+var $MaxEnd =3D '...';
+function clsTinyButStrong($Chrs=3D'',$VarPrefix=3D'') {
+ if ($Chrs!=3D=3D'') {
+ $Ok =3D false;
+ $Len =3D strlen($Chrs);
+ if ($Len=3D=3D=3D2) { // For compatibility
+ $this->ChrOpen =3D $Chrs[0];
+ $this->ChrClose =3D $Chrs[1];
+ $Ok =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $Pos =3D strpos($Chrs,',');
+ if (($Pos!=3D=3Dfalse) and ($Pos>0) and ($Pos<$Len-1)) {
+ $this->ChrOpen =3D substr($Chrs,0,$Pos);
+ $this->ChrClose =3D substr($Chrs,$Pos+1);
+ $Ok =3D true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Ok) {
+ $this->ChrVal =3D $this->ChrOpen.'val'.$this->ChrClose;
+ $this->ChrProtect =3D '&#'.ord($this->ChrOpen[0]).';'.substr($this->C=
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Creating instance','Bad argument for tag deli=
mitors \''.$Chrs.'\'.');
+ }
+ }
+ $this->VarPrefix =3D $VarPrefix;
+ //Cache for formats
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['_tbs_FrmMultiLst'])) {
+ $GLOBALS['_tbs_FrmMultiLst'] =3D array();
+ $GLOBALS['_tbs_FrmSimpleLst'] =3D array();
+ }
+// Public methods
+function LoadTemplate($File,$HtmlCharSet=3D'') {
+ // Load the file
+ $x =3D '';
+ if (!tbs_Misc_GetFile($x,$File)) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('LoadTem=
plate Method','Unable to read the file \''.$File.'\'.');
+ // CharSet analysis
+ if ($HtmlCharSet=3D=3D=3D'+') {
+ $this->Source .=3D $x;
+ } else {
+ $this->Source =3D $x;
+ if ($this->_Mode=3D=3D0) {
+ $this->_LastFile =3D $File;
+ $this->_HtmlCharFct =3D false;
+ $this->TplVars =3D array();
+ if (is_string($HtmlCharSet)) {
+ if (($HtmlCharSet!=3D=3D'') and ($HtmlCharSet[0]=3D=3D=3D'=3D')) {
+ $ErrMsg =3D false;
+ $HtmlCharSet =3D substr($HtmlCharSet,1);
+ if ($this->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($HtmlCharSet,$ErrMsg)) {
+ $this->_HtmlCharFct =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('LoadTemplate Method',$ErrMsg);
+ $HtmlCharSet =3D '';
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif ($HtmlCharSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->Protect =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('LoadTemplate Method','CharSet is not a strin=
+ $HtmlCharSet =3D '';
+ }
+ $this->HtmlCharSet =3D $HtmlCharSet;
+ }
+ }
+ // Automatic fields and blocks
+ $this->meth_Merge_Auto($this->Source,'onload',true,true);
+ return true;
+function GetBlockSource($BlockName,$List=3Dfalse) {
+ $RetVal =3D array();
+ $Nbr =3D 0;
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ $FieldOutside =3D false;
+ $P1 =3D false;
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($this->Source,$BlockN=
ame,$Pos,'.',false,$P1,$FieldOutside)) {
+ $P1 =3D false;
+ $Nbr++;
+ $RetVal[$Nbr] =3D substr($this->Source,$Loc->PosBeg,$Loc->PosEnd-$Loc-=
+ if (!$List) return $RetVal[$Nbr];
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ }
+ if ($List) {
+ return $RetVal;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function MergeBlock($BlockName,$SrcId,$Query=3D'',$PageSize=3D0,$PageNum=
=3D0,$RecKnown=3D0) {
+ if ($SrcId=3D=3D=3D'cond') {
+ $Nbr =3D 0;
+ $BlockLst =3D explode(',',$BlockName);
+ foreach ($BlockLst as $Block) {
+ $Nbr +=3D $this->meth_Merge_Auto($this->Source,$Block,false,false);
+ }
+ return $Nbr;
+ } else {
+ return $this->meth_Merge_Block($this->Source,$BlockName,$SrcId,$Query,=
+ }
+function MergeField($Name,$Value,$IsUserFct=3Dfalse) {
+ $PosBeg =3D 0;
+ if ($IsUserFct) {
+ $FctInfo =3D $Value;
+ $ErrMsg =3D false;
+ if ($this->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($FctInfo,$ErrMsg)) {
+ $FctPrm =3D array('','');
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($this->Source,$Name,$PosB=
eg,'.')) {
+ $FctPrm[0] =3D& $Loc->SubName; $FctPrm[1] =3D& $Loc->PrmLst;
+ $x =3D call_user_func_array($FctInfo,$FctPrm);
+ $PosBeg =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($this->Source,$Loc,$x,false)=
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('MergeField Method',$ErrMsg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($this->Source,$Name,$PosBe=
g,'.')) {
+ $PosBeg =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($this->Source,$Loc,$Value,tru=
+ }
+ }
+function MergeSpecial($Type) {
+ $Type =3D strtolower($Type);
+ $this->meth_Merge_Special($Type);
+function MergeNavigationBar($BlockLst,$Options,$PageCurr,$RecCnt=3D-1,$P=
ageSize=3D1) {
+ $BlockLst =3D explode(',',$BlockLst);
+ foreach ($BlockLst as $BlockName) {
+ $BlockName =3D trim($BlockName);
+ $this->meth_Merge_NavigationBar($this->Source,$BlockName,$Options,$Pag=
+ }
+function Show($Render=3D'') {
+ if ($Render=3D=3D=3D'') $Render =3D $this->Render;
+ if ($this->_CacheFile!=3D=3Dtrue) $this->meth_Merge_Special('onshow,var=
+ if (is_string($this->_CacheFile)) $this->meth_Cache_Save($this->_CacheF=
+ if (($Render & TBS_OUTPUT)=3D=3DTBS_OUTPUT) echo $this->Source;
+ if (($this->_Mode=3D=3D0) and (($Render & TBS_EXIT)=3D=3DTBS_EXIT)) exi=
+function CacheAction($CacheId,$Action=3D3600,$Dir=3D'') {
+ $CacheId =3D trim($CacheId);
+ $Res =3D false;
+ if ($Action=3D=3D=3DTBS_CANCEL) { // Cancel cache save if any
+ $this->_CacheFile =3D false;
+ } elseif ($CacheId =3D=3D=3D '*') {
+ if ($Action=3D=3D=3DTBS_DELETE) $Res =3D tbs_Cache_DeleteAll($Dir,$thi=
+ } else {
+ $CacheFile =3D tbs_Cache_File($Dir,$CacheId,$this->CacheMask);
+ if ($Action=3D=3D=3DTBS_CACHENOW) {
+ $this->meth_Cache_Save($CacheFile,$this->Source);
+ } elseif ($Action=3D=3D=3DTBS_CACHEGETAGE) {
+ if (file_exists($CacheFile)) $Res =3D time()-filemtime($CacheFile);
+ } elseif ($Action=3D=3D=3DTBS_CACHEGETNAME) {
+ $Res =3D $CacheFile;
+ } elseif ($Action=3D=3D=3DTBS_CACHEISONSHOW) {
+ $Res =3D ($this->_CacheFile!=3D=3Dfalse);
+ } elseif ($Action=3D=3D=3DTBS_CACHELOAD) {
+ if (file_exists($CacheFile)) {
+ if (tbs_Misc_GetFile($this->Source,$CacheFile)) {
+ $this->_CacheFile =3D $CacheFile;
+ $Res =3D true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Res=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $this->Source =3D '';
+ } elseif ($Action=3D=3D=3DTBS_DELETE) {
+ if (file_exists($CacheFile)) $Res =3D @unlink($CacheFile);
+ } elseif ($Action=3D=3D=3DTBS_CACHEONSHOW) {
+ $this->_CacheFile =3D $CacheFile;
+ @touch($CacheFile);
+ } elseif($Action>=3D0) {
+ $Res =3D tbs_Cache_IsValide($CacheFile,$Action);
+ if ($Res) { // Load the cache
+ if (tbs_Misc_GetFile($this->Source,$CacheFile)) {
+ $this->_CacheFile =3D true; // Special value
+ $this->Show();
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('CacheAction Method','Unable to read the fil=
e \''.$CacheFile.'\'.');
+ $Res=3D=3Dfalse;
+ }
+ $this->_CacheFile =3D false;
+ } else {
+ // The result will be saved in the cache when the Show() method is c=
+ $this->_CacheFile =3D $CacheFile;
+ @touch($CacheFile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $Res;
+// *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
+function meth_Locator_FindTbs(&$Txt,$Name,$Pos,$ChrSub) {
+// Find a TBS Locator
+ $PosEnd =3D false;
+ $PosMax =3D strlen($Txt) -1;
+ $Start =3D $this->ChrOpen.$Name;
+ do {
+ // Search for the opening char
+ if ($Pos>$PosMax) return false;
+ $Pos =3D strpos($Txt,$Start,$Pos);
+ // If found =3D> next chars are analyzed
+ if ($Pos=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ $Loc =3D& new clsTbsLocator;
+ $ReadPrm =3D false;
+ $PosX =3D $Pos + strlen($Start);
+ $x =3D $Txt[$PosX];
+ if ($x=3D=3D=3D$this->ChrClose) {
+ $PosEnd =3D $PosX;
+ } elseif ($x=3D=3D=3D$ChrSub) {
+ $Loc->SubOk =3D true; // it is no longer the false value
+ $ReadPrm =3D true;
+ $PosX++;
+ } elseif (strpos(';',$x)!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $ReadPrm =3D true;
+ $PosX++;
+ } else {
+ $Pos++;
+ }
+ if ($ReadPrm) {
+ tbs_Locator_PrmRead($Txt,$PosX,false,'\'',$this->ChrOpen,$this->ChrC=
+ if ($PosEnd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Tag definition','Can\'t found the end of th=
e tag \''.substr($Txt,$Pos,$PosX-$Pos+10).'...\'.');
+ $Pos++;
+ }
+ }
+ =09
+ }
+ } while ($PosEnd=3D=3D=3Dfalse);
+ $Loc->PosBeg =3D $Pos;
+ $Loc->PosEnd =3D $PosEnd;
+ if ($Loc->SubOk) {
+ $Loc->FullName =3D $Name.'.'.$Loc->SubName;
+ $Loc->SubLst =3D explode('.',$Loc->SubName);
+ $Loc->SubNbr =3D count($Loc->SubLst);
+ } else {
+ $Loc->FullName =3D $Name;
+ }
+ if ($ReadPrm and isset($Loc->PrmLst['comm'])) {
+ $Loc->PosBeg0 =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ $Loc->PosEnd0 =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ $Loc->Enlarged =3D tbs_Locator_EnlargeToStr($Txt,$Loc,'<!--' ,'-->');
+ }
+ return $Loc;
+// Search and cache TBS locators founded in $Txt.
+function meth_Locator_SectionCache(&$LocR,$Bid) {
+ $LocR->BlockChk[$Bid] =3D false;
+ $LocLst =3D& $LocR->BlockLoc[$Bid];
+ $Txt =3D& $LocR->BlockSrc[$Bid];
+ $BlockName =3D& $LocR->BlockName[$Bid];
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ $PrevEnd =3D -1;
+ $Nbr =3D 0;
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$BlockName,$Pos,'.')) =
+ if (($Loc->SubName=3D=3D=3D'#') or ($Loc->SubName=3D=3D=3D'$')) {
+ $Loc->IsRecInfo =3D true;
+ $Loc->RecInfo =3D $Loc->SubName;
+ $Loc->SubName =3D '';
+ } else {
+ $Loc->IsRecInfo =3D false;
+ }
+ if ($Loc->PosBeg>$PrevEnd) {
+ // The previous tag is not embeding =3D> increment
+ $Nbr++;
+ } else {
+ // The previous tag is embeding =3D> no increment, then previous is o=
ver writed
+ $LocR->BlockChk[$Bid] =3D true;
+ }
+ $PrevEnd =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ if ($Loc->Enlarged) { // Parameter 'comm'
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosBeg0+1;
+ $Loc->Enlarged =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosBeg+1;
+ }
+ $LocLst[$Nbr] =3D $Loc;
+ }
+ $LocLst[0] =3D $Nbr;
+function meth_Locator_Replace(&$Txt,&$Loc,&$Value,$CheckSub) {
+// This function enables to merge a locator with a text and returns the =
position just after the replaced block
+// This position can be useful because we don't know in advance how $Val=
ue will be replaced.
+ // Found the value if there is a subname
+ if ($CheckSub and $Loc->SubOk) {
+ $SubId =3D 0;
+ while ($SubId<$Loc->SubNbr) {
+ $x =3D $Loc->SubLst[$SubId]; // &$Loc... brings an error with Event E=
xample, I don't know why.
+ if (is_array($Value)) {
+ if (isset($Value[$x])) {
+ $Value =3D& $Value[$x];
+ } elseif (array_key_exists($x,$Value)) {// can happens when value is=
+ $Value =3D& $Value[$x];
+ } else {
+ unset($Value); $Value =3D '';
+ if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Array va=
lue','Can\'t merge '.$this->ChrOpen.$Loc->FullName.$this->ChrClose.' beca=
use sub-item \''.$x.'\' is not an existing key in the array.',true);
+ }
+ $SubId++;
+ } elseif (is_object($Value)) {
+ if (method_exists($Value,$x)) {
+ $x =3D call_user_func(array(&$Value,$x));
+ } elseif (isset($Value->$x)) {
+ $x =3D $Value->$x;
+ } else {
+ if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Object v=
alue','Can\'t merge '.$this->ChrOpen.$Loc->FullName.$this->ChrClose.' bec=
ause \''.$x.'\' is neither a method nor a property in the class \''.get_c=
+ unset($x); $x =3D '';
+ }
+ $Value =3D& $x;
+ unset($x); $x =3D '';
+ $SubId++;
+ } else {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['selected'])) {
+ $SelArray =3D& $Value;
+ } else {
+ if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Object o=
r Array value expected','Can\'t merge '.$this->ChrOpen.$Loc->FullName.$th=
is->ChrClose.' because the item before \''.$x.'\' is neither an object no=
r an array. Its type is '.gettype($Value).'.',true);
+ }
+ unset($Value); $Value =3D '';
+ $SubId =3D $Loc->SubNbr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $CurrVal =3D $Value;
+ // File inclusion
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['file'])) {
+ $File =3D $Loc->PrmLst['file'];
+ $this->meth_Merge_PhpVar($File,false);
+ $File =3D str_replace($this->ChrVal,$CurrVal,$File);
+ $OnlyBody =3D !(isset($Loc->PrmLst['htmlconv']) and (strtolower($Loc->=
PrmLst['htmlconv'])=3D=3D=3D'no')); // It's a text file, we don't get the=
BODY part
+ if (tbs_Misc_GetFile($CurrVal,$File)) {
+ if ($OnlyBody) $CurrVal =3D tbs_Html_GetPart($CurrVal,'BODY',false,tr=
+ } else {
+ $CurrVal =3D '';
+ if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Parameter =
\'file\'','Field '.$this->ChrOpen.$Loc->FullName.$this->ChrClose.' : unab=
le to read the file \''.$File.'\'.',true);
+ }
+ $Loc->ConvHtml =3D false;
+ $Loc->ConvProtect =3D false;
+ }
+ // OnFormat event
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['onformat'])) {
+ if ($Loc->FirstMerge) {
+ $Loc->OnFrmInfo =3D $Loc->PrmLst['onformat'];
+ $Loc->OnFrmPrm =3D array(&$Loc->FullName,'',&$Loc->PrmLst,&$this);
+ $ErrMsg =3D false;
+ if (!$this->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($Loc->OnFrmInfo,$ErrMsg)) {
+ unset($Loc->PrmLst['onformat']);
+ if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Parameter=
+ $Loc->OnFrmInfo =3D 'pi'; // Execute the function pi() just to avoid=
extra error messages=20
+ }
+ }
+ $Loc->OnFrmPrm[1] =3D& $CurrVal;
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['subtpl'])) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_ChangeMode(true,$Loc,$CurrVal,true,true);
+ call_user_func_array($Loc->OnFrmInfo,$Loc->OnFrmPrm);
+ $this->meth_Misc_ChangeMode(false,$Loc,$CurrVal,true,true);
+ } else {
+ call_user_func_array($Loc->OnFrmInfo,$Loc->OnFrmPrm);
+ }
+ }
+ // Select a value in a HTML option list
+ $Select =3D isset($Loc->PrmLst['selected']);
+ if ($Select) {
+ if (is_array($CurrVal)) {
+ $SelArray =3D& $CurrVal;
+ unset($CurrVal); $CurrVal =3D ' ';
+ } else {
+ $SelArray =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert the value to a string, use format if specified
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['frm'])) {
+ $CurrVal =3D tbs_Misc_Format($Loc,$CurrVal);
+ $Loc->ConvHtml =3D false;
+ } else {
+ if (!is_string($CurrVal)) $CurrVal =3D @strval($CurrVal);
+ }
+ // case of an 'if' 'then' 'else' options
+ $OVal =3D& $CurrVal; // Must be assigner after $SelArray, if any
+ $Script =3D isset($Loc->PrmLst['script']);
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['if'])) {
+ if ($Loc->FirstMerge) {
+ $this->meth_Merge_PhpVar($Loc->PrmLst['if'],false);
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['then'])) $this->meth_Merge_PhpVar($Loc->PrmLs=
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['else'])) $this->meth_Merge_PhpVar($Loc->PrmLs=
+ }
+ $x =3D str_replace($this->ChrVal,$CurrVal,$Loc->PrmLst['if']);
+ if (tbs_Misc_CheckCondition($x)) {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['then'])) {
+ unset($CurrVal); $CurrVal =3D ''.$Loc->PrmLst['then']; // Now $CurrV=
al and $OVal are different
+ }
+ } else {
+ $Script =3D false;
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['else'])) {
+ unset($CurrVal); $CurrVal =3D ''.$Loc->PrmLst['else']; // Now $CurrV=
al and $OVal are different
+ } else {
+ $CurrVal =3D '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Script) {// Include external PHP script
+ $File =3D $Loc->PrmLst['script'];
+ $this->meth_Merge_PhpVar($File,false);
+ $File =3D str_replace($this->ChrVal,$CurrVal,$File);
+ $Switch =3D isset($Loc->PrmLst['subtpl']);
+ $GetOb =3D ($Switch or isset($Loc->PrmLst['getob']));
+ $CurrPrm =3D& $Loc->PrmLst; // Local var for users
+ $this->meth_Misc_ChangeMode(true,$Loc,$CurrVal,$Switch,$GetOb);
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['once'])) {$x =3D @include_once($File);} else {=
$x =3D @include($File);}
+ if ($x=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Parameter =
\'script\'','Field '.$this->ChrOpen.$Loc->FullName.$this->ChrClose.' cann=
ot be merged because file \''.$File.'\' is not found or not readable.',tr=
+ }
+ $this->meth_Misc_ChangeMode(false,$Loc,$CurrVal,$Switch,$GetOb);
+ }
+ if ($Loc->FirstMerge) {
+ $Loc->FirstMerge =3D false;
+ // Check HtmlConv parameter
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['htmlconv'])) {
+ $x =3D strtolower($Loc->PrmLst['htmlconv']);
+ $x =3D '+'.str_replace(' ','',$x).'+';
+ if (strpos($x,'+esc+')!=3D=3Dfalse) {tbs_Misc_ConvSpe($Loc); $Loc->C=
onvHtml =3D false; $Loc->ConvEsc =3D true; }
+ if (strpos($x,'+wsp+')!=3D=3Dfalse) {tbs_Misc_ConvSpe($Loc); $Loc->C=
onvWS =3D true; }
+ if (strpos($x,'+js+')!=3D=3Dfalse) {tbs_Misc_ConvSpe($Loc); $Loc->C=
onvHtml =3D false; $Loc->ConvJS =3D true; }
+ if (strpos($x,'+no+')!=3D=3Dfalse) $Loc->ConvHtml =3D false;
+ if (strpos($x,'+yes+')!=3D=3Dfalse) $Loc->ConvHtml =3D true;
+ if (strpos($x,'+nobr+')!=3D=3Dfalse) {$Loc->ConvHtml =3D true; $Loc->=
ConvBr =3D false; }
+ if (strpos($x,'+look+')!=3D=3Dfalse) {tbs_Misc_ConvSpe($Loc); $Loc->C=
onvLook =3D true; }
+ } else {
+ if ($this->HtmlCharSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $Loc->ConvHtml =3D false; // No=
+ }
+ // We protect the data that does not come from the source of the templ=
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['protect'])) {
+ $x =3D strtolower($Loc->PrmLst['protect']);
+ switch ($x) {
+ case 'no' : $Loc->ConvProtect =3D false; break;
+ case 'yes': $Loc->ConvProtect =3D true; break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($this->Protect=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $Loc->ConvProtect =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ // MaxLength
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['max'])) {
+ $x =3D intval($Loc->PrmLst['max']);
+ if (strlen($CurrVal)>$x) {
+ if ($Loc->ConvHtml or ($this->HtmlCharSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse)) {
+ $CurrVal =3D substr($CurrVal,0,$x-1).$this->MaxEnd;
+ } else {
+ tbs_Html_Max($CurrVal,$x);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // HTML conversion, and TBS protection
+ if ($Loc->ConvSpe) { // Using special parameters
+ if ($Loc->ConvLook) {
+ $Loc->ConvHtml =3D !tbs_Html_IsHtml($OVal);
+ if ($Loc->ConvHtml=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $OVal =3D tbs_Html_GetPart($OVal,'B=
+ }
+ if ($Loc->ConvHtml) {
+ $this->meth_Conv_Html($OVal);
+ if ($Loc->ConvBr) $OVal =3D nl2br($OVal);
+ }
+ if ($Loc->ConvEsc) $OVal =3D str_replace('\'','\'\'',$OVal);
+ if ($Loc->ConvWS) {
+ $check =3D ' ';
+ $nbsp =3D ' ';
+ do {
+ $pos =3D strpos($OVal,$check);
+ if ($pos!=3D=3Dfalse) $OVal =3D substr_replace($OVal,$nbsp,$pos,1);
+ } while ($pos!=3D=3Dfalse);
+ }
+ if ($Loc->ConvJS) {
+ $OVal =3D addslashes($OVal); // apply to ('), ("), (\) and (null)
+ $OVal =3D str_replace("\n",'\n',$OVal);
+ $OVal =3D str_replace("\r",'\r',$OVal);
+ $OVal =3D str_replace("\t",'\t',$OVal);
+ }
+ } elseif ($Loc->ConvHtml) {
+ $this->meth_Conv_Html($OVal);
+ if ($Loc->ConvBr) $OVal =3D nl2br($OVal);
+ }
+ if ($Loc->ConvProtect) $OVal =3D str_replace($this->ChrOpen,$this->ChrP=
+ if ($CurrVal!=3D=3D$OVal) $CurrVal =3D str_replace($this->ChrVal,$OVal,=
+ // Case when it's an empty string
+ if ($CurrVal=3D=3D=3D'') {
+ if ($Loc->MagnetId=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['.'])) {
+ $Loc->MagnetId =3D -1;
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['ifempty'])) {
+ $Loc->MagnetId =3D -2;
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['magnet'])) {
+ $Loc->MagnetId =3D 1;
+ $Loc->PosBeg0 =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ $Loc->PosEnd0 =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['mtype'])) {
+ switch ($Loc->PrmLst['mtype']) {
+ case 'm+m': $Loc->MagnetId =3D 2; break;
+ case 'm*': $Loc->MagnetId =3D 3; break;
+ case '*m': $Loc->MagnetId =3D 4; break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $Loc->MagnetId =3D 0;
+ }
+ }
+ switch ($Loc->MagnetId) {
+ case 0: break;
+ case -1: $CurrVal =3D ' '; break; // Enables to avoid blanks in H=
TML tables
+ case -2: $CurrVal =3D $Loc->PrmLst['ifempty']; break;
+ case 1:
+ $Loc->Enlarged =3D true;
+ tbs_Locator_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$Loc,$Loc->PrmLst['magnet'],false,false=
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $Loc->Enlarged =3D true;
+ $CurrVal =3D tbs_Locator_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$Loc,$Loc->PrmLst['magnet'=
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $Loc->Enlarged =3D true;
+ $Loc2 =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Loc->PrmLst['magnet'],true,$Loc->Pos=
+ if ($Loc2!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $Loc->PosBeg =3D $Loc2->PosBeg;
+ if ($Loc->PosEnd<$Loc2->PosEnd) $Loc->PosEnd =3D $Loc2->PosEnd;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $Loc->Enlarged =3D true;
+ $Loc2 =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Loc->PrmLst['magnet'],true,$Loc->Pos=
+ if ($Loc2!=3D=3Dfalse) $Loc->PosEnd =3D $Loc2->PosEnd;
+ break;
+ }
+ $NewEnd =3D $Loc->PosBeg; // Useful when mtype=3D'm+m'
+ } else {
+ $NewEnd =3D $Loc->PosBeg + strlen($CurrVal);
+ }
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,$CurrVal,$Loc->PosBeg,$Loc->PosEnd-$Loc->P=
+ if ($Select) tbs_Html_MergeItems($Txt,$Loc,$CurrVal,$SelArray,$NewEnd);
+ return $NewEnd; // Returns the new end position of the field
+function meth_Locator_FindBlockNext(&$Txt,$BlockName,$PosBeg,$ChrSub,$Sp=
ecial,&$P1,&$FieldBefore) {
+// Return the first block locator object just after the PosBeg position
+// If $Special=3D=3Dtrue =3D> don't set ->BlockSrc and accept TBS Fields=
(used for automatic blocks)
+ $SearchDef =3D true;
+ $FirstField =3D false;
+ // Search for the first tag with parameter "block"
+ while ($SearchDef and ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Block=
Name,$PosBeg,$ChrSub))) {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['block'])) {
+ $Block =3D $Loc->PrmLst['block'];
+ if ($P1) {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['p1'])) return false;
+ } else {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['p1'])) $P1 =3D true;
+ }
+ $SearchDef =3D false;
+ } elseif ($Special) {
+ return $Loc;
+ } elseif ($FirstField=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $FirstField =3D $Loc;
+ }
+ $PosBeg =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ }
+ if ($SearchDef) {
+ if ($FirstField!=3D=3Dfalse) $FieldBefore =3D true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ($Block=3D=3D=3D'begin') { // Block definied using begin/end
+ if (($FirstField!=3D=3Dfalse) and ($FirstField->PosEnd<$Loc->PosBeg)) =
$FieldBefore =3D true;
+ $Opened =3D 1;
+ while ($Loc2 =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$BlockName,$PosBeg,$=
ChrSub)) {
+ if (isset($Loc2->PrmLst['block'])) {
+ switch ($Loc2->PrmLst['block']) {
+ case 'end': $Opened--; break;
+ case 'begin': $Opened++; break;
+ }
+ if ($Opened=3D=3D0) {
+ if ($Special) {
+ $Loc->PosBeg2 =3D $Loc2->PosBeg;
+ $Loc->PosEnd2 =3D $Loc2->PosEnd;
+ } else {
+ $Loc->BlockSrc =3D substr($Txt,$Loc->PosEnd+1,$Loc2->PosBeg-$Loc->=
+ $Loc->PosEnd =3D $Loc2->PosEnd;
+ $Loc->PosDef =3D 0;
+ }
+ $Loc->BlockFound =3D true;
+ return $Loc;
+ }
+ }
+ $PosBeg =3D $Loc2->PosEnd;
+ }
+ return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Block definition','At least one block '=
.$this->ChrOpen.$Loc->FullName.$this->ChrClose.' with parameter \'block=3D=
end\' is missing.');
+ }
+ if ($Special) {
+ $Loc->PosBeg2 =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $Loc->PosDef =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ if (!$Loc->SubOk) {
+ $PosBeg1 =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ $PosEnd1 =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ }
+ if (tbs_Locator_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$Loc,$Block,true,false)=3D=3D=3Dfals=
e) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Block definition',$this->ChrOpen.$Loc->=
FullName.$this->ChrClose.' can not be defined because tag <'.$Loc->PrmLst=
['block'].'> or </'.$Loc->PrmLst['block'].'> is not found.');
+ $Loc->PosDef =3D $Loc->PosDef - $Loc->PosBeg;
+ if ($Loc->SubOk) {
+ $Loc->BlockSrc =3D substr($Txt,$Loc->PosBeg,$Loc->PosEnd-$Loc->PosBeg=
+ $Loc->PosDef++;
+ } else {
+ $Loc->BlockSrc =3D substr($Txt,$Loc->PosBeg,$PosBeg1-$Loc->PosBeg).su=
bstr($Txt,$PosEnd1+1,$Loc->PosEnd-$PosEnd1); =09
+ }
+ }
+ $Loc->BlockFound =3D true;
+ if (($FirstField!=3D=3Dfalse) and ($FirstField->PosEnd<$Loc->PosBeg)) $=
FieldBefore =3D true;
+ return $Loc; // methods return by ref by default
+function meth_Locator_FindBlockLst(&$Txt,$BlockName,$Pos) {
+// Return a locator object covering all block definitions, even if there=
is no block definition found.
+ $LocR =3D& new clsTbsLocator;
+ $LocR->P1 =3D false;
+ $LocR->FieldOutside =3D false;
+ $LocR->BlockNbr =3D 0;
+ $LocR->BlockSrc =3D array(); // 1 to BlockNbr
+ $LocR->BlockLoc =3D array(); // 1 to BlockNbr
+ $LocR->BlockChk =3D array(); // 1 to BlockNbr
+ $LocR->BlockName =3D array(); // 1 to BlockNbr
+ $LocR->NoDataBid =3D false;
+ $LocR->SpecialBid =3D false;
+ $LocR->HeaderFound =3D false;
+ $LocR->FooterFound =3D false;
+ $LocR->WhenFound =3D false;
+ $LocR->WhenDefaultBid =3D false;
+ $LocR->SectionNbr =3D 0;
+ $LocR->SectionBid =3D array(); // 1 to SectionNbr
+ $LocR->SectionIsSerial =3D array(); // 1 to SectionNbr
+ $LocR->SectionSerialBid =3D array(); // 1 to SectionNbr
+ $LocR->SectionSerialOrd =3D array(); // 1 to SectionNbr
+ $LocR->SerialEmpty =3D false;
+ $Bid =3D& $LocR->BlockNbr;
+ $Sid =3D& $LocR->SectionNbr;
+ $Pid =3D 0;
+ do {
+ $Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($Txt,$BlockName,$Pos,'.',fa=
+ if ($Loc=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($Pid>0) { // parentgrp mode =3D> disconnect $Txt from the source
+ $Src =3D $Txt;
+ $Txt =3D& $Parent[$Pid]['txt'];
+ if ($LocR->BlockFound) {
+ // Redefine the Header block
+ $LocR->BlockSrc[$Parent[$Pid]['bid']] =3D substr($Src,0,$LocR->PosB=
+ // Add a Footer block
+ tbs_Locator_SectionAddBlk($LocR,$BlockName,substr($Src,$LocR->PosEn=
+ tbs_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$Bid,'F',$Parent[$Pid]['fld']);
+ }
+ // Now gowing down to previous level
+ $Pos =3D $Parent[$Pid]['pos'];
+ $LocR->PosBeg =3D $Parent[$Pid]['beg'];
+ $LocR->PosEnd =3D $Parent[$Pid]['end'];
+ $LocR->BlockFound =3D true;
+ unset($Parent[$Pid]);
+ $Pid--;
+ $Loc =3D true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ =09
+ // Define the block limits
+ if ($LocR->BlockFound) {
+ if ( $LocR->PosBeg > $Loc->PosBeg ) $LocR->PosBeg =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ if ( $LocR->PosEnd < $Loc->PosEnd ) $LocR->PosEnd =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ } else {
+ $LocR->BlockFound =3D true;
+ $LocR->PosBeg =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ $LocR->PosEnd =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ }
+ // Merge block parameters
+ if (count($Loc->PrmLst)>0) $LocR->PrmLst =3D array_merge($LocR->PrmLs=
+ // Save the block and cache its tags (incrments $LocR->BlockNbr)
+ tbs_Locator_SectionAddBlk($LocR,$BlockName,$Loc->BlockSrc);
+ // Add the text in the list of blocks
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['nodata'])) { // Nodata section
+ $LocR->NoDataBid =3D $Bid;
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['currpage'])) { // Special section (used=
for navigation bar)
+ $LocR->SpecialBid =3D $Bid;
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['when'])) {
+ if ($LocR->WhenFound=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $LocR->WhenFound =3D true;
+ $LocR->WhenSeveral =3D false;
+ $LocR->WhenNbr =3D 0;
+ $LocR->WhenSectionBid[] =3D array(); // Bid of the section to displ=
+ $LocR->WhenCondBid[] =3D array(); // Bid of the condition to che=
+ $LocR->WhenBeforeNS[] =3D array(); // True if the When section mu=
st be displayed before a=20
+ }
+ $LocR->WhenNbr++;
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['several'])) $LocR->WhenSeveral =3D true;
+ $LocR->WhenSectionBid[$LocR->WhenNbr] =3D $Bid;
+ $this->meth_Merge_PhpVar($Loc->PrmLst['when'],false);
+ tbs_Locator_SectionAddBlk($LocR,$BlockName,$Loc->PrmLst['when']);
+ $LocR->WhenCondBid[$LocR->WhenNbr] =3D $Bid;
+ $LocR->WhenBeforeNS[$LocR->WhenNbr] =3D ($Sid=3D=3D=3D0);
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['default'])) {
+ $LocR->WhenDefaultBid =3D $Bid;
+ $LocR->WhenDefaultBeforeNS =3D ($Sid=3D=3D=3D0);
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['headergrp'])) {
+ tbs_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$Bid,'H',$Loc->PrmLst['headergrp']);
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['footergrp'])) {
+ tbs_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$Bid,'F',$Loc->PrmLst['footergrp']);
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['splittergrp'])) {
+ tbs_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$Bid,'S',$Loc->PrmLst['splittergrp']=
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['parentgrp'])) {
+ tbs_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$Bid,'H',$Loc->PrmLst['parentgrp']);
+ $Pid++;
+ $Parent[$Pid]['bid'] =3D $Bid;
+ $Parent[$Pid]['fld'] =3D $Loc->PrmLst['parentgrp'];
+ $Parent[$Pid]['txt'] =3D& $Txt;
+ $Parent[$Pid]['pos'] =3D $Pos;
+ $Parent[$Pid]['beg'] =3D $LocR->PosBeg;
+ $Parent[$Pid]['end'] =3D $LocR->PosEnd;
+ $Txt =3D& $LocR->BlockSrc[$Bid];
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosDef + 1;
+ $LocR->BlockFound =3D false;
+ $LocR->PosBeg =3D false;
+ $LocR->PosEnd =3D false;
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['serial'])) {
+ // Section with Serial Sub-Sections
+ $Src =3D& $LocR->BlockSrc[$Bid];
+ $Loc0 =3D false;
+ if ($LocR->SerialEmpty=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $NameSr =3D $BlockName.'_0';
+ $x =3D false;
+ $LocSr =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($Src,$NameSr,0,'.',fal=
+ if ($LocSr!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $LocR->SerialEmpty =3D $LocSr->BlockSrc;
+ $Src =3D substr_replace($Src,'',$LocSr->PosBeg,$LocSr->PosEnd-$Loc=
+ }
+ }
+ $NameSr =3D $BlockName.'_1';
+ $x =3D false;
+ $LocSr =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($Src,$NameSr,0,'.',fals=
+ if ($LocSr!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $Sid++;
+ $LocR->SectionBid[$Sid] =3D $Bid;
+ $LocR->SectionIsSerial[$Sid] =3D true;
+ $LocR->SectionSerialBid[$Sid] =3D array();
+ $LocR->SectionSerialOrd[$Sid] =3D array();
+ $SrBid =3D& $LocR->SectionSerialBid[$Sid];
+ $SrOrd =3D& $LocR->SectionSerialOrd[$Sid];
+ $BidParent =3D $Bid;
+ $SrNum =3D 1;
+ do {
+ // Save previous sub-section
+ $LocR->BlockLoc[$BidParent][$SrNum] =3D $LocSr;
+ tbs_Locator_SectionAddBlk($LocR,$NameSr,$LocSr->BlockSrc);
+ $SrBid[$SrNum] =3D $Bid;
+ $SrOrd[$SrNum] =3D $SrNum;
+ $i =3D $SrNum;
+ while (($i>1) and ($LocSr->PosBeg<$LocR->BlockLoc[$BidParent][$SrO=
rd[$i-1]]->PosBeg)) {
+ $SrOrd[$i] =3D $SrOrd[$i-1];
+ $SrOrd[$i-1] =3D $SrNum;
+ $i--;
+ }
+ // Search next section
+ $SrNum++;
+ $NameSr =3D $BlockName.'_'.$SrNum;
+ $x =3D false;
+ $LocSr =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($Src,$NameSr,0,'.',fa=
+ } while ($LocSr!=3D=3Dfalse);
+ $SrBid[0] =3D $SrNum-1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Normal section
+ $Sid++;
+ $LocR->SectionBid[$Sid] =3D $Bid;
+ $LocR->SectionIsSerial[$Sid] =3D false;
+ }
+ =09
+ }
+ } while ($Loc!=3D=3Dfalse);
+ if ($LocR->WhenFound and ($Sid=3D=3D=3D0)) {
+ // Add a blank section if When is used without a normal section
+ tbs_Locator_SectionAddBlk($LocR,$BlockName,'');
+ $Sid++;
+ $LocR->SectionBid[$Sid] =3D $Bid;
+ $LocR->SectionIsSerial[$Sid] =3D false;
+ }
+ // Calculate Cache
+ if ($this->TurboBlock) {
+ for ($i=3D1;$i<=3D$LocR->BlockNbr;$i++) {
+ $this->meth_Locator_SectionCache($LocR,$i);
+ }
+ }
+ return $LocR; // methods return by ref by default
+function meth_Merge_Block(&$Txt,&$BlockName,&$SrcId,&$Query,$PageSize,$P=
ageNum,$RecKnown) {
+ // Get source type and info
+ $Src =3D& new clsTbsDataSource;
+ $Src->BlockName =3D $BlockName;
+ if (!$Src->DataPrepare($SrcId,$this)) return 0;
+ $BlockId =3D 0;
+ $BlockLst =3D explode(',',$BlockName);
+ $BlockNbr =3D count($BlockLst);
+ $WasP1 =3D false;
+ $NbrRecTot =3D 0;
+ $QueryZ =3D& $Query;
+ while ($BlockId<$BlockNbr) {
+ $RecStop =3D 0; // Stop the merge after this row
+ $RecSpe =3D 0; // Row with a special block's definition (used for the=
navigation bar)
+ $QueryOk =3D true;
+ $NoFct =3D true;
+ $Src->BlockName =3D trim($BlockLst[$BlockId]);
+ // Search the block
+ $LocR =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockLst($Txt,$Src->BlockName,0);
+ if ($LocR->BlockFound) {
+ if ($LocR->SpecialBid!=3D=3Dfalse) $RecSpe =3D $RecKnown;
+ // OnSection
+ if (isset($LocR->PrmLst['onsection'])) {
+ $LocR->OnSecInfo =3D $LocR->PrmLst['onsection'];
+ $ErrMsg =3D false;
+ if ($this->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($LocR->OnSecInfo,$ErrMsg)) {
+ $LocR->OnSecPrm =3D array($BlockName,'','','');
+ $NoFct =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Block definition \''.$BlockName.'\'',$ErrMs=
+ }
+ }
+ // OnData
+ if (isset($LocR->PrmLst['ondata'])) {
+ if ($LocR->PrmLst['ondata']!=3D=3D$Src->OnDataSave) {
+ $Src->OnDataSave =3D $LocR->PrmLst['ondata'];
+ $Src->OnDataInfo =3D $Src->OnDataSave;
+ $ErrMsg =3D false;
+ if ($this->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($Src->OnDataInfo,$ErrMsg)) {
+ $Src->OnDataPrm =3D array($BlockName,'','');
+ } else {
+ $Src->OnDataInfo =3D false;
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Block definition \''.$BlockName.'\'',$ErrM=
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Dynamic query
+ if ($LocR->P1) {
+ if (is_string($Query)) {
+ $Src->RecSaved =3D false;
+ unset($QueryZ); $QueryZ =3D ''.$Query;
+ $i =3D 1;
+ do {
+ $x =3D 'p'.$i;
+ if (isset($LocR->PrmLst[$x])) {
+ $QueryZ =3D str_replace('%p'.$i.'%',$LocR->PrmLst[$x],$QueryZ);
+ $i++;
+ } else {
+ $i =3D false;
+ }
+ } while ($i!=3D=3Dfalse);
+ }
+ $WasP1 =3D true;
+ } elseif (($Src->RecSaved=3D=3D=3Dfalse) and ($BlockNbr-$BlockId>1)) =
+ $Src->RecSaving =3D true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($WasP1) {
+ $QueryOk =3D false;
+ $WasP1 =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $RecStop =3D 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Open the recordset
+ if ($QueryOk) {
+ if ((!$LocR->BlockFound) and (!$LocR->FieldOutside)) {
+ $QueryOk =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $QueryOk =3D $Src->DataOpen($QueryZ,$PageSize,$PageNum,$RecStop);
+ }
+ }
+ // Merge sections
+ if ($QueryOk) {
+ if ($Src->Type=3D=3D=3D4) { // Special for Text merge
+ if ($LocR->BlockFound) {
+ $Src->RecNum =3D 1;
+ $Src->CurrRec =3D false;
+ if ($NoFct=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $LocR->OnSecPrm[1] =3D& $Src->CurrRec ; $LocR->OnSecPrm[2] =3D& $S=
rc->RecSet; $LocR->OnSecPrm[3] =3D& $Src->RecNum;
+ call_user_func_array($LocR->OnSecInfo,$LocR->OnSecPrm);
+ }
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,$Src->RecSet,$LocR->PosBeg,$LocR->PosE=
+ } else {
+ $Src->DataAlert('Can\'t merge the block with a text value because t=
he block definition is not found.');
+ }
+ } else { // Other data source type
+ $Src->DataFetch();
+ if ($LocR->BlockFound!=3D=3Dfalse) $this->meth_Merge_BlockSections($=
+ // Mode Page: Calculate the value to return
+ if (($PageSize>0) and ($Src->RecNum>=3D$RecStop)) {
+ if ($RecKnown<0) { // Pass pages in order to count all records
+ do {
+ $Src->DataFetch();
+ } while ($Src->CurrRec!=3D=3Dfalse);
+ } else { // We know that there is more records
+ if ($RecKnown>$Src->RecNum) $Src->RecNum =3D $RecKnown;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $Src->DataClose(); // Close the resource
+ }
+ if (!$WasP1) {
+ $NbrRecTot +=3D $Src->RecNum;
+ if ($LocR->FieldOutside and $QueryOk) {
+ // Merge last record on the entire template
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ $ChkSub =3D ($Src->CurrRec!=3D=3Dfalse);
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Src->BlockName,$Po=
s,'.')) {
+ if ($Loc->SubName=3D=3D=3D'#') {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$Src->RecNum,false)=
+ } else {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$Src->CurrRec,$ChkS=
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $BlockId++;
+ }
+ } // -> while ($BlockId<$BlockNbr) {...
