[Alba-desarrollo] SVN Alba r5190 - in
prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib: .
calendars languages templates templates/default
commits en pressenter.com.ar
commits en pressenter.com.ar
Mie Oct 3 20:51:56 CEST 2007
Author: josx
Date: 2007-10-03 15:51:36 -0300 (Wed, 03 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 5190
prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calendars/US =
Borrando archivos de mas del phpicalendar
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calenda=
(Binary files differ)
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calenda=
(Binary files differ)
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calenda=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calendars/Ho=
me.ics 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calendars/Ho=
me.ics 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-PRODID:-//Apple Computer\, Inc//iCal 1.0//EN
-SUMMARY:Stef in town
-SUMMARY:This is a space \n\n\nOption return and a really long line of=20
- text that will be inserted into the event text box. Let's all see what=
- really happens when iCals start being real.
-SUMMARY:Recurring Monthly
-SUMMARY:Recurring Weekly
-SUMMARY:Recurring Daily
-SUMMARY:Monthly UNTIL 5 times
-SUMMARY:Monthly UNTiL date
-SUMMARY:Every two weeks on certain days
-SUMMARY:This is a todo item
-SUMMARY:New Event
-SUMMARY:Election Day
-DESCRIPTION:Tuesday after 1st Monday in November
-UID:holiday0013 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Water Aloe Plant=20
-UID:20030425T023455Z-5454-500-1-0 en lbt-laplinux.voiping.com
- 20030515T183000
- 20030515T210000
-UID:20030822T181536Z-23921-100-1-13 en walker
-SUMMARY:Daylight Savings +1 hr
-DESCRIPTION:1st Sunday of April
-UID:holiday0009 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Daylight Savings -1 hr
-DESCRIPTION:Last Sunday of October
-UID:holiday0010 en icaldates.com
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calenda=
rs/US Holidays.ics
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calendars/US=
Holidays.ics 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calendars/US=
Holidays.ics 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-PRODID:-//Rockin' Software//WinDates 5.0//EN
-SUMMARY:Grandparent's Day
-DESCRIPTION:First Sunday after Labor Day
-UID:holiday0017 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Election Day
-DESCRIPTION:Tuesday after 1st Monday in November
-UID:holiday0013 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:April Fools Day
-UID:holiday0000 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Armed Forces Day
-DESCRIPTION:3rd Saturday of May
-UID:holiday0001 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Columbus Day
-DESCRIPTION:2nd Monday of October
-UID:holiday0008 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Daylight Savings +1 hr
-DESCRIPTION:1st Sunday of April
-UID:holiday0009 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Daylight Savings -1 hr
-DESCRIPTION:Last Sunday of October
-UID:holiday0010 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Father's Day
-DESCRIPTION:3rd Sunday of June