+ // End of the merge
+ unset($Src); unset($LocR); return $NbrRecTot;
+function meth_Merge_BlockSections(&$Txt,&$LocR,&$Src,&$NoFct,&$RecSpe,&$=
RecStop) {
+ // Initialise
+ $SecId =3D 0;
+ $SecOk =3D ($LocR->SectionNbr>0);
+ $SecIncr =3D true;
+ $BlockRes =3D ''; // The result of the chained merged blocks
+ $SerialMode =3D false;
+ $SerialNum =3D 0;
+ $SerialMax =3D 0;
+ $SerialTxt =3D array();
+ $GrpFound =3D ($LocR->HeaderFound or $LocR->FooterFound);
+ // Main loop
+ //$Src->DataFetch();
+ while($Src->CurrRec!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ // Headers and Footers
+ if ($GrpFound) {
+ $grp_change =3D false;
+ $grp_src =3D '';
+ if ($LocR->FooterFound) {
+ $change =3D false;
+ for ($i=3D$LocR->FooterNbr;$i>=3D1;$i--) {
+ $x =3D $Src->CurrRec[$LocR->FooterField[$i]];
+ if ($Src->RecNum=3D=3D=3D1) {
+ $LocR->FooterPrevValue[$i] =3D $x;
+ } else {
+ if ($LocR->FooterIsFooter[$i]) {
+ $change_i =3D& $change;
+ } else {
+ unset($change_i); $change_i =3D false;
+ }
+ if (!$change_i) $change_i =3D !($LocR->FooterPrevValue[$i]=3D=3D=3D=
+ if ($change_i) {
+ $grp_change =3D true;
+ $grp_src =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($LocR,$LocR->FooterB=
+ $LocR->FooterPrevValue[$i] =3D $x;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $PrevRec =3D $Src->CurrRec;
+ $PrevNum =3D $Src->RecNum;
+ $PrevKey =3D $Src->RecKey;
+ }
+ if ($LocR->HeaderFound) {
+ $change =3D ($Src->RecNum=3D=3D=3D1);
+ for ($i=3D1;$i<=3D$LocR->HeaderNbr;$i++) {
+ $x =3D $Src->CurrRec[$LocR->HeaderField[$i]];
+ if (!$change) $change =3D !($LocR->HeaderPrevValue[$i]=3D=3D=3D$x);
+ if ($change) {
+ $grp_src .=3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($LocR,$LocR->HeaderB=
+ $LocR->HeaderPrevValue[$i] =3D $x;
+ }
+ }
+ $grp_change =3D ($grp_change or $change);
+ }
+ if ($grp_change) {
+ if ($SerialMode) {
+ $BlockRes .=3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionSerial($LocR,$SecId,$Serial=
+ $SecIncr =3D true;
+ }
+ $BlockRes .=3D $grp_src;
+ }
+ } // end of header and footer
+ // Increment Section
+ if ($SecIncr and $SecOk) {
+ $SecId++;
+ if ($SecId>$LocR->SectionNbr) $SecId =3D 1;
+ $SerialMode =3D $LocR->SectionIsSerial[$SecId];
+ if ($SerialMode) {
+ $SerialNum =3D 0;
+ $SerialMax =3D $LocR->SectionSerialBid[$SecId][0];
+ $SecIncr =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Serial Mode Activation
+ if ($SerialMode) { // Serial Merge
+ $SerialNum++;
+ $Bid =3D $LocR->SectionSerialBid[$SecId][$SerialNum];
+ $SerialTxt[$SerialNum] =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($LocR,$Bid=
+ if ($SerialNum>=3D$SerialMax) {
+ $BlockRes .=3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionSerial($LocR,$SecId,$SerialN=
+ $SecIncr =3D true;
+ }
+ } else { // Classic merge
+ if ($Src->RecNum=3D=3D=3D$RecSpe) {
+ $Bid =3D $LocR->SpecialBid;
+ } else {
+ $Bid =3D $LocR->SectionBid[$SecId];
+ }
+ if ($LocR->WhenFound) { // With conditional blocks
+ $x =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($LocR,$Bid,$Src->CurrRec,$Src=
+ $found =3D false;
+ $continue =3D true;
+ $i =3D 1;
+ do {
+ $cond =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($LocR,$LocR->WhenCondBid[=
+ if (tbs_Misc_CheckCondition($cond)) {
+ $x_when =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($LocR,$LocR->WhenSecti=
+ if ($LocR->WhenBeforeNS[$i]) {$x =3D $x_when.$x;} else {$x =3D $x.=
+ $found =3D true;
+ if ($LocR->WhenSeveral=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $continue =3D false;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ if ($i>$LocR->WhenNbr) $continue =3D false;
+ } while ($continue);
+ if (($found=3D=3D=3Dfalse) and ($LocR->WhenDefaultBid!=3D=3Dfalse)) =
+ $x_when =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($LocR,$LocR->WhenDefaul=
+ if ($LocR->WhenDefaultBeforeNS) {$x =3D $x_when.$x;} else {$x =3D $=
+ }
+ $BlockRes .=3D $x;
+ } else { // Without conditional blocks
+ $BlockRes .=3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($LocR,$Bid,$Src->Curr=
+ }
+ }
+ // Next row
+ if ($Src->RecNum=3D=3D=3D$RecStop) {
+ $Src->CurrRec =3D false;
+ } else {
+ // $CurrRec can be set to False by the OnSection event function.
+ if ($Src->CurrRec!=3D=3Dfalse) $Src->DataFetch();
+ }
+ } //--> while($CurrRec!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ // Serial: merge the extra the sub-blocks
+ if ($SerialMode and !$SecIncr) {
+ $BlockRes .=3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionSerial($LocR,$SecId,$SerialNum=
+ }
+ // Footer
+ if ($LocR->FooterFound) {
+ if ($Src->RecNum>0) {
+ for ($i=3D1;$i<=3D$LocR->FooterNbr;$i++) {
+ if ($LocR->FooterIsFooter[$i]) $BlockRes .=3D $this->meth_Merge_Sect=
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // NoData
+ if (($Src->RecNum=3D=3D=3D0) and ($LocR->NoDataBid!=3D=3Dfalse)) $Block=
Res =3D $LocR->BlockSrc[$LocR->NoDataBid];
+ // Merge the result
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,$BlockRes,$LocR->PosBeg,$LocR->PosEnd-$Loc=
+function meth_Merge_PhpVar(&$Txt,$HtmlConv) {
+// Merge the PHP global variables of the main script.
+ $Pref =3D& $this->VarPrefix;
+ $PrefL =3D strlen($Pref);
+ $PrefOk =3D ($PrefL>0);
+ if ($HtmlConv=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $HtmlCharSet =3D $this->HtmlCharSet;
+ $this->HtmlCharSet =3D false;
+ }
+ // Then we scann all fields in the model
+ $x =3D '';
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,'var',$Pos,'.')) {
+ if ($Loc->SubNbr>0) {
+ if ($Loc->SubLst[0]=3D=3D=3D'') {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Merge_System($Txt,$Loc);
+ } elseif ($Loc->SubLst[0][0]=3D=3D=3D'~') {
+ if (!isset($ObjOk)) $ObjOk =3D (is_object($this->ObjectRef) or is_ar=
+ if ($ObjOk) {
+ $Loc->SubLst[0] =3D substr($Loc->SubLst[0],1);
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$this->ObjectRef,tru=
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Merge ObjectRef sub item','Can\'t merge '.$=
this->ChrOpen.$Loc->FullName.$this->ChrClose.' because property ObjectRef=
is neither an object nor an array. Its type is \''.gettype($this->Object=
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosEnd + 1;
+ }
+ } elseif ($PrefOk and (substr($Loc->SubLst[0],0,$PrefL)!=3D=3D$Pref))=
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Merge PHP global variables','Can\'t merge '=
.$this->ChrOpen.$Loc->FullName.$this->ChrClose.' because allowed prefix i=
s set to \''.$Pref.'\'.',true);
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosEnd + 1;
+ }
+ } elseif (isset($GLOBALS[$Loc->SubLst[0]])) {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$GLOBALS,true);
+ } else {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ } else {
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosEnd + 1;
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Merge PHP global variables','Can\'t merge '=
.$this->ChrOpen.$Loc->FullName.$this->ChrClose.' because there is no PHP =
global variable named \''.$Loc->SubLst[0].'\'.',true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($HtmlConv=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $this->HtmlCharSet =3D $HtmlCharSet;
+function meth_Merge_System(&$Txt,&$Loc) {
+// This function enables to merge TBS special fields
+ if (isset($Loc->SubLst[1])) {
+ switch ($Loc->SubLst[1]) {
+ case 'now':
+ $x =3D mktime();
+ return $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ case 'version':
+ $x =3D '2.05.8';
+ return $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ case 'script_name':
+ if (isset($_SERVER)) { // PHP<4.1.0 compatibilty
+ $x =3D tbs_Misc_GetFilePart($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],1);
+ } else {
+ $x =3D tbs_Misc_GetFilePart($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'],1);
+ }
+ return $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ case 'template_name':
+ return $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$this->_LastFile,false);
+ case 'template_date':
+ $x =3D filemtime($this->_LastFile);
+ return $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ case 'template_path':
+ $x =3D tbs_Misc_GetFilePart($this->_LastFile,0);
+ return $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ case 'name':
+ $x =3D 'TinyButStrong';
+ return $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ case 'logo':
+ $x =3D '**TinyButStrong**';
+ return $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ case 'charset':
+ return $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$this->HtmlCharSet,false=
+ case 'tplvars':
+ if ($Loc->SubNbr=3D=3D2) {
+ $x =3D implode(',',array_keys($this->TplVars));
+ return $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ } else {
+ if (isset($this->TplVars[$Loc->SubLst[2]])) {
+ array_shift($Loc->SubLst);
+ array_shift($Loc->SubLst);
+ $Loc->SubNbr =3D $Loc->SubNbr - 2;
+ return $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$this->TplVars,true);
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('System Fields','Can\'t merge ['.$Loc->FullN=
ame.'] because property TplVars doesn\'t have any item named \''.$Loc->Su=
+ return $Loc->PosBeg+1;
+ }
+ }
+ case '':
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('System Fields','Can\'t merge ['.$Loc->FullNam=
e.'] because it doesn\'t have any requested keyword.');
+ return $Loc->PosBeg+1;
+ default:
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('System Fields','Can\'t merge ['.$Loc->FullNam=
e.'] because \''.$Loc->SubLst[1].'\' is an unknown keyword.');
+ return $Loc->PosBeg+1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('System Fields','Can\'t merge ['.$Loc->FullName=
.'] because it doesn\'t have any subname.');
+ return $Loc->PosBeg+1;
+ }
+function meth_Merge_Special($Type) {
+// Proceed to one of the special merge
+ if ($Type=3D=3D=3D'*') $Type =3D 'onload,onshow,var';
+ $TypeLst =3D explode(',',$Type);
+ foreach ($TypeLst as $Type) {
+ switch ($Type) {
+ case 'var': $this->meth_Merge_PhpVar($this->Source,true); break;
+ case 'onload': $this->meth_Merge_Auto($this->Source,'onload',true,true=
); break;
+ case 'onshow': $this->meth_Merge_Auto($this->Source,'onshow',false,tru=
e); break;
+ }
+ }
+function meth_Merge_SectionNormal(&$LocR,&$BlockId,&$CurrRec,&$RecNum,&$=
RecKey,&$NoFct) {
+ $Txt =3D $LocR->BlockSrc[$BlockId];
+ if ($NoFct) {
+ $LocLst =3D& $LocR->BlockLoc[$BlockId];
+ $iMax =3D $LocLst[0];
+ $PosMax =3D strlen($Txt);
+ $DoUnCached =3D& $LocR->BlockChk[$BlockId];
+ } else {
+ $Txt0 =3D $Txt;
+ $LocR->OnSecPrm[1] =3D& $CurrRec ; $LocR->OnSecPrm[2] =3D& $Txt; $LocR=
->OnSecPrm[3] =3D& $RecNum;
+ call_user_func_array($LocR->OnSecInfo,$LocR->OnSecPrm);
+ if ($Txt0=3D=3D=3D$Txt) {
+ $LocLst =3D& $LocR->BlockLoc[$BlockId];
+ $iMax =3D $LocLst[0];
+ $PosMax =3D strlen($Txt);
+ $DoUnCached =3D& $LocR->BlockChk[$BlockId];
+ } else {
+ $iMax =3D 0;
+ $DoUnCached =3D true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($RecNum=3D=3D=3Dfalse) { // Erase all fields
+ $x =3D '';
+ // Chached locators
+ for ($i=3D$iMax;$i>0;$i--) {
+ if ($LocLst[$i]->PosBeg<$PosMax) {
+ $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocLst[$i],$x,false);
+ if ($LocLst[$i]->Enlarged) {
+ $PosMax =3D $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg;
+ $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg =3D $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg0;
+ $LocLst[$i]->PosEnd =3D $LocLst[$i]->PosEnd0;
+ $LocLst[$i]->Enlarged =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Unchached locators
+ if ($DoUnCached) {
+ $BlockName =3D& $LocR->BlockName[$BlockId];
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$BlockName,$Pos,'.')=
) $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ } =09
+ } else {
+ // Chached locators
+ for ($i=3D$iMax;$i>0;$i--) {
+ if ($LocLst[$i]->PosBeg<$PosMax) {
+ if ($LocLst[$i]->IsRecInfo) {
+ if ($LocLst[$i]->RecInfo=3D=3D=3D'#') {
+ $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocLst[$i],$RecNum,false);
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocLst[$i],$RecKey,false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocLst[$i],$CurrRec,true);
+ }
+ if ($LocLst[$i]->Enlarged) {
+ $PosMax =3D $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg;
+ $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg =3D $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg0;
+ $LocLst[$i]->PosEnd =3D $LocLst[$i]->PosEnd0;
+ $LocLst[$i]->Enlarged =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Unchached locators
+ if ($DoUnCached) {
+ $BlockName =3D& $LocR->BlockName[$BlockId];
+ foreach ($CurrRec as $key =3D> $val) {
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ $Name =3D $BlockName.'.'.$key;
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Name,$Pos,'.')) {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$val,true);
+ }
+ }
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ $Name =3D $BlockName.'.#';
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Name,$Pos,'.')) $Po=
s =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$RecNum,true);
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ $Name =3D $BlockName.'.$';
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Name,$Pos,'.')) $Po=
s =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$RecKey,true);
+ }
+ }
+ return $Txt;
+function meth_Merge_SectionSerial(&$LocR,&$SecId,&$SerialNum,&$SerialMax=
,&$SerialTxt) {
+ $Txt =3D $LocR->BlockSrc[$LocR->SectionBid[$SecId]];
+ $LocLst =3D& $LocR->BlockLoc[$LocR->SectionBid[$SecId]];
+ $OrdLst =3D& $LocR->SectionSerialOrd[$SecId];
+ // Prepare the Empty Item
+ if ($SerialNum<$SerialMax) {
+ if ($LocR->SerialEmpty=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $F =3D false;
+ $NoFct =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $EmptySrc =3D& $LocR->SerialEmpty;
+ }
+ }
+ // All Items
+ for ($i=3D$SerialMax;$i>0;$i--) {
+ $Sr =3D $OrdLst[$i];
+ if ($Sr>$SerialNum) {
+ if ($LocR->SerialEmpty=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $k =3D $LocR->SectionSerialBid[$SecId][$Sr];
+ $EmptySrc =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($LocR,$k,$F,$F,$F,$NoF=
+ }
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,$EmptySrc,$LocLst[$Sr]->PosBeg,$LocLst[$=
+ } else {
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,$SerialTxt[$Sr],$LocLst[$Sr]->PosBeg,$Lo=
+ }
+ }
+ // Update variables
+ $SerialNum =3D 0;
+ $SerialTxt =3D array();
+ return $Txt;
+function meth_Merge_Auto(&$Txt,$Name,$TplVar,$AcceptGrp) {
+// onload - onshow
+ $GrpDisplayed =3D array();
+ $GrpExclusive =3D array();
+ $P1 =3D false;
+ $FieldBefore =3D false;
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ if ($AcceptGrp) {
+ $ChrSub =3D '_';
+ } else {
+ $ChrSub =3D '';
+ }
+ while ($LocA=3D$this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($Txt,$Name,$Pos,$ChrSu=
b,true,$P1,$FieldBefore)) {
+ if ($LocA->BlockFound) {
+ if (!isset($GrpDisplayed[$LocA->SubName])) {
+ $GrpDisplayed[$LocA->SubName] =3D false;
+ $GrpExclusive[$LocA->SubName] =3D !($AcceptGrp and ($LocA->SubName=3D=
+ }
+ $Displayed =3D& $GrpDisplayed[$LocA->SubName];
+ $Exclusive =3D& $GrpExclusive[$LocA->SubName];
+ $DelBlock =3D false;
+ $DelField =3D false;
+ if ($Displayed and $Exclusive) {
+ $DelBlock =3D true;
+ } else {
+ if (isset($LocA->PrmLst['when'])) {
+ if (isset($LocA->PrmLst['several'])) $Exclusive=3Dfalse;
+ $x =3D $LocA->PrmLst['when'];
+ $this->meth_Merge_PhpVar($x,false);
+ if (tbs_Misc_CheckCondition($x)) {
+ $DelField =3D true;
+ $Displayed =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $DelBlock =3D true;
+ }
+ } elseif(isset($LocA->PrmLst['default'])) {
+ if ($Displayed) {
+ $DelBlock =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $Displayed =3D true;
+ $DelField =3D true;
+ }
+ $Exclusive =3D true; // No more block displayed for the group after=
+ }
+ }
+ =09
+ // Del parts
+ if ($DelField) {
+ if ($LocA->PosBeg2!=3D=3Dfalse) $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,'',$Loc=
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,'',$LocA->PosBeg,$LocA->PosEnd-$LocA->P=
+ $Pos =3D $LocA->PosBeg;
+ } else {
+ if ($LocA->PosBeg2=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ tbs_Locator_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$LocA,$LocA->PrmLst['block'],true,fal=
+ } else {
+ $LocA->PosEnd =3D $LocA->PosEnd2;
+ }
+ if ($DelBlock) {
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,'',$LocA->PosBeg,$LocA->PosEnd-$LocA->=
+ } else {
+ // Merge the block as if it was a field
+ $x =3D '';
+ $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocA,$x,false);
+ }
+ $Pos =3D $LocA->PosBeg;
+ }
+ } else { // Field
+ // Check for Template Var
+ if ($TplVar and isset($LocA->PrmLst['tplvars'])) {
+ $Ok =3D false;
+ foreach ($LocA->PrmLst as $Key =3D> $Val) {
+ if ($Ok) {
+ $this->TplVars[$Key] =3D $Val;
+ } else {
+ if ($Key=3D=3D=3D'tplvars') $Ok =3D true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $x =3D '';
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocA,$x,false);
+ $Pos =3D $LocA->PosBeg;
+ }
+ }
+ return count($GrpDisplayed);
+function meth_Merge_NavigationBar(&$Txt,$BlockName,$Options,$PageCurr,$R=
ecCnt,$PageSize) {
+ // Get block parameters
+ $PosBeg =3D 0;
+ $PrmLst =3D array();
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$BlockName,$PosBeg,'.'=
)) {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['block'])) $PrmLst =3D array_merge($PrmLst,$Loc=
+ $PosBeg =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ }
+ // Prepare options
+ if (!is_array($Options)) $Options =3D array('navsize'=3D>intval($Option=
+ $Options =3D array_merge($Options,$PrmLst);
+ // Default options
+ if (!isset($Options['navsize'])) $Options['navsize'] =3D 10;
+ if (!isset($Options['navpos'])) $Options['navpos'] =3D 'step';
+ if (!isset($Options['navdel'])) $Options['navdel'] =3D '';
+ if (!isset($Options['pagemin'])) $Options['pagemin'] =3D 1;
+ // Check options
+ if ($Options['navsize']<=3D0) $Options['navsize'] =3D 10;
+ if ($PageSize<=3D0) $PageSize =3D 1;
+ if ($PageCurr<$Options['pagemin']) $PageCurr =3D $Options['pagemin'];
+ $CurrPos =3D 0;
+ $CurrNav =3D array('curr'=3D>$PageCurr,'first'=3D>$Options['pagemin'],'=
+ // Calculate displayed PageMin and PageMax
+ if ($Options['navpos']=3D=3D'centred') {
+ $PageMin =3D $Options['pagemin']-1+$PageCurr - intval(floor($Options['=
+ } else {
+ // Display by block
+ $PageMin =3D $Options['pagemin']-1+$PageCurr - ( ($PageCurr-1) % $Opti=
+ }
+ $PageMin =3D max($PageMin,$Options['pagemin']);
+ $PageMax =3D $PageMin + $Options['navsize'] - 1;
+ // Calculate previous and next pages
+ $CurrNav['prev'] =3D $PageCurr - 1;
+ if ($CurrNav['prev']<$Options['pagemin']) {
+ $CurrNav['prev'] =3D $Options['pagemin'];
+ $CurrNav['bound'] =3D $Options['pagemin'];
+ }
+ $CurrNav['next'] =3D $PageCurr + 1;
+ if ($RecCnt>=3D0) {
+ $PageCnt =3D $Options['pagemin']-1 + intval(ceil($RecCnt/$PageSize));
+ $PageMax =3D min($PageMax,$PageCnt);
+ $PageMin =3D max($Options['pagemin'],$PageMax-$Options['navsize']+1);
+ } else {
+ $PageCnt =3D $Options['pagemin']-1;
+ }
+ if ($PageCnt>=3D$Options['pagemin']) {
+ if ($PageCurr>=3D$PageCnt) {
+ $CurrNav['next'] =3D $PageCnt;
+ $CurrNav['last'] =3D $PageCnt;
+ $CurrNav['bound'] =3D $PageCnt;
+ } else {
+ $CurrNav['last'] =3D $PageCnt;
+ }
+ }=09
+ // Display or hide the bar
+ if ($Options['navdel']=3D=3D'') {
+ $Display =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $Display =3D (($PageMax-$PageMin)>0);
+ }
+ // Merge general information
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$BlockName,$Pos,'.')) =
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosBeg + 1;
+ $x =3D strtolower($Loc->SubName);
+ if (isset($CurrNav[$x])) {
+ $Val =3D $CurrNav[$x];
+ if ($CurrNav[$x]=3D=3D$CurrNav['bound']) {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['endpoint'])) {
+ $Val =3D '';
+ }
+ }
+ $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$Val,false);
+ }
+ }
+ // Merge pages
+ $Query =3D '';
+ if ($Display) {
+ $Data =3D array();
+ $RecSpe =3D 0;
+ $RecCurr =3D 0;
+ for ($PageId=3D$PageMin;$PageId<=3D$PageMax;$PageId++) {
+ $RecCurr++;
+ if ($PageId=3D=3D$PageCurr) $RecSpe =3D $RecCurr;
+ $Data[] =3D array('page'=3D>$PageId);
+ }
+ $this->meth_Merge_Block($Txt,$BlockName,$Data,$Query,0,0,$RecSpe);
+ if ($Options['navdel']!=3D'') { // Delete the block definition tags
+ $PosBeg =3D 0;
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Options['navdel'],$=
PosBeg,'.')) {
+ $PosBeg =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,'',$Loc->PosBeg,$Loc->PosEnd-$Loc->PosB=
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($Options['navdel']!=3D'') {
+ $SrcType =3D 'text';
+ $this->meth_Merge_Block($Txt,$Options['navdel'],$SrcType,$Query,0,0,0=
+ }
+ }
+// Convert a string to Html with several options
+function meth_Conv_Html(&$Txt) {
+ if ($this->HtmlCharSet=3D=3D=3D'') {
+ $Txt =3D htmlspecialchars($Txt); // Faster
+ } elseif ($this->_HtmlCharFct) {
+ $Txt =3D call_user_func($this->HtmlCharSet,$Txt);
+ } else {
+ $Txt =3D htmlspecialchars($Txt,ENT_COMPAT,$this->HtmlCharSet);
+ }
+// Standard alert message provided by TinyButStrong, return False is the=
message is cancelled.
+function meth_Misc_Alert($Source,$Message,$NoErrMsg=3Dfalse) {
+ $x =3D '<br /><b>TinyButStrong Error</b> ('.$Source.'): '.htmlentities(=
+ if ($NoErrMsg) $x =3D $x.' <em>This message can be cancelled using para=
meter \'noerr\'.</em>';
+ $x =3D $x."<br />\n";
+ $x =3D str_replace($this->ChrOpen,$this->ChrProtect,$x);
+ echo $x;
+ return false;
+function meth_Misc_ChangeMode($Init,&$Loc,&$CurrVal,$Switch,$GetOb) {
+ if ($Init) {
+ // Save contents configuration
+ if ($Switch) {
+ $Loc->SaveSrc =3D& $this->Source;
+ $Loc->SaveRender =3D $this->Render;
+ $Loc->SaveCache =3D $this->_CacheFile;
+ $Loc->SaveMode =3D $this->_Mode;
+ unset($this->Source); $this->Source =3D '';
+ $this->Render =3D TBS_OUTPUT;
+ $this->_CacheFile =3D false;
+ $this->_Mode =3D 1;
+ $File =3D $Loc->PrmLst['subtpl'];
+ if (is_string($File) and (strlen($File)>0)) {
+ $this->meth_Merge_PhpVar($File,false);
+ $File =3D str_replace($this->ChrVal,$CurrVal,$File);
+ if (tbs_Misc_GetFile($this->Source,$File)) {
+ $this->meth_Merge_Auto($this->Source,'onload',true,true);
+ } else {
+ if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Paramete=
r subtpl','Unable to read the file \''.$File.'\'.');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($GetOb) ob_start();
+ } else {
+ // Restore contents configuration
+ if ($Switch) {
+ $this->Source =3D& $Loc->SaveSrc;
+ $this->Render =3D $Loc->SaveRender;
+ $this->_CacheFile =3D $Loc->SaveCache;
+ $this->_Mode =3D $Loc->SaveMode;
+ }
+ if ($GetOb) {
+ $CurrVal =3D ob_get_contents();
+ ob_end_clean();
+ }
+ $Loc->ConvHtml =3D false;
+ $Loc->ConvProtect =3D false;
+ }
+function meth_Misc_UserFctCheck(&$FctInfo,&$ErrMsg) {
+ if (substr($FctInfo,0,1)=3D=3D=3D'~') {
+ $ObjRef =3D& $this->ObjectRef;
+ $Lst =3D explode('.',substr($FctInfo,1));
+ $iMax =3D count($Lst) - 1;
+ for ($i=3D0;$i<=3D$iMax;$i++) {
+ $x =3D& $Lst[$i];
+ if (is_object($ObjRef)) {
+ if (method_exists($ObjRef,$x)) {
+ if ($i=3D=3D=3D$iMax) {
+ $FctInfo =3D array(&$ObjRef,$x);
+ } else {
+ $ObjRef =3D call_user_func(array(&$ObjRef,$x));
+ }
+ } elseif ($i=3D=3D=3D$iMax) {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'Expression \''.$FctInfo.'\' is invalid because \''.$x.=
'\' is not a method in the class \''.get_class($ObjRef).'\'.';
+ return false;
+ } elseif (isset($ObjRef->$x)) {
+ $ObjRef =3D& $ObjRef->$x;
+ } else {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'Expression \''.$FctInfo.'\' is invalid because sub-ite=
m \''.$x.'\' is neither a method nor a property in the class \''.get_clas=
+ return false;
+ }
+ } elseif (($i<$iMax) and is_array($ObjRef)) {
+ if (isset($ObjRef[$x])) {
+ $ObjRef =3D& $ObjRef[$x];
+ } else {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'Expression \''.$FctInfo.'\' is invalid because sub-ite=
m \''.$x.'\' is not a existing key in the array.';
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'Expression \''.$FctInfo.'\' is invalid because '.(($i=3D=
=3D=3D0)?'property ObjectRef':'sub-item \''.$x.'\'').' is not an object'.=
(($i<$iMax)?' or an array.':'.');
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!function_exists($FctInfo)) {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'Custom function \''.$FctInfo.'\' is not found.';
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+function meth_Cache_Save($CacheFile,&$Txt) {
+ $fid =3D @fopen($CacheFile, 'w');
+ if ($fid=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('Cache System','The cache file \''.$CacheFile.'=
\' can not be saved.');
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ flock($fid,2); // acquire an exlusive lock
+ fwrite($fid,$Txt);
+ flock($fid,3); // release the lock
+ fclose($fid);
+ return true;
+ }
+} // class clsTinyButStrong
+// *********************************************
+function tbs_Misc_ConvSpe(&$Loc) {
+ if ($Loc->ConvSpe=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $Loc->ConvSpe =3D true;
+ $Loc->ConvEsc =3D false;
+ $Loc->ConvWS =3D false;
+ $Loc->ConvJS =3D false;
+ $Loc->ConvLook =3D false;
+ }
+function tbs_Misc_GetStrId($Txt) {
+ $Txt =3D strtolower($Txt);
+ $Txt =3D str_replace('-','_',$Txt);
+ $x =3D '';
+ $i =3D 0;
+ $iMax =3D strlen($Txt2);
+ while ($i<$iMax) {
+ if (($Txt[$i]=3D=3D=3D'_') or (($Txt[$i]>=3D'a') and ($Txt[$i]<=3D'z')=
) or (($Txt[$i]>=3D'0') and ($Txt[$i]<=3D'9'))) {
+ $x .=3D $Txt[$i];
+ $i++;
+ } else {
+ $i =3D $iMax;
+ }
+ }
+ return $x;
+function tbs_Misc_CheckCondition($Str) {
+// Check if an expression like "exrp1=3Dexpr2" is true or false.
+ // Find operator and position
+ $Ope =3D '=3D';
+ $Len =3D 1;
+ $Max =3D strlen($Str)-1;
+ $Pos =3D strpos($Str,$Ope);
+ if ($Pos=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $Ope =3D '+';
+ $Pos =3D strpos($Str,$Ope);
+ if ($Pos=3D=3D=3Dfalse) return false;
+ if (($Pos>0) and ($Str[$Pos-1]=3D=3D=3D'-')) {
+ $Ope =3D '-+'; $Pos--; $Len=3D2;
+ } elseif (($Pos<$Max) and ($Str[$Pos+1]=3D=3D=3D'-')) {
+ $Ope =3D '+-'; $Len=3D2;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($Pos>0) {
+ $x =3D $Str[$Pos-1];
+ if ($x=3D=3D=3D'!') {
+ $Ope =3D '!=3D'; $Pos--; $Len=3D2;
+ } elseif ($Pos<$Max) {
+ $y =3D $Str[$Pos+1];
+ if ($y=3D=3D=3D'=3D') {
+ $Len=3D2;
+ } elseif (($x=3D=3D=3D'+') and ($y=3D=3D=3D'-')) {
+ $Ope =3D '+=3D-'; $Pos--; $Len=3D3;
+ } elseif (($x=3D=3D=3D'-') and ($y=3D=3D=3D'+')) {
+ $Ope =3D '-=3D+'; $Pos--; $Len=3D3;
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Read values
+ $Val1 =3D trim(substr($Str,0,$Pos));
+ $Nude1 =3D tbs_Misc_DelDelimiter($Val1,'\'');
+ $Val2 =3D trim(substr($Str,$Pos+$Len));
+ $Nude2 =3D tbs_Misc_DelDelimiter($Val2,'\'');
+ // Compare values
+ if ($Ope=3D=3D=3D'=3D') {
+ return (strcasecmp($Val1,$Val2)=3D=3D0);
+ } elseif ($Ope=3D=3D=3D'!=3D') {
+ return (strcasecmp($Val1,$Val2)!=3D0);
+ } else {
+ if ($Nude1) $Val1 =3D (float) $Val1;
+ if ($Nude2) $Val2 =3D (float) $Val2;
+ if ($Ope=3D=3D=3D'+-') {
+ return ($Val1>$Val2);
+ } elseif ($Ope=3D=3D=3D'-+') {
+ return ($Val1 < $Val2);
+ } elseif ($Ope=3D=3D=3D'+=3D-') {
+ return ($Val1 >=3D $Val2);
+ } elseif ($Ope=3D=3D=3D'-=3D+') {
+ return ($Val1<=3D$Val2);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+function tbs_Misc_DelDelimiter(&$Txt,$Delim) {
+// Delete the string delimiters
+ $len =3D strlen($Txt);
+ if (($len>1) and ($Txt[0]=3D=3D=3D$Delim)) {
+ if ($Txt[$len-1]=3D=3D=3D$Delim) $Txt =3D substr($Txt,1,$len-2);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+function tbs_Misc_GetFile(&$Txt,$File) {
+// Load the content of a file into the text variable.
+ $Txt =3D '';
+ $fd =3D @fopen($File, 'r'); // 'rb' if binary for some OS
+ if ($fd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) return false;
+ $fs =3D @filesize($File); // return False for an URL
+ if ($fs=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ while (!feof($fd)) $Txt .=3D fread($fd,4096);
+ } else {
+ if ($fs>0) $Txt =3D fread($fd,$fs);
+ }=09
+ fclose($fd);
+ return true;
+function tbs_Misc_GetFilePart($File,$Part) {
+ $Pos =3D strrpos($File,'/');
+ if ($Part=3D=3D=3D0) { // Path
+ if ($Pos=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ return '';
+ } else {
+ return substr($File,0,$Pos+1);
+ }
+ } else { // File
+ if ($Pos=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ return $File;
+ } else {
+ return substr($File,$Pos+1);
+ }
+ }
+function tbs_Misc_Format(&$Loc,&$Value) {
+// This function return the formated representation of a Date/Time or nu=
meric variable using a 'VB like' format syntax instead of the PHP syntax.
+ global $_tbs_FrmSimpleLst;
+ $FrmStr =3D $Loc->PrmLst['frm'];
+ $CheckNumeric =3D true;
+ if (is_string($Value)) $Value =3D trim($Value);
+ // Manage Multi format strings
+ if (strpos($FrmStr,'|')!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ global $_tbs_FrmMultiLst;
+ // Save the format if it doesn't exist
+ if (isset($_tbs_FrmMultiLst[$FrmStr])) {
+ $FrmLst =3D& $_tbs_FrmMultiLst[$FrmStr];
+ } else {
+ $FrmLst =3D explode('|',$FrmStr); // syntax : PostiveFrm|NegativeFrm|=
+ $FrmNbr =3D count($FrmLst);
+ if (($FrmNbr<=3D1) or ($FrmLst[1]=3D=3D=3D'')) {
+ $FrmLst[1] =3D& $FrmLst[0]; // negativ
+ $FrmLst['abs'] =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $FrmLst['abs'] =3D true;
+ }
+ if (($FrmNbr<=3D2) or ($FrmLst[2]=3D=3D=3D'')) $FrmLst[2] =3D& $FrmLs=
t[0]; // zero
+ if (($FrmNbr<=3D3) or ($FrmLst[3]=3D=3D=3D'')) $FrmLst[3] =3D ''; // =
+ $_tbs_FrmMultiLst[$FrmStr] =3D $FrmLst;
+ }
+ // Select the format
+ if (is_numeric($Value)) {
+ if (is_string($Value)) $Value =3D 0.0 + $Value;
+ if ($Value>0) {
+ $FrmStr =3D& $FrmLst[0];
+ } elseif ($Value<0) {
+ $FrmStr =3D& $FrmLst[1];
+ if ($FrmLst['abs']) $Value =3D abs($Value);
+ } else { // zero
+ $FrmStr =3D& $FrmLst[2];
+ $Minus =3D '';
+ }
+ $CheckNumeric =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $Value =3D ''.$Value;
+ if ($Value=3D=3D=3D'') {
+ return $FrmLst[3]; // Null value
+ } else {
+ $t =3D strtotime($Value); // We look if it's a date
+ if ($t=3D=3D=3D-1) { // Date not recognized
+ return $FrmLst[1];
+ } elseif ($t=3D=3D=3D943916400) { // Date to zero
+ return $FrmLst[2];
+ } else { // It's a date
+ $Value =3D $t;
+ $FrmStr =3D& $FrmLst[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($FrmStr=3D=3D=3D'') return ''.$Value;
+ // Retrieve the correct simple format
+ if (!isset($_tbs_FrmSimpleLst[$FrmStr])) tbs_Misc_FormatSave($FrmStr);
+ $Frm =3D& $_tbs_FrmSimpleLst[$FrmStr];
+ switch ($Frm['type']) {
+ case 'num' :
+ if ($CheckNumeric) {
+ if (is_numeric($Value)) {
+ if (is_string($Value)) $Value =3D 0.0 + $Value;
+ } else {
+ return ''.$Value;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Frm['PerCent']) $Value =3D $Value * 100;
+ $Value =3D number_format($Value,$Frm['DecNbr'],$Frm['DecSep'],$Frm['Th=
+ return substr_replace($FrmStr,$Value,$Frm['Pos'],$Frm['Len']);
+ break;
+ case 'date' :
+ // DATE
+ if (is_string($Value)) {
+ if ($Value=3D=3D=3D'') return '';
+ $x =3D strtotime($Value);
+ if ($x=3D=3D=3D-1) {
+ if (!is_numeric($Value)) $Value =3D 0;
+ } else {
+ $Value =3D& $x;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!is_numeric($Value)) return ''.$Value;
+ }
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['locale'])) {
+ return strftime($Frm['str_loc'],$Value);
+ } else {
+ return date($Frm['str_us'],$Value);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return $Frm['string'];
+ break;
+ }
+function tbs_Misc_FormatSave(&$FrmStr) {
+ global $_tbs_FrmSimpleLst;
+ $nPosEnd =3D strrpos($FrmStr,'0');
+ if ($nPosEnd!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ // Numeric format
+ $nDecSep =3D '.';
+ $nDecNbr =3D 0;
+ $nDecOk =3D true;
+ if (substr($FrmStr,$nPosEnd+1,1)=3D=3D=3D'.') {
+ $nPosEnd++;
+ $nPosCurr =3D $nPosEnd;
+ } else {
+ $nPosCurr =3D $nPosEnd - 1;
+ while (($nPosCurr>=3D0) and ($FrmStr[$nPosCurr]=3D=3D=3D'0')) {
+ $nPosCurr--;
+ }
+ if (($nPosCurr>=3D1) and ($FrmStr[$nPosCurr-1]=3D=3D=3D'0')) {
+ $nDecSep =3D $FrmStr[$nPosCurr];
+ $nDecNbr =3D $nPosEnd - $nPosCurr;
+ } else {
+ $nDecOk =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Thousand separator
+ $nThsSep =3D '';
+ if (($nDecOk) and ($nPosCurr>=3D5)) {
+ if ((substr($FrmStr,$nPosCurr-3,3)=3D=3D=3D'000') and ($FrmStr[$nPosC=
urr-4]!=3D=3D'') and ($FrmStr[$nPosCurr-5]=3D=3D=3D'0')) {
+ $nPosCurr =3D $nPosCurr-4;
+ $nThsSep =3D $FrmStr[$nPosCurr];
+ }
+ }
+ // Pass next zero
+ if ($nDecOk) $nPosCurr--;
+ while (($nPosCurr>=3D0) and ($FrmStr[$nPosCurr]=3D=3D=3D'0')) {
+ $nPosCurr--;
+ }
+ // Percent
+ $nPerCent =3D (strpos($FrmStr,'%')=3D=3D=3Dfalse) ? false : true;
+ $_tbs_FrmSimpleLst[$FrmStr] =3D array('type'=3D>'num','Pos'=3D>($nPosC=
+ } else { // if ($nPosEnd!=3D=3Dfalse)
+ // Date format
+ $FrmPHP =3D '';
+ $FrmLOC =3D '';
+ $Local =3D false;
+ $StrIn =3D false;
+ $iMax =3D strlen($FrmStr);
+ $Cnt =3D 0;
+ for ($i=3D0;$i<$iMax;$i++) {
+ if ($StrIn) {
+ // We are in a string part
+ if ($FrmStr[$i]=3D=3D=3D$StrChr) {
+ if (substr($FrmStr,$i+1,1)=3D=3D=3D$StrChr) {
+ $FrmPHP .=3D '\\'.$FrmStr[$i]; // protected char
+ $FrmLOC .=3D $FrmStr[$i];
+ $i++;
+ } else {
+ $StrIn =3D false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $FrmPHP .=3D '\\'.$FrmStr[$i]; // protected char
+ $FrmLOC .=3D $FrmStr[$i];
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (($FrmStr[$i]=3D=3D=3D'"') or ($FrmStr[$i]=3D=3D=3D'\'')) {
+ // Check if we have the opening string char
+ $StrIn =3D true;
+ $StrChr =3D $FrmStr[$i];
+ } else {
+ $Cnt++;
+ if (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,4),'yyyy')=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'Y'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%Y'; $i +=3D 3; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'yy' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'y'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%y'; $i +=3D 1; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,4),'mmmm')=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'F'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%B'; $i +=3D 3; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,3),'mmm' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'M'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%b'; $i +=3D 2; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'mm' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'm'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%m'; $i +=3D 1; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,1),'m' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'n'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%m'; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,4),'wwww')=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'l'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%A'; $i +=3D 3; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,3),'www' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'D'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%a'; $i +=3D 2; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,1),'w' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'w'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%u'; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,4),'dddd')=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'l'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%A'; $i +=3D 3; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,3),'ddd' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'D'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%a'; $i +=3D 2; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'dd' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'd'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%d'; $i +=3D 1; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,1),'d' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'j'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%d'; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'hh' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'H'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%H'; $i +=3D 1; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'nn' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'i'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%M'; $i +=3D 1; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'ss' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 's'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%S'; $i +=3D 1; }
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'xx' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'S'; $FrmLOC .=3D '' ; $i +=3D 1; }
+ else {
+ $FrmPHP .=3D '\\'.$FrmStr[$i]; // protected char
+ $FrmLOC .=3D $FrmStr[$i]; // protected char
+ $Cnt--;
+ }
+ }
+ } //-> if ($StrIn) {...} else
+ } //-> for ($i=3D0;$i<$iMax;$i++)
+ if ($Cnt>0) {
+ $_tbs_FrmSimpleLst[$FrmStr] =3D array('type'=3D>'date','str_us'=3D>$F=
+ } else {
+ $_tbs_FrmSimpleLst[$FrmStr] =3D array('type'=3D>'else','string'=3D>$F=
+ }
+ } // if ($nPosEnd!=3D=3Dfalse) {...} else
+function tbs_Locator_SectionAddBlk(&$LocR,$BlockName,$Txt) {
+ $LocR->BlockNbr++;
+ $LocR->BlockName[$LocR->BlockNbr] =3D $BlockName;
+ $LocR->BlockSrc[$LocR->BlockNbr] =3D $Txt;
+ $LocR->BlockLoc[$LocR->BlockNbr] =3D array(0=3D>0);
+ $LocR->BlockChk[$LocR->BlockNbr] =3D true;
+ return $LocR->BlockNbr;
+function tbs_Locator_SectionAddGrp(&$LocR,$Bid,$Type,$Field) {
+ if ($Type=3D=3D=3D'H') {
+ if ($LocR->HeaderFound=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $LocR->HeaderFound =3D true;
+ $LocR->HeaderNbr =3D 0;
+ $LocR->HeaderBid =3D array(); // 1 to HeaderNbr
+ $LocR->HeaderPrevValue =3D array(); // 1 to HeaderNbr
+ $LocR->HeaderField =3D array(); // 1 to HeaderNbr
+ }
+ $LocR->HeaderNbr++;
+ $LocR->HeaderBid[$LocR->HeaderNbr] =3D $Bid;
+ $LocR->HeaderPrevValue[$LocR->HeaderNbr] =3D false;
+ $LocR->HeaderField[$LocR->HeaderNbr] =3D $Field;
+ } else {
+ if ($LocR->FooterFound=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $LocR->FooterFound =3D true;
+ $LocR->FooterNbr =3D 0;
+ $LocR->FooterBid =3D array(); // 1 to FooterNbr
+ $LocR->FooterPrevValue =3D array(); // 1 to FooterNbr
+ $LocR->FooterField =3D array(); // 1 to FooterNbr
+ $LocR->FooterIsFooter =3D array(); // 1 to FooterNbr
+ }
+ $LocR->FooterNbr++;
+ $LocR->FooterBid[$LocR->FooterNbr] =3D $Bid;
+ $LocR->FooterPrevValue[$LocR->FooterNbr] =3D false;
+ if ($Type=3D=3D=3D'F') {
+ $LocR->FooterField[$LocR->FooterNbr] =3D $Field;
+ $LocR->FooterIsFooter[$LocR->FooterNbr] =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $LocR->FooterField[$LocR->FooterNbr] =3D $Field;
+ $LocR->FooterIsFooter[$LocR->FooterNbr] =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+function tbs_Locator_PrmRead(&$Txt,$Pos,$HtmlTag,$DelimChrs,$BegStr,$End=
Str,&$Loc,&$PosEnd) {
+ // =C0 mettre dans la classe TBS
+ $BegLen =3D strlen($BegStr);
+ $BegChr =3D $BegStr[0];
+ $BegIs1 =3D ($BegLen=3D=3D=3D1);
+ $DelimIdx =3D false;
+ $DelimCnt =3D 0;
+ $DelimChr =3D '';
+ $BegCnt =3D 0;
+ $SubName =3D $Loc->SubOk;
+ $Status =3D 0; // 0: name not started, 1: name started, 2: name ended, =
3: equal found, 4: value started
+ $PosName =3D 0;
+ $PosNend =3D 0;
+ $PosVal =3D 0;
+ // Param=E8tres de v=E9rif de la boucle
+ $PosEnd =3D strpos($Txt,$EndStr,$Pos);
+ if ($PosEnd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) return;
+ $Continue =3D ($Pos<$PosEnd);
+ while ($Continue) {
+ =09
+ $Chr =3D $Txt[$Pos];
+ if ($DelimIdx) { // Lecture dans une cha=EEne
+ if ($Chr=3D=3D=3D$DelimChr) { // Quote rencontr=E9
+ if ($Chr=3D=3D=3D$Txt[$Pos+1]) { // Double quote =3D> la cha=EEne co=
ntinue en d=E9doublant le quote
+ $Pos++;
+ } else { // Simple quote =3D> fin de la cha=EEne
+ $DelimIdx =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // Lecture hors cha=EEne
+ =09
+ if ($BegCnt=3D=3D=3D0) {
+ =09
+ // Analyse des param=E8tre
+ $CheckChr =3D false;
+ if ($Chr=3D=3D=3D' ') {
+ if ($Status=3D=3D=3D1) {
+ $Status =3D 2;
+ $PosNend =3D $Pos;
+ } elseif ($HtmlTag and ($Status=3D=3D=3D4)) {
+ tbs_Locator_PrmCompute($Txt,$Loc,$SubName,$Status,$HtmlTag,$DelimC=
+ $Status =3D 0;
+ }
+ } elseif (($HtmlTag=3D=3D=3Dfalse) and ($Chr=3D=3D=3D';')) {
+ tbs_Locator_PrmCompute($Txt,$Loc,$SubName,$Status,$HtmlTag,$DelimCh=
+ $Status =3D 0;
+ } elseif ($Status=3D=3D=3D4) {
+ $CheckChr =3D true;
+ } elseif ($Status=3D=3D=3D3) {
+ $Status =3D 4;
+ $DelimCnt =3D 0;
+ $PosVal =3D $Pos;
+ $CheckChr =3D true;
+ } elseif ($Status=3D=3D=3D2) {
+ if ($Chr=3D=3D=3D'=3D') {
+ $Status =3D 3;
+ } elseif ($HtmlTag) {
+ tbs_Locator_PrmCompute($Txt,$Loc,$SubName,$Status,$HtmlTag,$DelimC=
+ $Status =3D 1;
+ $PosName =3D $Pos;
+ $CheckChr =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $Status =3D 4;
+ $DelimCnt =3D 0;
+ $PosVal =3D $Pos;
+ $CheckChr =3D true;
+ }
+ } elseif ($Status=3D=3D=3D1) {
+ if ($Chr=3D=3D=3D'=3D') {
+ $Status =3D 3;
+ $PosNend =3D $Pos;
+ } else {
+ $CheckChr =3D true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $Status =3D 1;
+ $PosName =3D $Pos;
+ $CheckChr =3D true;
+ }
+ =09
+ if ($CheckChr) {
+ $DelimIdx =3D strpos($DelimChrs,$Chr);
+ if ($DelimIdx=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($Chr=3D=3D=3D$BegChr) {
+ if ($BegIs1) {
+ $BegCnt++;
+ } elseif(substr($Txt,$Pos,$BegLen)=3D=3D=3D$BegStr) {
+ $BegCnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $DelimChr =3D $DelimChrs[$DelimIdx];
+ $DelimCnt++;
+ $DelimIdx =3D true;
+ }
+ }
+ =09
+ } else {
+ if ($Chr=3D=3D=3D$BegChr) {
+ if ($BegIs1) {
+ $BegCnt++;
+ } elseif(substr($Txt,$Pos,$BegLen)=3D=3D=3D$BegStr) {
+ $BegCnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ =09
+ }
+ =09
+ // Charact=E8re suivant
+ $Pos++;
+ // On v=E9rifie si c'est la fin
+ if ($Pos=3D=3D=3D$PosEnd) {
+ if ($DelimIdx=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($BegCnt>0) {
+ $BegCnt--;
+ } else {
+ $Continue =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Continue) {
+ $PosEnd =3D strpos($Txt,$EndStr,$PosEnd+1);
+ if ($PosEnd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) return;
+ } else {
+ tbs_Locator_PrmCompute($Txt,$Loc,$SubName,$Status,$HtmlTag,$DelimChr=
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $PosEnd =3D $PosEnd + (strlen($EndStr)-1);
+function tbs_Locator_PrmCompute(&$Txt,&$Loc,&$SubName,$Status,$HtmlTag,$=
DelimChr,$DelimCnt,$PosName,$PosNend,$PosVal,$Pos) {
+ if ($Status=3D=3D=3D0) {
+ $SubName =3D false;
+ } else {
+ if ($Status=3D=3D=3D1) {
+ $x =3D substr($Txt,$PosName,$Pos-$PosName);
+ } else {
+ $x =3D substr($Txt,$PosName,$PosNend-$PosName);
+ }
+ if ($HtmlTag) $x =3D strtolower($x);
+ if ($SubName) {
+ $Loc->SubName =3D $x;
+ $SubName =3D false;
+ } elseif ($Status=3D=3D=3D4) {
+ $v =3D trim(substr($Txt,$PosVal,$Pos-$PosVal));
+ if ($DelimCnt=3D=3D=3D1) { // Delete quotes inside the value
+ if ($v[0]=3D=3D=3D$DelimChr) {
+ $len =3D strlen($v);
+ if ($v[$len-1]=3D=3D=3D$DelimChr) {
+ $v =3D substr($v,1,$len-2);
+ $v =3D str_replace($DelimChr.$DelimChr,$DelimChr,$v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $Loc->PrmLst[$x] =3D $v;
+ } else {
+ $Loc->PrmLst[$x] =3D true;
+ }
+ }
+function tbs_Locator_EnlargeToStr(&$Txt,&$Loc,$StrBeg,$StrEnd) {
+This function enables to enlarge the pos limits of the Locator.
+If the search result is not correct, $PosBeg must not change its value, =
and $PosEnd must be False.
+This is because of the calling function.
+ // Search for the begining string
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ $Ok =3D false;
+ do {
+ $Pos =3D strrpos(substr($Txt,0,$Pos),$StrBeg[0]);
+ if ($Pos!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if (substr($Txt,$Pos,strlen($StrBeg))=3D=3D=3D$StrBeg) $Ok =3D true;
+ }
+ } while ( (!$Ok) and ($Pos!=3D=3Dfalse) );
+ if ($Ok) {
+ $PosEnd =3D strpos($Txt,$StrEnd,$Loc->PosEnd + 1);
+ if ($PosEnd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $Ok =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $Loc->PosBeg =3D $Pos;
+ $Loc->PosEnd =3D $PosEnd + strlen($StrEnd) - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return $Ok;
+function tbs_Locator_EnlargeToTag(&$Txt,&$Loc,$Tag,$IsBlock,$ReturnSrc) =
+//Modify $Loc, return false if tags not found, returns the source of the=
locator if $ReturnSrc=3Dtrue
+ if ($Tag=3D=3D=3D'') { return false; }
+ elseif ($Tag=3D=3D=3D'row') {$Tag =3D 'tr'; }
+ elseif ($Tag=3D=3D=3D'opt') {$Tag =3D 'option'; }
+ $RetVal =3D true;
+ $Encaps =3D 1;
+ if ($IsBlock and isset($Loc->PrmLst['encaps'])) $Encaps =3D abs(intval(=
+ $TagO =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Tag,true,$Loc->PosBeg-1,false,$Encaps,=
+ if ($TagO=3D=3D=3Dfalse) return false;
+ $TagC =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Tag,false,$Loc->PosEnd+1,true,$Encaps,=
+ if ($TagC=3D=3Dfalse) return false;
+ $PosBeg =3D $TagO->PosBeg;
+ $PosEnd =3D $TagC->PosEnd;
+ if ($IsBlock) {
+ =09
+ $ExtendFw =3D false;
+ $ExtendBw =3D false;
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['extend'])) {
+ $s =3D ',';
+ $x =3D str_replace(' ','',''.$Loc->PrmLst['extend']);
+ if (is_numeric($x)) {
+ $x =3D intval($Loc->PrmLst['extend']);
+ if ($x>0) {
+ $lst =3D& $ExtendFw;
+ } else {
+ $lst =3D& $ExtendBw;
+ }
+ $x =3D str_repeat($Tag.$s,abs($x));
+ } else {
+ $lst =3D& $ExtendFw;
+ }
+ $lst =3D explode($s,$x);
+ } =09
+ =09
+ if ($ExtendFw!=3D=3Dfalse) { // Forward
+ $TagC =3D true;
+ foreach ($ExtendFw as $Tag) {
+ if (($Tag!=3D=3D'') and ($TagC!=3D=3Dfalse)) {
+ $TagO =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Tag,true,$PosEnd+1,true,1,false);
+ if ($TagO!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $TagC =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Tag,false,$TagO->PosEnd+1,true,0,=
+ if ($TagC!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $PosEnd =3D $TagC->PosEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ =09
+ if ($ExtendBw!=3D=3Dfalse) { // Backward
+ $TagO =3D true;
+ for ($i=3Dcount($ExtendBw)-1;$i>=3D0;$i--) {
+ $Tag =3D $ExtendBw[$i];
+ if (($Tag!=3D=3D'') and ($TagO!=3D=3Dfalse)) {
+ $TagC =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Tag,false,$PosBeg-1,false,1,false)=
+ if ($TagC!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $TagO =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Tag,true,$TagC->PosBeg-1,false,0,=
+ if ($TagO!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $PosBeg =3D $TagO->PosBeg;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ =09
+ } elseif ($ReturnSrc) {
+ =09
+ $RetVal =3D '';
+ if ($Loc->PosBeg>$TagO->PosEnd) $RetVal .=3D substr($Txt,$TagO->PosEnd=
+ if ($Loc->PosEnd<$TagC->PosBeg) $RetVal .=3D substr($Txt,max($Loc->Pos=
+ =09
+ }
+ $Loc->PosBeg =3D $PosBeg;
+ $Loc->PosEnd =3D $PosEnd;
+ return $RetVal;
+function tbs_Html_Max(&$Txt,&$Nbr) {
+// Limit the number of HTML chars
+ $pMax =3D strlen($Txt)-1;
+ $p=3D0;
+ $n=3D0;
+ $in =3D false;
+ $ok =3D true;
+ while ($ok) {
+ if ($in) {
+ if ($Txt[$p]=3D=3D=3D';') {
+ $in =3D false;
+ $n++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($Txt[$p]=3D=3D=3D'&') {
+ $in =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $n++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (($n>=3D$Nbr) or ($p>=3D$pMax)) {
+ $ok =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $p++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (($n>=3D$Nbr) and ($p<$pMax)) $Txt =3D substr($Txt,0,$p).'...';
+function tbs_Html_IsHtml(&$Txt) {
+// This function returns True if the text seems to have some HTML tags.
+ // Search for opening and closing tags
+ $pos =3D strpos($Txt,'<');
+ if ( ($pos!=3D=3Dfalse) and ($pos<strlen($Txt)-1) ) {
+ $pos =3D strpos($Txt,'>',$pos + 1);
+ if ( ($pos!=3D=3Dfalse) and ($pos<strlen($Txt)-1) ) {
+ $pos =3D strpos($Txt,'</',$pos + 1);
+ if ( ($pos!=3D=3Dfalse)and ($pos<strlen($Txt)-1) ) {
+ $pos =3D strpos($Txt,'>',$pos + 1);
+ if ($pos!=3D=3Dfalse) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Search for special char
+ $pos =3D strpos($Txt,'&');
+ if ( ($pos!=3D=3Dfalse) and ($pos<strlen($Txt)-1) ) {
+ $pos2 =3D strpos($Txt,';',$pos+1);
+ if ($pos2!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $x =3D substr($Txt,$pos+1,$pos2-$pos-1); // We extract the found text=
between the couple of tags
+ if (strlen($x)<=3D10) {
+ if (strpos($x,' ')=3D=3D=3Dfalse) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Look for a simple tag
+ $Loc1 =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,'BR',true,0,true,0,false); // line brea=
+ if ($Loc1!=3D=3Dfalse) return true;
+ $Loc1 =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,'HR',true,0,true,0,false); // horizonta=
l line
+ if ($Loc1!=3D=3Dfalse) return true;
+ return false;
+function tbs_Html_GetPart(&$Txt,$Tag,$WithTags=3Dfalse,$CancelIfEmpty=3D=
false) {
+// This function returns a part of the HTML document (HEAD or BODY)
+// The $CancelIfEmpty parameter enables to cancel the extraction when th=
e part is not found.
+ $x =3D false;
+ $LocOpen =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Tag,true,0,true,0,false);
+ if ($LocOpen!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $LocClose =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Tag,false,$LocOpen->PosEnd+1,true=
+ if ($LocClose!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($WithTags) {
+ $x =3D substr($Txt,$LocOpen->PosBeg,$LocClose->PosEnd - $LocOpen->Po=
sBeg + 1);
+ } else {
+ $x =3D substr($Txt,$LocOpen->PosEnd+1,$LocClose->PosBeg - $LocOpen->=
PosEnd - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($x=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($CancelIfEmpty) {
+ $x =3D $Txt;
+ } else {
+ $x =3D '';
+ }
+ }
+ return $x;
+function tbs_Html_InsertAttribute(&$Txt,&$Attr,$Pos) {
+ // Check for XHTML end characters
+ if ($Txt[$Pos-1]=3D=3D=3D'/') {
+ $Pos--;
+ if ($Txt[$Pos-1]=3D=3D=3D' ') $Pos--;
+ }
+ // Insert the parameter
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,$Attr,$Pos,0);
+function tbs_Html_FindTag(&$Txt,$Tag,$Opening,$PosBeg,$Forward,$Encaps,$=
WithPrm) {
+/* This function is a smarter issue to find an HTML tag.
+It enables to ignore full opening/closing couple of tag that could be in=
serted before the searched tag.
+It also enables to pass a number of encapsulations.
+To ignore encapsulation and opengin/closing just set $Encaps=3D0.
+ if ($Forward) {
+ $Pos =3D $PosBeg - 1;
+ } else {
+ $Pos =3D $PosBeg + 1;
+ }
+ $TagIsOpening =3D false;
+ $TagClosing =3D '/'.$Tag;
+ if ($Opening) {
+ $EncapsEnd =3D $Encaps;
+ } else {
+ $EncapsEnd =3D - $Encaps;
+ }
+ $EncapsCnt =3D 0;
+ $TagOk =3D false;
+ do {
+ // Look for the next tag def
+ if ($Forward) {
+ $Pos =3D strpos($Txt,'<',$Pos+1);
+ } else {
+ if ($Pos<=3D0) {
+ $Pos =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $Pos =3D strrpos(substr($Txt,0,$Pos - 1),'<');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Pos!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ // Check the name of the tag
+ if (strcasecmp(substr($Txt,$Pos+1,strlen($Tag)),$Tag)=3D=3D0) {
+ $PosX =3D $Pos + 1 + strlen($Tag); // The next char
+ $TagOk =3D true;
+ $TagIsOpening =3D true;
+ } elseif (strcasecmp(substr($Txt,$Pos+1,strlen($TagClosing)),$TagClos=
ing)=3D=3D0) {
+ $PosX =3D $Pos + 1 + strlen($TagClosing); // The next char
+ $TagOk =3D true;
+ $TagIsOpening =3D false;
+ }
+ if ($TagOk) {
+ // Check the next char
+ if (($Txt[$PosX]=3D=3D=3D' ') or ($Txt[$PosX]=3D=3D=3D'>')) {
+ // Check the encapsulation count
+ if ($EncapsEnd=3D=3D0) {
+ // No encaplusation check
+ if ($TagIsOpening!=3D=3D$Opening) $TagOk =3D false;
+ } else {
+ // Count the number of encapsulation
+ if ($TagIsOpening) {
+ $EncapsCnt++;
+ } else {
+ $EncapsCnt--;
+ }
+ // Check if it's the expected count
+ if ($EncapsCnt!=3D$EncapsEnd) $TagOk =3D false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $TagOk =3D false;
+ }
+ } //--> if ($TagOk)
+ }
+ } while (($Pos!=3D=3Dfalse) and ($TagOk=3D=3D=3Dfalse));
+ // Search for the end of the tag
+ if ($TagOk) {
+ $Loc =3D& new clsTbsLocator;
+ if ($WithPrm) {
+ $PosEnd =3D 0;
+ tbs_Locator_PrmRead($Txt,$PosX,true,'\'"','<','>',$Loc,$PosEnd);
+ } else {
+ $PosEnd =3D strpos($Txt,'>',$PosX);
+ if ($PosEnd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $TagOk =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Result
+ if ($TagOk) {
+ $Loc->PosBeg =3D $Pos;
+ $Loc->PosEnd =3D $PosEnd;
+ return $Loc;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function tbs_Html_MergeItems(&$Txt,&$Loc,&$SelValue,&$SelArray,&$NewEnd)=
+// Merge items of a list, or radio or check buttons.
+// At this point, the Locator is already merged with $SelValue.
+ if ($Loc->PrmLst['selected']=3D=3D=3Dtrue) {
+ $IsList =3D true;
+ $MainTag =3D 'SELECT';
+ $ItemTag =3D 'OPTION';
+ $ItemPrm =3D 'selected';
+ } else {
+ $IsList =3D false;
+ $MainTag =3D 'FORM';
+ $ItemTag =3D 'INPUT';
+ $ItemPrm =3D 'checked';
+ }
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['selbounds'])) $MainTag =3D $Loc->PrmLst['selbou=
+ $ItemPrmZ =3D ' '.$ItemPrm.'=3D"'.$ItemPrm.'"';
+ $TagO =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$MainTag,true,$Loc->PosBeg-1,false,0,fa=
+ if ($TagO!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $TagC =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$MainTag,false,$Loc->PosBeg,true,0,fal=
+ if ($TagC!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ // We get the main block without the main tags
+ $MainSrc =3D substr($Txt,$TagO->PosEnd+1,$TagC->PosBeg - $TagO->PosEn=
d -1);
+ if ($IsList) {
+ // Information about the item that was used for the TBS field
+ $Item0Beg =3D $Loc->PosBeg - ($TagO->PosEnd+1);
+ $Item0Src =3D '';
+ $Item0Ok =3D false;
+ } else {
+ // We delete the merged value
+ $MainSrc =3D substr_replace($MainSrc,'',$Loc->PosBeg - ($TagO->PosEn=
d+1), strlen($SelValue));
+ }
+ // Now, we going to scan all of the item tags
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ $SelNbr =3D 0;
+ while ($ItemLoc =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($MainSrc,$ItemTag,true,$Pos,true=
,0,true)) {
+ // we get the value of the item
+ $ItemValue =3D false;
+ if ($IsList) {
+ // Look for the end of the item
+ $OptCPos =3D strpos($MainSrc,'<',$ItemLoc->PosEnd+1);
+ if ($OptCPos=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $OptCPos =3D strlen($MainSrc);
+ if (($Item0Ok=3D=3D=3Dfalse) and ($ItemLoc->PosBeg<$Item0Beg) and (=
$Item0Beg<=3D$OptCPos)) {
+ // If it's the original item, we save it and delete it.
+ if (($OptCPos+1<strlen($MainSrc)) and ($MainSrc[$OptCPos+1]=3D=3D=3D=
'/')) {
+ $OptCPos =3D strpos($MainSrc,'>',$OptCPos);
+ if ($OptCPos=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $OptCPos =3D strlen($MainSrc);
+ } else {
+ $OptCPos++;
+ }
+ }
+ $Item0Src =3D substr($MainSrc,$ItemLoc->PosBeg,$OptCPos-$ItemLoc->=
+ $MainSrc =3D substr_replace($MainSrc,'',$ItemLoc->PosBeg,strlen($I=
+ if (!isset($ItemLoc->PrmLst[$ItemPrm])) tbs_Html_InsertAttribute($=
+ $OptCPos =3D min($ItemLoc->PosBeg,strlen($MainSrc)-1);
+ $Select =3D false;
+ $Item0Ok =3D true;
+ } else {
+ if (isset($ItemLoc->PrmLst['value'])) {
+ $ItemValue =3D $ItemLoc->PrmLst['value'];
+ } else { // The value of the option is its caption.
+ $ItemValue =3D substr($MainSrc,$ItemLoc->PosEnd+1,$OptCPos - $Ite=
mLoc->PosEnd - 1);
+ $ItemValue =3D str_replace(chr(9),' ',$ItemValue);
+ $ItemValue =3D str_replace(chr(10),' ',$ItemValue);
+ $ItemValue =3D str_replace(chr(13),' ',$ItemValue);
+ $ItemValue =3D trim($ItemValue);
+ }
+ }
+ $Pos =3D $OptCPos;
+ } else {
+ if ((isset($ItemLoc->PrmLst['name'])) and (isset($ItemLoc->PrmLst['=
value']))) {
+ if (strcasecmp($Loc->PrmLst['selected'],$ItemLoc->PrmLst['name'])=3D=
=3D0) {
+ $ItemValue =3D $ItemLoc->PrmLst['value'];
+ }
+ }
+ $Pos =3D $ItemLoc->PosEnd;
+ }
+ if ($ItemValue!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ // we look if we select the item
+ $Select =3D false;
+ if ($SelArray=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if (strcasecmp($ItemValue,$SelValue)=3D=3D0) {
+ if ($SelNbr=3D=3D0) $Select =3D true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (array_search($ItemValue,$SelArray,false)!=3D=3Dfalse) $Select =
=3D true;
+ }
+ // Select the item
+ if ($Select) {
+ if (!isset($ItemLoc->PrmLst[$ItemPrm])) {
+ tbs_Html_InsertAttribute($MainSrc,$ItemPrmZ,$ItemLoc->PosEnd);
+ $Pos =3D $Pos + strlen($ItemPrmZ);
+ if ($IsList and ($ItemLoc->PosBeg<$Item0Beg)) $Item0Beg =3D $Item=
0Beg + strlen($ItemPrmZ);
+ }
+ $SelNbr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } //--> while ($ItemLoc =3D ... ) {
+ if ($IsList) {
+ // Add the original item if it's not found
+ if (($SelArray=3D=3D=3Dfalse) and ($SelNbr=3D=3D0)) $MainSrc =3D $Ma=
+ $NewEnd =3D $TagO->PosEnd;
+ } else {
+ $NewEnd =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ }
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,$MainSrc,$TagO->PosEnd+1,$TagC->PosBeg-$=
+ } //--> if ($TagC!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ } //--> if ($TagO!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+function tbs_Cache_IsValide($CacheFile,$TimeOut) {
+// Return True if there is a existing valid cache for the given file id.
+ if (file_exists($CacheFile)) {
+ if (time()-filemtime($CacheFile)>$TimeOut) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function tbs_Cache_File($Dir,$CacheId,$Mask) {
+// Return the cache file path for a given Id.
+ if (strlen($Dir)>0) {
+ if ($Dir[strlen($Dir)-1]<>'/') {
+ $Dir .=3D '/';
+ }
+ }
+ return $Dir.str_replace('*',$CacheId,$Mask);
+function tbs_Cache_DeleteAll($Dir,$Mask) {
+ if (strlen($Dir)=3D=3D0) {
+ $Dir =3D '.';
+ }
+ if ($Dir[strlen($Dir)-1]<>'/') {
+ $Dir .=3D '/';
+ }
+ $DirObj =3D dir($Dir);
+ $Nbr =3D 0;
+ $PosL =3D strpos($Mask,'*');
+ $PosR =3D strlen($Mask) - $PosL - 1;
+ // Get the list of cache files
+ $FileLst =3D array();
+ while ($FileName =3D $DirObj->read()) {
+ $FullPath =3D $Dir.$FileName;
+ if (strtolower(filetype($FullPath))=3D=3D=3D'file') {
+ if (strlen($FileName)>=3Dstrlen($Mask)) {
+ if ((substr($FileName,0,$PosL)=3D=3D=3Dsubstr($Mask,0,$PosL)) and (s=
ubstr($FileName,-$PosR)=3D=3D=3Dsubstr($Mask,-$PosR))) {
+ $FileLst[] =3D $FullPath;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Delete all listed files
+ foreach ($FileLst as $FullPath) {
+ if (@unlink($FullPath)) $Nbr++;
+ }
+ return $Nbr;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/lib/tbs_=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/lib/tbs_cla=
ss_php5.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/lib/tbs_cla=
ss_php5.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,3265 @@
+TinyButStrong - Template Engine for Pro and Beginners
+Version : 3.2.0 PHP >=3D 5.0
+Date : 2006-11-26
+Web site : www.tinybutstrong.com
+Author : skrol29 en freesurf.fr
+This library is free software.
+You can redistribute and modify it even for commercial usage,
+but you must accept and respect the LPGL License version 2.1.
+// Check PHP version
+if (PHP_VERSION<'4.0.6') echo '<br><b>TinyButStrong Error</b> (PHP Versi=
on Check) : Your PHP version is '.PHP_VERSION.' while TinyButStrong needs=
PHP version 4.0.6 or higher.';
+if (!is_callable('property_exists')) {
+ function property_exists(&$obj,$prop) {return true;}
+// Render flags
+define('TBS_NOTHING', 0);
+define('TBS_OUTPUT', 1);
+define('TBS_EXIT', 2);
+// Plug-ins actions
+define('TBS_INSTALL', -1);
+define('TBS_ISINSTALLED', -3);
+// *********************************************
+class clsTbsLocator {
+ public $PosBeg =3D false;
+ public $PosEnd =3D false;
+ public $Enlarged =3D false;
+ public $FullName =3D false;
+ public $SubName =3D '';
+ public $SubOk =3D false;
+ public $SubLst =3D array();
+ public $SubNbr =3D 0;
+ public $PrmLst =3D array();
+ public $PrmIfNbr =3D false;
+ public $MagnetId =3D false;
+ public $BlockFound =3D false;
+ public $FirstMerge =3D true;
+ public $ConvProtect =3D true;
+ public $ConvHtml =3D true;
+ public $ConvMode =3D 1; // Normal
+ public $ConvBr =3D true;
+// *********************************************
+class clsTbsDataSource {
+public $Type =3D false;
+public $SubType =3D 0;
+public $SrcId =3D false;
+public $Query =3D '';
+public $RecSet =3D false;
+public $RecKey =3D '';
+public $RecNum =3D 0;
+public $RecNumInit =3D 0;
+public $RecSaving =3D false;
+public $RecSaved =3D false;
+public $RecBuffer =3D false;
+public $CurrRec =3D false;
+public $TBS =3D false;
+public $OnDataOk =3D false;
+public $OnDataPrm =3D false;
+public $OnDataPrmDone =3D array();
+public $OnDataPi =3D false;
+function DataAlert($Msg) {
+ return $this->TBS->meth_Misc_Alert('when merging block '.$this->TBS->_C=
+function DataPrepare(&$SrcId,&$TBS) {
+ $this->SrcId =3D& $SrcId;
+ $this->TBS =3D& $TBS;
+ $FctInfo =3D false;
+ $FctObj =3D false;
+ if (is_array($SrcId)) {
+ $this->Type =3D 0;
+ } elseif (is_resource($SrcId)) {
+ $Key =3D get_resource_type($SrcId);
+ switch ($Key) {
+ case 'mysql link' : $this->Type =3D 6; break;
+ case 'mysql link persistent' : $this->Type =3D 6; break;
+ case 'mysql result' : $this->Type =3D 6; $this->SubType =3D 1=
; break;
+ case 'pgsql link' : $this->Type =3D 7; break;
+ case 'pgsql link persistent' : $this->Type =3D 7; break;
+ case 'pgsql result' : $this->Type =3D 7; $this->SubType =3D 1=
; break;
+ case 'sqlite database' : $this->Type =3D 8; break;
+ case 'sqlite database (persistent)' : $this->Type =3D 8; break;
+ case 'sqlite result' : $this->Type =3D 8; $this->SubType =3D 1=
; break;
+ default :
+ $FctInfo =3D $Key;
+ $FctCat =3D 'r';
+ }
+ } elseif (is_string($SrcId)) {
+ switch (strtolower($SrcId)) {
+ case 'array' : $this->Type =3D 0; $this->SubType =3D 1; break;
+ case 'clear' : $this->Type =3D 0; $this->SubType =3D 3; break;
+ case 'mysql' : $this->Type =3D 6; $this->SubType =3D 2; break;
+ case 'text' : $this->Type =3D 2; break;
+ case 'num' : $this->Type =3D 1; break;
+ default :
+ $FctInfo =3D $SrcId;
+ $FctCat =3D 'k';
+ }
+ } elseif (is_object($SrcId)) {
+ $FctInfo =3D get_class($SrcId);
+ $FctCat =3D 'o';
+ $FctObj =3D& $SrcId;=20
+ $this->SrcId =3D& $SrcId;
+ } elseif ($SrcId=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->DataAlert('the specified source is set to FALSE. Maybe your con=
nection has failed.');
+ } else {
+ $this->DataAlert('unsupported variable type : \''.gettype($SrcId).'\'.=
+ }
+ if ($FctInfo!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $ErrMsg =3D false;
+ if ($TBS->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($FctInfo,$FctCat,$FctObj,$ErrMsg)) {
+ $this->Type =3D $FctInfo['type'];
+ if ($this->Type!=3D=3D5) {
+ if ($this->Type=3D=3D=3D4) { //=20
+ $this->FctPrm =3D array(false,0);
+ $this->SrcId =3D& $FctInfo['open'][0];
+ }
+ $this->FctOpen =3D& $FctInfo['open'];
+ $this->FctFetch =3D& $FctInfo['fetch'];
+ $this->FctClose =3D& $FctInfo['close'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->Type =3D $this->DataAlert($ErrMsg);
+ }
+ }
+ return ($this->Type!=3D=3Dfalse);
+function DataOpen(&$Query) {
+ // Init values
+ unset($this->CurrRec); $this->CurrRec =3D true;
+ if ($this->RecSaved) {
+ $this->FirstRec =3D true;
+ unset($this->RecKey); $this->RecKey =3D '';
+ $this->RecNum =3D $this->RecNumInit;
+ if ($this->OnDataOk) $this->OnDataArgs[1] =3D& $this->CurrRec;
+ return true;
+ }
+ unset($this->RecSet); $this->RecSet =3D false;
+ $this->RecNumInit =3D 0;
+ $this->RecNum =3D 0;
+ if (isset($this->TBS->_piOnData)) {
+ $this->OnDataPi =3D true;
+ $this->OnDataPiRef =3D& $this->TBS->_piOnData;
+ $this->OnDataOk =3D true;
+ }
+ if ($this->OnDataOk) {
+ $this->OnDataArgs =3D array();
+ $this->OnDataArgs[0] =3D& $this->TBS->_CurrBlock;
+ $this->OnDataArgs[1] =3D& $this->CurrRec;
+ $this->OnDataArgs[2] =3D& $this->RecNum;
+ $this->OnDataArgs[3] =3D& $this->TBS;
+ }
+ switch ($this->Type) {
+ case 0: // Array
+ if (($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D1) and (is_string($Query))) $this->SubType=
=3D 2;
+ if ($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D0) {
+ $this->RecSet =3D& $this->SrcId;
+ } elseif ($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D1) {
+ if (is_array($Query)) {
+ $this->RecSet =3D& $Query;
+ } else {
+ $this->DataAlert('type \''.gettype($Query).'\' not supported for the=
Query Parameter going with \'array\' Source Type.');
+ }
+ } elseif ($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D2) {
+ // TBS query string for array and objects, syntax: "var[item1][item2]=
+ $x =3D trim($Query);
+ $z =3D chr(0);
+ $x =3D str_replace(']->',$z,$x);
+ $x =3D str_replace('][',$z,$x);
+ $x =3D str_replace('->',$z,$x);
+ $x =3D str_replace('[',$z,$x);
+ if (substr($x,strlen($x)-1,1)=3D=3D=3D']') $x =3D substr($x,0,strlen(=
+ $ItemLst =3D explode($z,$x);
+ $ItemNbr =3D count($ItemLst);
+ $Item0 =3D& $ItemLst[0];
+ // Check first item
+ if ($Item0[0]=3D=3D=3D'~') {
+ $Item0 =3D substr($Item0,1);
+ if ($this->TBS->ObjectRef!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $Var =3D& $this->TBS->ObjectRef;
+ $i =3D 0;
+ } else {
+ $i =3D $this->DataAlert('invalid query \''.$Query.'\' because prope=
rty ObjectRef is not set.');
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (isset($GLOBALS[$Item0])) {
+ $Var =3D& $GLOBALS[$Item0];
+ $i =3D 1;
+ } else {
+ $i =3D $this->DataAlert('invalid query \''.$Query.'\' because globa=
l variable \''.$Item0.'\' is not found.');
+ }
+ }
+ // Check sub-items
+ $Empty =3D false;
+ while (($i!=3D=3Dfalse) and ($i<$ItemNbr) and ($Empty=3D=3D=3Dfalse))=
+ $x =3D $ItemLst[$i];
+ if (is_array($Var)) {
+ if (isset($Var[$x])) {
+ $Var =3D& $Var[$x];
+ } else {
+ $Empty =3D true;
+ }
+ } elseif (is_object($Var)) {
+ $ArgLst =3D tbs_Misc_CheckArgLst($x);
+ if (method_exists($Var,$x)) {
+ $f =3D array(&$Var,$x); unset($Var);
+ $Var =3D call_user_func_array($f,$ArgLst);
+ } elseif (isset($Var->$x)) {
+ $Var =3D& $Var->$x;
+ } else {
+ $Empty =3D true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $i =3D $this->DataAlert('invalid query \''.$Query.'\' because item =
\''.$ItemLst[$i].'\' is neither an Array nor an Object. Its type is \''.g=
+ }
+ if ($i!=3D=3Dfalse) $i++;
+ }
+ // Assign data
+ if ($i!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($Empty) {
+ $this->RecSet =3D array();
+ } else {
+ $this->RecSet =3D& $Var;
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif ($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D3) { // Clear
+ $this->RecSet =3D array();
+ }
+ // First record
+ if ($this->RecSet!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->RecNbr =3D $this->RecNumInit + count($this->RecSet);
+ $this->FirstRec =3D true;
+ $this->RecSaved =3D true;
+ $this->RecSaving =3D false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6: // MySQL
+ switch ($this->SubType) {
+ case 0: $this->RecSet =3D @mysql_query($Query,$this->SrcId); break;
+ case 1: $this->RecSet =3D $this->SrcId; break;
+ case 2: $this->RecSet =3D @mysql_query($Query); break;
+ }
+ if ($this->RecSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $this->DataAlert('MySql error message=
when opening the query: '.mysql_error());
+ break;
+ case 1: // Num
+ $this->RecSet =3D true;
+ $this->NumMin =3D 1;
+ $this->NumMax =3D 1;
+ $this->NumStep =3D 1;
+ if (is_array($Query)) {
+ if (isset($Query['min'])) $this->NumMin =3D $Query['min'];
+ if (isset($Query['step'])) $this->NumStep =3D $Query['step'];
+ if (isset($Query['max'])) {
+ $this->NumMax =3D $Query['max'];
+ } else {
+ $this->RecSet =3D $this->DataAlert('the \'num\' source is an array t=
hat has no value for the \'max\' key.');
+ }
+ if ($this->NumStep=3D=3D0) $this->RecSet =3D $this->DataAlert('the \'=
num\' source is an array that has a step value set to zero.');
+ } else {
+ $this->NumMax =3D ceil($Query);
+ }
+ if ($this->RecSet) {
+ if ($this->NumStep>0) {
+ $this->NumVal =3D $this->NumMin;
+ } else {
+ $this->NumVal =3D $this->NumMax;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2: // Text
+ if (is_string($Query)) {
+ $this->RecSet =3D& $Query;
+ } else {
+ $this->RecSet =3D ''.$Query;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3: // Custom function
+ $FctOpen =3D $this->FctOpen;
+ $this->RecSet =3D $FctOpen($this->SrcId,$Query);
+ if ($this->RecSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $this->DataAlert('function '.$FctOpen=
.'() has failed to open query {'.$Query.'}');
+ break;
+ case 4: // Custom method from ObjectRef
+ $this->RecSet =3D call_user_func_array($this->FctOpen,array(&$this->Sr=
+ if ($this->RecSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $this->DataAlert('method '.get_class(=
$this->FctOpen[0]).'::'.$this->FctOpen[1].'() has failed to open query {'=
+ break;
+ case 5: // Custom method of object
+ $this->RecSet =3D $this->SrcId->tbsdb_open($this->SrcId,$Query);
+ if ($this->RecSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $this->DataAlert('method '.get_class(=
$this->SrcId).'::tbsdb_open() has failed to open query {'.$Query.'}');
+ break;
+ case 7: // PostgreSQL
+ switch ($this->SubType) {
+ case 0: $this->RecSet =3D @pg_query($this->SrcId,$Query); break;
+ case 1: $this->RecSet =3D $this->SrcId; break;
+ }
+ if ($this->RecSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $this->DataAlert('PostgreSQL error me=
ssage when opening the query: '.pg_last_error($this->SrcId));
+ break;
+ case 8: // SQLite
+ switch ($this->SubType) {
+ case 0: $this->RecSet =3D @sqlite_query($this->SrcId,$Query); break;
+ case 1: $this->RecSet =3D $this->SrcId; break;
+ }
+ if ($this->RecSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $this->DataAlert('SQLite error messag=
e when opening the query:'.sqlite_error_string(sqlite_last_error($this->S=
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($this->Type=3D=3D=3D0) {
+ unset($this->RecKey); $this->RecKey =3D '';
+ } else {
+ if ($this->RecSaving) {
+ unset($this->RecBuffer); $this->RecBuffer =3D array();
+ }
+ $this->RecKey =3D& $this->RecNum; // Not array: RecKey =3D RecNum
+ }
+ return ($this->RecSet!=3D=3Dfalse);
+function DataFetch() {
+ if ($this->RecSaved) {
+ if ($this->RecNum<$this->RecNbr) {
+ if ($this->FirstRec) {
+ if ($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D2) { // From string
+ reset($this->RecSet);
+ $this->RecKey =3D key($this->RecSet);
+ $this->CurrRec =3D& $this->RecSet[$this->RecKey];
+ } else {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D reset($this->RecSet);
+ $this->RecKey =3D key($this->RecSet);
+ }
+ $this->FirstRec =3D false;
+ } else {
+ if ($this->SubType=3D=3D=3D2) { // From string
+ next($this->RecSet);
+ $this->RecKey =3D key($this->RecSet);
+ $this->CurrRec =3D& $this->RecSet[$this->RecKey];
+ } else {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D next($this->RecSet);
+ $this->RecKey =3D key($this->RecSet);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((!is_array($this->CurrRec)) and (!is_object($this->CurrRec))) $th=
is->CurrRec =3D array('key'=3D>$this->RecKey, 'val'=3D>$this->CurrRec);
+ $this->RecNum++;
+ if ($this->OnDataOk) {
+ if ($this->OnDataPrm) call_user_func_array($this->OnDataPrmRef,$this=
+ if ($this->OnDataPi) $this->TBS->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->OnDataPiR=
+ if ($this->SubType!=3D=3D2) $this->RecSet[$this->RecKey] =3D $this->=
CurrRec; // save modifications because array reading is done without refe=
rence :(
+ }
+ } else {
+ unset($this->CurrRec); $this->CurrRec =3D false;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ switch ($this->Type) {
+ case 6: // MySQL
+ $this->CurrRec =3D mysql_fetch_assoc($this->RecSet);
+ break;
+ case 1: // Num
+ if (($this->NumVal>=3D$this->NumMin) and ($this->NumVal<=3D$this->NumM=
ax)) {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D array('val'=3D>$this->NumVal);
+ $this->NumVal +=3D $this->NumStep;
+ } else {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2: // Text
+ if ($this->RecNum=3D=3D=3D0) {
+ if ($this->RecSet=3D=3D=3D'') {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D& $this->RecSet;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->CurrRec =3D false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3: // Custom function
+ $FctFetch =3D $this->FctFetch;
+ $this->CurrRec =3D $FctFetch($this->RecSet,$this->RecNum+1);
+ break;
+ case 4: // Custom method from ObjectRef
+ $this->FctPrm[0] =3D& $this->RecSet; $this->FctPrm[1] =3D $this->RecNu=
+ $this->CurrRec =3D call_user_func_array($this->FctFetch,$this->FctPrm)=
+ break;
+ case 5: // Custom method of object
+ $this->CurrRec =3D $this->SrcId->tbsdb_fetch($this->RecSet,$this->RecN=
+ break;
+ case 7: // PostgreSQL
+ $this->CurrRec =3D pg_fetch_assoc($this->RecSet);
+ break;
+ case 8: // SQLite
+ $this->CurrRec =3D sqlite_fetch_array($this->RecSet,SQLITE_ASSOC);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Set the row count
+ if ($this->CurrRec!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->RecNum++;
+ if ($this->OnDataOk) {
+ $this->OnDataArgs[1] =3D& $this->CurrRec; // Reference has changed if=
+ if ($this->OnDataPrm) call_user_func_array($this->OnDataPrmRef,$this-=
+ if ($this->OnDataPi) $this->TBS->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->OnDataPiRe=
+ }
+ if ($this->RecSaving) $this->RecBuffer[$this->RecKey] =3D $this->CurrR=
+ }
+function DataClose() {
+ $this->OnDataOk =3D false;
+ $this->OnDataPrm =3D false;
+ $this->OnDataPi =3D false;
+ if ($this->RecSaved) return;
+ switch ($this->Type) {
+ case 6: mysql_free_result($this->RecSet); break;
+ case 3: $FctClose=3D$this->FctClose; $FctClose($this->RecSet); break;
+ case 4: call_user_func_array($this->FctClose,array(&$this->RecSet)); br=
+ case 5: $this->SrcId->tbsdb_close($this->RecSet); break;
+ case 7: pg_free_result($this->RecSet); break;
+ }
+ if ($this->RecSaving) {
+ $this->RecSet =3D& $this->RecBuffer;
+ $this->RecNbr =3D $this->RecNumInit + count($this->RecSet);
+ $this->RecSaving =3D false;
+ $this->RecSaved =3D true;
+ }
+// *********************************************
+class clsTinyButStrong {
+// Public properties
+public $Source =3D '';
+public $Render =3D 3;
+public $TplVars =3D array();
+public $ObjectRef =3D false;
+public $NoErr =3D false;
+// Undocumented (can change at any version)
+public $Version =3D '3.2.0';
+public $HtmlCharSet =3D '';
+public $TurboBlock =3D true;
+public $VarPrefix =3D '';
+public $Protect =3D true;
+public $ErrCount =3D 0;
+// Private
+public $_LastFile =3D '';
+public $_HtmlCharFct =3D false;
+public $_Mode =3D 0;
+public $_CurrBlock =3D '';
+public $_ChrOpen =3D '[';
+public $_ChrClose =3D ']';
+public $_ChrVal =3D '[val]';
+public $_ChrProtect =3D '[';
+public $_PlugIns =3D array();
+public $_PlugIns_Ok =3D false;
+public $_piOnFrm_Ok =3D false;
+function clsTinyButStrong($Chrs=3D'',$VarPrefix=3D'') {
+ if ($Chrs!=3D=3D'') {
+ $Ok =3D false;
+ $Len =3D strlen($Chrs);
+ if ($Len=3D=3D=3D2) { // For compatibility
+ $this->_ChrOpen =3D $Chrs[0];
+ $this->_ChrClose =3D $Chrs[1];
+ $Ok =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $Pos =3D strpos($Chrs,',');
+ if (($Pos!=3D=3Dfalse) and ($Pos>0) and ($Pos<$Len-1)) {
+ $this->_ChrOpen =3D substr($Chrs,0,$Pos);
+ $this->_ChrClose =3D substr($Chrs,$Pos+1);
+ $Ok =3D true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Ok) {
+ $this->_ChrVal =3D $this->_ChrOpen.'val'.$this->_ChrClose;
+ $this->_ChrProtect =3D '&#'.ord($this->_ChrOpen[0]).';'.substr($this-=
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with clsTinyButStrong() function','value \''.=
$Chrs.'\' is a bad tag delimitor definition.');
+ }
+ }
+ $this->VarPrefix =3D $VarPrefix;
+ // Liaison avec variables globales
+ global $_TBS_FrmMultiLst, $_TBS_FrmSimpleLst, $_TBS_UserFctLst, $_TBS_A=
+ if (!isset($_TBS_FrmMultiLst)) $_TBS_FrmMultiLst =3D array();
+ if (!isset($_TBS_FrmSimpleLst)) $_TBS_FrmSimpleLst =3D array();
+ if (!isset($_TBS_UserFctLst)) $_TBS_UserFctLst =3D array();
+ $this->_FrmMultiLst =3D& $_TBS_FrmMultiLst;
+ $this->_FrmSimpleLst =3D& $_TBS_FrmSimpleLst;
+ $this->_UserFctLst =3D& $_TBS_UserFctLst;=20
+ // Auto-installing plug-ins
+ if (isset($_TBS_AutoInstallPlugIns)) foreach ($_TBS_AutoInstallPlugIns =
as $pi) $this->PlugIn(TBS_INSTALL,$pi);
+// Public methods
+function LoadTemplate($File,$HtmlCharSet=3D'') {
+ $Ok =3D true;
+ if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok) {
+ if (isset($this->_piBeforeLoadTemplate) or isset($this->_piAfterLoadTe=
mplate)) {
+ // Plug-ins
+ $ArgLst =3D func_get_args();
+ $ArgLst[0] =3D& $File;
+ $ArgLst[1] =3D& $HtmlCharSet;
+ if (isset($this->_piBeforeLoadTemplate)) $Ok =3D $this->meth_PlugIn_R=
+ }
+ }
+ // Load the file
+ if ($Ok!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $x =3D '';
+ if (!tbs_Misc_GetFile($x,$File,$this->_LastFile)) return $this->meth_M=
isc_Alert('with LoadTemplate() method','file \''.$File.'\' is not found o=
r not readable.');
+ // CharSet analysis
+ if ($HtmlCharSet=3D=3D=3D'+') {
+ $this->Source .=3D $x;
+ } else {
+ $this->Source =3D $x;
+ if ($this->_Mode=3D=3D0) {
+ $this->_LastFile =3D $File;
+ $this->_HtmlCharFct =3D false;
+ $this->TplVars =3D array();
+ if (is_string($HtmlCharSet)) {
+ if (($HtmlCharSet!=3D=3D'') and ($HtmlCharSet[0]=3D=3D=3D'=3D')) {
+ $ErrMsg =3D false;
+ $HtmlCharSet =3D substr($HtmlCharSet,1);
+ if ($this->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($HtmlCharSet,'f',$ErrMsg,$ErrMsg=
)) {
+ $this->_HtmlCharFct =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with LoadTemplate() method',$ErrMsg);
+ $HtmlCharSet =3D '';
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif ($HtmlCharSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->Protect =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with LoadTemplate() method','the CharSet ar=
gument is not a string.');
+ $HtmlCharSet =3D '';
+ }
+ $this->HtmlCharSet =3D $HtmlCharSet;
+ }
+ }
+ // Automatic fields and blocks
+ $this->meth_Merge_AutoOn($this->Source,'onload',true,true);
+ $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($this->Source,true,'onload');
+ }
+ // Plug-ins
+ if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok and isset($ArgLst) and isset($this->_piAfterLoad=
Template)) $Ok =3D $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piAfterLoadTemplate,=
+ return $Ok;
+function GetBlockSource($BlockName,$List=3Dfalse,$KeepDefTags=3Dtrue) {
+ $RetVal =3D array();
+ $Nbr =3D 0;
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ $FieldOutside =3D false;
+ $P1 =3D false;
+ $Mode =3D ($KeepDefTags) ? 3 : 2;
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($this->Source,$BlockN=
ame,$Pos,'.',$Mode,$P1,$FieldOutside)) {
+ $P1 =3D false;
+ $Nbr++;
+ $RetVal[$Nbr] =3D $Loc->BlockSrc;
+ if (!$List) return $RetVal[$Nbr];
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ }
+ if ($List) {
+ return $RetVal;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function MergeBlock($BlockLst,$SrcId,$Query=3D'') {
+ if ($SrcId=3D=3D=3D'cond') {
+ $Nbr =3D 0;
+ $BlockLst =3D explode(',',$BlockLst);
+ foreach ($BlockLst as $Block) {
+ $Block =3D trim($Block);
+ if ($Block!=3D=3D'') $Nbr +=3D $this->meth_Merge_AutoOn($this->Source=
+ }
+ return $Nbr;
+ } else {
+ return $this->meth_Merge_Block($this->Source,$BlockLst,$SrcId,$Query,f=
+ }
+function MergeField($NameLst,$Value=3Dnull,$IsUserFct=3Dfalse) {
+ $FctCheck =3D $IsUserFct;
+ if ($PlugIn =3D isset($this->_piOnMergeField)) $ArgPi =3D array('','',&=
+ $SubStart =3D 0;
+ $Ok =3D true;
+ $NameLst =3D explode(',',$NameLst);
+ foreach ($NameLst as $Name) {
+ $Name =3D trim($Name);
+ if ($Name=3D=3D=3D'') continue;
+ if ($this->meth_Merge_AutoAny($Name)) continue;
+ if ($PlugIn) $ArgPi[0] =3D $Name;
+ $PosBeg =3D 0;
+ // Initilize the user function (only once)
+ if ($FctCheck) {
+ $FctInfo =3D $Value;
+ $ErrMsg =3D false;
+ if (!$this->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($FctInfo,'f',$ErrMsg,$ErrMsg)) ret=
urn $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with MergeField() method',$ErrMsg);
+ $FctArg =3D array('','');
+ $SubStart =3D false;
+ $FctCheck =3D false;
+ }
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($this->Source,$Name,$PosBe=
g,'.')) {
+ // Apply user function
+ if ($IsUserFct) {
+ $FctArg[0] =3D& $Loc->SubName; $FctArg[1] =3D& $Loc->PrmLst;
+ $Value =3D call_user_func_array($FctInfo,$FctArg);
+ }
+ // Plug-ins
+ if ($PlugIn) {
+ $ArgPi[1] =3D $Loc->SubName; $ArgPi[3] =3D& $Loc->PrmLst; $ArgPi[5] =
=3D& $Loc->PosBeg; $ArgPi[6] =3D& $Loc->PosEnd;
+ $Ok =3D $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnMergeField,$ArgPi);
+ }
+ // Merge the field
+ if ($Ok) {
+ $PosBeg =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($this->Source,$Loc,$Value,$S=
+ } else {
+ $PosBeg =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function Show($Render=3Dfalse) {
+ $Ok =3D true;
+ if ($Render=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $Render =3D $this->Render;
+ if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok) {
+ if (isset($this->_piBeforeShow) or isset($this->_piAfterShow)) {
+ // Plug-ins
+ $ArgLst =3D func_get_args();
+ $ArgLst[0] =3D& $Render;
+ if (isset($this->_piBeforeShow)) $Ok =3D $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($t=
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Ok!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->meth_Merge_AutoAny('onshow');
+ $this->meth_Merge_AutoAny('var');
+ }
+ if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok and isset($ArgLst) and isset($this->_piAfterShow=
)) $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piAfterShow,$ArgLst);
+ if (($Render & TBS_OUTPUT)=3D=3DTBS_OUTPUT) echo $this->Source;
+ if (($this->_Mode=3D=3D0) and (($Render & TBS_EXIT)=3D=3DTBS_EXIT)) exi=
+ return $Ok;
+function PlugIn($Prm1,$Prm2=3D0) {
+ if (is_numeric($Prm1)) {
+ switch ($Prm1) {
+ $PlugInId =3D $Prm2;
+ // Try to install the plug-in
+ if (isset($this->_PlugIns[$PlugInId])) {
+ return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with PlugIn() method','plug-in \''.$P=
lugInId.'\' is already installed.');
+ } else {
+ $ArgLst =3D func_get_args();
+ array_shift($ArgLst); array_shift($ArgLst);
+ return $this->meth_PlugIn_Install($PlugInId,$ArgLst,false);
+ }
+ // Check if the plug-in is installed
+ return isset($this->_PlugIns[$Prm2]);
+ case -4: // Deactivate special plug-ins
+ $this->_PlugIns_Ok_save =3D $this->_PlugIns_Ok;
+ $this->_PlugIns_Ok =3D false;
+ return true;
+ case -5: // Deactivate OnFormat
+ $this->_piOnFrm_Ok_save =3D $this->_piOnFrm_Ok;
+ $this->_piOnFrm_Ok =3D false;
+ return true;
+ case -10: // Restore
+ $this->_PlugIns_Ok =3D $this->_PlugIns_Ok_save;
+ $this->_piOnFrm_Ok =3D $this->_piOnFrm_Ok_save;
+ return true;
+ }
+ } elseif (is_string($Prm1)) {
+ // Plug-in's command
+ $PlugInId =3D $Prm1;
+ if (!isset($this->_PlugIns[$PlugInId])) {
+ if (!$this->meth_PlugIn_Install($PlugInId,array(),true)) return false=
+ }
+ if (!isset($this->_piOnCommand[$PlugInId])) return $this->meth_Misc_Al=
ert('with PlugIn() method','plug-in \''.$PlugInId.'\' can\'t run any comm=
and because the OnCommand event is not defined or activated.');
+ $ArgLst =3D func_get_args();
+ array_shift($ArgLst);
+ $Ok =3D call_user_func_array($this->_piOnCommand[$PlugInId],$ArgLst);
+ if (is_null($Ok)) $Ok =3D true;
+ return $Ok;
+ }
+ return $this->meth_Misc_Alert('with PlugIn() method','\''.$Prm1.'\' is =
an invalid plug-in key, the type of the value is \''.gettype($Prm1).'\'.'=
+// *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
+function meth_Locator_FindTbs(&$Txt,$Name,$Pos,$ChrSub) {
+// Find a TBS Locator
+ $PosEnd =3D false;
+ $PosMax =3D strlen($Txt) -1;
+ $Start =3D $this->_ChrOpen.$Name;
+ do {
+ // Search for the opening char
+ if ($Pos>$PosMax) return false;
+ $Pos =3D strpos($Txt,$Start,$Pos);
+ // If found =3D> next chars are analyzed
+ if ($Pos=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ $Loc =3D new clsTbsLocator;
+ $ReadPrm =3D false;
+ $PosX =3D $Pos + strlen($Start);
+ $x =3D $Txt[$PosX];
+ if ($x=3D=3D=3D$this->_ChrClose) {
+ $PosEnd =3D $PosX;
+ } elseif ($x=3D=3D=3D$ChrSub) {
+ $Loc->SubOk =3D true; // it is no longer the false value
+ $ReadPrm =3D true;
+ $PosX++;
+ } elseif (strpos(';',$x)!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $ReadPrm =3D true;
+ $PosX++;
+ } else {
+ $Pos++;
+ }
+ if ($ReadPrm) {
+ tbs_Locator_PrmRead($Txt,$PosX,false,'\'',$this->_ChrOpen,$this->_Ch=
+ if ($PosEnd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('','can\'t found the end of the tag \''.subs=
+ $Pos++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while ($PosEnd=3D=3D=3Dfalse);
+ $Loc->PosBeg =3D $Pos;
+ $Loc->PosEnd =3D $PosEnd;
+ if ($Loc->SubOk) {
+ $Loc->FullName =3D $Name.'.'.$Loc->SubName;
+ $Loc->SubLst =3D explode('.',$Loc->SubName);
+ $Loc->SubNbr =3D count($Loc->SubLst);
+ } else {
+ $Loc->FullName =3D $Name;
+ }
+ if ($ReadPrm and isset($Loc->PrmLst['comm'])) {
+ $Loc->PosBeg0 =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ $Loc->PosEnd0 =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ $comm =3D $Loc->PrmLst['comm'];
+ if (($comm=3D=3D=3Dtrue) or ($comm=3D=3D=3D'')) {
+ $Loc->Enlarged =3D tbs_Locator_EnlargeToStr($Txt,$Loc,'<!--' ,'-->');
+ } else {
+ $Loc->Enlarged =3D tbs_Locator_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$Loc,$comm,false);
+ }
+ }
+ return $Loc;
+function &meth_Locator_SectionNewBDef(&$LocR,$BlockName,$Txt,$PrmLst) {
+ $Chk =3D true;
+ $LocLst =3D array();
+ $LocNbr =3D 0;
+ // Cache TBS locators
+ if ($this->TurboBlock) {
+ $Chk =3D false;
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ $PrevEnd =3D -1;
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$BlockName,$Pos,'.'))=
+ if (($Loc->SubName=3D=3D=3D'#') or ($Loc->SubName=3D=3D=3D'$')) {
+ $Loc->IsRecInfo =3D true;
+ $Loc->RecInfo =3D $Loc->SubName;
+ $Loc->SubName =3D '';
+ } else {
+ $Loc->IsRecInfo =3D false;
+ }
+ if ($Loc->PosBeg>$PrevEnd) {
+ // The previous tag is not embeding =3D> increment
+ $LocNbr++;
+ } else {
+ // The previous tag is embeding =3D> no increment, then previous is =
over writed
+ $Chk =3D true;
+ }
+ $PrevEnd =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ if ($Loc->Enlarged) { // Parameter 'comm'
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosBeg0+1;
+ $Loc->Enlarged =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosBeg+1;
+ }
+ $LocLst[$LocNbr] =3D $Loc;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create the object
+ $o =3D (object) null;
+ $o->Prm =3D $PrmLst;
+ $o->LocLst =3D $LocLst;
+ $o->LocNbr =3D $LocNbr;
+ $o->Name =3D $BlockName;
+ $o->Src =3D $Txt;
+ $o->Chk =3D $Chk;
+ $o->IsSerial =3D false;
+ $LocR->BDefLst[] =3D& $o; // Can be usefull for plug-in
+ return $o;
+function meth_Locator_SectionAddGrp(&$LocR,&$BDef,$Type,$Field) {
+ $BDef->PrevValue =3D false;
+ $BDef->Field =3D $Field;
+ if ($Type=3D=3D=3D'H') {
+ if ($LocR->HeaderFound=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $LocR->HeaderFound =3D true;
+ $LocR->HeaderNbr =3D 0;
+ $LocR->HeaderDef =3D array(); // 1 to HeaderNbr
+ }
+ $i =3D ++$LocR->HeaderNbr;
+ $LocR->HeaderDef[$i] =3D& $BDef;
+ } else {
+ if ($LocR->FooterFound=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $LocR->FooterFound =3D true;
+ $LocR->FooterNbr =3D 0;
+ $LocR->FooterDef =3D array(); // 1 to FooterNbr
+ }
+ $BDef->IsFooter =3D ($Type=3D=3D=3D'F');
+ $i =3D ++$LocR->FooterNbr;
+ $LocR->FooterDef[$i] =3D& $BDef;
+ }
+function meth_Locator_Replace(&$Txt,&$Loc,&$Value,$SubStart) {
+// This function enables to merge a locator with a text and returns the =
position just after the replaced block
+// This position can be useful because we don't know in advance how $Val=
ue will be replaced.
+ // Found the value if there is a subname
+ if (($SubStart!=3D=3Dfalse) and $Loc->SubOk) {
+ for ($i=3D$SubStart;$i<$Loc->SubNbr;$i++) {
+ $x =3D $Loc->SubLst[$i]; // &$Loc... brings an error with Event Examp=
le, I don't know why.
+ if (is_array($Value)) {
+ if (isset($Value[$x])) {
+ $Value =3D& $Value[$x];
+ } elseif (array_key_exists($x,$Value)) {// can happens when value is=
+ $Value =3D& $Value[$x];
+ } else {
+ if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'ite=
m \''.$x.'\' is not an existing key in the array.',true);
+ unset($Value); $Value =3D ''; break;
+ }
+ } elseif (is_object($Value)) {
+ $ArgLst =3D tbs_Misc_CheckArgLst($x);
+ if (method_exists($Value,$x)) {
+ $x =3D call_user_func_array(array(&$Value,$x),$ArgLst);
+ } elseif (property_exists($Value,$x)) {
+ $x =3D& $Value->$x;
+ } else {
+ if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'ite=
m '.$x.'\' is neither a method nor a property in the class \''.get_class(=
+ unset($Value); $Value =3D ''; break;
+ }
+ $Value =3D& $x; unset($x); $x =3D '';
+ } else {
+ if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'item=
before \''.$x.'\' is neither an object nor an array. Its type is '.getty=
+ unset($Value); $Value =3D ''; break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $CurrVal =3D $Value; // Unlink
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['onformat'])) {
+ if ($Loc->FirstMerge) {
+ $Loc->OnFrmInfo =3D $Loc->PrmLst['onformat'];
+ $Loc->OnFrmArg =3D array(&$Loc->FullName,'',&$Loc->PrmLst,&$this);
+ $ErrMsg =3D false;
+ if (!$this->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($Loc->OnFrmInfo,'f',$ErrMsg,$ErrMs=
g)) {
+ unset($Loc->PrmLst['onformat']);
+ if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'(par=
ameter onformat) '.$ErrMsg);
+ $Loc->OnFrmInfo =3D 'pi'; // Execute the function pi() just to avoid=
extra error messages=20
+ }
+ }
+ $Loc->OnFrmArg[1] =3D& $CurrVal;
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['subtpl'])) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_ChangeMode(true,$Loc,$CurrVal);
+ call_user_func_array($Loc->OnFrmInfo,$Loc->OnFrmArg);
+ $this->meth_Misc_ChangeMode(false,$Loc,$CurrVal);
+ $Loc->ConvProtect =3D false;
+ $Loc->ConvHtml =3D false;
+ } else {
+ call_user_func_array($Loc->OnFrmInfo,$Loc->OnFrmArg);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Loc->FirstMerge) {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['frm'])) {
+ $Loc->ConvMode =3D 0; // Frm
+ $Loc->ConvProtect =3D false;
+ } else {
+ // Analyze parameter 'htmlconv'
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['htmlconv'])) {
+ $x =3D strtolower($Loc->PrmLst['htmlconv']);
+ $x =3D '+'.str_replace(' ','',$x).'+';
+ if (strpos($x,'+esc+')!=3D=3Dfalse) {tbs_Misc_ConvSpe($Loc); $Loc->=
ConvHtml =3D false; $Loc->ConvEsc =3D true; }
+ if (strpos($x,'+wsp+')!=3D=3Dfalse) {tbs_Misc_ConvSpe($Loc); $Loc->=
ConvWS =3D true; }
+ if (strpos($x,'+js+')!=3D=3Dfalse) {tbs_Misc_ConvSpe($Loc); $Loc->=
ConvHtml =3D false; $Loc->ConvJS =3D true; }
+ if (strpos($x,'+no+')!=3D=3Dfalse) $Loc->ConvHtml =3D false;
+ if (strpos($x,'+yes+')!=3D=3Dfalse) $Loc->ConvHtml =3D true;
+ if (strpos($x,'+nobr+')!=3D=3Dfalse) {$Loc->ConvHtml =3D true; $Loc-=
>ConvBr =3D false; }
+ } else {
+ if ($this->HtmlCharSet=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $Loc->ConvHtml =3D false; // N=
+ }
+ // Analyze parameter 'protect'
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['protect'])) {
+ $x =3D strtolower($Loc->PrmLst['protect']);
+ if ($x=3D=3D=3D'no') {
+ $Loc->ConvProtect =3D false;
+ } elseif ($x=3D=3D=3D'yes') {
+ $Loc->ConvProtect =3D true;
+ }
+ } elseif ($this->Protect=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $Loc->ConvProtect =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Loc->Ope =3D isset($Loc->PrmLst['ope'])) {
+ $OpeLst =3D explode(',',$Loc->PrmLst['ope']);
+ $Loc->OpeAct =3D array();
+ $Loc->OpeArg =3D array();
+ foreach ($OpeLst as $i=3D>$ope) {
+ if ($ope=3D=3D=3D'list') {
+ $Loc->OpeAct[$i] =3D 1;
+ $Loc->OpePrm[$i] =3D (isset($Loc->PrmLst['valsep'])) ? $Loc->PrmLst=
['valsep'] : ',';
+ } else {
+ $x =3D substr($ope,0,4);
+ if ($x=3D=3D=3D'max:') {
+ $Loc->OpeAct[$i] =3D (isset($Loc->PrmLst['maxhtml'])) ? 2 : 3;
+ $Loc->OpePrm[$i] =3D intval(trim(substr($ope,4)));
+ $Loc->OpeEnd =3D (isset($Loc->PrmLst['maxend'])) ? $Loc->PrmLst['m=
axend'] : '...';
+ if ($Loc->OpePrm[$i]<=3D0) $Loc->Ope =3D false;
+ } elseif ($x=3D=3D=3D'mod:') {$Loc->OpeAct[$i] =3D 4; $Loc->OpePrm[=
$i] =3D '0'+trim(substr($ope,4));
+ } elseif ($x=3D=3D=3D'add:') {$Loc->OpeAct[$i] =3D 5; $Loc->OpePrm[=
$i] =3D '0'+trim(substr($ope,4));
+ } elseif ($x=3D=3D=3D'mul:') {$Loc->OpeAct[$i] =3D 6; $Loc->OpePrm[=
$i] =3D '0'+trim(substr($ope,4));
+ } elseif ($x=3D=3D=3D'div:') {$Loc->OpeAct[$i] =3D 7; $Loc->OpePrm[=
$i] =3D '0'+trim(substr($ope,4));
+ } elseif (isset($this->_piOnOperation)) {
+ $Loc->OpeAct[$i] =3D 0;
+ $Loc->OpePrm[$i] =3D $ope;
+ $Loc->OpeArg[$i] =3D array(&$Loc->FullName,&$CurrVal,&$Loc->PrmLst=
+ $Loc->PrmLst['_ope'] =3D $Loc->PrmLst['ope'];
+ } elseif (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'parameter ope doesn\'t support value =
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $Loc->FirstMerge =3D false;
+ }
+ $ConvProtect =3D $Loc->ConvProtect;
+ // Plug-in OnFormat
+ if ($this->_piOnFrm_Ok) {
+ if (isset($Loc->OnFrmArgPi)) {
+ $Loc->OnFrmArgPi[1] =3D& $CurrVal;
+ } else {
+ $Loc->OnFrmArgPi =3D array(&$Loc->FullName,&$CurrVal,&$Loc->PrmLst,&$=
+ }
+ $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnFormat,$Loc->OnFrmArgPi);
+ }
+ // Operation
+ if ($Loc->Ope) {
+ foreach ($Loc->OpeAct as $i=3D>$ope) {
+ switch ($ope) {
+ case 0:
+ $Loc->PrmLst['ope'] =3D $Loc->OpePrm[$i]; // for compatibility
+ $OpeArg =3D& $Loc->OpeArg[$i];
+ $OpeArg[1] =3D& $CurrVal; $OpeArg[3] =3D& $Txt;
+ if (!$this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnOperation,$OpeArg)) retur=
n $Loc->PosBeg;
+ break;
+ case 1: if (is_array($CurrVal)) $CurrVal =3D implode($Loc->OpePrm[$i]=
,$CurrVal); break;
+ case 2: if (strlen(''.$CurrVal)>$Loc->OpePrm[$i]) tbs_Html_Max($CurrV=
al,$Loc->OpePrm[$i],$Loc->OpeEnd); break;
+ case 3: if (strlen(''.$CurrVal)>$Loc->OpePrm[$i]) $CurrVal =3D substr=
(''.$CurrVal,0,$Loc->OpePrm[$i]).$Loc->OpeEnd; break;
+ case 4: $CurrVal =3D ('0'+$CurrVal) % $Loc->OpePrm[$i]; break;
+ case 5: $CurrVal =3D ('0'+$CurrVal) + $Loc->OpePrm[$i]; break;
+ case 6: $CurrVal =3D ('0'+$CurrVal) * $Loc->OpePrm[$i]; break;
+ case 7: $CurrVal =3D ('0'+$CurrVal) / $Loc->OpePrm[$i]; break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // HTML conversion or format
+ if ($Loc->ConvMode=3D=3D=3D1) { // Html simple
+ if (!is_string($CurrVal)) $CurrVal =3D @strval($CurrVal);
+ if ($Loc->ConvHtml) {
+ $this->meth_Conv_Html($CurrVal);
+ if ($Loc->ConvBr) $CurrVal =3D nl2br($CurrVal);
+ }
+ } elseif ($Loc->ConvMode=3D=3D=3D0) { // Format
+ $CurrVal =3D $this->meth_Misc_Format($CurrVal,$Loc->PrmLst);
+ } elseif ($Loc->ConvMode=3D=3D=3D2) { // Html special
+ if (!is_string($CurrVal)) $CurrVal =3D @strval($CurrVal);
+ if ($Loc->ConvHtml) {
+ $this->meth_Conv_Html($CurrVal);
+ if ($Loc->ConvBr) $CurrVal =3D nl2br($CurrVal);
+ }
+ if ($Loc->ConvEsc) $CurrVal =3D str_replace('\'','\'\'',$CurrVal);
+ if ($Loc->ConvWS) {
+ $check =3D ' ';
+ $nbsp =3D ' ';
+ do {
+ $pos =3D strpos($CurrVal,$check);
+ if ($pos!=3D=3Dfalse) $CurrVal =3D substr_replace($CurrVal,$nbsp,$po=
+ } while ($pos!=3D=3Dfalse);
+ }
+ if ($Loc->ConvJS) {
+ $CurrVal =3D addslashes($CurrVal); // apply to ('), ("), (\) and (nul=
+ $CurrVal =3D str_replace("\n",'\n',$CurrVal);
+ $CurrVal =3D str_replace("\r",'\r',$CurrVal);
+ $CurrVal =3D str_replace("\t",'\t',$CurrVal);
+ }
+ }
+ // if/then/else process, there may be several if/then
+ if ($Loc->PrmIfNbr) {
+ $z =3D false;
+ $i =3D 1;
+ while ($i!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($Loc->PrmIfVar[$i]) $Loc->PrmIfVar[$i] =3D $this->meth_Merge_Auto=
+ $x =3D str_replace($this->_ChrVal,$CurrVal,$Loc->PrmIf[$i]);
+ if (tbs_Misc_CheckCondition($x)) {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmThen[$i])) {
+ if ($Loc->PrmThenVar[$i]) $Loc->PrmThenVar[$i] =3D $this->meth_Merg=
+ $z =3D $Loc->PrmThen[$i];
+ }
+ $i =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $i++;
+ if ($i>$Loc->PrmIfNbr) {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['else'])) {
+ if ($Loc->PrmElseVar) $Loc->PrmElseVar =3D $this->meth_Merge_AutoV=
+ $z =3D$Loc->PrmLst['else'];
+ }
+ $i =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($z!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($ConvProtect) {
+ $CurrVal =3D str_replace($this->_ChrOpen,$this->_ChrProtect,$CurrVal=
); // TBS protection
+ $ConvProtect =3D false;
+ }
+ $CurrVal =3D str_replace($this->_ChrVal,$CurrVal,$z);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['file'])) {
+ $x =3D $Loc->PrmLst['file'];
+ if ($x=3D=3D=3Dtrue) $x =3D $CurrVal;
+ $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($x,false);
+ $x =3D trim(str_replace($this->_ChrVal,$CurrVal,$x));
+ $CurrVal =3D '';
+ if ($x!=3D=3D'') {
+ if (tbs_Misc_GetFile($CurrVal,$x,$this->_LastFile)) {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['getbody'])) $CurrVal =3D tbs_Html_GetPart($C=
+ } else {
+ if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'the =
file \''.$x.'\' given by parameter file is not found or not readable.',tr=
+ }
+ $ConvProtect =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['script'])) {// Include external PHP script
+ $x =3D $Loc->PrmLst['script'];
+ if ($x=3D=3D=3Dtrue) $x =3D $CurrVal;
+ $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($x,false);
+ $x =3D trim(str_replace($this->_ChrVal,$CurrVal,$x));
+ if ($x!=3D=3D'') {
+ $this->_Subscript =3D $x;
+ $this->CurrPrm =3D& $Loc->PrmLst;
+ $sub =3D isset($Loc->PrmLst['subtpl']);
+ if ($sub) $this->meth_Misc_ChangeMode(true,$Loc,$CurrVal);
+ if ($this->meth_Misc_RunSubscript($CurrVal,$Loc->PrmLst)=3D=3D=3Dfals=
e) {
+ if (!isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'the =
file \''.$x.'\' given by parameter script is not found or not readable.',=
+ }
+ if ($sub) $this->meth_Misc_ChangeMode(false,$Loc,$CurrVal);
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['getbody'])) $CurrVal =3D tbs_Html_GetPart($Cu=
+ unset($this->CurrPrm);
+ $ConvProtect =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Case when it's an empty string
+ if ($CurrVal=3D=3D=3D'') {
+ if ($Loc->MagnetId=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['.'])) {
+ $Loc->MagnetId =3D -1;
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['ifempty'])) {
+ $Loc->MagnetId =3D -2;
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['magnet'])) {
+ $Loc->MagnetId =3D 1;
+ $Loc->PosBeg0 =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ $Loc->PosEnd0 =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['mtype'])) {
+ switch ($Loc->PrmLst['mtype']) {
+ case 'm+m': $Loc->MagnetId =3D 2; break;
+ case 'm*': $Loc->MagnetId =3D 3; break;
+ case '*m': $Loc->MagnetId =3D 4; break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $Loc->MagnetId =3D 0;
+ }
+ }
+ switch ($Loc->MagnetId) {
+ case 0: break;
+ case -1: $CurrVal =3D ' '; break; // Enables to avoid blanks in H=
TML tables
+ case -2: $CurrVal =3D $Loc->PrmLst['ifempty']; break;
+ case 1:
+ $Loc->Enlarged =3D true;
+ tbs_Locator_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$Loc,$Loc->PrmLst['magnet'],false);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $Loc->Enlarged =3D true;
+ $CurrVal =3D tbs_Locator_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$Loc,$Loc->PrmLst['magnet'=
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $Loc->Enlarged =3D true;
+ $Loc2 =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Loc->PrmLst['magnet'],true,$Loc->Pos=
+ if ($Loc2!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $Loc->PosBeg =3D $Loc2->PosBeg;
+ if ($Loc->PosEnd<$Loc2->PosEnd) $Loc->PosEnd =3D $Loc2->PosEnd;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $Loc->Enlarged =3D true;
+ $Loc2 =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Loc->PrmLst['magnet'],true,$Loc->Pos=
+ if ($Loc2!=3D=3Dfalse) $Loc->PosEnd =3D $Loc2->PosEnd;
+ break;
+ }
+ $NewEnd =3D $Loc->PosBeg; // Useful when mtype=3D'm+m'
+ } else {
+ if ($ConvProtect) $CurrVal =3D str_replace($this->_ChrOpen,$this->_Chr=
Protect,$CurrVal); // TBS protection
+ $NewEnd =3D $Loc->PosBeg + strlen($CurrVal);
+ }
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,$CurrVal,$Loc->PosBeg,$Loc->PosEnd-$Loc->P=
+ return $NewEnd; // Return the new end position of the field
+function meth_Locator_FindBlockNext(&$Txt,$BlockName,$PosBeg,$ChrSub,$Mo=
de,&$P1,&$FieldBefore) {
+// Return the first block locator just after the PosBeg position
+// Mode =3D 1 : Merge_Auto =3D> doesn't save $Loc->BlockSrc, save the bo=
unds of TBS Def tags instead, return also fields
+// Mode =3D 2 : FindBlockLst or GetBlockSource =3D> save $Loc->BlockSrc =
without TBS Def tags
+// Mode =3D 3 : GetBlockSource =3D> save $Loc->BlockSrc with TBS Def tag=
+ $SearchDef =3D true;
+ $FirstField =3D false;
+ // Search for the first tag with parameter "block"
+ while ($SearchDef and ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Block=
Name,$PosBeg,$ChrSub))) {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['block'])) {
+ if ($P1) {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['p1'])) return false;
+ } else {
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['p1'])) $P1 =3D true;
+ }
+ $Block =3D $Loc->PrmLst['block'];
+ $SearchDef =3D false;
+ } elseif ($Mode=3D=3D=3D1) {
+ return $Loc;
+ } elseif ($FirstField=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $FirstField =3D $Loc;
+ }
+ $PosBeg =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ }
+ if ($SearchDef) {
+ if ($FirstField!=3D=3Dfalse) $FieldBefore =3D true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ($Block=3D=3D=3D'begin') { // Block definied using begin/end
+ if (($FirstField!=3D=3Dfalse) and ($FirstField->PosEnd<$Loc->PosBeg)) =
$FieldBefore =3D true;
+ $Opened =3D 1;
+ while ($Loc2 =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$BlockName,$PosBeg,$=
ChrSub)) {
+ if (isset($Loc2->PrmLst['block'])) {
+ switch ($Loc2->PrmLst['block']) {
+ case 'end': $Opened--; break;
+ case 'begin': $Opened++; break;
+ }
+ if ($Opened=3D=3D0) {
+ if ($Mode=3D=3D=3D1) {
+ $Loc->PosBeg2 =3D $Loc2->PosBeg;
+ $Loc->PosEnd2 =3D $Loc2->PosEnd;
+ } else {
+ if ($Mode=3D=3D=3D2) {
+ $Loc->BlockSrc =3D substr($Txt,$Loc->PosEnd+1,$Loc2->PosBeg-$Loc-=
+ } else {
+ $Loc->BlockSrc =3D substr($Txt,$Loc->PosBeg,$Loc2->PosEnd-$Loc->P=
+ }
+ $Loc->PosEnd =3D $Loc2->PosEnd;
+ $Loc->PosDef =3D 0;
+ }
+ $Loc->BlockFound =3D true;
+ return $Loc;
+ }
+ }
+ $PosBeg =3D $Loc2->PosEnd;
+ }
+ return $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'a least one tag with parameter \'b=
lock=3Dend\' is missing.',false,'in block\'s definition');
+ }
+ if ($Mode=3D=3D=3D1) {
+ $Loc->PosBeg2 =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $Loc->PosDef =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ if (!$Loc->SubOk) {
+ $PosBeg1 =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ $PosEnd1 =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ }
+ if (tbs_Locator_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$Loc,$Block,false)=3D=3D=3Dfalse) re=
turn $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'at least one tag corresponding to '.$Lo=
c->PrmLst['block'].' is not found. Check opengin tags, closing tags and l=
evels.',false,'in block\'s definition');
+ $Loc->PosDef =3D $Loc->PosDef - $Loc->PosBeg;
+ if ($Loc->SubOk or ($Mode=3D=3D=3D3)) {
+ $Loc->BlockSrc =3D substr($Txt,$Loc->PosBeg,$Loc->PosEnd-$Loc->PosBeg=
+ $Loc->PosDef++;
+ } else {
+ $Loc->BlockSrc =3D substr($Txt,$Loc->PosBeg,$PosBeg1-$Loc->PosBeg).su=
+ }
+ }
+ $Loc->BlockFound =3D true;
+ if (($FirstField!=3D=3Dfalse) and ($FirstField->PosEnd<$Loc->PosBeg)) $=
FieldBefore =3D true;
+ return $Loc; // methods return by ref by default
+function meth_Locator_FindBlockLst(&$Txt,$BlockName,$Pos,$SpePrm) {
+// Return a locator object covering all block definitions, even if there=
is no block definition found.
+ $LocR =3D new clsTbsLocator;
+ $LocR->P1 =3D false;
+ $LocR->FieldOutside =3D false;
+ $LocR->BDefLst =3D array();
+ $LocR->NoData =3D false;
+ $LocR->Special =3D false;
+ $LocR->HeaderFound =3D false;
+ $LocR->FooterFound =3D false;
+ $LocR->SerialEmpty =3D false;
+ $LocR->WhenFound =3D false;
+ $LocR->WhenDefault =3D false;
+ $LocR->SectionNbr =3D 0; // Normal sections
+ $LocR->SectionLst =3D array(); // 1 to SectionNbr
+ $BDef =3D false;
+ $ParentLst =3D array();
+ $Pid =3D 0;
+ do {
+ if ($BlockName=3D=3D=3D'') {
+ $Loc =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($Txt,$BlockName,$Pos,'.',2=
+ }
+ if ($Loc=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($Pid>0) { // parentgrp mode =3D> disconnect $Txt from the source
+ $Parent =3D& $ParentLst[$Pid];=20
+ $Src =3D $Txt;
+ $Txt =3D& $Parent->Txt;
+ if ($LocR->BlockFound) {
+ // Redefine the Header block
+ $Parent->Src =3D substr($Src,0,$LocR->PosBeg);
+ // Add a Footer block
+ $BDef =3D& $this->meth_Locator_SectionNewBDef($LocR,$BlockName,subs=
+ $this->meth_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$BDef,'F',$Parent->Fld);
+ }
+ // Now go down to previous level
+ $Pos =3D $Parent->Pos;
+ $LocR->PosBeg =3D $Parent->Beg;
+ $LocR->PosEnd =3D $Parent->End;
+ $LocR->BlockFound =3D true;
+ unset($Parent);
+ unset($ParentLst[$Pid]);
+ $Pid--;
+ $Loc =3D true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ // Define the block limits
+ if ($LocR->BlockFound) {
+ if ( $LocR->PosBeg > $Loc->PosBeg ) $LocR->PosBeg =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ if ( $LocR->PosEnd < $Loc->PosEnd ) $LocR->PosEnd =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ } else {
+ $LocR->BlockFound =3D true;
+ $LocR->PosBeg =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ $LocR->PosEnd =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ }
+ // Merge block parameters
+ if (count($Loc->PrmLst)>0) $LocR->PrmLst =3D array_merge($LocR->PrmLs=
+ // Save the block and cache its tags
+ $BDef =3D& $this->meth_Locator_SectionNewBDef($LocR,$BlockName,$Loc->=
+ // Add the text in the list of blocks
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['nodata'])) { // Nodata section
+ $LocR->NoData =3D& $BDef;
+ } elseif (($SpePrm!=3D=3Dfalse) and isset($Loc->PrmLst[$SpePrm])) { /=
/ Special section (used for navigation bar)
+ $LocR->Special =3D& $BDef;
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['when'])) {
+ if ($LocR->WhenFound=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $LocR->WhenFound =3D true;
+ $LocR->WhenSeveral =3D false;
+ $LocR->WhenNbr =3D 0;
+ $LocR->WhenLst =3D array();
+ }
+ $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($Loc->PrmLst['when'],false);
+ $BDef->WhenCond =3D& $this->meth_Locator_SectionNewBDef($LocR,$Block=
+ $BDef->WhenBeforeNS =3D ($LocR->SectionNbr=3D=3D=3D0);
+ $i =3D ++$LocR->WhenNbr;
+ $LocR->WhenLst[$i] =3D& $BDef;
+ if (isset($Loc->PrmLst['several'])) $LocR->WhenSeveral =3D true;
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['default'])) {
+ $LocR->WhenDefault =3D& $BDef;
+ $LocR->WhenDefaultBeforeNS =3D ($LocR->SectionNbr=3D=3D=3D0);
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['headergrp'])) {
+ $this->meth_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$BDef,'H',$Loc->PrmLst['head=
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['footergrp'])) {
+ $this->meth_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$BDef,'F',$Loc->PrmLst['foot=
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['splittergrp'])) {
+ $this->meth_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$BDef,'S',$Loc->PrmLst['spli=
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['parentgrp'])) {
+ $this->meth_Locator_SectionAddGrp($LocR,$BDef,'H',$Loc->PrmLst['pare=
+ $BDef->Fld =3D $Loc->PrmLst['parentgrp'];
+ $BDef->Txt =3D& $Txt;
+ $BDef->Pos =3D $Pos;
+ $BDef->Beg =3D $LocR->PosBeg;
+ $BDef->End =3D $LocR->PosEnd;
+ $Pid++;
+ $ParentLst[$Pid] =3D& $BDef;
+ $Txt =3D& $BDef->Src;
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosDef + 1;
+ $LocR->BlockFound =3D false;
+ $LocR->PosBeg =3D false;
+ $LocR->PosEnd =3D false;
+ } elseif (isset($Loc->PrmLst['serial'])) {
+ // Section with serial subsections
+ $SrSrc =3D& $BDef->Src;
+ // Search the empty item
+ if ($LocR->SerialEmpty=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $SrName =3D $BlockName.'_0';
+ $x =3D false;
+ $SrLoc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($SrSrc,$SrName,0,'.',2=
+ if ($SrLoc!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $LocR->SerialEmpty =3D $SrLoc->BlockSrc;
+ $SrSrc =3D substr_replace($SrSrc,'',$SrLoc->PosBeg,$SrLoc->PosEnd-=
+ }
+ }
+ $SrName =3D $BlockName.'_1';
+ $x =3D false;
+ $SrLoc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($SrSrc,$SrName,0,'.',2,=
+ if ($SrLoc!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $SrId =3D 1;
+ do {
+ // Save previous subsection
+ $SrBDef =3D& $this->meth_Locator_SectionNewBDef($LocR,$SrName,$SrL=
+ $SrBDef->SrBeg =3D $SrLoc->PosBeg;
+ $SrBDef->SrLen =3D $SrLoc->PosEnd - $SrLoc->PosBeg + 1;
+ $SrBDef->SrTxt =3D false;
+ $BDef->SrBDefLst[$SrId] =3D& $SrBDef;
+ // Put in order
+ $BDef->SrBDefOrdered[$SrId] =3D& $SrBDef;
+ $i =3D $SrId;
+ while (($i>1) and ($SrBDef->SrBeg<$BDef->SrBDefOrdered[$SrId-1]->S=
rBeg)) {
+ $BDef->SrBDefOrdered[$i] =3D& $BDef->SrBDefOrdered[$i-1];
+ $BDef->SrBDefOrdered[$i-1] =3D& $SrBDef;
+ $i--;
+ }
+ // Search next subsection
+ $SrId++;
+ $SrName =3D $BlockName.'_'.$SrId;
+ $x =3D false;
+ $SrLoc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($SrSrc,$SrName,0,'.',=
+ } while ($SrLoc!=3D=3Dfalse);
+ $BDef->SrBDefNbr =3D $SrId-1;
+ $BDef->IsSerial =3D true;
+ $i =3D ++$LocR->SectionNbr;
+ $LocR->SectionLst[$i] =3D& $BDef;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Normal section
+ $i =3D ++$LocR->SectionNbr;
+ $LocR->SectionLst[$i] =3D& $BDef;
+ }
+ }
+ } while ($Loc!=3D=3Dfalse);
+ if ($LocR->WhenFound and ($LocR->SectionNbr=3D=3D=3D0)) {
+ // Add a blank section if When is used without a normal section
+ $BDef =3D& $this->meth_Locator_SectionNewBDef($LocR,$BlockName,'',arra=
+ $LocR->SectionNbr =3D 1;
+ $LocR->SectionLst[1] =3D& $BDef;
+ }
+ return $LocR; // methods return by ref by default
+function meth_Merge_Block(&$Txt,&$BlockLst,&$SrcId,&$Query,$SpePrm,$SpeR=
ecNum) {
+ $BlockSave =3D $this->_CurrBlock;
+ $this->_CurrBlock =3D $BlockLst;
+ // Get source type and info
+ $Src =3D new clsTbsDataSource;
+ if (!$Src->DataPrepare($SrcId,$this)) {
+ $this->_CurrBlock =3D $BlockSave;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $BlockLst =3D explode(',',$BlockLst);
+ $BlockNbr =3D count($BlockLst);
+ $BlockId =3D 0;
+ $WasP1 =3D false;
+ $NbrRecTot =3D 0;
+ $QueryZ =3D& $Query;
+ $ReturnData =3D false;
+ while ($BlockId<$BlockNbr) {
+ $RecSpe =3D 0; // Row with a special block's definition (used for the=
navigation bar)
+ $QueryOk =3D true;
+ $this->_CurrBlock =3D trim($BlockLst[$BlockId]);
+ if ($this->_CurrBlock=3D=3D=3D'*') {
+ $ReturnData =3D true;
+ if ($Src->RecSaved=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $Src->RecSaving =3D true;
+ $this->_CurrBlock =3D '';
+ }
+ // Search the block
+ $LocR =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindBlockLst($Txt,$this->_CurrBlock,0,$S=
+ if ($WasP1) $this->meth_Merge_FieldOutside($Txt,$Src,$LocR);
+ if ($LocR->BlockFound) {
+ if ($LocR->Special!=3D=3Dfalse) $RecSpe =3D $SpeRecNum;
+ // OnData
+ if ($Src->OnDataPrm =3D isset($LocR->PrmLst['ondata'])) {
+ $Src->OnDataPrmRef =3D $LocR->PrmLst['ondata'];
+ if (isset($Src->OnDataPrmDone[$Src->OnDataPrmRef])) {
+ $Src->OnDataPrm =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $ErrMsg =3D false;
+ if ($this->meth_Misc_UserFctCheck($Src->OnDataPrmRef,'f',$ErrMsg,$E=
rrMsg)) {
+ $Src->OnDataOk =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $LocR->FullName =3D $this->_CurrBlock;
+ $Src->OnDataPrm =3D $this->meth_Misc_Alert($LocR,'(parameter ondat=
a) '.$ErrMsg,false,'block');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Dynamic query
+ if ($LocR->P1) {
+ if (is_string($Query)) {
+ $Src->RecSaved =3D false;
+ unset($QueryZ); $QueryZ =3D ''.$Query;
+ $i =3D 1;
+ do {
+ $x =3D 'p'.$i;
+ if (isset($LocR->PrmLst[$x])) {
+ $QueryZ =3D str_replace('%p'.$i.'%',$LocR->PrmLst[$x],$QueryZ);
+ $i++;
+ } else {
+ $i =3D false;
+ }
+ } while ($i!=3D=3Dfalse);
+ }
+ $WasP1 =3D true;
+ } elseif (($Src->RecSaved=3D=3D=3Dfalse) and ($BlockNbr-$BlockId>1)) =
+ $Src->RecSaving =3D true;
+ }
+ } elseif ($WasP1) {
+ $QueryOk =3D false;
+ $WasP1 =3D false;
+ }
+ // Open the recordset
+ if ($QueryOk) {
+ if ((!$LocR->BlockFound) and (!$LocR->FieldOutside)) {
+ // Special case: return data without any block to merge=20
+ $QueryOk =3D false;
+ if ($ReturnData and (!$Src->RecSaved)) {
+ if ($Src->DataOpen($QueryZ)) {
+ do {$Src->DataFetch();} while ($Src->CurrRec!=3D=3Dfalse);
+ $Src->DataClose();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $QueryOk =3D $Src->DataOpen($QueryZ);
+ }
+ }
+ // Merge sections
+ if ($QueryOk) {
+ if ($Src->Type=3D=3D=3D2) { // Special for Text merge
+ if ($LocR->BlockFound) {
+ $Src->RecNum =3D 1;
+ $Src->CurrRec =3D false;
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,$Src->RecSet,$LocR->PosBeg,$LocR->PosE=
+ } else {
+ $Src->DataAlert('can\'t merge the block with a text value because t=
he block definition is not found.');
+ }
+ } elseif ($LocR->BlockFound=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $Src->DataFetch(); // Merge first record only
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Merge_BlockSections($Txt,$LocR,$Src,$RecSpe);
+ }
+ $Src->DataClose(); // Close the resource
+ }
+ if (!$WasP1) {
+ $NbrRecTot +=3D $Src->RecNum;
+ if ($LocR->FieldOutside and $QueryOk) {
+ $LocR->BlockFound =3D false; // Cancel Loc limit
+ $this->meth_Merge_FieldOutside($Txt,$Src,$LocR);
+ }
+ $BlockId++;
+ }
+ }
+ // End of the merge
+ unset($LocR);
+ $this->_CurrBlock =3D $BlockSave;
+ if ($ReturnData) {
+ return $Src->RecSet;
+ } else {
+ unset($Src);
+ return $NbrRecTot;
+ }
+function meth_Merge_BlockSections(&$Txt,&$LocR,&$Src,&$RecSpe) {
+ // Initialise
+ $SecId =3D 0;
+ $SecOk =3D ($LocR->SectionNbr>0);
+ $SecSrc =3D '';
+ $BlockRes =3D ''; // The result of the chained merged blocks
+ $IsSerial =3D false;
+ $SrId =3D 0;
+ $SrNbr =3D 0;
+ $GrpFound =3D ($LocR->HeaderFound or $LocR->FooterFound);
+ if ($LocR->FooterFound) $PrevSrc =3D (object) null;
+ $piOMS =3D false;
+ // Plug-ins
+ if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok and isset($this->_piBeforeMergeBlock)) {
+ $ArgLst =3D array(&$Txt,&$LocR->PosBeg,&$LocR->PosEnd,$LocR->PrmLst,&$=
+ $this->meth_Plugin_RunAll($this->_piBeforeMergeBlock,$ArgLst);
+ }
+ if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok and isset($this->_piOnMergeSection)) {
+ $ArgLst =3D array(&$BlockRes,&$SecSrc);
+ $piOMS =3D true;
+ }
+ // Main loop
+ $Src->DataFetch();
+ while($Src->CurrRec!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ // Headers and Footers
+ if ($GrpFound) {
+ $grp_change =3D false;
+ $grp_src =3D '';
+ if ($LocR->FooterFound) {
+ $change =3D false;
+ for ($i=3D$LocR->FooterNbr;$i>=3D1;$i--) {
+ $GrpDef =3D& $LocR->FooterDef[$i];
+ $x =3D $Src->CurrRec[$GrpDef->Field];
+ if ($Src->RecNum=3D=3D=3D1) {
+ $GrpDef->PrevValue =3D $x;
+ } else {
+ if ($GrpDef->IsFooter) {
+ $change_i =3D& $change;
+ } else {
+ unset($change_i); $change_i =3D false;
+ }
+ if (!$change_i) $change_i =3D !($GrpDef->PrevValue=3D=3D=3D$x);
+ if ($change_i) {
+ $grp_change =3D true;
+ $grp_src =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($GrpDef,$PrevSrc).$g=
+ $GrpDef->PrevValue =3D $x;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $PrevSrc->CurrRec =3D $Src->CurrRec;
+ $PrevSrc->RecNum =3D $Src->RecNum;
+ $PrevSrc->RecKey =3D $Src->RecKey;
+ }
+ if ($LocR->HeaderFound) {
+ $change =3D ($Src->RecNum=3D=3D=3D1);
+ for ($i=3D1;$i<=3D$LocR->HeaderNbr;$i++) {
+ $GrpDef =3D& $LocR->HeaderDef[$i];
+ $x =3D $Src->CurrRec[$GrpDef->Field];
+ if (!$change) $change =3D !($GrpDef->PrevValue=3D=3D=3D$x);
+ if ($change) {
+ $grp_src .=3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($GrpDef,$Src);
+ $GrpDef->PrevValue =3D $x;
+ }
+ }
+ $grp_change =3D ($grp_change or $change);
+ }
+ if ($grp_change) {
+ if ($IsSerial) {
+ $BlockRes .=3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionSerial($SecDef,$SrId,$LocR)=
+ $IsSerial =3D false;
+ }
+ $BlockRes .=3D $grp_src;
+ }
+ } // end of header and footer
+ // Increment Section
+ if (($IsSerial=3D=3D=3Dfalse) and $SecOk) {
+ $SecId++;
+ if ($SecId>$LocR->SectionNbr) $SecId =3D 1;
+ $SecDef =3D& $LocR->SectionLst[$SecId];
+ $IsSerial =3D $SecDef->IsSerial;
+ if ($IsSerial) {
+ $SrId =3D 0;
+ $SrNbr =3D $SecDef->SrBDefNbr;
+ }
+ }
+ // Serial Mode Activation
+ if ($IsSerial) { // Serial Merge
+ $SrId++;
+ $SrBDef =3D& $SecDef->SrBDefLst[$SrId];
+ $SrBDef->SrTxt =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($SrBDef,$Src);
+ if ($SrId>=3D$SrNbr) {
+ $SecSrc =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionSerial($SecDef,$SrId,$LocR);
+ $BlockRes .=3D $SecSrc;
+ $IsSerial =3D false;
+ }
+ } else { // Classic merge
+ if ($SecOk) {
+ if ($Src->RecNum=3D=3D=3D$RecSpe) $SecDef =3D& $LocR->Special;=20
+ $SecSrc =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($SecDef,$Src);
+ } else {
+ $SecSrc =3D '';
+ }
+ if ($LocR->WhenFound) { // With conditional blocks
+ $found =3D false;
+ $continue =3D true;
+ $i =3D 1;
+ do {
+ $WhenBDef =3D& $LocR->WhenLst[$i];=20
+ $cond =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($WhenBDef->WhenCond,$Src)=
+ if (tbs_Misc_CheckCondition($cond)) {
+ $x_when =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($WhenBDef,$Src);
+ if ($WhenBDef->WhenBeforeNS) {$SecSrc =3D $x_when.$SecSrc;} else {=
$SecSrc =3D $SecSrc.$x_when;}
+ $found =3D true;
+ if ($LocR->WhenSeveral=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $continue =3D false;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ if ($i>$LocR->WhenNbr) $continue =3D false;
+ } while ($continue);
+ if (($found=3D=3D=3Dfalse) and ($LocR->WhenDefault!=3D=3Dfalse)) {
+ $x_when =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($LocR->WhenDefault,$Src=
+ if ($LocR->WhenDefaultBeforeNS) {$SecSrc =3D $x_when.$SecSrc;} else=
{$SecSrc =3D $SecSrc.$x_when;}
+ }
+ }
+ if ($piOMS) $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnMergeSection,$ArgLs=
+ $BlockRes .=3D $SecSrc;
+ }
+ // Next row
+ $Src->DataFetch();
+ } //--> while($CurrRec!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $SecSrc =3D '';
+ // Serial: merge the extra the sub-blocks
+ if ($IsSerial) $SecSrc .=3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionSerial($SecDef,$Sr=
+ // Footer
+ if ($LocR->FooterFound) {
+ if ($Src->RecNum>0) {
+ for ($i=3D1;$i<=3D$LocR->FooterNbr;$i++) {
+ $GrpDef =3D& $LocR->FooterDef[$i];
+ if ($GrpDef->IsFooter) $SecSrc .=3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal(=
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // NoData
+ if ($Src->RecNum=3D=3D=3D0) {
+ if ($LocR->NoData!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $SecSrc =3D $LocR->NoData->Src;
+ } elseif(isset($LocR->PrmLst['bmagnet'])) {
+ tbs_Locator_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$LocR,$LocR->PrmLst['bmagnet'],false);
+ }
+ }
+ // Plug-ins
+ if ($piOMS and ($SecSrc!=3D=3D'')) $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_pi=
+ $BlockRes .=3D $SecSrc;
+ // Plug-ins
+ if ($this->_PlugIns_Ok and isset($ArgLst) and isset($this->_piAfterMerg=
eBlock)) {
+ $ArgLst =3D array(&$BlockRes,&$Src,&$LocR);
+ $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piAfterMergeBlock,$ArgLst);
+ }
+ // Merge the result
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,$BlockRes,$LocR->PosBeg,$LocR->PosEnd-$Loc=
+function meth_Merge_AutoVar(&$Txt,$HtmlConv,$Id=3D'var') {
+// Merge [var.*] fields with global variables
+ $Pref =3D& $this->VarPrefix;
+ $PrefL =3D strlen($Pref);
+ $PrefOk =3D ($PrefL>0);
+ if ($HtmlConv=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $HtmlCharSet =3D $this->HtmlCharSet;
+ $this->HtmlCharSet =3D false;
+ }
+ // Then we scann all fields in the model
+ $x =3D '';
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Id,$Pos,'.')) {
+ if ($Loc->SubNbr=3D=3D0) $Loc->SubLst[0]=3D''; // In order to force er=
ror message
+ if ($Loc->SubLst[0]=3D=3D=3D'') {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Merge_AutoSpe($Txt,$Loc);
+ } elseif ($Loc->SubLst[0][0]=3D=3D=3D'~') {
+ if (!isset($ObjOk)) $ObjOk =3D (is_object($this->ObjectRef) or is_arr=
+ if ($ObjOk) {
+ $Loc->SubLst[0] =3D substr($Loc->SubLst[0],1);
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$this->ObjectRef,0);
+ } elseif ($this->NoErr or isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'property ObjectRef is neither an object=
nor an array. Its type is \''.gettype($this->ObjectRef).'\'.',true);
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosEnd + 1;
+ }
+ } elseif ($PrefOk and (substr($Loc->SubLst[0],0,$PrefL)!=3D=3D$Pref)) =
+ if ($this->NoErr or isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'does not match the allowed prefix.',tru=
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosEnd + 1;
+ }
+ } elseif (isset($GLOBALS[$Loc->SubLst[0]])) {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$GLOBALS[$Loc->SubLst[=
+ } else {
+ if ($this->NoErr or isset($Loc->PrmLst['noerr'])) {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ } else {
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosEnd + 1;
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,'the PHP global variable named \''.$Loc-=
>SubLst[0].'\' does not exist or is not set yet.',true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($HtmlConv=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $this->HtmlCharSet =3D $HtmlCharSet;
+ return false; // Useful property PrmIfVar & PrmThenVar
+function meth_Merge_AutoSpe(&$Txt,&$Loc) {
+// Merge [var..*] (Special Var Fields)
+ $ErrMsg =3D false;
+ $SubStart =3D false;
+ if (isset($Loc->SubLst[1])) {
+ switch ($Loc->SubLst[1]) {
+ case 'now': $x =3D mktime(); break;
+ case 'version': $x =3D $this->Version; break;
+ case 'script_name': $x =3D basename(((isset($_SERVER)) ? $_SERVER['PHP=
+ case 'template_name': $x =3D $this->_LastFile; break;
+ case 'template_date': $x =3D filemtime($this->_LastFile); break;
+ case 'template_path': $x =3D dirname($this->_LastFile).'/'; break;
+ case 'name': $x =3D 'TinyButStrong'; break;
+ case 'logo': $x =3D '**TinyButStrong**'; break;
+ case 'charset': $x =3D $this->HtmlCharSet; break;
+ case '': $ErrMsg =3D 'it doesn\'t have any keyword.'; break;
+ case 'tplvars':
+ if ($Loc->SubNbr=3D=3D2) {
+ $SubStart =3D 2;
+ $x =3D implode(',',array_keys($this->TplVars));
+ } else {
+ if (isset($this->TplVars[$Loc->SubLst[2]])) {
+ $SubStart =3D 3;
+ $x =3D& $this->TplVars[$Loc->SubLst[2]];
+ } else {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'property TplVars doesn\'t have any item named \''.$Loc=
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'cst': $x =3D @constant($Loc->SubLst[2]); break;
+ case 'tbs_info':
+ $x =3D 'TinyButStrong version '.$this->Version.' for PHP 5';
+ $x .=3D "\r\nInstalled plug-ins: ".count($this->_PlugIns);=20
+ foreach (array_keys($this->_PlugIns) as $pi) {
+ $o =3D& $this->_PlugIns[$pi];
+ $x .=3D "\r\n- plug-in [".(isset($o->Name) ? $o->Name : $pi ).'] ver=
sion '.(isset($o->Version) ? $o->Version : '?' );
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ $IsSupported =3D false;
+ if (isset($this->_piOnSpecialVar)) {
+ $x =3D '';
+ $ArgLst =3D array(substr($Loc->SubName,1),&$IsSupported ,&$x, &$Loc-=
+ $this->meth_PlugIn_RunAll($this->_piOnSpecialVar,$ArgLst) ;
+ }
+ if (!$IsSupported) $ErrMsg =3D '\''.$Loc->SubLst[1].'\' is an unsuppo=
rted keyword.';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'it doesn\'t have any subname.';
+ }
+ if ($ErrMsg!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Loc,$ErrMsg);
+ $x =3D '';
+ }
+ if ($Loc->PosBeg=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ return $Loc->PosEnd;
+ } else {
+ return $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,$SubStart);
+ }
+function meth_Merge_AutoAny($Name) {
+// Merge any automatic fields (var, onload, onshow)
+ switch ($Name) {
+ case 'var': $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($this->Source,true); return true;
+ case 'onload': $this->meth_Merge_AutoOn($this->Source,'onload',true,tru=
e); return true;
+ case 'onshow': $this->meth_Merge_AutoOn($this->Source,'onshow',false,tr=
ue);return true;
+ default: return false;
+ }
+function meth_Merge_FieldOutside(&$Txt,&$Src,&$LocR) {
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ $SubStart =3D ($Src->CurrRec=3D=3D=3Dfalse) ? false : 0;
+ do {
+ $Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$this->_CurrBlock,$Pos,'.');
+ if ($LocR->BlockFound and ($Loc!=3D=3Dfalse)) {
+ $OldEnd =3D $Loc->PosEnd;
+ if ($Loc->PosEnd>=3D$LocR->PosBeg) $Loc =3D false;
+ }
+ if ($Loc!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($Loc->SubName=3D=3D=3D'#') {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$Src->RecNum,false);
+ } else {
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$Src->CurrRec,$SubSta=
+ }
+ if ($LocR->BlockFound) {
+ $Delta =3D $Pos - $OldEnd;
+ $LocR->PosBeg +=3D $Delta; =20
+ $LocR->PosEnd +=3D $Delta; =20
+ }
+ }
+ } while ($Loc!=3D=3Dfalse);
+function meth_Merge_SectionNormal(&$BDef,&$Src) {
+ $Txt =3D $BDef->Src;
+ $LocLst =3D& $BDef->LocLst;
+ $iMax =3D $BDef->LocNbr;
+ $PosMax =3D strlen($Txt);
+ if ($Src=3D=3D=3Dfalse) { // Erase all fields
+ $x =3D '';
+ // Chached locators
+ for ($i=3D$iMax;$i>0;$i--) {
+ if ($LocLst[$i]->PosBeg<$PosMax) {
+ $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocLst[$i],$x,false);
+ if ($LocLst[$i]->Enlarged) {
+ $PosMax =3D $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg;
+ $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg =3D $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg0;
+ $LocLst[$i]->PosEnd =3D $LocLst[$i]->PosEnd0;
+ $LocLst[$i]->Enlarged =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Unchached locators
+ if ($BDef->Chk) {
+ $BlockName =3D& $BDef->Name;
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$BlockName,$Pos,'.')=
) $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$x,false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Chached locators
+ for ($i=3D$iMax;$i>0;$i--) {
+ if ($LocLst[$i]->PosBeg<$PosMax) {
+ if ($LocLst[$i]->IsRecInfo) {
+ if ($LocLst[$i]->RecInfo=3D=3D=3D'#') {
+ $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocLst[$i],$Src->RecNum,false);
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocLst[$i],$Src->RecKey,false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocLst[$i],$Src->CurrRec,0);
+ }
+ if ($LocLst[$i]->Enlarged) {
+ $PosMax =3D $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg;
+ $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg =3D $LocLst[$i]->PosBeg0;
+ $LocLst[$i]->PosEnd =3D $LocLst[$i]->PosEnd0;
+ $LocLst[$i]->Enlarged =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Unchached locators
+ if ($BDef->Chk) {
+ $BlockName =3D& $BDef->Name;
+ foreach ($Src->CurrRec as $key =3D> $val) {
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ $Name =3D $BlockName.'.'.$key;
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Name,$Pos,'.')) $P=
os =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$val,0);
+ }
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ $Name =3D $BlockName.'.#';
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Name,$Pos,'.')) $Po=
s =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$Src->RecNum,0);
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ $Name =3D $BlockName.'.$';
+ while ($Loc =3D $this->meth_Locator_FindTbs($Txt,$Name,$Pos,'.')) $Po=
s =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$Loc,$Src->RecKey,0);
+ }
+ }
+ return $Txt;
+function meth_Merge_SectionSerial(&$BDef,&$SrId,&$LocR) {
+ $Txt =3D $BDef->Src;
+ $SrBDefOrdered =3D& $BDef->SrBDefOrdered;
+ $Empty =3D& $LocR->SerialEmpty;=20
+ // All Items
+ $F =3D false;
+ for ($i=3D$BDef->SrBDefNbr;$i>0;$i--) {
+ $SrBDef =3D& $SrBDefOrdered[$i];
+ if ($SrBDef->SrTxt=3D=3D=3Dfalse) { // Subsection not merged with a re=
+ if ($Empty=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $SrBDef->SrTxt =3D $this->meth_Merge_SectionNormal($SrBDef,$F);
+ } else {
+ $SrBDef->SrTxt =3D $Empty;
+ }
+ }
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,$SrBDef->SrTxt,$SrBDef->SrBeg,$SrBDef->Sr=
+ $SrBDef->SrTxt =3D false;
+ }
+ $SrId =3D 0;
+ return $Txt;
+function meth_Merge_AutoOn(&$Txt,$Name,$TplVar,$AcceptGrp) {
+// Merge [onload] or [onshow] fields and blocks
+ $GrpDisplayed =3D array();
+ $GrpExclusive =3D array();
+ $P1 =3D false;
+ $FieldBefore =3D false;
+ $Pos =3D 0;
+ if ($AcceptGrp) {
+ $ChrSub =3D '_';
+ } else {
+ $ChrSub =3D '';
+ }
+ while ($LocA=3D$this->meth_Locator_FindBlockNext($Txt,$Name,$Pos,$ChrSu=
b,1,$P1,$FieldBefore)) {
+ if ($LocA->BlockFound) {
+ if (!isset($GrpDisplayed[$LocA->SubName])) {
+ $GrpDisplayed[$LocA->SubName] =3D false;
+ $GrpExclusive[$LocA->SubName] =3D !($AcceptGrp and ($LocA->SubName=3D=
+ }
+ $Displayed =3D& $GrpDisplayed[$LocA->SubName];
+ $Exclusive =3D& $GrpExclusive[$LocA->SubName];
+ $DelBlock =3D false;
+ $DelField =3D false;
+ if ($Displayed and $Exclusive) {
+ $DelBlock =3D true;
+ } else {
+ if (isset($LocA->PrmLst['when'])) {
+ if (isset($LocA->PrmLst['several'])) $Exclusive=3Dfalse;
+ $x =3D $LocA->PrmLst['when'];
+ $this->meth_Merge_AutoVar($x,false);
+ if (tbs_Misc_CheckCondition($x)) {
+ $DelField =3D true;
+ $Displayed =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $DelBlock =3D true;
+ }
+ } elseif(isset($LocA->PrmLst['default'])) {
+ if ($Displayed) {
+ $DelBlock =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $Displayed =3D true;
+ $DelField =3D true;
+ }
+ $Exclusive =3D true; // No more block displayed for the group after=
+ }
+ }
+ // Del parts
+ if ($DelField) {
+ if ($LocA->PosBeg2!=3D=3Dfalse) $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,'',$Loc=
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,'',$LocA->PosBeg,$LocA->PosEnd-$LocA->P=
+ $Pos =3D $LocA->PosBeg;
+ } else {
+ if ($LocA->PosBeg2=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ tbs_Locator_EnlargeToTag($Txt,$LocA,$LocA->PrmLst['block'],false);
+ } else {
+ $LocA->PosEnd =3D $LocA->PosEnd2;
+ }
+ if ($DelBlock) {
+ $Txt =3D substr_replace($Txt,'',$LocA->PosBeg,$LocA->PosEnd-$LocA->=
+ } else {
+ // Merge the block as if it was a field
+ $x =3D '';
+ $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocA,$x,false);
+ }
+ $Pos =3D $LocA->PosBeg;
+ }
+ } else { // Field
+ // Check for Template Var
+ if ($TplVar and isset($LocA->PrmLst['tplvars'])) {
+ $Ok =3D false;
+ foreach ($LocA->PrmLst as $Key =3D> $Val) {
+ if ($Ok) {
+ $this->TplVars[$Key] =3D $Val;
+ } else {
+ if ($Key=3D=3D=3D'tplvars') $Ok =3D true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $x =3D '';
+ $Pos =3D $this->meth_Locator_Replace($Txt,$LocA,$x,false);
+ $Pos =3D $LocA->PosBeg;
+ }
+ }
+ return count($GrpDisplayed);
+// Convert a string to Html with several options
+function meth_Conv_Html(&$Txt) {
+ if ($this->HtmlCharSet=3D=3D=3D'') {
+ $Txt =3D htmlspecialchars($Txt); // Faster
+ } elseif ($this->_HtmlCharFct) {
+ $Txt =3D call_user_func($this->HtmlCharSet,$Txt);
+ } else {
+ $Txt =3D htmlspecialchars($Txt,ENT_COMPAT,$this->HtmlCharSet);
+ }
+// Standard alert message provided by TinyButStrong, return False is the=
message is cancelled.
+function meth_Misc_Alert($Src,$Msg,$NoErrMsg=3Dfalse,$SrcType=3Dfalse) {
+ $this->ErrCount++;
+ if ($this->NoErr) return false;
+ if (!is_string($Src)) {
+ if ($SrcType=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $SrcType=3D'in field';
+ $Src =3D $SrcType.' '.$this->_ChrOpen.$Src->FullName.'...'.$this->_Chr=
+ }
+ $x =3D '<br /><b>TinyButStrong Error</b> '.$Src.' : '.htmlentities($Msg=
+ if ($NoErrMsg) $x =3D $x.' <em>This message can be cancelled using para=
meter \'noerr\'.</em>';
+ $x =3D $x."<br />\n";
+ $x =3D str_replace($this->_ChrOpen,$this->_ChrProtect,$x);
+ echo $x;
+ return false;
+function meth_Misc_ChangeMode($Init,&$Loc,&$CurrVal) {
+ if ($Init) {
+ // Save contents configuration
+ $Loc->SaveSrc =3D& $this->Source;
+ $Loc->SaveRender =3D $this->Render;
+ $Loc->SaveMode =3D $this->_Mode;
+ unset($this->Source); $this->Source =3D '';
+ $this->Render =3D TBS_OUTPUT;
+ $this->_Mode++; // Mode>0 means subtemplate mode
+ ob_start(); // Start buffuring output=20
+ } else {
+ // Restore contents configuration
+ $this->Source =3D& $Loc->SaveSrc;
+ $this->Render =3D $Loc->SaveRender;
+ $this->_Mode =3D $Loc->SaveMode;
+ $CurrVal =3D ob_get_contents();
+ ob_end_clean();
+ }
+function meth_Misc_UserFctCheck(&$FctInfo,$FctCat,&$FctObj,&$ErrMsg) {
+ $FctId =3D $FctCat.':'.$FctInfo;
+ if (isset($this->_UserFctLst[$FctId])) {
+ $FctInfo =3D $this->_UserFctLst[$FctId];
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Check and put in cache
+ $FctStr =3D $FctInfo;
+ $IsData =3D ($FctCat!=3D=3D'f');
+ $Save =3D true;
+ if ($FctStr[0]=3D=3D=3D'~') {
+ $ObjRef =3D& $this->ObjectRef;
+ $Lst =3D explode('.',substr($FctStr,1));
+ $iMax =3D count($Lst) - 1;
+ $Suff =3D 'tbsdb';
+ $iMax0 =3D $iMax;
+ if ($IsData) {
+ $Suff =3D $Lst[$iMax];
+ $iMax--;
+ }
+ // Reading sub items
+ for ($i=3D0;$i<=3D$iMax;$i++) {
+ $x =3D& $Lst[$i];
+ if (is_object($ObjRef)) {
+ $ArgLst =3D tbs_Misc_CheckArgLst($x);
+ if (method_exists($ObjRef,$x)) {
+ if ($i<$iMax) {
+ $f =3D array(&$ObjRef,$x); unset($ObjRef);
+ $ObjRef =3D call_user_func_array($f,$ArgLst);
+ }
+ } elseif ($i=3D=3D=3D$iMax0) {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'Expression \''.$FctStr.'\' is invalid because \''.$x.'=
\' is not a method in the class \''.get_class($ObjRef).'\'.';
+ return false;
+ } elseif (isset($ObjRef->$x)) {
+ $ObjRef =3D& $ObjRef->$x;
+ } else {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'Expression \''.$FctStr.'\' is invalid because sub-item=
\''.$x.'\' is neither a method nor a property in the class \''.get_class=
+ return false;
+ }
+ } elseif (($i<$iMax0) and is_array($ObjRef)) {
+ if (isset($ObjRef[$x])) {
+ $ObjRef =3D& $ObjRef[$x];
+ } else {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'Expression \''.$FctStr.'\' is invalid because sub-item=
\''.$x.'\' is not a existing key in the array.';
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'Expression \''.$FctStr.'\' is invalid because '.(($i=3D=
=3D=3D0)?'property ObjectRef':'sub-item \''.$x.'\'').' is not an object'.=
(($i<$iMax)?' or an array.':'.');
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Referencing last item
+ if ($IsData) {
+ $FctInfo =3D array('open'=3D>'','fetch'=3D>'','close'=3D>'');
+ foreach ($FctInfo as $act=3D>$x) {
+ $FctName =3D $Suff.'_'.$act;
+ if (method_exists($ObjRef,$FctName)) {
+ $FctInfo[$act] =3D array(&$ObjRef,$FctName);
+ } else {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'Expression \''.$FctStr.'\' is invalid because method '=
.$FctName.' is not found.';
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ $FctInfo['type'] =3D 4;
+ if (isset($this->RecheckObj) and $this->RecheckObj) $Save =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $FctInfo =3D array(&$ObjRef,$x);
+ }
+ } elseif ($IsData) {
+ $IsObj =3D ($FctCat=3D=3D=3D'o');
+ if ($IsObj and method_exists($FctObj,'tbsdb_open') and (!method_exists=
($FctObj,'+'))) { // '+' avoid a bug in PHP 5
+ if (!method_exists($FctObj,'tbsdb_fetch')) {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'the expected method \'tbsdb_fetch\' is not found for th=
e class '.$Cls.'.';
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!method_exists($FctObj,'tbsdb_close')) {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'the expected method \'tbsdb_close\' is not found for th=
e class '.$Cls.'.';
+ return false;
+ }
+ $FctInfo =3D array('type'=3D>5);
+ } else {=09
+ if ($FctCat=3D=3D=3D'r') { // Resource
+ $x =3D strtolower($FctStr);
+ $x =3D str_replace('-','_',$x);
+ $Key =3D '';
+ $i =3D 0;
+ $iMax =3D strlen($x);
+ while ($i<$iMax) {
+ if (($x[$i]=3D=3D=3D'_') or (($x[$i]>=3D'a') and ($x[$i]<=3D'z')) o=
r (($x[$i]>=3D'0') and ($x[$i]<=3D'9'))) {
+ $Key .=3D $x[$i];
+ $i++;
+ } else {
+ $i =3D $iMax;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $Key =3D $FctStr;
+ }
+ $FctInfo =3D array('open'=3D>'','fetch'=3D>'','close'=3D>'');
+ foreach ($FctInfo as $act=3D>$x) {
+ $FctName =3D 'tbsdb_'.$Key.'_'.$act;
+ if (function_exists($FctName)) {
+ $FctInfo[$act] =3D $FctName;
+ } else {
+ $err =3D true;
+ if ($act=3D=3D=3D'open') { // Try simplified key
+ $p =3D strpos($Key,'_');
+ if ($p!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $Key2 =3D substr($Key,0,$p);
+ $FctName2 =3D 'tbsdb_'.$Key2.'_'.$act;
+ if (function_exists($FctName2)) {
+ $err =3D false;
+ $Key =3D $Key2;
+ $FctInfo[$act] =3D $FctName2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($err) {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'Data source Id \''.$FctStr.'\' is unsupported because=
function \''.$FctName.'\' is not found.';
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $FctInfo['type'] =3D 3;
+ =09
+ }
+ =09
+ } else {
+ if (!function_exists($FctStr)) {
+ $x =3D explode('.',$FctStr);
+ if (count($x)=3D=3D2) {
+ if (class_exists($x[0])) {
+ $FctInfo =3D $x;
+ } else {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'user function \''.$FctStr.'\' is not correct because \=
''.$x[0].'\' is not a class name.'; return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'user function \''.$FctStr.'\' is not found.'; return fa=
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Save) $this->_UserFctLst[$FctId] =3D $FctInfo;
+ return true;
+function meth_Misc_RunSubscript(&$CurrVal,$CurrPrm) {
+// Run a subscript without any local variable damage
+ return @include($this->_Subscript);
+function meth_PlugIn_RunAll(&$FctBank,&$ArgLst) {
+ $OkAll =3D true;
+ foreach ($FctBank as $FctInfo) {
+ $Ok =3D call_user_func_array($FctInfo,$ArgLst);
+ if (!is_null($Ok)) $OkAll =3D ($OkAll and $Ok);
+ }
+ return $OkAll;
+function meth_PlugIn_Install($PlugInId,$ArgLst,$Auto) {
+ $ErrMsg =3D 'with plug-in \''.$PlugInId.'\'';
+ if (class_exists($PlugInId)) {
+ // Create an instance
+ $IsObj =3D true;
+ $PiRef =3D new $PlugInId;
+ $PiRef->TBS =3D& $this;
+ if (!method_exists($PiRef,'OnInstall')) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert(=
$ErrMsg,'OnInstall() method is not found.');
+ $FctRef =3D array(&$PiRef,'OnInstall');
+ } else {
+ $FctRef =3D 'tbspi_'.$PlugInId.'_OnInstall';
+ if(function_exists($FctRef)) {
+ $IsObj =3D false;
+ $PiRef =3D true;
+ } else {
+ return $this->meth_Misc_Alert($ErrMsg,'no class named \''.$PlugInId.'=
\' is found, and no function named \''.$FctRef.'\' is found.');
+ }
+ }
+ $EventLst =3D call_user_func_array($FctRef,$ArgLst);
+ if (is_string($EventLst)) $EventLst =3D explode(',',$EventLst);
+ if (!is_array($EventLst)) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert($ErrMsg,'OnInst=
all() method does not return an array.');
+ // Add activated methods
+ $EventRef =3D explode(',','OnCommand,BeforeLoadTemplate,AfterLoadTempla=
+ foreach ($EventLst as $Event) {
+ $Event =3D trim($Event);
+ if (!in_array($Event,$EventRef)) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert($ErrMsg=
,'OnInstall() method return an unknowed plug-in event named \''.$Event.'\=
' (case-sensitive).');
+ if ($IsObj) {
+ if (!method_exists($PiRef,$Event)) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert($Err=
Msg,'OnInstall() has returned a Plug-in event named \''.$Event.'\' which =
is not found.');
+ $FctRef =3D array(&$PiRef,$Event);
+ } else {
+ $FctRef =3D 'tbspi_'.$PlugInId.'_'.$Event;
+ if (!function_exists($FctRef)) return $this->meth_Misc_Alert($ErrMsg,=
'requiered function \''.$FctRef.'\' is not found.');
+ }
+ // Save information into the corresponding property
+ $PropName =3D '_pi'.$Event;
+ if (!isset($this->$PropName)) $this->$PropName =3D array();
+ $PropRef =3D& $this->$PropName;
+ $PropRef[$PlugInId] =3D $FctRef;
+ // Flags saying if a plugin is installed
+ switch ($Event) {
+ case 'OnCommand': break;
+ case 'OnSpecialVar': break;
+ case 'OnOperation': break;
+ case 'OnFormat': $this->_piOnFrm_Ok =3D true; break;
+ default: $this->_PlugIns_Ok =3D true; break;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->_PlugIns[$PlugInId] =3D& $PiRef;
+ return true;
+function meth_Misc_Format(&$Value,&$PrmLst) {
+// This function return the formated representation of a Date/Time or nu=
meric variable using a 'VB like' format syntax instead of the PHP syntax.
+ $FrmStr =3D $PrmLst['frm'];
+ $CheckNumeric =3D true;
+ if (is_string($Value)) $Value =3D trim($Value);
+ // Manage Multi format strings
+ if (strpos($FrmStr,'|')!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ // Save the format if it doesn't exist
+ if (isset($this->_FrmMultiLst[$FrmStr])) {
+ $FrmLst =3D& $this->_FrmMultiLst[$FrmStr];
+ } else {
+ $FrmLst =3D explode('|',$FrmStr); // syntax : Postive|Negative|Zero|N=
+ $FrmNbr =3D count($FrmLst);
+ $FrmLst['abs'] =3D ($FrmNbr>1);
+ if ($FrmNbr<3) $FrmLst[2] =3D& $FrmLst[0]; // zero
+ if ($FrmNbr<4) $FrmLst[3] =3D ''; // null
+ $this->_FrmMultiLst[$FrmStr] =3D $FrmLst;
+ }
+ // Select the format
+ if (is_numeric($Value)) {
+ if (is_string($Value)) $Value =3D 0.0 + $Value;
+ if ($Value>0) {
+ $FrmStr =3D& $FrmLst[0];
+ } elseif ($Value<0) {
+ $FrmStr =3D& $FrmLst[1];
+ if ($FrmLst['abs']) $Value =3D abs($Value);
+ } else { // zero
+ $FrmStr =3D& $FrmLst[2];
+ $Minus =3D '';
+ }
+ $CheckNumeric =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $Value =3D ''.$Value;
+ if ($Value=3D=3D=3D'') {
+ return $FrmLst[3]; // Null value
+ } else {
+ $t =3D strtotime($Value); // We look if it's a date
+ if (($t=3D=3D=3D-1) or ($t=3D=3D=3Dfalse)) { // Date not recognized
+ return $FrmLst[1];
+ } elseif ($t=3D=3D=3D943916400) { // Date to zero
+ return $FrmLst[2];
+ } else { // It's a date
+ $Value =3D $t;
+ $FrmStr =3D& $FrmLst[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($FrmStr=3D=3D=3D'') return '';
+ // Retrieve the correct simple format
+ if (!isset($this->_FrmSimpleLst[$FrmStr])) $this->meth_Misc_FormatSave(=
+ $Frm =3D& $this->_FrmSimpleLst[$FrmStr];
+ switch ($Frm['type']) {
+ case 'num' :
+ if ($CheckNumeric) {
+ if (is_numeric($Value)) {
+ if (is_string($Value)) $Value =3D 0.0 + $Value;
+ } else {
+ return ''.$Value;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Frm['PerCent']) $Value =3D $Value * 100;
+ $Value =3D number_format($Value,$Frm['DecNbr'],$Frm['DecSep'],$Frm['Th=
+ return substr_replace($FrmStr,$Value,$Frm['Pos'],$Frm['Len']);
+ break;
+ case 'date' :
+ // DATE
+ if (is_string($Value)) {
+ if ($Value=3D=3D=3D'') return '';
+ $x =3D strtotime($Value);
+ if (($x=3D=3D=3D-1) or ($x=3D=3D=3Dfalse)) {
+ if (!is_numeric($Value)) $Value =3D 0;
+ } else {
+ $Value =3D& $x;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!is_numeric($Value)) return ''.$Value;
+ }
+ if (isset($PrmLst['locale'])) {
+ return strftime($Frm['str_loc'],$Value);
+ } else {
+ return date($Frm['str_us'],$Value);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return $Frm['string'];
+ break;
+ }
+function meth_Misc_FormatSave(&$FrmStr) {
+ $nPosEnd =3D strrpos($FrmStr,'0');
+ if ($nPosEnd!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ // Numeric format
+ $nDecSep =3D '.';
+ $nDecNbr =3D 0;
+ $nDecOk =3D true;
+ if (substr($FrmStr,$nPosEnd+1,1)=3D=3D=3D'.') {
+ $nPosEnd++;
+ $nPosCurr =3D $nPosEnd;
+ } else {
+ $nPosCurr =3D $nPosEnd - 1;
+ while (($nPosCurr>=3D0) and ($FrmStr[$nPosCurr]=3D=3D=3D'0')) {
+ $nPosCurr--;
+ }
+ if (($nPosCurr>=3D1) and ($FrmStr[$nPosCurr-1]=3D=3D=3D'0')) {
+ $nDecSep =3D $FrmStr[$nPosCurr];
+ $nDecNbr =3D $nPosEnd - $nPosCurr;
+ } else {
+ $nDecOk =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Thousand separator
+ $nThsSep =3D '';
+ if (($nDecOk) and ($nPosCurr>=3D5)) {
+ if ((substr($FrmStr,$nPosCurr-3,3)=3D=3D=3D'000') and ($FrmStr[$nPosC=
urr-4]!=3D=3D'') and ($FrmStr[$nPosCurr-5]=3D=3D=3D'0')) {
+ $nPosCurr =3D $nPosCurr-4;
+ $nThsSep =3D $FrmStr[$nPosCurr];
+ }
+ }
+ // Pass next zero
+ if ($nDecOk) $nPosCurr--;
+ while (($nPosCurr>=3D0) and ($FrmStr[$nPosCurr]=3D=3D=3D'0')) {
+ $nPosCurr--;
+ }
+ // Percent
+ $nPerCent =3D (strpos($FrmStr,'%')=3D=3D=3Dfalse) ? false : true;
+ $this->_FrmSimpleLst[$FrmStr] =3D array('type'=3D>'num','Pos'=3D>($nPo=
+ } else { // if ($nPosEnd!=3D=3Dfalse)
+ // Date format
+ $FrmPHP =3D '';
+ $FrmLOC =3D '';
+ $Local =3D false;
+ $StrIn =3D false;
+ $iMax =3D strlen($FrmStr);
+ $Cnt =3D 0;
+ for ($i=3D0;$i<$iMax;$i++) {
+ if ($StrIn) {
+ // We are in a string part
+ if ($FrmStr[$i]=3D=3D=3D'"') {
+ if (substr($FrmStr,$i+1,1)=3D=3D=3D'"') {
+ $FrmPHP .=3D '\\"'; // protected char
+ $FrmLOC .=3D $FrmStr[$i];
+ $i++;
+ } else {
+ $StrIn =3D false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $FrmPHP .=3D '\\'.$FrmStr[$i]; // protected char
+ $FrmLOC .=3D $FrmStr[$i];
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($FrmStr[$i]=3D=3D=3D'"') {
+ $StrIn =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $Cnt++;
+ if (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'hh' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'H'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%H'; $i +=3D 1;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'hm' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'h'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%I'; $i +=3D 1;} // for compatibility
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,1),'h' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'G'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%H';}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'rr' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'h'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%I'; $i +=3D 1;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,1),'r' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'g'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%I';}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,4),'ampm')=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D substr($FrmStr,$i,1); $FrmLOC .=3D '%p'; $i +=3D 3;} // $Fmp =3D '=
A' or 'a'
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'nn' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'i'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%M'; $i +=3D 1;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'ss' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 's'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%S'; $i +=3D 1;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'xx' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'S'; $FrmLOC .=3D '' ; $i +=3D 1;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,4),'yyyy')=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'Y'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%Y'; $i +=3D 3;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'yy' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'y'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%y'; $i +=3D 1;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,4),'mmmm')=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'F'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%B'; $i +=3D 3;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,3),'mmm' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'M'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%b'; $i +=3D 2;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'mm' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'm'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%m'; $i +=3D 1;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,1),'m' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'n'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%m';}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,4),'wwww')=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'l'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%A'; $i +=3D 3;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,3),'www' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'D'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%a'; $i +=3D 2;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,1),'w' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'w'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%u';}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,4),'dddd')=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'l'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%A'; $i +=3D 3;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,3),'ddd' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'D'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%a'; $i +=3D 2;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,2),'dd' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'd'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%d'; $i +=3D 1;}
+ elseif (strcasecmp(substr($FrmStr,$i,1),'d' )=3D=3D=3D0) { $FrmPH=
P .=3D 'j'; $FrmLOC .=3D '%d';}
+ else {
+ $FrmPHP .=3D '\\'.$FrmStr[$i]; // protected char
+ $FrmLOC .=3D $FrmStr[$i]; // protected char
+ $Cnt--;
+ }
+ }
+ } //-> if ($StrIn) {...} else
+ } //-> for ($i=3D0;$i<$iMax;$i++)
+ if ($Cnt>0) {
+ $this->_FrmSimpleLst[$FrmStr] =3D array('type'=3D>'date','str_us'=3D>=
+ } else {
+ $this->_FrmSimpleLst[$FrmStr] =3D array('type'=3D>'else','string'=3D>=
+ }
+ } // if ($nPosEnd!=3D=3Dfalse) {...} else
+} // class clsTinyButStrong
+// *********************************************
+function tbs_Misc_ConvSpe(&$Loc) {
+ if ($Loc->ConvMode!=3D=3D2) {
+ $Loc->ConvMode =3D 2;
+ $Loc->ConvEsc =3D false;
+ $Loc->ConvWS =3D false;
+ $Loc->ConvJS =3D false;
+ }
+function tbs_Misc_CheckArgLst(&$Str) {
+ $ArgLst =3D array();
+ if (substr($Str,-1,1)=3D=3D=3D')') {
+ $pos =3D strpos($Str,'(');
+ if ($pos!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $ArgLst =3D explode(',',substr($Str,$pos+1,strlen($Str)-$pos-2));
+ $Str =3D substr($Str,0,$pos);
+ }
+ }
+ return $ArgLst;
+function tbs_Misc_CheckCondition($Str) {
+// Check if an expression like "exrp1=3Dexpr2" is true or false.
+ // Find operator and position
+ $Ope =3D '=3D';
+ $Len =3D 1;
+ $Max =3D strlen($Str)-1;
+ $Pos =3D strpos($Str,$Ope);
+ if ($Pos=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $Ope =3D '+';
+ $Pos =3D strpos($Str,$Ope);
+ if ($Pos=3D=3D=3Dfalse) return false;
+ if (($Pos>0) and ($Str[$Pos-1]=3D=3D=3D'-')) {
+ $Ope =3D '-+'; $Pos--; $Len=3D2;
+ } elseif (($Pos<$Max) and ($Str[$Pos+1]=3D=3D=3D'-')) {
+ $Ope =3D '+-'; $Len=3D2;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($Pos>0) {
+ $x =3D $Str[$Pos-1];
+ if ($x=3D=3D=3D'!') {
+ $Ope =3D '!=3D'; $Pos--; $Len=3D2;
+ } elseif ($x=3D=3D=3D'~') {
+ $Ope =3D '~=3D'; $Pos--; $Len=3D2;
+ } elseif ($Pos<$Max) {
+ $y =3D $Str[$Pos+1];
+ if ($y=3D=3D=3D'=3D') {
+ $Len=3D2;
+ } elseif (($x=3D=3D=3D'+') and ($y=3D=3D=3D'-')) {
+ $Ope =3D '+=3D-'; $Pos--; $Len=3D3;
+ } elseif (($x=3D=3D=3D'-') and ($y=3D=3D=3D'+')) {
+ $Ope =3D '-=3D+'; $Pos--; $Len=3D3;
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Read values
+ $Val1 =3D trim(substr($Str,0,$Pos));
+ $Nude1 =3D tbs_Misc_DelDelimiter($Val1,'\'');
+ $Val2 =3D trim(substr($Str,$Pos+$Len));
+ $Nude2 =3D tbs_Misc_DelDelimiter($Val2,'\'');
+ // Compare values
+ if ($Ope=3D=3D=3D'=3D') {
+ return (strcasecmp($Val1,$Val2)=3D=3D0);
+ } elseif ($Ope=3D=3D=3D'!=3D') {
+ return (strcasecmp($Val1,$Val2)!=3D0);
+ } elseif ($Ope=3D=3D=3D'~=3D') {
+ return (preg_match($Val2,$Val1)>0);
+ } else {
+ if ($Nude1) $Val1=3D'0'+$Val1;
+ if ($Nude2) $Val2=3D'0'+$Val2;
+ if ($Ope=3D=3D=3D'+-') {
+ return ($Val1>$Val2);
+ } elseif ($Ope=3D=3D=3D'-+') {
+ return ($Val1 < $Val2);
+ } elseif ($Ope=3D=3D=3D'+=3D-') {
+ return ($Val1 >=3D $Val2);
+ } elseif ($Ope=3D=3D=3D'-=3D+') {
+ return ($Val1<=3D$Val2);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+function tbs_Misc_DelDelimiter(&$Txt,$Delim) {
+// Delete the string delimiters
+ $len =3D strlen($Txt);
+ if (($len>1) and ($Txt[0]=3D=3D=3D$Delim)) {
+ if ($Txt[$len-1]=3D=3D=3D$Delim) $Txt =3D substr($Txt,1,$len-2);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+function tbs_Misc_GetFile(&$Txt,&$File,$LastFile=3D'') {
+// Load the content of a file into the text variable.
+ $Txt =3D '';
+ $fd =3D @fopen($File, 'r'); // 'rb' if binary for some OS
+ if ($fd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($LastFile=3D=3D=3D'') return false;
+ $File2 =3D dirname($LastFile).'/'.$File;
+ $fd =3D @fopen($File2, 'r');
+ if ($fd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) return false;
+ $File =3D $File2;
+ }
+ if ($fd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) return false;
+ $fs =3D @filesize($File); // return False for an URL
+ if ($fs=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ while (!feof($fd)) $Txt .=3D fread($fd,4096);
+ } else {
+ if ($fs>0) $Txt =3D fread($fd,$fs);
+ }
+ fclose($fd);
+ return true;
+function tbs_Locator_PrmRead(&$Txt,$Pos,$HtmlTag,$DelimChrs,$BegStr,$End=
Str,&$Loc,&$PosEnd) {
+ $BegLen =3D strlen($BegStr);
+ $BegChr =3D $BegStr[0];
+ $BegIs1 =3D ($BegLen=3D=3D=3D1);
+ $DelimIdx =3D false;
+ $DelimCnt =3D 0;
+ $DelimChr =3D '';
+ $BegCnt =3D 0;
+ $SubName =3D $Loc->SubOk;
+ $Status =3D 0; // 0: name not started, 1: name started, 2: name ended, =
3: equal found, 4: value started
+ $PosName =3D 0;
+ $PosNend =3D 0;
+ $PosVal =3D 0;
+ // Variables for checking the loop
+ $PosEnd =3D strpos($Txt,$EndStr,$Pos);
+ if ($PosEnd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) return;
+ $Continue =3D ($Pos<$PosEnd);
+ while ($Continue) {
+ $Chr =3D $Txt[$Pos];
+ if ($DelimIdx) { // Reading in the string
+ if ($Chr=3D=3D=3D$DelimChr) { // Quote found
+ if ($Chr=3D=3D=3D$Txt[$Pos+1]) { // Double Quote =3D> the string con=
tinue with un-double the quote
+ $Pos++;
+ } else { // Simple Suote =3D> end of string
+ $DelimIdx =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // Reading outside the string
+ if ($BegCnt=3D=3D=3D0) {
+ // Analyzing parameters
+ $CheckChr =3D false;
+ if (($Chr=3D=3D=3D' ') or ($Chr=3D=3D=3D"\r") or ($Chr=3D=3D=3D"\n")=
) {
+ if ($Status=3D=3D=3D1) {
+ $Status =3D 2;
+ $PosNend =3D $Pos;
+ } elseif ($HtmlTag and ($Status=3D=3D=3D4)) {
+ tbs_Locator_PrmCompute($Txt,$Loc,$SubName,$Status,$HtmlTag,$DelimC=
+ $Status =3D 0;
+ }
+ } elseif (($HtmlTag=3D=3D=3Dfalse) and ($Chr=3D=3D=3D';')) {
+ tbs_Locator_PrmCompute($Txt,$Loc,$SubName,$Status,$HtmlTag,$DelimCh=
+ $Status =3D 0;
+ } elseif ($Status=3D=3D=3D4) {
+ $CheckChr =3D true;
+ } elseif ($Status=3D=3D=3D3) {
+ $Status =3D 4;
+ $DelimCnt =3D 0;
+ $PosVal =3D $Pos;
+ $CheckChr =3D true;
+ } elseif ($Status=3D=3D=3D2) {
+ if ($Chr=3D=3D=3D'=3D') {
+ $Status =3D 3;
+ } elseif ($HtmlTag) {
+ tbs_Locator_PrmCompute($Txt,$Loc,$SubName,$Status,$HtmlTag,$DelimC=
+ $Status =3D 1;
+ $PosName =3D $Pos;
+ $CheckChr =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $Status =3D 4;
+ $DelimCnt =3D 0;
+ $PosVal =3D $Pos;
+ $CheckChr =3D true;
+ }
+ } elseif ($Status=3D=3D=3D1) {
+ if ($Chr=3D=3D=3D'=3D') {
+ $Status =3D 3;
+ $PosNend =3D $Pos;
+ } else {
+ $CheckChr =3D true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $Status =3D 1;
+ $PosName =3D $Pos;
+ $CheckChr =3D true;
+ }
+ if ($CheckChr) {
+ $DelimIdx =3D strpos($DelimChrs,$Chr);
+ if ($DelimIdx=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($Chr=3D=3D=3D$BegChr) {
+ if ($BegIs1) {
+ $BegCnt++;
+ } elseif(substr($Txt,$Pos,$BegLen)=3D=3D=3D$BegStr) {
+ $BegCnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $DelimChr =3D $DelimChrs[$DelimIdx];
+ $DelimCnt++;
+ $DelimIdx =3D true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($Chr=3D=3D=3D$BegChr) {
+ if ($BegIs1) {
+ $BegCnt++;
+ } elseif(substr($Txt,$Pos,$BegLen)=3D=3D=3D$BegStr) {
+ $BegCnt++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Next char
+ $Pos++;
+ // We check if it's the end
+ if ($Pos=3D=3D=3D$PosEnd) {
+ if ($DelimIdx=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($BegCnt>0) {
+ $BegCnt--;
+ } else {
+ $Continue =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Continue) {
+ $PosEnd =3D strpos($Txt,$EndStr,$PosEnd+1);
+ if ($PosEnd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) return;
+ } else {
+ if ($HtmlTag and ($Txt[$Pos-1]=3D=3D=3D'/')) $Pos--; // In case last=
attribute is stuck to "/>"=20
+ tbs_Locator_PrmCompute($Txt,$Loc,$SubName,$Status,$HtmlTag,$DelimChr=
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $PosEnd =3D $PosEnd + (strlen($EndStr)-1);
+function tbs_Locator_PrmCompute(&$Txt,&$Loc,&$SubName,$Status,$HtmlTag,$=
DelimChr,$DelimCnt,$PosName,$PosNend,$PosVal,$Pos) {
+ if ($Status=3D=3D=3D0) {
+ $SubName =3D false;
+ } else {
+ if ($Status=3D=3D=3D1) {
+ $x =3D substr($Txt,$PosName,$Pos-$PosName);
+ } else {
+ $x =3D substr($Txt,$PosName,$PosNend-$PosName);
+ }
+ if ($HtmlTag) $x =3D strtolower($x);
+ if ($SubName) {
+ $Loc->SubName =3D $x;
+ $SubName =3D false;
+ } else {
+ if ($Status=3D=3D=3D4) {
+ $v =3D trim(substr($Txt,$PosVal,$Pos-$PosVal));
+ if ($DelimCnt=3D=3D=3D1) { // Delete quotes inside the value
+ if ($v[0]=3D=3D=3D$DelimChr) {
+ $len =3D strlen($v);
+ if ($v[$len-1]=3D=3D=3D$DelimChr) {
+ $v =3D substr($v,1,$len-2);
+ $v =3D str_replace($DelimChr.$DelimChr,$DelimChr,$v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $v =3D true;
+ }
+ if ($x=3D=3D=3D'if') {
+ tbs_Locator_PrmIfThen($Loc,true,$v);
+ } elseif ($x=3D=3D=3D'then') {
+ tbs_Locator_PrmIfThen($Loc,false,$v);
+ } else {
+ $Loc->PrmLst[$x] =3D $v;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function tbs_Locator_PrmIfThen(&$Loc,$IsIf,$Val) {
+ $nbr =3D& $Loc->PrmIfNbr;
+ if ($nbr=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $nbr =3D 0;
+ $Loc->PrmIf =3D array();
+ $Loc->PrmIfVar =3D array();
+ $Loc->PrmThen =3D array();
+ $Loc->PrmThenVar =3D array();
+ $Loc->PrmElseVar =3D true;
+ }=20
+ if ($IsIf) {
+ $nbr++;
+ $Loc->PrmIf[$nbr] =3D $Val;
+ $Loc->PrmIfVar[$nbr] =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $nbr2 =3D $nbr;
+ if ($nbr2=3D=3D=3Dfalse) $nbr2 =3D 1; // Only the first 'then' can be =
placed before its 'if'. This is for compatibility.
+ $Loc->PrmThen[$nbr2] =3D $Val;
+ $Loc->PrmThenVar[$nbr2] =3D true;
+ }
+function tbs_Locator_EnlargeToStr(&$Txt,&$Loc,$StrBeg,$StrEnd) {
+This function enables to enlarge the pos limits of the Locator.
+If the search result is not correct, $PosBeg must not change its value, =
and $PosEnd must be False.
+This is because of the calling function.
+ // Search for the begining string
+ $Pos =3D $Loc->PosBeg;
+ $Ok =3D false;
+ do {
+ $Pos =3D strrpos(substr($Txt,0,$Pos),$StrBeg[0]);
+ if ($Pos!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if (substr($Txt,$Pos,strlen($StrBeg))=3D=3D=3D$StrBeg) $Ok =3D true;
+ }
+ } while ( (!$Ok) and ($Pos!=3D=3Dfalse) );
+ if ($Ok) {
+ $PosEnd =3D strpos($Txt,$StrEnd,$Loc->PosEnd + 1);
+ if ($PosEnd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $Ok =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $Loc->PosBeg =3D $Pos;
+ $Loc->PosEnd =3D $PosEnd + strlen($StrEnd) - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return $Ok;
+function tbs_Locator_EnlargeToTag(&$Txt,&$Loc,$TagLst,$RetInnerSrc) {
+//Modify $Loc, return false if tags not found, returns the inner source =
of tag if $RetInnerSrc=3Dtrue
+ // Analyze string
+ $Ref =3D 0;
+ $LevelStop =3D 0;
+ $TagLst =3D explode('+',$TagLst);
+ $TagIsSgl =3D array();
+ $TagMax =3D count($TagLst) - 1;
+ for ($i=3D0;$i<=3D$TagMax;$i++) {
+ do { // Check parentheses, relative position and single tag
+ $tag =3D& $TagLst[$i];
+ $tag =3D trim($tag);
+ $x =3D strlen($tag) - 1; // pos of last char
+ if (($x>1) and ($tag[0]=3D=3D=3D'(') and ($tag[$x]=3D=3D=3D')')) {
+ if ($Ref=3D=3D=3D0) $Ref =3D $i;
+ if ($Ref=3D=3D=3D$i) $LevelStop++;
+ $tag =3D substr($tag,1,$x-1);
+ } else {
+ if (($x>=3D0) and ($tag[$x]=3D=3D=3D'/')) {
+ $TagIsSgl[$i] =3D true;
+ $tag =3D substr($tag,0,$x);
+ } else {
+ $TagIsSgl[$i] =3D false;
+ }
+ $x =3D false;
+ }
+ } while ($x!=3D=3Dfalse);
+ }
+ // Find tags that embeds the locator
+ if ($LevelStop=3D=3D=3D0) $LevelStop =3D 1;
+ $TagO =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$TagLst[$Ref],true,$Loc->PosBeg-1,false=
+ if ($TagO=3D=3D=3Dfalse) return false;
+ $PosBeg =3D $TagO->PosBeg;
+ if ($TagIsSgl[$Ref]) {
+ $PosEnd =3D max($Loc->PosEnd,$TagO->PosEnd);
+ $InnerLim =3D $PosEnd + 1;
+ } else {
+ $TagC =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$TagLst[$Ref],false,$Loc->PosEnd+1,tru=
+ if ($TagC=3D=3Dfalse) return false;
+ $PosEnd =3D $TagC->PosEnd;
+ $InnerLim =3D $TagC->PosBeg;
+ }
+ $RetVal =3D true;
+ if ($RetInnerSrc) {
+ $RetVal =3D '';
+ if ($Loc->PosBeg>$TagO->PosEnd) $RetVal .=3D substr($Txt,$TagO->PosEnd=
+ if ($Loc->PosEnd<$InnerLim) $RetVal .=3D substr($Txt,max($Loc->PosEnd,=
+ }
+ // Forward
+ $TagC =3D true;
+ for ($i=3D$Ref+1;$i<=3D$TagMax;$i++) {
+ $x =3D $TagLst[$i];
+ if (($x!=3D=3D'') and ($TagC!=3D=3Dfalse)) {
+ $level =3D ($TagIsSgl[$i]) ? 1 : 0;
+ $TagC =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$x,$TagIsSgl[$i],$PosEnd+1,true,$leve=
+ if ($TagC!=3D=3Dfalse) $PosEnd =3D $TagC->PosEnd;
+ }
+ }
+ // Backward
+ $TagO =3D true;
+ for ($i=3D$Ref-1;$i>=3D0;$i--) {
+ $x =3D $TagLst[$i];
+ if (($x!=3D=3D'') and ($TagO!=3D=3Dfalse)) {
+ $level =3D ($TagIsSgl[$i]) ? 1 : 0;
+ $TagO =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$x,true,$PosBeg-1,false,$level,false)=
+ if ($TagO!=3D=3Dfalse) $PosBeg =3D $TagO->PosBeg;
+ }
+ }
+ $Loc->PosBeg =3D $PosBeg;
+ $Loc->PosEnd =3D $PosEnd;
+ return $RetVal;
+function tbs_Html_Max(&$Txt,&$Nbr,$MaxEnd) {
+// Limit the number of HTML chars
+ $pMax =3D strlen($Txt)-1;
+ $p=3D0;
+ $n=3D0;
+ $in =3D false;
+ $ok =3D true;
+ while ($ok) {
+ if ($in) {
+ if ($Txt[$p]=3D=3D=3D';') {
+ $in =3D false;
+ $n++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($Txt[$p]=3D=3D=3D'&') {
+ $in =3D true;
+ } else {
+ $n++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (($n>=3D$Nbr) or ($p>=3D$pMax)) {
+ $ok =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $p++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (($n>=3D$Nbr) and ($p<$pMax)) $Txt =3D substr($Txt,0,$p).$MaxEnd;
+function tbs_Html_GetPart(&$Txt,$Tag,$WithTags=3Dfalse,$CancelIfEmpty=3D=
false) {
+// This function returns a part of the HTML document (HEAD or BODY)
+// The $CancelIfEmpty parameter enables to cancel the extraction when th=
e part is not found.
+ if (($Tag=3D=3D=3Dtrue) or ($Tag=3D=3D=3D'')) $Tag =3D 'BODY';
+ $x =3D false;
+ $LocOpen =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Tag,true,0,true,false,false);
+ if ($LocOpen!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $LocClose =3D tbs_Html_FindTag($Txt,$Tag,false,$LocOpen->PosEnd+1,true=
+ if ($LocClose!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($WithTags) {
+ $x =3D substr($Txt,$LocOpen->PosBeg,$LocClose->PosEnd - $LocOpen->Po=
sBeg + 1);
+ } else {
+ $x =3D substr($Txt,$LocOpen->PosEnd+1,$LocClose->PosBeg - $LocOpen->=
PosEnd - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($x=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ if ($CancelIfEmpty) {
+ $x =3D $Txt;
+ } else {
+ $x =3D '';
+ }
+ }
+ return $x;
+function tbs_Html_FindTag(&$Txt,$Tag,$Opening,$PosBeg,$Forward,$LevelSto=
p,$WithPrm) {
+/* This function is a smarter issue to find an HTML tag.
+It enables to ignore full opening/closing couple of tag that could be in=
serted before the searched tag.
+It also enables to pass a number of encapsulations.
+To ignore encapsulation and opengin/closing just set $LevelStop=3Dfalse.
+ if ($Tag=3D=3D=3D'_') { // New line
+ $p =3D tbs_Html_FindNewLine($Txt,$PosBeg,$Forward,($LevelStop!=3D=3D0)=
+ $Loc =3D new clsTbsLocator;
+ $Loc->PosBeg =3D ($Forward) ? $PosBeg : $p;
+ $Loc->PosEnd =3D ($Forward) ? $p : $PosBeg;
+ return $Loc;
+ }
+ $Pos =3D $PosBeg + (($Forward) ? -1 : +1);
+ $TagIsOpening =3D false;
+ $TagClosing =3D '/'.$Tag;
+ $LevelNum =3D 0;
+ $TagOk =3D false;
+ do {
+ // Look for the next tag def
+ if ($Forward) {
+ $Pos =3D strpos($Txt,'<',$Pos+1);
+ } else {
+ if ($Pos<=3D0) {
+ $Pos =3D false;
+ } else {
+ $Pos =3D strrpos(substr($Txt,0,$Pos - 1),'<');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Pos!=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ // Check the name of the tag
+ if (strcasecmp(substr($Txt,$Pos+1,strlen($Tag)),$Tag)=3D=3D0) {
+ $PosX =3D $Pos + 1 + strlen($Tag); // The next char
+ $TagOk =3D true;
+ $TagIsOpening =3D true;
+ } elseif (strcasecmp(substr($Txt,$Pos+1,strlen($TagClosing)),$TagClos=
ing)=3D=3D0) {
+ $PosX =3D $Pos + 1 + strlen($TagClosing); // The next char
+ $TagOk =3D true;
+ $TagIsOpening =3D false;
+ }
+ if ($TagOk) {
+ // Check the next char
+ $x =3D $Txt[$PosX];
+ if (($x=3D=3D=3D' ') or ($x=3D=3D=3D"\r") or ($x=3D=3D=3D"\n") or ($=
x=3D=3D=3D'>')) {
+ // Check the encapsulation count
+ if ($LevelStop=3D=3D=3Dfalse) { // No encaplusation check
+ if ($TagIsOpening!=3D=3D$Opening) $TagOk =3D false;
+ } else { // Count the number of level
+ if ($TagIsOpening) {
+ $LevelNum++;
+ } else {
+ $LevelNum--;
+ }
+ // Check if it's the expected level
+ if ($LevelNum!=3D$LevelStop) $TagOk =3D false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $TagOk =3D false;
+ }
+ } //--> if ($TagOk)
+ }
+ } while (($Pos!=3D=3Dfalse) and ($TagOk=3D=3D=3Dfalse));
+ // Search for the end of the tag
+ if ($TagOk) {
+ $Loc =3D new clsTbsLocator;
+ if ($WithPrm) {
+ $PosEnd =3D 0;
+ tbs_Locator_PrmRead($Txt,$PosX,true,'\'"','<','>',$Loc,$PosEnd);
+ } else {
+ $PosEnd =3D strpos($Txt,'>',$PosX);
+ if ($PosEnd=3D=3D=3Dfalse) {
+ $TagOk =3D false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Result
+ if ($TagOk) {
+ $Loc->PosBeg =3D $Pos;
+ $Loc->PosEnd =3D $PosEnd;
+ return $Loc;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function tbs_Html_FindNewLine(&$Txt,$PosBeg,$Forward,$IsRef) {
+ $p =3D $PosBeg;
+ if ($Forward) {
+ $Inc =3D 1;
+ $Inf =3D& $p;
+ $Sup =3D strlen($Txt)-1;
+ } else {
+ $Inc =3D -1;
+ $Inf =3D 0;
+ $Sup =3D& $p;
+ }
+ do {
+ if ($Inf>$Sup) return max($Sup,0);
+ $x =3D $Txt[$p];
+ if (($x=3D=3D=3D"\r") or ($x=3D=3D=3D"\n")) {
+ $x2 =3D ($x=3D=3D=3D"\n") ? "\r" : "\n";
+ $p0 =3D $p;
+ if (($Inf<$Sup) and ($Txt[$p+$Inc]=3D=3D=3D$x2)) $p +=3D $Inc; // New=
line char can have two chars.
+ if ($Forward) return $p; // Forward =3D> return pos including newline=
+ if ($IsRef or ($p0!=3D$PosBeg)) return $p0+1; // Backwars =3D> return=
pos without newline char. Ignore newline if it is the very first char of=
the search.
+ }
+ $p +=3D $Inc;
+ } while (true);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/lib/tbso=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/lib/tbsooo_=
class.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/lib/tbsooo_=
class.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+TinyButStrongOOo (extend TinyButStrong to process OOo doc)
+Author : Olivier LOYNET (tbsooo en free.fr)
+Version : 0.7.9
+Require : PHP >=3D 4.0.6 and TBS >=3D 2.0.4
+Date : 2006-06-12
+Web site : www.tinybutstrong.com
+Doc : http://www.tinybutstrong.com/apps/tbsooo/doc.html
+Forum : http://www.tinybutstrong.com/forum.php - see "TBS with OpenOf=
+Download : http://www.tinybutstrong.com/download/download.php?file=3Dtbs=
+Released under the GNU LGPL license
+class clsTinyButStrongOOo extends clsTinyButStrong
+ // private properties
+ var $_process_path =3D 'tmp/';
+ var $_zip_bin =3D '';
+ var $_unzip_bin =3D '';
+ var $_charset =3D '';
+ var $_ooo_basename =3D '';
+ var $_ooo_file_ext =3D '';
+ var $_xml_filename =3D '';
+ // public method
+ function SetZipBinary($path_binary, $test=3Dfalse)
+ {
+ // set the 'zip' binary to compress OOo files
+ if ($path_binary !=3D '') {
+ $this->_zip_bin =3D $this->_PathQuote($path_binary);
+ }
+ // test if zip is present
+ if ($test) {
+ if (strlen(shell_exec($this->_zip_bin.' -h')) =3D=3D 0) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('SetZipBinary method', 'Problem to execut=
e the command : shell_exec(\''.$this->_zip_bin.' -h\')');
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function SetUnzipBinary($path_binary, $test=3Dfalse)
+ {
+ // set the 'unzip binary to decompress OOo files
+ if ($path_binary !=3D '') {
+ $this->_unzip_bin =3D $this->_PathQuote($path_binary);
+ }
+ // test if unzip is present
+ if ($test) {
+ if (strlen(shell_exec($this->_unzip_bin.' -h')) =3D=3D 0) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('SetUnzipBinary method', 'Problem to exec=
ute the command : shell_exec(\''.$this->_unzip_bin.' -h\')');
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function SetProcessDir($process_path)
+ {
+ clearstatcache();
+ // set the directory for processing temporary OOo files
+ if ($process_path =3D=3D '') {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('SetProcessDir method', 'Parameter is empty=
+ return false;
+ }
+ // add a trailing / at the path
+ $this->_process_path =3D $process_path.(substr($process_path, -1, 1)=
=3D=3D '/' ? '' : '/');
+ =20
+ // test if 'dir' exists
+ if (!is_dir($this->_process_path)) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('SetProcessDir method', 'Directory not foun=
d : '.$this->_process_path);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // test if 'dir' is writable
+ if (!is_writable($this->_process_path)) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('SetProcessDir method', 'Directory not writ=
able : '.$this->_process_path);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function SetDataCharset($charset)
+ {
+ $this->_charset =3D strtoupper($charset);
+ }
+ function NewDocFromTpl($ooo_template_filename)
+ {
+ // test if OOo source file exist
+ if (!file_exists($ooo_template_filename)) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('NewDocFromTpl method', 'File not found : '=
+ return false;
+ }
+ // create unique ID
+ $unique =3D md5(microtime());
+ // find path, file and extension
+ $a_pathinfo =3D pathinfo($ooo_template_filename);
+ $this->_ooo_file_ext =3D $a_pathinfo['extension'];
+ $this->_ooo_basename =3D $this->_process_path.$unique;
+ // create unique temporary basename dir
+ if (!mkdir($this->_ooo_basename, 0700)) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('NewDocFromTpl method', 'Can\'t create dire=
ctory : '.$this->_ooo_basename);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // copy the ooo template into the temporary basename dir
+ if (!copy($ooo_template_filename, $this->_ooo_basename.'.'.$this->_o=
oo_file_ext)) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('NewDocFromTpl method', 'Can\'t copy file t=
o process dir : '.$ooo_template_filename);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $this->_ooo_basename.'.'.$this->_ooo_file_ext;
+ }
+ function LoadXmlFromDoc($xml_file)
+ {
+ $this->_xml_filename =3D $xml_file;
+ // unzip the XML files
+ exec($this->_unzip_bin.' '.$this->_ooo_basename.'.'.$this->_ooo_file=
_ext.' -d '.$this->_ooo_basename.' '.$this->_xml_filename);
+ // test if XML file exist
+ if (!file_exists($this->_ooo_basename.'/'.$this->_xml_filename)) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('LoadXmlFromDoc method', 'File not found : =
+ return false;
+ }
+ // load the template
+ $this->ObjectRef =3D &$this;
+ $this->LoadTemplate($this->_ooo_basename.'/'.$this->_xml_filename, '=
+ // work around - convert apostrophe in XML file needed for TBS funct=
+ $this->Source =3D str_replace(''', '\'', $this->Source);
+ // convert tag image need in future release of tbsooo_img
+ $this->ReplaceTagImage();
+ // return
+ return true;
+ }
+ function AddFileToDoc($filename)
+ {
+ if (!file_exists($filename)) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('AddFileToDoc method', 'File not found : '.=
+ return false;
+ }
+ exec($this->_zip_bin.' -u '.$this->_ooo_basename.'.'.$this->_ooo_fil=
e_ext.' '.$filename);
+ }
+ function ReplaceTagImage()
+ {
+ /*
+ will be released in tbsooo_img extend tbsooo because need xml php5 f=
+ $doc =3D new DOMDocument();
+ $doc->loadXML($this->Source);
+ $draw_frames =3D $doc->getElementsByTagName('frame');
+ for ($i =3D 0; $i < $draw_frames->length; $i++) {
+ $draw_frame =3D $draw_frames->item($i); =20
+ $svg_descs =3D $draw_frame->getElementsByTagName('desc');=20
+ if ($svg_descs->length > 0) {
+ $tag =3D $svg_descs->item(0)->nodeValue;
+ if (ereg("^\[.*\]", $tag)) {
+ $draw_images =3D $draw_frame->getElementsByTagName('image');=20
+ if ($draw_images->length > 0) {
+ $draw_image =3D $draw_images->item(0);
+ $draw_image->removeAttribute('href'); =
+ $draw_image->setAttribute('xlink:href', $tag); =20
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->Source =3D $doc->SaveXML();
+ */
+ }
+ function SaveXmlToDoc()
+ {
+ // get the source result
+ $this->Show(TBS_NOTHING);
+ // store the merge result in place of the XML source file
+ $fdw =3D fopen($this->_ooo_basename.'/'.$this->_xml_filename, "w");
+ fwrite($fdw, $this->Source, strlen($this->Source));
+ fclose ($fdw);
+ // test if XML file exist
+ if (!file_exists($this->_ooo_basename.'/'.$this->_xml_filename)) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('SaveXmlToDoc method', 'File not found : '.=
+ return false;
+ }
+ // zip and remove the file
+ exec($this->_zip_bin.' -j -m '.$this->_ooo_basename.'.'.$this->_ooo_=
file_ext.' '.$this->_ooo_basename.'/'.$this->_xml_filename);
+ return true;
+ }
+ function GetPathnameDoc()
+ {
+ // remove tmp dir
+ $this->_RemoveTmpBasenameDir();
+ // return path
+ return $this->_ooo_basename.'.'.$this->_ooo_file_ext;
+ }
+ function GetMimetypeDoc()
+ {
+ switch($this->_ooo_file_ext) {
+ case 'sxw': return 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer'; break;
+ case 'stw': return 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template'; brea=
+ case 'sxg': return 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.global'; break;
+ case 'sxc': return 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc'; break;
+ case 'stc': return 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template'; break;
+ case 'sxi': return 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress'; break;
+ case 'sti': return 'application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template'; bre=
+ case 'sxd': return 'application/vnd.sun.xml.draw'; break;
+ case 'std': return 'application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template'; break;
+ case 'sxm': return 'application/vnd.sun.xml.math'; break;
+ case 'odt': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text'; brea=
+ case 'ott': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-templa=
te'; break;
+ case 'oth': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web'; =
+ case 'odm': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master=
'; break;
+ case 'odg': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics'; =
+ case 'otg': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-te=
mplate'; break;
+ case 'odp': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentatio=
n'; break;
+ case 'otp': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentatio=
n-template'; break;
+ case 'ods': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet=
'; break;
+ case 'ots': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet=
-template'; break;
+ case 'odc': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart'; bre=
+ case 'odf': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula'; b=
+ case 'odb': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database'; =
+ case 'odi': return 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image'; bre=
+ default: return ''; break;
+ }
+ }
+ function FlushDoc()
+ {
+ // flush file
+ $fp =3D @fopen($this->GetPathnameDoc(), 'rb'); // replace readfile()
+ fpassthru($fp);
+ fclose($fp);
+ }
+ function RemoveDoc()
+ {
+ // remove file
+ unlink($this->GetPathnameDoc());
+ }
+ function ClearProcessDir($hour =3D '2', $minut =3D '0')
+ {
+ clearstatcache();
+ $now =3D mktime(date("H")-abs((int)$hour), date("i")-abs((int)$minut=
), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
+ if ($dir =3D @opendir($this->_process_path)) {
+ while (($file =3D readdir($dir)) !=3D=3D false) {
+ if ($file !=3D ".." && $file !=3D ".") {
+ if (filemtime($this->_process_path.$file) < $now) {
+ if (!(is_dir($this->_process_path.$file) ? @rmdir($this->_pr=
ocess_path.'/'.$file) : @unlink($this->_process_path.$file))) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('ClearProcessDir method', 'Can\'t r=
emove directory or file : '.$this->_process_path.$file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dir);
+ }
+ }
+ // private method
+ function _PathQuote($path_quote)
+ {
+ if (strpos($path_quote, ' ') !=3D=3D false) {
+ $path_quote =3D (strpos($path_quote, '"') =3D=3D=3D 0 ? '' : '"').=
+ $path_quote =3D $path_quote.((strrpos($path_quote, '"') =3D=3D str=
len($path_quote)-1) ? '' : '"');
+ }
+ return $path_quote;
+ }
+ function _CharsetEncode($string_encode)
+ {
+ $string_encode =3D str_replace('&' ,'&', $string_encode);
+ $string_encode =3D str_replace('<' ,'<', $string_encode);
+ $string_encode =3D str_replace('>' ,'>', $string_encode);
+ //$string_encode =3D str_replace("\n", '</text:p><text:p>', $string_=
encode); // '\n' by XML tags
+ $string_encode =3D str_replace("\n", '<text:line-break/>', $string_e=
ncode); // '\n' by XML tags
+ switch($this->_charset) {
+ // OOo XML charset is utf8
+ case 'UTF8': // no encode
+ break;
+ case 'ISO 8859-1': // encode ISO 8859-1 to UTF8
+ default:
+ $string_encode =3D utf8_encode($string_encode);=20
+ break;
+ }
+ // work-around for EURO caracter
+ $string_encode =3D str_replace(chr(0xC2).chr(0x80) , chr(0xE2).chr(0=
x82).chr(0xAC), $string_encode); // =80
+ return $string_encode;
+ }
+ function _RemoveTmpBasenameDir()
+ {
+ clearstatcache();
+ // remove the temporary directory
+ if (is_dir($this->_ooo_basename) && !rmdir ($this->_ooo_basename)) {
+ $this->meth_Misc_Alert('_RemoveTmpDir method', 'Can\'t remove dire=
ctory : '.$this->_ooo_basename);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/template=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
edit_actions.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
edit_actions.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<ul class=3D"sf_admin_actions">
+ <li><?php echo submit_tag(__('save'), array (
+ 'name' =3D> 'save',
+ 'class' =3D> 'sf_admin_action_save',
+)) ?></li>
+ <li><?php echo button_to(__('list'), 'informes/list?id=3D'.$informe-=
>getId(), array (
+ 'class' =3D> 'sf_admin_action_list',
+)) ?></li>
+ <li><?php echo submit_tag(__('save and add'), array (
+ 'name' =3D> 'save_and_add',
+ 'class' =3D> 'sf_admin_action_save_and_add',
+)) ?></li>
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/template=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
edit_form.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
edit_form.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+<?php echo form_tag('informes/save', array(
+ 'id' =3D> 'sf_admin_edit_form',
+ 'name' =3D> 'sf_admin_edit_form',
+ 'multipart' =3D> true,
+)) ?>
+<?php echo object_input_hidden_tag($informe, 'getId') ?>
+<fieldset id=3D"sf_fieldset_informacion_general" class=3D"">
+<div class=3D"form-row">
+ <?php echo label_for('informe[nombre]', __($labels['informe{nombre}'])=
, 'class=3D"required" ') ?>
+ <div class=3D"content<?php if ($sf_request->hasError('informe{nombre}'=
)): ?> form-error<?php endif; ?>">
+ <?php if ($sf_request->hasError('informe{nombre}')): ?>
+ <?php echo form_error('informe{nombre}', array('class' =3D> 'form-er=
ror-msg')) ?>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php $value =3D object_input_tag($informe, 'getNombre', array (
+ 'size' =3D> 64,
+ 'control_name' =3D> 'informe[nombre]',
+)); echo $value ? $value : ' ' ?>
+ </div>
+<div class=3D"form-row">
+ <?php echo label_for('informe[descripcion]', __($labels['informe{descr=
ipcion}']), 'class=3D"required" ') ?>
+ <div class=3D"content<?php if ($sf_request->hasError('informe{descripc=
ion}')): ?> form-error<?php endif; ?>">
+ <?php if ($sf_request->hasError('informe{descripcion}')): ?>
+ <?php echo form_error('informe{descripcion}', array('class' =3D> 'fo=
rm-error-msg')) ?>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php $value =3D object_input_tag($informe, 'getdescripcion', array (
+ 'size' =3D> 64,
+ 'control_name' =3D> 'informe[descripcion]',
+)); echo $value ? $value : ' ' ?>
+ </div>
+<div class=3D"form-row">
+ <?php echo label_for('adjunto', __('Plantilla de informe:')) ?>
+ <div class=3D"content<?php if ($sf_request->hasError('file')): ?> form=
-error<?php endif; ?>">
+ <?php if ($sf_request->hasError('file')): ?>
+ <?php echo form_error('file', array('class' =3D> 'form-error-msg')) =
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php echo input_file_tag('file') ?>
+ <?php =20
+ if($informe->getAdjunto()) {
+ ?><a href=3D"<?php echo sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest(=
)->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/".sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir_name').'/'. $inf=
orme->getAdjunto()->getRuta()?>"><?php echo $informe->getAdjunto()->getNo=
mbreArchivo()?></a> <?php=20
+//- echo link_to("Borrar", "informes?action=3DborrarAdjunto&id=
+ echo " ";
+ }=20
+ ?>
+ </div>
+<div class=3D"form-row">
+ <?php echo label_for('informe[fk_tipoinforme_id]', __($labels['informe=
{fk_tipoinforme_id}']), 'class=3D"required" ') ?>
+ <div class=3D"content<?php if ($sf_request->hasError('informe{fk_tipoi=
nforme_id}')): ?> form-error<?php endif; ?>">
+ <?php if ($sf_request->hasError('informe{fk_tipoinforme_id}')): ?>
+ <?php echo form_error('informe{fk_tipoinforme_id}', array('class' =3D=
> 'form-error-msg')) ?>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php $value =3D object_select_tag($informe, 'getFkTipoinformeId', arr=
ay (
+ 'related_class' =3D> 'Tipoinforme',
+ 'control_name' =3D> 'informe[fk_tipoinforme_id]',
+)); echo $value ? $value : ' ' ?>
+ </div>
+<div class=3D"form-row">
+ <?php echo label_for('informe[listado]', __($labels['informe{listado}'=
]), 'class=3D"required" ') ?>
+ <div class=3D"content<?php if ($sf_request->hasError('informe{listado}=
')): ?> form-error<?php endif; ?>">
+ <?php if ($sf_request->hasError('informe{listado}')): ?>
+ <?php echo form_error('informe{listado}', array('class' =3D> 'form-e=
rror-msg')) ?>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php $value =3D object_checkbox_tag($informe, 'getListado', array (
+ 'control_name' =3D> 'informe[listado]',
+)); echo $value ? $value : ' ' ?>
+ </div>
+<div class=3D"form-row">
+ <?php echo label_for('informe[variables]', __($labels['informe{variabl=
es}']), 'class=3D"required" ') ?>
+ <div class=3D"content<?php if ($sf_request->hasError('informe{variable=
s}')): ?> form-error<?php endif; ?>">
+ <?php if ($sf_request->hasError('informe{variables}')): ?>
+ <?php echo form_error('informe{variables}', array('class' =3D> 'form=
-error-msg')) ?>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ <?php $value =3D object_input_tag($informe, 'getVariables', array (
+ 'size' =3D> 64,
+ 'control_name' =3D> 'informe[variables]',
+)); echo $value ? $value : ' ' ?>
+ </div>
+<?php include_partial('edit_actions', array('informe' =3D> $informe)) ?>
+<ul class=3D"sf_admin_actions">
+ <li class=3D"float-left"><?php if ($informe->getId()): ?>
+<?php echo button_to(__('delete'), 'informes/delete?id=3D'.$informe->get=
Id(), array (
+ 'post' =3D> true,
+ 'confirm' =3D> __('Are you sure?'),
+ 'class' =3D> 'sf_admin_action_delete',
+)) ?><?php endif; ?>
+ </ul>
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/template=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
edit_messages.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
edit_messages.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?php if ($sf_request->hasErrors()): ?>
+<div class=3D"form-errors">
+<h2><?php echo __('There are some errors that prevent the form to valida=
te') ?></h2>
+<?php foreach ($sf_request->getErrorNames() as $name): ?>
+ <dt><?php echo __($labels[$name]) ?></dt>
+ <dd><?php echo $sf_request->getError($name) ?></dd>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+<?php elseif ($sf_flash->has('notice')): ?>
+<div class=3D"save-ok">
+<h2><?php echo __($sf_flash->get('notice')) ?></h2>
+<?php endif; ?>
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/template=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
list.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
list.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<table cellspacing=3D"0" class=3D"sf_admin_list">
+<?php include_partial('list_th_tabular') ?>
+ <th id=3D"sf_admin_list_th_sf_actions"><?php echo __('Actions') ?></th=
+<?php $i =3D 1; foreach ($pager->getResults() as $informe): $odd =3D fmo=
d(++$i, 2) ?>
+<tr class=3D"sf_admin_row_<?php echo $odd ?>">
+<?php include_partial('list_td_tabular', array('informe' =3D> $informe))=
+<?php include_partial('list_td_actions', array('informe' =3D> $informe))=
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+<tr><th colspan=3D"8">
+<div class=3D"float-right">
+<?php if ($pager->haveToPaginate()): ?>
+ <?php echo link_to(image_tag(sfConfig::get('sf_admin_web_dir').'/image=
s/first.png', array('align' =3D> 'absmiddle', 'alt' =3D> __('First'), 'ti=
tle' =3D> __('First'))), 'informe/list?page=3D1') ?>
+ <?php echo link_to(image_tag(sfConfig::get('sf_admin_web_dir').'/image=
s/previous.png', array('align' =3D> 'absmiddle', 'alt' =3D> __('Previous'=
), 'title' =3D> __('Previous'))), 'informe/list?page=3D'.$pager->getPrevi=
ousPage()) ?>
+ <?php foreach ($pager->getLinks() as $page): ?>
+ <?php echo link_to_unless($page =3D=3D $pager->getPage(), $page, 'in=
forme/list?page=3D'.$page) ?>
+ <?php endforeach; ?>
+ <?php echo link_to(image_tag(sfConfig::get('sf_admin_web_dir').'/image=
s/next.png', array('align' =3D> 'absmiddle', 'alt' =3D> __('Next'), 'titl=
e' =3D> __('Next'))), 'informe/list?page=3D'.$pager->getNextPage()) ?>
+ <?php echo link_to(image_tag(sfConfig::get('sf_admin_web_dir').'/image=
s/last.png', array('align' =3D> 'absmiddle', 'alt' =3D> __('Last'), 'titl=
e' =3D> __('Last'))), 'informe/list?page=3D'.$pager->getLastPage()) ?>
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php echo format_number_choice('[0] no result|[1] 1 result|(1,+Inf] %1%=
results', array('%1%' =3D> $pager->getNbResults()), $pager->getNbResults=
()) ?>
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/template=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
list_actions.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
list_actions.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<ul class=3D"sf_admin_actions">
+ <li><?php echo button_to(__('create'), 'informes/create', array (
+ 'class' =3D> 'sf_admin_action_create',
+)) ?></li>
+ </ul>
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/template=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
list_messages.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
list_messages.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<?php if ($sf_request->getError('delete')): ?>
+<div class=3D"form-errors">
+ <h2>Could not delete the selected Informe</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><?php echo $sf_request->getError('delete') ?></li>
+ </ul>
+<?php endif; ?>
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/template=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
list_td_actions.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
list_td_actions.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<ul class=3D"sf_admin_td_actions">
+ <li><?php echo link_to(image_tag('/sf/sf_admin/images/edit_icon.png', =
array('alt' =3D> __('edit'), 'title' =3D> __('edit'))), 'informes/edit?id=
=3D'.$informe->getId()) ?></li>
+ <li><?php echo link_to(image_tag('/sf/sf_admin/images/delete_icon.png'=
, array('alt' =3D> __('delete'), 'title' =3D> __('delete'))), 'informes/d=
elete?id=3D'.$informe->getId(), array (
+ 'post' =3D> true,
+ 'confirm' =3D> __('Are you sure?'),
+)) ?></li>
+ <li><?php echo link_to(image_tag('/images/small/report_go.png', arra=
y('alt' =3D> __('ir al reporte'), 'title' =3D> __('ir al reporte'))), 'in=
formes/mostrar?id=3D'.$informe->getId()) ?></li>
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/template=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
list_td_tabular.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
list_td_tabular.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ <td><?php echo link_to($informe->getNombre() ? $informe->getNombre()=
: __('-'), 'informes/edit?id=3D'.$informe->getId()) ?></td>
+ <td><?php echo $informe->getDescripcion() ?></td>
+ <td>
+<?php if($informe->getAdjunto()) { ?>
+<a href=3D"<?php echo sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativ=
eUrlRoot()."/".sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir_name').'/'. $informe->getAdju=
nto()->getRuta()?>"><?php echo $informe->getAdjunto()->getNombreArchivo()=
+<?php } ?>
+ <td><?php echo ($informe->getTipoinforme())?$informe->getTipoinforme=
()->getNombre():"" ?></td>
+ <td><?php echo $informe->getListado() ? image_tag(sfConfig::get('sf_=
admin_web_dir').'/images/tick.png') : ' ' ?></td>
+ <td><?php echo $informe->getVariables() ?></td>
+ =20
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/template=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
list_th_tabular.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/_=
list_th_tabular.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ <th id=3D"sf_admin_list_th_nombre">
+ <?php if ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort', null, 'sf_admin/infor=
mes/sort') =3D=3D 'nombre'): ?>
+ <?php echo link_to(__('Nombre'), 'informes/list?sort=3Dnombre&type=
=3D'.($sf_user->getAttribute('type', 'asc', 'sf_admin/informes/sort') =3D=
=3D 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc')) ?>
+ (<?php echo __($sf_user->getAttribute('type', 'asc', 'sf_admin/inf=
ormes/sort')) ?>)
+ <?php else: ?>
+ <?php echo link_to(__('Nombre'), 'informes/list?sort=3Dnombre&type=
=3Dasc') ?>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ </th>
+ <th id=3D"sf_admin_list_th_descripcion">
+ <?php if ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort', null, 'sf_admin/infor=
mes/sort') =3D=3D 'descripcion'): ?>
+ <?php echo link_to(__('Descripción'), 'informes/list?sort=3D=
descripcion&type=3D'.($sf_user->getAttribute('type', 'asc', 'sf_admin/inf=
ormes/sort') =3D=3D 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc')) ?>
+ (<?php echo __($sf_user->getAttribute('type', 'asc', 'sf_admin/inf=
ormes/sort')) ?>)
+ <?php else: ?>
+ <?php echo link_to(__('Descripción'), 'informes/list?sort=3D=
descripcion&type=3Dasc') ?>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ </th>
+ <th id=3D"sf_admin_list_th_fk_adjunto_id">
+ <?php echo __('Plantilla'); ?>
+ </th>
+ <th id=3D"sf_admin_list_th_tipoinforme">
+ <?php if ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort', null, 'sf_admin/infor=
mes/sort') =3D=3D 'fk_tipoinforme_id'): ?>
+ <?php echo link_to(__('Tipo de Informe'), 'informes/list?sort=3Dti=
poinforme&type=3D'.($sf_user->getAttribute('type', 'asc', 'sf_admin/infor=
mes/sort') =3D=3D 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc')) ?>
+ (<?php echo __($sf_user->getAttribute('type', 'asc', 'sf_admin/inf=
ormes/sort')) ?>)
+ <?php else: ?>
+ <?php echo link_to(__('Tipo de Informe'), 'informes/list?sort=3Dti=
poinforme&type=3Dasc') ?>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ </th>
+ <th id=3D"sf_admin_list_th_listado">
+ <?php if ($sf_user->getAttribute('sort', null, 'sf_admin/infor=
mes/sort') =3D=3D 'listado'): ?>
+ <?php echo link_to(__('=C2=BFEstá listado?'), 'informes/lis=
t?sort=3Dlistado&type=3D'.($sf_user->getAttribute('type', 'asc', 'sf_admi=
n/informes/sort') =3D=3D 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc')) ?>
+ (<?php echo __($sf_user->getAttribute('type', 'asc', 'sf_admin/inf=
ormes/sort')) ?>)
+ <?php else: ?>
+ <?php echo link_to(__('=C2=BFEs un listado?'), 'informes/list?sort=
=3Dlistado&type=3Dasc') ?>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ </th>
+ <th id=3D"sf_admin_list_th_variable">
+ <?php echo __('Variables')?>
+ </th>
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/template=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/b=
usquedaAlumnosSuccess.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/b=
usquedaAlumnosSuccess.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<?php use_helper('I18N'); ?>
+<div id=3D"sf_admin_container">
+<h1>Informe: <?php echo $titulo ?></h1>
+<?php echo form_tag('informes/busquedaAlumnos', 'id=3Dsf_admin_edit_form=
name=3Dsf_admin_edit_form multipart=3Dtrue') ?>
+<fieldset id=3D"sf_fieldset_none" class=3D"">
+ <div class=3D"form-row">
+ <?php echo label_for('Buscar', __('Buscar Alumnos:')) ?>
+ <?php echo input_tag('txt', $txt) ?> =20
+ </div>
+ <div class=3D"form-row">
+ <?php echo label_for('division', __('Division:')) ?>
+ <?php echo select_tag('division_id', options_for_select($options=
Division, $division_id)) ?>
+ </div>
+ <ul class=3D"sf_admin_actions">
+ <li><?php echo submit_tag(__('Buscar'), array (
+ 'name' =3D> 'Mostrar',
+ 'class' =3D> 'sf_admin_action_save',
+)) ?></li>
+<?php if (count($aAlumno) > 0) {
+ if ($txt) { ?>
+ Usted buscó -<?php echo $txt?>-
+ <?php } ?>
+<table cellspacing=3D"0" class=3D"sf_admin_list">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th id=3D"sf_admin_list_th_alumno"> Alumno</th>
+ <th id=3D"sf_admin_list_th_sf_actions">Ver Informe</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ $i =3D 0;
+ foreach($aAlumno as $alumno){
+ <tr class=3D"sf_admin_row_0">
+ <td><?php echo $alumno->alumno_apellido." ".$alumno->alumno_nombre; =
?> ( <?php echo $alumno->anio_descripcion?> - <?php echo $alumno->divisio=
n_nombre?> ) </td>
+ <td>
+ <ul class=3D"sf_admin_td_actions">
+ <li><?php echo link_to(image_tag('/images/small/report_go.png', arr=
ay('alt' =3D> 'editar', 'title' =3D> 'Editar')) , 'informes?action=3Dmost=
rar&alumno_id=3D'.$alumno->alumno_id); ?></li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <?php } ?>
+ </tbody>
+<?php } else {
+ if ($txt) { ?>
+ Su búsqueda por -<?php echo $txt?>- no ha encontrado alum=
+ <?php }=20
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/template=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/e=
ditSuccess.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/e=
ditSuccess.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?php use_helper('Object', 'Validation', 'ObjectAdmin', 'I18N', 'Date') =
+<?php use_stylesheet('/sf/sf_admin/css/main') ?>
+<div id=3D"sf_admin_container">
+<h1><?php echo __('Editar informe',=20
+array()) ?></h1>
+<div id=3D"sf_admin_content">
+<?php include_partial('informes/edit_messages', array('informe' =3D> $in=
forme, 'labels' =3D> $labels)) ?>
+<?php include_partial('informes/edit_form', array('informe' =3D> $inform=
e, 'labels' =3D> $labels)) ?>
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/template=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/l=
istSuccess.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/templates/l=
istSuccess.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?php use_helper('I18N', 'Date') ?>
+<?php use_stylesheet('/sf/sf_admin/css/main') ?>
+<div id=3D"sf_admin_container">
+<h1><?php echo __('Listado de Informes',=20
+array()) ?></h1>
+<div id=3D"sf_admin_header">
+<?php include_partial('informes/list_messages', array('pager' =3D> $page=
r)) ?>
+<div id=3D"sf_admin_content">
+<?php if (!$pager->getNbResults()): ?>
+<?php echo __('no result') ?>
+<?php else: ?>
+<?php include_partial('informes/list', array('pager' =3D> $pager)) ?>
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php include_partial('list_actions') ?>
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/validate=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/validate/ed=
it.yml 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/informes/validate/ed=
it.yml 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ post:
+ - "informe{nombre}"
+ - "informe{descripcion}"
+ - "informe{variables}"
+ - "informe{fk_tipoinforme_id}"
+ - file
+ enabled: on
+ informe{nombre}:
+ required: Yes
+ required_msg: El campo nombre es obligatorio
+ validators: caracteresMaximos128
+ informe{fk_tipoinforme_id}:
+ required: Yes
+ validators: validarNumero
+ informe{descripcion}:
+ required: No
+ validators: caracteresMaximos255
+ informe{variables}:
+ required: No
+ validators: caracteresMaximos255
+ file:
+ required: Yes
+ required_msg: El campo plantilla de informe es obligatorio
+ file: true
+ validators: archivoValidar
+ class: sfStringValidator
+ param:
+ max: 128
+ max_error: La maxima cantidad de caracteres permitida es de 128
+ class: sfStringValidator
+ param:
+ max: 255
+ max_error: La maxima cantidad de caracteres permitida es de 255
+ class: sfNumberValidator
+ param:
+ nan_error: Por favor ingrese un valor númerico =20
+ min: 0
+ min_error: El número debe ser positivo
+ class: sfFileValidator
+ param:
+ max_size: 512000
+ max_size_error: Máximo tamaño del archivo adjunt=
o es 512Kb
+# mime_types:
+# - 'image/jpeg'
+# mime_types_error: Solamente ODT o SWX son permitidos
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/inf=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/config/schema.yml
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/config/schema.yml 2007-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (=
rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/config/schema.yml 2007-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (=
rev 5218)
@@ -1839,4 +1839,54 @@
required: true
primaryKey: true
foreignTable: docente
- foreignReference: id
\ No newline at end of file
+ foreignReference: id
+ informe:=20
+ _attributes:=20
+ idMethod: native
+ id:=20
+ type: INTEGER
+ required: true
+ autoIncrement: true
+ primaryKey: true
+ nombre:=20
+ type: VARCHAR
+ size: 128
+ required: true
+ descripcion:=20
+ type: VARCHAR
+ size: 255
+ fk_adjunto_id:=20
+ type: integer
+ size: 11
+ required: true
+ foreignTable: adjunto
+ foreignReference: id
+ fk_tipoinforme_id:=20
+ type: integer
+ size: 11
+ required: true
+ foreignTable: tipoinforme
+ foreignReference: id
+ listado:=20
+ type: BOOLEAN
+ required: true
+ default: false
+ variables:=20
+ type: VARCHAR
+ size: 128
+ tipoinforme:=20
+ _attributes:=20
+ idMethod: native
+ id:=20
+ type: INTEGER
+ required: true
+ autoIncrement: true
+ primaryKey: true
+ nombre:=20
+ type: VARCHAR
+ size: 128
+ required: true
+ descripcion:=20
+ type: VARCHAR
+ size: 255
+ required: false
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/datos_desde_cero.sql
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/datos_desde_cero.sql 2007-10-10 17=
:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/datos_desde_cero.sql 2007-10-10 20=
:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -309,5 +309,10 @@
INSERT INTO rel_usuario_permiso (id, fk_usuario_id, fk_permiso_id) VALUE=
S (55, 1, 61);
INSERT INTO rel_usuario_permiso (id, fk_usuario_id, fk_permiso_id) VALUE=
S (56, 1, 62);
+-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `tipoinforme`
+INSERT INTO `tipoinforme` (`id` ,`nombre` ,`descripcion`) VALUES (1 , 'A=
lumnos', 'Informes relacionados a los alumnos');
Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/datos_ejemplo.sql
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/datos_ejemplo.sql 2007-10-10 17:24=
:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/datos_ejemplo.sql 2007-10-10 20:53=
:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -3448,6 +3448,11 @@
INSERT INTO `evento` (`id`, `titulo`, `fecha_inicio`, `fecha_fin`, `tipo=
`, `frecuencia`, `frecuencia_intervalo`, `recurrencia_fin`, `recurrencia_=
dias`, `estado`) VALUES (32, 'Cuarto Grado A - Estudios sociales', '2007-=
03-05 14:50:00', '2007-03-05 15:30:00', 1, 5, 1, '2007-12-14 00:00', 6, 1=
+-- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `tipoinforme`
+INSERT INTO `tipoinforme` (`id` ,`nombre` ,`descripcion`) VALUES (1 , 'A=
lumnos', 'Informes relacionados a los alumnos');
Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/lib.model.schema.sql
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/lib.model.schema.sql 2007-10-10 17=
:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/lib.model.schema.sql 2007-10-10 20=
:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -1438,5 +1438,47 @@
REFERENCES `docente` (`id`)
+#-- informe
+CREATE TABLE `informe`
+ `nombre` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
+ `descripcion` VARCHAR(255),
+ `fk_adjunto_id` INTEGER(11) NOT NULL,
+ `fk_tipoinforme_id` INTEGER(11) NOT NULL,
+ `listado` INTEGER default 0 NOT NULL,
+ `variables` VARCHAR(128),
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
+ INDEX `informe_FI_1` (`fk_adjunto_id`),
+ CONSTRAINT `informe_FK_1`
+ FOREIGN KEY (`fk_adjunto_id`)
+ REFERENCES `adjunto` (`id`),
+ INDEX `informe_FI_2` (`fk_tipoinforme_id`),
+ CONSTRAINT `informe_FK_2`
+ FOREIGN KEY (`fk_tipoinforme_id`)
+ REFERENCES `tipoinforme` (`id`)
+#-- tipoinforme
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tipoinforme`;
+CREATE TABLE `tipoinforme`
+ `nombre` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
+ `descripcion` VARCHAR(255),
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
# This restores the fkey checks, after having unset them earlier
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Informe.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Informe.php 2007-10-10 17:24:59 U=
TC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Informe.php 2007-10-10 20:53:17 U=
TC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ * Subclass for representing a row from the 'informe' table.
+ *
+ *=20
+ *
+ * @package lib.model
+ */=20
+class Informe extends BaseInforme
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Informe.php
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/InformePeer.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/InformePeer.php 2007-10-10 17:24:=
59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/InformePeer.php 2007-10-10 20:53:=
17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ * Subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'informe' =
+ *
+ *=20
+ *
+ * @package lib.model
+ */=20
+class InformePeer extends BaseInformePeer
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/InformePeer.php
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Tipoinforme.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Tipoinforme.php 2007-10-10 17:24:=
59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Tipoinforme.php 2007-10-10 20:53:=
17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ * Subclass for representing a row from the 'tipoinforme' table.
+ *
+ *=20
+ *
+ * @package lib.model
+ */=20
+class Tipoinforme extends BaseTipoinforme
+ public function __toString() {
+ return $this->getNombre();
+ }
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Tipoinforme.php
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/TipoinformePeer.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/TipoinformePeer.php 2007-10-10 17=
:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/TipoinformePeer.php 2007-10-10 20=
:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ * Subclass for performing query and update operations on the 'tipoinfor=
me' table.
+ *
+ *=20
+ *
+ * @package lib.model
+ */=20
+class TipoinformePeer extends BaseTipoinformePeer
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/TipoinformePeer.=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/InformeMapBuilder.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/InformeMapBuilder.php 2007-10=
-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/InformeMapBuilder.php 2007-10=
-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+class InformeMapBuilder {
+ const CLASS_NAME =3D 'lib.model.map.InformeMapBuilder';
+ private $dbMap;
+ public function isBuilt()
+ {
+ return ($this->dbMap !=3D=3D null);
+ }
+ public function getDatabaseMap()
+ {
+ return $this->dbMap;
+ }
+ public function doBuild()
+ {
+ $this->dbMap =3D Propel::getDatabaseMap('alba');
+ $tMap =3D $this->dbMap->addTable('informe');
+ $tMap->setPhpName('Informe');
+ $tMap->setUseIdGenerator(true);
+ $tMap->addPrimaryKey('ID', 'Id', 'int', CreoleTypes::INTEGER, true, nu=
+ $tMap->addColumn('NOMBRE', 'Nombre', 'string', CreoleTypes::VARCHAR, t=
rue, 128);
+ $tMap->addColumn('DESCRIPCION', 'Descripcion', 'string', CreoleTypes::=
VARCHAR, false, 255);
+ $tMap->addForeignKey('FK_ADJUNTO_ID', 'FkAdjuntoId', 'int', CreoleType=
s::INTEGER, 'adjunto', 'ID', true, 11);
+ $tMap->addForeignKey('FK_TIPOINFORME_ID', 'FkTipoinformeId', 'int', Cr=
eoleTypes::INTEGER, 'tipoinforme', 'ID', true, 11);
+ $tMap->addColumn('LISTADO', 'Listado', 'boolean', CreoleTypes::BOOLEAN=
, true, null);
+ $tMap->addColumn('VARIABLES', 'Variables', 'string', CreoleTypes::VARC=
HAR, false, 128);
+ }=20
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/InformeMapBu=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/TipoinformeMapBuilder.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/TipoinformeMapBuilder.php 200=
7-10-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/TipoinformeMapBuilder.php 200=
7-10-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+class TipoinformeMapBuilder {
+ const CLASS_NAME =3D 'lib.model.map.TipoinformeMapBuilder';
+ private $dbMap;
+ public function isBuilt()
+ {
+ return ($this->dbMap !=3D=3D null);
+ }
+ public function getDatabaseMap()
+ {
+ return $this->dbMap;
+ }
+ public function doBuild()
+ {
+ $this->dbMap =3D Propel::getDatabaseMap('alba');
+ $tMap =3D $this->dbMap->addTable('tipoinforme');
+ $tMap->setPhpName('Tipoinforme');
+ $tMap->setUseIdGenerator(true);
+ $tMap->addPrimaryKey('ID', 'Id', 'int', CreoleTypes::INTEGER, true, nu=
+ $tMap->addColumn('NOMBRE', 'Nombre', 'string', CreoleTypes::VARCHAR, t=
rue, 128);
+ $tMap->addColumn('DESCRIPCION', 'Descripcion', 'string', CreoleTypes::=
VARCHAR, false, 255);
+ }=20
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/TipoinformeM=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseAdjunto.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseAdjunto.php 2007-10-10 17:=
24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseAdjunto.php 2007-10-10 20:=
53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -42,6 +42,12 @@
protected $lastLegajoadjuntoCriteria =3D null;
+ protected $collInformes;
+ protected $lastInformeCriteria =3D null;
protected $alreadyInSave =3D false;
@@ -311,6 +317,14 @@
+ if ($this->collInformes !=3D=3D null) {
+ foreach($this->collInformes as $referrerFK) {
+ if (!$referrerFK->isDeleted()) {
+ $affectedRows +=3D $referrerFK->save($con);
+ }
+ }
+ }
$this->alreadyInSave =3D false;
return $affectedRows;
@@ -360,7 +374,15 @@
+ if ($this->collInformes !=3D=3D null) {
+ foreach($this->collInformes as $referrerFK) {
+ if (!$referrerFK->validate($columns)) {
+ $failureMap =3D array_merge($failureMap, $referrerFK->getValidati=
+ }
+ }
+ }
$this->alreadyInValidation =3D false;
@@ -530,6 +552,10 @@
+ foreach($this->getInformes() as $relObj) {
+ $copyObj->addInforme($relObj->copy($deepCopy));
+ }
@@ -660,4 +686,109 @@
return $this->collLegajoadjuntos;
+ public function initInformes()
+ {
+ if ($this->collInformes =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $this->collInformes =3D array();
+ }
+ }
+ public function getInformes($criteria =3D null, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseInformePeer.php';
+ if ($criteria =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria();
+ }
+ elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
+ {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ }
+ if ($this->collInformes =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ if ($this->isNew()) {
+ $this->collInformes =3D array();
+ } else {
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID, $this->getId());
+ InformePeer::addSelectColumns($criteria);
+ $this->collInformes =3D InformePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!$this->isNew()) {
+ =09
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID, $this->getId());
+ InformePeer::addSelectColumns($criteria);
+ if (!isset($this->lastInformeCriteria) || !$this->lastInformeCriteri=
a->equals($criteria)) {
+ $this->collInformes =3D InformePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->lastInformeCriteria =3D $criteria;
+ return $this->collInformes;
+ }
+ public function countInformes($criteria =3D null, $distinct =3D false, =
$con =3D null)
+ {
+ include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseInformePeer.php';
+ if ($criteria =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria();
+ }
+ elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
+ {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ }
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID, $this->getId());
+ return InformePeer::doCount($criteria, $distinct, $con);
+ }
+ public function addInforme(Informe $l)
+ {
+ $this->collInformes[] =3D $l;
+ $l->setAdjunto($this);
+ }
+ public function getInformesJoinTipoinforme($criteria =3D null, $con =3D=
+ {
+ include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseInformePeer.php';
+ if ($criteria =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria();
+ }
+ elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
+ {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ }
+ if ($this->collInformes =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ if ($this->isNew()) {
+ $this->collInformes =3D array();
+ } else {
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID, $this->getId());
+ $this->collInformes =3D InformePeer::doSelectJoinTipoinforme($criter=
ia, $con);
+ }
+ } else {
+ =09
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID, $this->getId());
+ if (!isset($this->lastInformeCriteria) || !$this->lastInformeCriteria=
->equals($criteria)) {
+ $this->collInformes =3D InformePeer::doSelectJoinTipoinforme($criter=
ia, $con);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->lastInformeCriteria =3D $criteria;
+ return $this->collInformes;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseInforme.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseInforme.php 2007-10-10 17:=
24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseInforme.php 2007-10-10 20:=
53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+abstract class BaseInforme extends BaseObject implements Persistent {
+ protected static $peer;
+ protected $id;
+ protected $nombre;
+ protected $descripcion;
+ protected $fk_adjunto_id;
+ protected $fk_tipoinforme_id;
+ protected $listado =3D false;
+ protected $variables;
+ protected $aAdjunto;
+ protected $aTipoinforme;
+ protected $alreadyInSave =3D false;
+ protected $alreadyInValidation =3D false;
+ public function getId()
+ {
+ return $this->id;
+ }
+ public function getNombre()
+ {
+ return $this->nombre;
+ }
+ public function getDescripcion()
+ {
+ return $this->descripcion;
+ }
+ public function getFkAdjuntoId()
+ {
+ return $this->fk_adjunto_id;
+ }
+ public function getFkTipoinformeId()
+ {
+ return $this->fk_tipoinforme_id;
+ }
+ public function getListado()
+ {
+ return $this->listado;
+ }
+ public function getVariables()
+ {
+ return $this->variables;
+ }
+ public function setId($v)
+ {
+ if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_int($v) && is_numeric($v)) {
+ $v =3D (int) $v;
+ }
+ if ($this->id !=3D=3D $v) {
+ $this->id =3D $v;
+ $this->modifiedColumns[] =3D InformePeer::ID;
+ }
+ }=20
+ public function setNombre($v)
+ {
+ if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_string($v)) {
+ $v =3D (string) $v;=20
+ }
+ if ($this->nombre !=3D=3D $v) {
+ $this->nombre =3D $v;
+ $this->modifiedColumns[] =3D InformePeer::NOMBRE;
+ }
+ }=20
+ public function setDescripcion($v)
+ {
+ if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_string($v)) {
+ $v =3D (string) $v;=20
+ }
+ if ($this->descripcion !=3D=3D $v) {
+ $this->descripcion =3D $v;
+ $this->modifiedColumns[] =3D InformePeer::DESCRIPCION;
+ }
+ }=20
+ public function setFkAdjuntoId($v)
+ {
+ if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_int($v) && is_numeric($v)) {
+ $v =3D (int) $v;
+ }
+ if ($this->fk_adjunto_id !=3D=3D $v) {
+ $this->fk_adjunto_id =3D $v;
+ $this->modifiedColumns[] =3D InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID;
+ }
+ if ($this->aAdjunto !=3D=3D null && $this->aAdjunto->getId() !=3D=3D $=
v) {
+ $this->aAdjunto =3D null;
+ }
+ }=20
+ public function setFkTipoinformeId($v)
+ {
+ if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_int($v) && is_numeric($v)) {
+ $v =3D (int) $v;
+ }
+ if ($this->fk_tipoinforme_id !=3D=3D $v) {
+ $this->fk_tipoinforme_id =3D $v;
+ $this->modifiedColumns[] =3D InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID;
+ }
+ if ($this->aTipoinforme !=3D=3D null && $this->aTipoinforme->getId() !=
=3D=3D $v) {
+ $this->aTipoinforme =3D null;
+ }
+ }=20
+ public function setListado($v)
+ {
+ if ($this->listado !=3D=3D $v || $v =3D=3D=3D false) {
+ $this->listado =3D $v;
+ $this->modifiedColumns[] =3D InformePeer::LISTADO;
+ }
+ }=20
+ public function setVariables($v)
+ {
+ if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_string($v)) {
+ $v =3D (string) $v;=20
+ }
+ if ($this->variables !=3D=3D $v) {
+ $this->variables =3D $v;
+ $this->modifiedColumns[] =3D InformePeer::VARIABLES;
+ }
+ }=20
+ public function hydrate(ResultSet $rs, $startcol =3D 1)
+ {
+ try {
+ $this->id =3D $rs->getInt($startcol + 0);
+ $this->nombre =3D $rs->getString($startcol + 1);
+ $this->descripcion =3D $rs->getString($startcol + 2);
+ $this->fk_adjunto_id =3D $rs->getInt($startcol + 3);
+ $this->fk_tipoinforme_id =3D $rs->getInt($startcol + 4);
+ $this->listado =3D $rs->getBoolean($startcol + 5);
+ $this->variables =3D $rs->getString($startcol + 6);
+ $this->resetModified();
+ $this->setNew(false);
+ return $startcol + 7;=20
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ throw new PropelException("Error populating Informe object", $e);
+ }
+ }
+ public function delete($con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($this->isDeleted()) {
+ throw new PropelException("This object has already been deleted.");
+ }
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(InformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ try {
+ $con->begin();
+ InformePeer::doDelete($this, $con);
+ $this->setDeleted(true);
+ $con->commit();
+ } catch (PropelException $e) {
+ $con->rollback();
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ }
+ public function save($con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($this->isDeleted()) {
+ throw new PropelException("You cannot save an object that has been de=
+ }
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(InformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ try {
+ $con->begin();
+ $affectedRows =3D $this->doSave($con);
+ $con->commit();
+ return $affectedRows;
+ } catch (PropelException $e) {
+ $con->rollback();
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ }
+ protected function doSave($con)
+ {
+ $affectedRows =3D 0; if (!$this->alreadyInSave) {
+ $this->alreadyInSave =3D true;
+ =09
+ if ($this->aAdjunto !=3D=3D null) {
+ if ($this->aAdjunto->isModified()) {
+ $affectedRows +=3D $this->aAdjunto->save($con);
+ }
+ $this->setAdjunto($this->aAdjunto);
+ }
+ if ($this->aTipoinforme !=3D=3D null) {
+ if ($this->aTipoinforme->isModified()) {
+ $affectedRows +=3D $this->aTipoinforme->save($con);
+ }
+ $this->setTipoinforme($this->aTipoinforme);
+ }
+ if ($this->isModified()) {
+ if ($this->isNew()) {
+ $pk =3D InformePeer::doInsert($this, $con);
+ $affectedRows +=3D 1; =20
+ $this->setId($pk); =20
+ $this->setNew(false);
+ } else {
+ $affectedRows +=3D InformePeer::doUpdate($this, $con);
+ }
+ $this->resetModified(); }
+ $this->alreadyInSave =3D false;
+ }
+ return $affectedRows;
+ }=20
+ protected $validationFailures =3D array();
+ public function getValidationFailures()
+ {
+ return $this->validationFailures;
+ }
+ public function validate($columns =3D null)
+ {
+ $res =3D $this->doValidate($columns);
+ if ($res =3D=3D=3D true) {
+ $this->validationFailures =3D array();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ $this->validationFailures =3D $res;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ protected function doValidate($columns =3D null)
+ {
+ if (!$this->alreadyInValidation) {
+ $this->alreadyInValidation =3D true;
+ $retval =3D null;
+ $failureMap =3D array();
+ =09
+ if ($this->aAdjunto !=3D=3D null) {
+ if (!$this->aAdjunto->validate($columns)) {
+ $failureMap =3D array_merge($failureMap, $this->aAdjunto->getValida=
+ }
+ }
+ if ($this->aTipoinforme !=3D=3D null) {
+ if (!$this->aTipoinforme->validate($columns)) {
+ $failureMap =3D array_merge($failureMap, $this->aTipoinforme->getVa=
+ }
+ }
+ if (($retval =3D InformePeer::doValidate($this, $columns)) !=3D=3D tr=
ue) {
+ $failureMap =3D array_merge($failureMap, $retval);
+ }
+ $this->alreadyInValidation =3D false;
+ }
+ return (!empty($failureMap) ? $failureMap : true);
+ }
+ public function getByName($name, $type =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
+ {
+ $pos =3D InformePeer::translateFieldName($name, $type, BasePeer::TYPE_=
+ return $this->getByPosition($pos);
+ }
+ public function getByPosition($pos)
+ {
+ switch($pos) {
+ case 0:
+ return $this->getId();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ return $this->getNombre();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return $this->getDescripcion();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ return $this->getFkAdjuntoId();
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ return $this->getFkTipoinformeId();
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ return $this->getListado();
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ return $this->getVariables();
+ break;
+ default:
+ return null;
+ break;
+ } }
+ public function toArray($keyType =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
+ {
+ $keys =3D InformePeer::getFieldNames($keyType);
+ $result =3D array(
+ $keys[0] =3D> $this->getId(),
+ $keys[1] =3D> $this->getNombre(),
+ $keys[2] =3D> $this->getDescripcion(),
+ $keys[3] =3D> $this->getFkAdjuntoId(),
+ $keys[4] =3D> $this->getFkTipoinformeId(),
+ $keys[5] =3D> $this->getListado(),
+ $keys[6] =3D> $this->getVariables(),
+ );
+ return $result;
+ }
+ public function setByName($name, $value, $type =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNA=
+ {
+ $pos =3D InformePeer::translateFieldName($name, $type, BasePeer::TYPE_=
+ return $this->setByPosition($pos, $value);
+ }
+ public function setByPosition($pos, $value)
+ {
+ switch($pos) {
+ case 0:
+ $this->setId($value);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $this->setNombre($value);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $this->setDescripcion($value);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ $this->setFkAdjuntoId($value);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ $this->setFkTipoinformeId($value);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ $this->setListado($value);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ $this->setVariables($value);
+ break;
+ } }
+ public function fromArray($arr, $keyType =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
+ {
+ $keys =3D InformePeer::getFieldNames($keyType);
+ if (array_key_exists($keys[0], $arr)) $this->setId($arr[$keys[0]]);
+ if (array_key_exists($keys[1], $arr)) $this->setNombre($arr[$keys[1]])=
+ if (array_key_exists($keys[2], $arr)) $this->setDescripcion($arr[$keys=
+ if (array_key_exists($keys[3], $arr)) $this->setFkAdjuntoId($arr[$keys=
+ if (array_key_exists($keys[4], $arr)) $this->setFkTipoinformeId($arr[$=
+ if (array_key_exists($keys[5], $arr)) $this->setListado($arr[$keys[5]]=
+ if (array_key_exists($keys[6], $arr)) $this->setVariables($arr[$keys[6=
+ }
+ public function buildCriteria()
+ {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria(InformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ if ($this->isColumnModified(InformePeer::ID)) $criteria->add(InformePe=
er::ID, $this->id);
+ if ($this->isColumnModified(InformePeer::NOMBRE)) $criteria->add(Infor=
mePeer::NOMBRE, $this->nombre);
+ if ($this->isColumnModified(InformePeer::DESCRIPCION)) $criteria->add(=
InformePeer::DESCRIPCION, $this->descripcion);
+ if ($this->isColumnModified(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID)) $criteria->ad=
d(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID, $this->fk_adjunto_id);
+ if ($this->isColumnModified(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID)) $criteria=
->add(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID, $this->fk_tipoinforme_id);
+ if ($this->isColumnModified(InformePeer::LISTADO)) $criteria->add(Info=
rmePeer::LISTADO, $this->listado);
+ if ($this->isColumnModified(InformePeer::VARIABLES)) $criteria->add(In=
formePeer::VARIABLES, $this->variables);
+ return $criteria;
+ }
+ public function buildPkeyCriteria()
+ {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria(InformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::ID, $this->id);
+ return $criteria;
+ }
+ public function getPrimaryKey()
+ {
+ return $this->getId();
+ }
+ public function setPrimaryKey($key)
+ {
+ $this->setId($key);
+ }
+ public function copyInto($copyObj, $deepCopy =3D false)
+ {
+ $copyObj->setNombre($this->nombre);
+ $copyObj->setDescripcion($this->descripcion);
+ $copyObj->setFkAdjuntoId($this->fk_adjunto_id);
+ $copyObj->setFkTipoinformeId($this->fk_tipoinforme_id);
+ $copyObj->setListado($this->listado);
+ $copyObj->setVariables($this->variables);
+ $copyObj->setNew(true);
+ $copyObj->setId(NULL);=20
+ }
+ public function copy($deepCopy =3D false)
+ {
+ $clazz =3D get_class($this);
+ $copyObj =3D new $clazz();
+ $this->copyInto($copyObj, $deepCopy);
+ return $copyObj;
+ }
+ public function getPeer()
+ {
+ if (self::$peer =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ self::$peer =3D new InformePeer();
+ }
+ return self::$peer;
+ }
+ public function setAdjunto($v)
+ {
+ if ($v =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $this->setFkAdjuntoId(NULL);
+ } else {
+ $this->setFkAdjuntoId($v->getId());
+ }
+ $this->aAdjunto =3D $v;
+ }
+ public function getAdjunto($con =3D null)
+ {
+ include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseAdjuntoPeer.php';
+ if ($this->aAdjunto =3D=3D=3D null && ($this->fk_adjunto_id !=3D=3D nu=
ll)) {
+ $this->aAdjunto =3D AdjuntoPeer::retrieveByPK($this->fk_adjunto_id, $=
+ =09
+ }
+ return $this->aAdjunto;
+ }
+ public function setTipoinforme($v)
+ {
+ if ($v =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $this->setFkTipoinformeId(NULL);
+ } else {
+ $this->setFkTipoinformeId($v->getId());
+ }
+ $this->aTipoinforme =3D $v;
+ }
+ public function getTipoinforme($con =3D null)
+ {
+ include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseTipoinformePeer.php';
+ if ($this->aTipoinforme =3D=3D=3D null && ($this->fk_tipoinforme_id !=3D=
=3D null)) {
+ $this->aTipoinforme =3D TipoinformePeer::retrieveByPK($this->fk_tipoi=
nforme_id, $con);
+ =09
+ }
+ return $this->aTipoinforme;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseInforme.p=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseInformePeer.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseInformePeer.php 2007-10-10=
17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseInformePeer.php 2007-10-10=
20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+abstract class BaseInformePeer {
+ const DATABASE_NAME =3D 'alba';
+ const TABLE_NAME =3D 'informe';
+ const CLASS_DEFAULT =3D 'lib.model.Informe';
+ const NUM_COLUMNS =3D 7;
+ const ID =3D 'informe.ID';
+ const NOMBRE =3D 'informe.NOMBRE';
+ const DESCRIPCION =3D 'informe.DESCRIPCION';
+ const FK_ADJUNTO_ID =3D 'informe.FK_ADJUNTO_ID';
+ const LISTADO =3D 'informe.LISTADO';
+ const VARIABLES =3D 'informe.VARIABLES';
+ private static $phpNameMap =3D null;
+ private static $fieldNames =3D array (
+ BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME =3D> array ('Id', 'Nombre', 'Descripcion', 'FkA=
djuntoId', 'FkTipoinformeId', 'Listado', 'Variables', ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME =3D> array (InformePeer::ID, InformePeer::NOMBR=
E, InformePeer::DESCRIPCION, InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID, InformePeer::FK_=
+ BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME =3D> array ('id', 'nombre', 'descripcion', 'f=
k_adjunto_id', 'fk_tipoinforme_id', 'listado', 'variables', ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_NUM =3D> array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, )
+ );
+ private static $fieldKeys =3D array (
+ BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME =3D> array ('Id' =3D> 0, 'Nombre' =3D> 1, 'Desc=
ripcion' =3D> 2, 'FkAdjuntoId' =3D> 3, 'FkTipoinformeId' =3D> 4, 'Listado=
' =3D> 5, 'Variables' =3D> 6, ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME =3D> array (InformePeer::ID =3D> 0, InformePeer=
::NOMBRE =3D> 1, InformePeer::DESCRIPCION =3D> 2, InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO=
_ID =3D> 3, InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID =3D> 4, InformePeer::LISTADO =3D=
> 5, InformePeer::VARIABLES =3D> 6, ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME =3D> array ('id' =3D> 0, 'nombre' =3D> 1, 'de=
scripcion' =3D> 2, 'fk_adjunto_id' =3D> 3, 'fk_tipoinforme_id' =3D> 4, 'l=
istado' =3D> 5, 'variables' =3D> 6, ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_NUM =3D> array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, )
+ );
+ public static function getMapBuilder()
+ {
+ include_once 'lib/model/map/InformeMapBuilder.php';
+ return BasePeer::getMapBuilder('lib.model.map.InformeMapBuilder');
+ }
+ public static function getPhpNameMap()
+ {
+ if (self::$phpNameMap =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $map =3D InformePeer::getTableMap();
+ $columns =3D $map->getColumns();
+ $nameMap =3D array();
+ foreach ($columns as $column) {
+ $nameMap[$column->getPhpName()] =3D $column->getColumnName();
+ }
+ self::$phpNameMap =3D $nameMap;
+ }
+ return self::$phpNameMap;
+ }
+ static public function translateFieldName($name, $fromType, $toType)
+ {
+ $toNames =3D self::getFieldNames($toType);
+ $key =3D isset(self::$fieldKeys[$fromType][$name]) ? self::$fieldKeys[=
$fromType][$name] : null;
+ if ($key =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ throw new PropelException("'$name' could not be found in the field na=
mes of type '$fromType'. These are: " . print_r(self::$fieldKeys[$fromTyp=
e], true));
+ }
+ return $toNames[$key];
+ }
+ static public function getFieldNames($type =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
+ {
+ if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$fieldNames)) {
+ throw new PropelException('Method getFieldNames() expects the paramet=
er $type to be one of the class constants TYPE_PHPNAME, TYPE_COLNAME, TYP=
E_FIELDNAME, TYPE_NUM. ' . $type . ' was given.');
+ }
+ return self::$fieldNames[$type];
+ }
+ public static function alias($alias, $column)
+ {
+ return str_replace(InformePeer::TABLE_NAME.'.', $alias.'.', $column);
+ }
+ public static function addSelectColumns(Criteria $criteria)
+ {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::ID);
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::NOMBRE);
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::DESCRIPCION);
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID);
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID);
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::LISTADO);
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::VARIABLES);
+ }
+ const COUNT =3D 'COUNT(informe.ID)';
+ public static function doCount(Criteria $criteria, $distinct =3D false,=
$con =3D null)
+ {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ $criteria->clearSelectColumns()->clearOrderByColumns();
+ if ($distinct || in_array(Criteria::DISTINCT, $criteria->getSelectModi=
fiers())) {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::COUNT_DISTINCT);
+ } else {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::COUNT);
+ }
+ foreach($criteria->getGroupByColumns() as $column)
+ {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn($column);
+ }
+ $rs =3D InformePeer::doSelectRS($criteria, $con);
+ if ($rs->next()) {
+ return $rs->getInt(1);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function doSelectOne(Criteria $criteria, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ $critcopy =3D clone $criteria;
+ $critcopy->setLimit(1);
+ $objects =3D InformePeer::doSelect($critcopy, $con);
+ if ($objects) {
+ return $objects[0];
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static function doSelect(Criteria $criteria, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ return InformePeer::populateObjects(InformePeer::doSelectRS($criteria,=
+ }
+ public static function doSelectRS(Criteria $criteria, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ if (!$criteria->getSelectColumns()) {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ InformePeer::addSelectColumns($criteria);
+ }
+ $criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ return BasePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
+ }
+ public static function populateObjects(ResultSet $rs)
+ {
+ $results =3D array();
+ $cls =3D InformePeer::getOMClass();
+ $cls =3D Propel::import($cls);
+ while($rs->next()) {
+ =09
+ $obj =3D new $cls();
+ $obj->hydrate($rs);
+ $results[] =3D $obj;
+ =09
+ }
+ return $results;
+ }
+ public static function doCountJoinAdjunto(Criteria $criteria, $distinct=
=3D false, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ $criteria->clearSelectColumns()->clearOrderByColumns();
+ if ($distinct || in_array(Criteria::DISTINCT, $criteria->getSelectModi=
fiers())) {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::COUNT_DISTINCT);
+ } else {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::COUNT);
+ }
+ foreach($criteria->getGroupByColumns() as $column)
+ {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn($column);
+ }
+ $criteria->addJoin(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID, AdjuntoPeer::ID);
+ $rs =3D InformePeer::doSelectRS($criteria, $con);
+ if ($rs->next()) {
+ return $rs->getInt(1);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function doCountJoinTipoinforme(Criteria $criteria, $dist=
inct =3D false, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ $criteria->clearSelectColumns()->clearOrderByColumns();
+ if ($distinct || in_array(Criteria::DISTINCT, $criteria->getSelectModi=
fiers())) {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::COUNT_DISTINCT);
+ } else {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::COUNT);
+ }
+ foreach($criteria->getGroupByColumns() as $column)
+ {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn($column);
+ }
+ $criteria->addJoin(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID, TipoinformePeer::ID=
+ $rs =3D InformePeer::doSelectRS($criteria, $con);
+ if ($rs->next()) {
+ return $rs->getInt(1);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function doSelectJoinAdjunto(Criteria $c, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ $c =3D clone $c;
+ if ($c->getDbName() =3D=3D Propel::getDefaultDB()) {
+ $c->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ InformePeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+ $startcol =3D (InformePeer::NUM_COLUMNS - InformePeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_C=
OLUMNS) + 1;
+ AdjuntoPeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+ $c->addJoin(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID, AdjuntoPeer::ID);
+ $rs =3D BasePeer::doSelect($c, $con);
+ $results =3D array();
+ while($rs->next()) {
+ $omClass =3D InformePeer::getOMClass();
+ $cls =3D Propel::import($omClass);
+ $obj1 =3D new $cls();
+ $obj1->hydrate($rs);
+ $omClass =3D AdjuntoPeer::getOMClass();
+ $cls =3D Propel::import($omClass);
+ $obj2 =3D new $cls();
+ $obj2->hydrate($rs, $startcol);
+ $newObject =3D true;
+ foreach($results as $temp_obj1) {
+ $temp_obj2 =3D $temp_obj1->getAdjunto(); if ($temp_obj2->getPrim=
aryKey() =3D=3D=3D $obj2->getPrimaryKey()) {
+ $newObject =3D false;
+ $temp_obj2->addInforme($obj1); break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($newObject) {
+ $obj2->initInformes();
+ $obj2->addInforme($obj1); }
+ $results[] =3D $obj1;
+ }
+ return $results;
+ }
+ public static function doSelectJoinTipoinforme(Criteria $c, $con =3D nu=
+ {
+ $c =3D clone $c;
+ if ($c->getDbName() =3D=3D Propel::getDefaultDB()) {
+ $c->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ InformePeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+ $startcol =3D (InformePeer::NUM_COLUMNS - InformePeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_C=
OLUMNS) + 1;
+ TipoinformePeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+ $c->addJoin(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID, TipoinformePeer::ID);
+ $rs =3D BasePeer::doSelect($c, $con);
+ $results =3D array();
+ while($rs->next()) {
+ $omClass =3D InformePeer::getOMClass();
+ $cls =3D Propel::import($omClass);
+ $obj1 =3D new $cls();
+ $obj1->hydrate($rs);
+ $omClass =3D TipoinformePeer::getOMClass();
+ $cls =3D Propel::import($omClass);
+ $obj2 =3D new $cls();
+ $obj2->hydrate($rs, $startcol);
+ $newObject =3D true;
+ foreach($results as $temp_obj1) {
+ $temp_obj2 =3D $temp_obj1->getTipoinforme(); if ($temp_obj2->get=
PrimaryKey() =3D=3D=3D $obj2->getPrimaryKey()) {
+ $newObject =3D false;
+ $temp_obj2->addInforme($obj1); break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($newObject) {
+ $obj2->initInformes();
+ $obj2->addInforme($obj1); }
+ $results[] =3D $obj1;
+ }
+ return $results;
+ }
+ public static function doCountJoinAll(Criteria $criteria, $distinct =3D=
false, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ $criteria->clearSelectColumns()->clearOrderByColumns();
+ if ($distinct || in_array(Criteria::DISTINCT, $criteria->getSelectModi=
fiers())) {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::COUNT_DISTINCT);
+ } else {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::COUNT);
+ }
+ foreach($criteria->getGroupByColumns() as $column)
+ {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn($column);
+ }
+ $criteria->addJoin(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID, AdjuntoPeer::ID);
+ $criteria->addJoin(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID, TipoinformePeer::ID=
+ $rs =3D InformePeer::doSelectRS($criteria, $con);
+ if ($rs->next()) {
+ return $rs->getInt(1);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function doSelectJoinAll(Criteria $c, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ $c =3D clone $c;
+ if ($c->getDbName() =3D=3D Propel::getDefaultDB()) {
+ $c->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ InformePeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+ $startcol2 =3D (InformePeer::NUM_COLUMNS - InformePeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_=
+ AdjuntoPeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+ $startcol3 =3D $startcol2 + AdjuntoPeer::NUM_COLUMNS;
+ TipoinformePeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+ $startcol4 =3D $startcol3 + TipoinformePeer::NUM_COLUMNS;
+ $c->addJoin(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID, AdjuntoPeer::ID);
+ $c->addJoin(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID, TipoinformePeer::ID);
+ $rs =3D BasePeer::doSelect($c, $con);
+ $results =3D array();
+ while($rs->next()) {
+ $omClass =3D InformePeer::getOMClass();
+ $cls =3D Propel::import($omClass);
+ $obj1 =3D new $cls();
+ $obj1->hydrate($rs);
+ =09
+ $omClass =3D AdjuntoPeer::getOMClass();
+ $cls =3D Propel::import($omClass);
+ $obj2 =3D new $cls();
+ $obj2->hydrate($rs, $startcol2);
+ $newObject =3D true;
+ for ($j=3D0, $resCount=3Dcount($results); $j < $resCount; $j++) {
+ $temp_obj1 =3D $results[$j];
+ $temp_obj2 =3D $temp_obj1->getAdjunto(); if ($temp_obj2->getPrim=
aryKey() =3D=3D=3D $obj2->getPrimaryKey()) {
+ $newObject =3D false;
+ $temp_obj2->addInforme($obj1); break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($newObject) {
+ $obj2->initInformes();
+ $obj2->addInforme($obj1);
+ }
+ =09
+ $omClass =3D TipoinformePeer::getOMClass();
+ $cls =3D Propel::import($omClass);
+ $obj3 =3D new $cls();
+ $obj3->hydrate($rs, $startcol3);
+ $newObject =3D true;
+ for ($j=3D0, $resCount=3Dcount($results); $j < $resCount; $j++) {
+ $temp_obj1 =3D $results[$j];
+ $temp_obj3 =3D $temp_obj1->getTipoinforme(); if ($temp_obj3->get=
PrimaryKey() =3D=3D=3D $obj3->getPrimaryKey()) {
+ $newObject =3D false;
+ $temp_obj3->addInforme($obj1); break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($newObject) {
+ $obj3->initInformes();
+ $obj3->addInforme($obj1);
+ }
+ $results[] =3D $obj1;
+ }
+ return $results;
+ }
+ public static function doCountJoinAllExceptAdjunto(Criteria $criteria, =
$distinct =3D false, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ $criteria->clearSelectColumns()->clearOrderByColumns();
+ if ($distinct || in_array(Criteria::DISTINCT, $criteria->getSelectModi=
fiers())) {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::COUNT_DISTINCT);
+ } else {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::COUNT);
+ }
+ foreach($criteria->getGroupByColumns() as $column)
+ {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn($column);
+ }
+ $criteria->addJoin(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID, TipoinformePeer::ID=
+ $rs =3D InformePeer::doSelectRS($criteria, $con);
+ if ($rs->next()) {
+ return $rs->getInt(1);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function doCountJoinAllExceptTipoinforme(Criteria $criter=
ia, $distinct =3D false, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ $criteria->clearSelectColumns()->clearOrderByColumns();
+ if ($distinct || in_array(Criteria::DISTINCT, $criteria->getSelectModi=
fiers())) {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::COUNT_DISTINCT);
+ } else {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(InformePeer::COUNT);
+ }
+ foreach($criteria->getGroupByColumns() as $column)
+ {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn($column);
+ }
+ $criteria->addJoin(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID, AdjuntoPeer::ID);
+ $rs =3D InformePeer::doSelectRS($criteria, $con);
+ if ($rs->next()) {
+ return $rs->getInt(1);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function doSelectJoinAllExceptAdjunto(Criteria $c, $con =3D=
+ {
+ $c =3D clone $c;
+ if ($c->getDbName() =3D=3D Propel::getDefaultDB()) {
+ $c->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ InformePeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+ $startcol2 =3D (InformePeer::NUM_COLUMNS - InformePeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_=
+ TipoinformePeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+ $startcol3 =3D $startcol2 + TipoinformePeer::NUM_COLUMNS;
+ $c->addJoin(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID, TipoinformePeer::ID);
+ $rs =3D BasePeer::doSelect($c, $con);
+ $results =3D array();
+ while($rs->next()) {
+ $omClass =3D InformePeer::getOMClass();
+ $cls =3D Propel::import($omClass);
+ $obj1 =3D new $cls();
+ $obj1->hydrate($rs);
+ $omClass =3D TipoinformePeer::getOMClass();
+ $cls =3D Propel::import($omClass);
+ $obj2 =3D new $cls();
+ $obj2->hydrate($rs, $startcol2);
+ $newObject =3D true;
+ for ($j=3D0, $resCount=3Dcount($results); $j < $resCount; $j++) {
+ $temp_obj1 =3D $results[$j];
+ $temp_obj2 =3D $temp_obj1->getTipoinforme(); if ($temp_obj2->get=
PrimaryKey() =3D=3D=3D $obj2->getPrimaryKey()) {
+ $newObject =3D false;
+ $temp_obj2->addInforme($obj1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($newObject) {
+ $obj2->initInformes();
+ $obj2->addInforme($obj1);
+ }
+ $results[] =3D $obj1;
+ }
+ return $results;
+ }
+ public static function doSelectJoinAllExceptTipoinforme(Criteria $c, $c=
on =3D null)
+ {
+ $c =3D clone $c;
+ if ($c->getDbName() =3D=3D Propel::getDefaultDB()) {
+ $c->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ InformePeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+ $startcol2 =3D (InformePeer::NUM_COLUMNS - InformePeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_=
+ AdjuntoPeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+ $startcol3 =3D $startcol2 + AdjuntoPeer::NUM_COLUMNS;
+ $c->addJoin(InformePeer::FK_ADJUNTO_ID, AdjuntoPeer::ID);
+ $rs =3D BasePeer::doSelect($c, $con);
+ $results =3D array();
+ while($rs->next()) {
+ $omClass =3D InformePeer::getOMClass();
+ $cls =3D Propel::import($omClass);
+ $obj1 =3D new $cls();
+ $obj1->hydrate($rs);
+ $omClass =3D AdjuntoPeer::getOMClass();
+ $cls =3D Propel::import($omClass);
+ $obj2 =3D new $cls();
+ $obj2->hydrate($rs, $startcol2);
+ $newObject =3D true;
+ for ($j=3D0, $resCount=3Dcount($results); $j < $resCount; $j++) {
+ $temp_obj1 =3D $results[$j];
+ $temp_obj2 =3D $temp_obj1->getAdjunto(); if ($temp_obj2->getPrim=
aryKey() =3D=3D=3D $obj2->getPrimaryKey()) {
+ $newObject =3D false;
+ $temp_obj2->addInforme($obj1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($newObject) {
+ $obj2->initInformes();
+ $obj2->addInforme($obj1);
+ }
+ $results[] =3D $obj1;
+ }
+ return $results;
+ }
+ public static function getTableMap()
+ {
+ return Propel::getDatabaseMap(self::DATABASE_NAME)->getTable(self::TAB=
+ }
+ public static function getOMClass()
+ {
+ return InformePeer::CLASS_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ public static function doInsert($values, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ if ($values instanceof Criteria) {
+ $criteria =3D clone $values; } else {
+ $criteria =3D $values->buildCriteria(); }
+ $criteria->remove(InformePeer::ID);=20
+ $criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ try {
+ $con->begin();
+ $pk =3D BasePeer::doInsert($criteria, $con);
+ $con->commit();
+ } catch(PropelException $e) {
+ $con->rollback();
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ return $pk;
+ }
+ public static function doUpdate($values, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ $selectCriteria =3D new Criteria(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ if ($values instanceof Criteria) {
+ $criteria =3D clone $values;=20
+ $comparison =3D $criteria->getComparison(InformePeer::ID);
+ $selectCriteria->add(InformePeer::ID, $criteria->remove(InformePeer::=
ID), $comparison);
+ } else { $criteria =3D $values->buildCriteria(); $selectCriteria=
=3D $values->buildPkeyCriteria(); }
+ $criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ return BasePeer::doUpdate($selectCriteria, $criteria, $con);
+ }
+ public static function doDeleteAll($con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ $affectedRows =3D 0; try {
+ $con->begin();
+ $affectedRows +=3D BasePeer::doDeleteAll(InformePeer::TABLE_NAME, $co=
+ $con->commit();
+ return $affectedRows;
+ } catch (PropelException $e) {
+ $con->rollback();
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function doDelete($values, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(InformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ if ($values instanceof Criteria) {
+ $criteria =3D clone $values; } elseif ($values instanceof Informe) =
+ $criteria =3D $values->buildPkeyCriteria();
+ } else {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::ID, (array) $values, Criteria::IN);
+ }
+ $criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ $affectedRows =3D 0;=20
+ try {
+ $con->begin();
+ =09
+ $affectedRows +=3D BasePeer::doDelete($criteria, $con);
+ $con->commit();
+ return $affectedRows;
+ } catch (PropelException $e) {
+ $con->rollback();
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function doValidate(Informe $obj, $cols =3D null)
+ {
+ $columns =3D array();
+ if ($cols) {
+ $dbMap =3D Propel::getDatabaseMap(InformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ $tableMap =3D $dbMap->getTable(InformePeer::TABLE_NAME);
+ if (! is_array($cols)) {
+ $cols =3D array($cols);
+ }
+ foreach($cols as $colName) {
+ if ($tableMap->containsColumn($colName)) {
+ $get =3D 'get' . $tableMap->getColumn($colName)->getPhpName();
+ $columns[$colName] =3D $obj->$get();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ $res =3D BasePeer::doValidate(InformePeer::DATABASE_NAME, InformePeer=
::TABLE_NAME, $columns);
+ if ($res !=3D=3D true) {
+ $request =3D sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest();
+ foreach ($res as $failed) {
+ $col =3D InformePeer::translateFieldname($failed->getColumn(=
+ $request->setError($col, $failed->getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ return $res;
+ }
+ public static function retrieveByPK($pk, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria(InformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::ID, $pk);
+ $v =3D InformePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
+ return !empty($v) > 0 ? $v[0] : null;
+ }
+ public static function retrieveByPKs($pks, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ $objs =3D null;
+ if (empty($pks)) {
+ $objs =3D array();
+ } else {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria();
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::ID, $pks, Criteria::IN);
+ $objs =3D InformePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
+ }
+ return $objs;
+ }
+if (Propel::isInit()) {
+ try {
+ BaseInformePeer::getMapBuilder();
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ Propel::log('Could not initialize Peer: ' . $e->getMessage(), Propel::=
+ }
+} else {
+ require_once 'lib/model/map/InformeMapBuilder.php';
+ Propel::registerMapBuilder('lib.model.map.InformeMapBuilder');
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseInformePe=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseTipoinforme.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseTipoinforme.php 2007-10-10=
17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseTipoinforme.php 2007-10-10=
20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+abstract class BaseTipoinforme extends BaseObject implements Persistent=
+ protected static $peer;
+ protected $id;
+ protected $nombre;
+ protected $descripcion;
+ protected $collInformes;
+ protected $lastInformeCriteria =3D null;
+ protected $alreadyInSave =3D false;
+ protected $alreadyInValidation =3D false;
+ public function getId()
+ {
+ return $this->id;
+ }
+ public function getNombre()
+ {
+ return $this->nombre;
+ }
+ public function getDescripcion()
+ {
+ return $this->descripcion;
+ }
+ public function setId($v)
+ {
+ if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_int($v) && is_numeric($v)) {
+ $v =3D (int) $v;
+ }
+ if ($this->id !=3D=3D $v) {
+ $this->id =3D $v;
+ $this->modifiedColumns[] =3D TipoinformePeer::ID;
+ }
+ }=20
+ public function setNombre($v)
+ {
+ if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_string($v)) {
+ $v =3D (string) $v;=20
+ }
+ if ($this->nombre !=3D=3D $v) {
+ $this->nombre =3D $v;
+ $this->modifiedColumns[] =3D TipoinformePeer::NOMBRE;
+ }
+ }=20
+ public function setDescripcion($v)
+ {
+ if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_string($v)) {
+ $v =3D (string) $v;=20
+ }
+ if ($this->descripcion !=3D=3D $v) {
+ $this->descripcion =3D $v;
+ $this->modifiedColumns[] =3D TipoinformePeer::DESCRIPCION;
+ }
+ }=20
+ public function hydrate(ResultSet $rs, $startcol =3D 1)
+ {
+ try {
+ $this->id =3D $rs->getInt($startcol + 0);
+ $this->nombre =3D $rs->getString($startcol + 1);
+ $this->descripcion =3D $rs->getString($startcol + 2);
+ $this->resetModified();
+ $this->setNew(false);
+ return $startcol + 3;=20
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ throw new PropelException("Error populating Tipoinforme object", $e);
+ }
+ }
+ public function delete($con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($this->isDeleted()) {
+ throw new PropelException("This object has already been deleted.");
+ }
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(TipoinformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ try {
+ $con->begin();
+ TipoinformePeer::doDelete($this, $con);
+ $this->setDeleted(true);
+ $con->commit();
+ } catch (PropelException $e) {
+ $con->rollback();
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ }
+ public function save($con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($this->isDeleted()) {
+ throw new PropelException("You cannot save an object that has been de=
+ }
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(TipoinformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ try {
+ $con->begin();
+ $affectedRows =3D $this->doSave($con);
+ $con->commit();
+ return $affectedRows;
+ } catch (PropelException $e) {
+ $con->rollback();
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ }
+ protected function doSave($con)
+ {
+ $affectedRows =3D 0; if (!$this->alreadyInSave) {
+ $this->alreadyInSave =3D true;
+ if ($this->isModified()) {
+ if ($this->isNew()) {
+ $pk =3D TipoinformePeer::doInsert($this, $con);
+ $affectedRows +=3D 1; =20
+ $this->setId($pk); =20
+ $this->setNew(false);
+ } else {
+ $affectedRows +=3D TipoinformePeer::doUpdate($this, $con);
+ }
+ $this->resetModified(); }
+ if ($this->collInformes !=3D=3D null) {
+ foreach($this->collInformes as $referrerFK) {
+ if (!$referrerFK->isDeleted()) {
+ $affectedRows +=3D $referrerFK->save($con);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->alreadyInSave =3D false;
+ }
+ return $affectedRows;
+ }=20
+ protected $validationFailures =3D array();
+ public function getValidationFailures()
+ {
+ return $this->validationFailures;
+ }
+ public function validate($columns =3D null)
+ {
+ $res =3D $this->doValidate($columns);
+ if ($res =3D=3D=3D true) {
+ $this->validationFailures =3D array();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ $this->validationFailures =3D $res;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ protected function doValidate($columns =3D null)
+ {
+ if (!$this->alreadyInValidation) {
+ $this->alreadyInValidation =3D true;
+ $retval =3D null;
+ $failureMap =3D array();
+ if (($retval =3D TipoinformePeer::doValidate($this, $columns)) !=3D=3D=
true) {
+ $failureMap =3D array_merge($failureMap, $retval);
+ }
+ if ($this->collInformes !=3D=3D null) {
+ foreach($this->collInformes as $referrerFK) {
+ if (!$referrerFK->validate($columns)) {
+ $failureMap =3D array_merge($failureMap, $referrerFK->getValidati=
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->alreadyInValidation =3D false;
+ }
+ return (!empty($failureMap) ? $failureMap : true);
+ }
+ public function getByName($name, $type =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
+ {
+ $pos =3D TipoinformePeer::translateFieldName($name, $type, BasePeer::T=
+ return $this->getByPosition($pos);
+ }
+ public function getByPosition($pos)
+ {
+ switch($pos) {
+ case 0:
+ return $this->getId();
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ return $this->getNombre();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return $this->getDescripcion();
+ break;
+ default:
+ return null;
+ break;
+ } }
+ public function toArray($keyType =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
+ {
+ $keys =3D TipoinformePeer::getFieldNames($keyType);
+ $result =3D array(
+ $keys[0] =3D> $this->getId(),
+ $keys[1] =3D> $this->getNombre(),
+ $keys[2] =3D> $this->getDescripcion(),
+ );
+ return $result;
+ }
+ public function setByName($name, $value, $type =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNA=
+ {
+ $pos =3D TipoinformePeer::translateFieldName($name, $type, BasePeer::T=
+ return $this->setByPosition($pos, $value);
+ }
+ public function setByPosition($pos, $value)
+ {
+ switch($pos) {
+ case 0:
+ $this->setId($value);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $this->setNombre($value);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $this->setDescripcion($value);
+ break;
+ } }
+ public function fromArray($arr, $keyType =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
+ {
+ $keys =3D TipoinformePeer::getFieldNames($keyType);
+ if (array_key_exists($keys[0], $arr)) $this->setId($arr[$keys[0]]);
+ if (array_key_exists($keys[1], $arr)) $this->setNombre($arr[$keys[1]])=
+ if (array_key_exists($keys[2], $arr)) $this->setDescripcion($arr[$keys=
+ }
+ public function buildCriteria()
+ {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria(TipoinformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ if ($this->isColumnModified(TipoinformePeer::ID)) $criteria->add(Tipoi=
nformePeer::ID, $this->id);
+ if ($this->isColumnModified(TipoinformePeer::NOMBRE)) $criteria->add(T=
ipoinformePeer::NOMBRE, $this->nombre);
+ if ($this->isColumnModified(TipoinformePeer::DESCRIPCION)) $criteria->=
add(TipoinformePeer::DESCRIPCION, $this->descripcion);
+ return $criteria;
+ }
+ public function buildPkeyCriteria()
+ {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria(TipoinformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ $criteria->add(TipoinformePeer::ID, $this->id);
+ return $criteria;
+ }
+ public function getPrimaryKey()
+ {
+ return $this->getId();
+ }
+ public function setPrimaryKey($key)
+ {
+ $this->setId($key);
+ }
+ public function copyInto($copyObj, $deepCopy =3D false)
+ {
+ $copyObj->setNombre($this->nombre);
+ $copyObj->setDescripcion($this->descripcion);
+ if ($deepCopy) {
+ $copyObj->setNew(false);
+ foreach($this->getInformes() as $relObj) {
+ $copyObj->addInforme($relObj->copy($deepCopy));
+ }
+ }=20
+ $copyObj->setNew(true);
+ $copyObj->setId(NULL);=20
+ }
+ public function copy($deepCopy =3D false)
+ {
+ $clazz =3D get_class($this);
+ $copyObj =3D new $clazz();
+ $this->copyInto($copyObj, $deepCopy);
+ return $copyObj;
+ }
+ public function getPeer()
+ {
+ if (self::$peer =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ self::$peer =3D new TipoinformePeer();
+ }
+ return self::$peer;
+ }
+ public function initInformes()
+ {
+ if ($this->collInformes =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $this->collInformes =3D array();
+ }
+ }
+ public function getInformes($criteria =3D null, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseInformePeer.php';
+ if ($criteria =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria();
+ }
+ elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
+ {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ }
+ if ($this->collInformes =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ if ($this->isNew()) {
+ $this->collInformes =3D array();
+ } else {
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID, $this->getId());
+ InformePeer::addSelectColumns($criteria);
+ $this->collInformes =3D InformePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!$this->isNew()) {
+ =09
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID, $this->getId());
+ InformePeer::addSelectColumns($criteria);
+ if (!isset($this->lastInformeCriteria) || !$this->lastInformeCriteri=
a->equals($criteria)) {
+ $this->collInformes =3D InformePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->lastInformeCriteria =3D $criteria;
+ return $this->collInformes;
+ }
+ public function countInformes($criteria =3D null, $distinct =3D false, =
$con =3D null)
+ {
+ include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseInformePeer.php';
+ if ($criteria =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria();
+ }
+ elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
+ {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ }
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID, $this->getId());
+ return InformePeer::doCount($criteria, $distinct, $con);
+ }
+ public function addInforme(Informe $l)
+ {
+ $this->collInformes[] =3D $l;
+ $l->setTipoinforme($this);
+ }
+ public function getInformesJoinAdjunto($criteria =3D null, $con =3D nul=
+ {
+ include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseInformePeer.php';
+ if ($criteria =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria();
+ }
+ elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
+ {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ }
+ if ($this->collInformes =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ if ($this->isNew()) {
+ $this->collInformes =3D array();
+ } else {
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID, $this->getId());
+ $this->collInformes =3D InformePeer::doSelectJoinAdjunto($criteria, =
+ }
+ } else {
+ =09
+ $criteria->add(InformePeer::FK_TIPOINFORME_ID, $this->getId());
+ if (!isset($this->lastInformeCriteria) || !$this->lastInformeCriteria=
->equals($criteria)) {
+ $this->collInformes =3D InformePeer::doSelectJoinAdjunto($criteria, =
+ }
+ }
+ $this->lastInformeCriteria =3D $criteria;
+ return $this->collInformes;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseTipoinfor=
Name: svn:keywords
+ "Id Author URL Date Rev"
Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseTipoinformePeer.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseTipoinformePeer.php 2007-1=
0-10 17:24:59 UTC (rev 5217)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseTipoinformePeer.php 2007-1=
0-10 20:53:17 UTC (rev 5218)
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+abstract class BaseTipoinformePeer {
+ const DATABASE_NAME =3D 'alba';
+ const TABLE_NAME =3D 'tipoinforme';
+ const CLASS_DEFAULT =3D 'lib.model.Tipoinforme';
+ const NUM_COLUMNS =3D 3;
+ const ID =3D 'tipoinforme.ID';
+ const NOMBRE =3D 'tipoinforme.NOMBRE';
+ const DESCRIPCION =3D 'tipoinforme.DESCRIPCION';
+ private static $phpNameMap =3D null;
+ private static $fieldNames =3D array (
+ BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME =3D> array ('Id', 'Nombre', 'Descripcion', ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME =3D> array (TipoinformePeer::ID, TipoinformePee=
r::NOMBRE, TipoinformePeer::DESCRIPCION, ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME =3D> array ('id', 'nombre', 'descripcion', ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_NUM =3D> array (0, 1, 2, )
+ );
+ private static $fieldKeys =3D array (
+ BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME =3D> array ('Id' =3D> 0, 'Nombre' =3D> 1, 'Desc=
ripcion' =3D> 2, ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME =3D> array (TipoinformePeer::ID =3D> 0, Tipoinf=
ormePeer::NOMBRE =3D> 1, TipoinformePeer::DESCRIPCION =3D> 2, ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME =3D> array ('id' =3D> 0, 'nombre' =3D> 1, 'de=
scripcion' =3D> 2, ),
+ BasePeer::TYPE_NUM =3D> array (0, 1, 2, )
+ );
+ public static function getMapBuilder()
+ {
+ include_once 'lib/model/map/TipoinformeMapBuilder.php';
+ return BasePeer::getMapBuilder('lib.model.map.TipoinformeMapBuilder');
+ }
+ public static function getPhpNameMap()
+ {
+ if (self::$phpNameMap =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $map =3D TipoinformePeer::getTableMap();
+ $columns =3D $map->getColumns();
+ $nameMap =3D array();
+ foreach ($columns as $column) {
+ $nameMap[$column->getPhpName()] =3D $column->getColumnName();
+ }
+ self::$phpNameMap =3D $nameMap;
+ }
+ return self::$phpNameMap;
+ }
+ static public function translateFieldName($name, $fromType, $toType)
+ {
+ $toNames =3D self::getFieldNames($toType);
+ $key =3D isset(self::$fieldKeys[$fromType][$name]) ? self::$fieldKeys[=
$fromType][$name] : null;
+ if ($key =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ throw new PropelException("'$name' could not be found in the field na=
mes of type '$fromType'. These are: " . print_r(self::$fieldKeys[$fromTyp=
e], true));
+ }
+ return $toNames[$key];
+ }
+ static public function getFieldNames($type =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
+ {
+ if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$fieldNames)) {
+ throw new PropelException('Method getFieldNames() expects the paramet=
er $type to be one of the class constants TYPE_PHPNAME, TYPE_COLNAME, TYP=
E_FIELDNAME, TYPE_NUM. ' . $type . ' was given.');
+ }
+ return self::$fieldNames[$type];
+ }
+ public static function alias($alias, $column)
+ {
+ return str_replace(TipoinformePeer::TABLE_NAME.'.', $alias.'.', $colum=
+ }
+ public static function addSelectColumns(Criteria $criteria)
+ {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(TipoinformePeer::ID);
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(TipoinformePeer::NOMBRE);
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(TipoinformePeer::DESCRIPCION);
+ }
+ const COUNT =3D 'COUNT(tipoinforme.ID)';
+ const COUNT_DISTINCT =3D 'COUNT(DISTINCT tipoinforme.ID)';
+ public static function doCount(Criteria $criteria, $distinct =3D false,=
$con =3D null)
+ {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ $criteria->clearSelectColumns()->clearOrderByColumns();
+ if ($distinct || in_array(Criteria::DISTINCT, $criteria->getSelectModi=
fiers())) {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(TipoinformePeer::COUNT_DISTINCT);
+ } else {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn(TipoinformePeer::COUNT);
+ }
+ foreach($criteria->getGroupByColumns() as $column)
+ {
+ $criteria->addSelectColumn($column);
+ }
+ $rs =3D TipoinformePeer::doSelectRS($criteria, $con);
+ if ($rs->next()) {
+ return $rs->getInt(1);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function doSelectOne(Criteria $criteria, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ $critcopy =3D clone $criteria;
+ $critcopy->setLimit(1);
+ $objects =3D TipoinformePeer::doSelect($critcopy, $con);
+ if ($objects) {
+ return $objects[0];
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static function doSelect(Criteria $criteria, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ return TipoinformePeer::populateObjects(TipoinformePeer::doSelectRS($c=
riteria, $con));
+ }
+ public static function doSelectRS(Criteria $criteria, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ if (!$criteria->getSelectColumns()) {
+ $criteria =3D clone $criteria;
+ TipoinformePeer::addSelectColumns($criteria);
+ }
+ $criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ return BasePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
+ }
+ public static function populateObjects(ResultSet $rs)
+ {
+ $results =3D array();
+ $cls =3D TipoinformePeer::getOMClass();
+ $cls =3D Propel::import($cls);
+ while($rs->next()) {
+ =09
+ $obj =3D new $cls();
+ $obj->hydrate($rs);
+ $results[] =3D $obj;
+ =09
+ }
+ return $results;
+ }
+ public static function getTableMap()
+ {
+ return Propel::getDatabaseMap(self::DATABASE_NAME)->getTable(self::TAB=
+ }
+ public static function getOMClass()
+ {
+ return TipoinformePeer::CLASS_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ public static function doInsert($values, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ if ($values instanceof Criteria) {
+ $criteria =3D clone $values; } else {
+ $criteria =3D $values->buildCriteria(); }
+ $criteria->remove(TipoinformePeer::ID);=20
+ $criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ try {
+ $con->begin();
+ $pk =3D BasePeer::doInsert($criteria, $con);
+ $con->commit();
+ } catch(PropelException $e) {
+ $con->rollback();
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ return $pk;
+ }
+ public static function doUpdate($values, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ $selectCriteria =3D new Criteria(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ if ($values instanceof Criteria) {
+ $criteria =3D clone $values;=20
+ $comparison =3D $criteria->getComparison(TipoinformePeer::ID);
+ $selectCriteria->add(TipoinformePeer::ID, $criteria->remove(Tipoinfor=
mePeer::ID), $comparison);
+ } else { $criteria =3D $values->buildCriteria(); $selectCriteria=
=3D $values->buildPkeyCriteria(); }
+ $criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ return BasePeer::doUpdate($selectCriteria, $criteria, $con);
+ }
+ public static function doDeleteAll($con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ $affectedRows =3D 0; try {
+ $con->begin();
+ $affectedRows +=3D BasePeer::doDeleteAll(TipoinformePeer::TABLE_NAME,=
+ $con->commit();
+ return $affectedRows;
+ } catch (PropelException $e) {
+ $con->rollback();
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function doDelete($values, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(TipoinformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ if ($values instanceof Criteria) {
+ $criteria =3D clone $values; } elseif ($values instanceof Tipoinfor=
me) {
+ $criteria =3D $values->buildPkeyCriteria();
+ } else {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ $criteria->add(TipoinformePeer::ID, (array) $values, Criteria::IN);
+ }
+ $criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ $affectedRows =3D 0;=20
+ try {
+ $con->begin();
+ =09
+ $affectedRows +=3D BasePeer::doDelete($criteria, $con);
+ $con->commit();
+ return $affectedRows;
+ } catch (PropelException $e) {
+ $con->rollback();
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function doValidate(Tipoinforme $obj, $cols =3D null)
+ {
+ $columns =3D array();
+ if ($cols) {
+ $dbMap =3D Propel::getDatabaseMap(TipoinformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ $tableMap =3D $dbMap->getTable(TipoinformePeer::TABLE_NAME);
+ if (! is_array($cols)) {
+ $cols =3D array($cols);
+ }
+ foreach($cols as $colName) {
+ if ($tableMap->containsColumn($colName)) {
+ $get =3D 'get' . $tableMap->getColumn($colName)->getPhpName();
+ $columns[$colName] =3D $obj->$get();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ $res =3D BasePeer::doValidate(TipoinformePeer::DATABASE_NAME, Tipoinf=
ormePeer::TABLE_NAME, $columns);
+ if ($res !=3D=3D true) {
+ $request =3D sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest();
+ foreach ($res as $failed) {
+ $col =3D TipoinformePeer::translateFieldname($failed->getCol=
umn(), BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME);
+ $request->setError($col, $failed->getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ return $res;
+ }
+ public static function retrieveByPK($pk, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria(TipoinformePeer::DATABASE_NAME);
+ $criteria->add(TipoinformePeer::ID, $pk);
+ $v =3D TipoinformePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
+ return !empty($v) > 0 ? $v[0] : null;
+ }
+ public static function retrieveByPKs($pks, $con =3D null)
+ {
+ if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
+ $con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
+ }
+ $objs =3D null;
+ if (empty($pks)) {
+ $objs =3D array();
+ } else {
+ $criteria =3D new Criteria();
+ $criteria->add(TipoinformePeer::ID, $pks, Criteria::IN);
+ $objs =3D TipoinformePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
+ }
+ return $objs;
+ }
+if (Propel::isInit()) {
+ try {
+ BaseTipoinformePeer::getMapBuilder();
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ Propel::log('Could not initialize Peer: ' . $e->getMessage(), Propel::=
+ }
+} else {
+ require_once 'lib/model/map/TipoinformeMapBuilder.php';
+ Propel::registerMapBuilder('lib.model.map.TipoinformeMapBuilder');
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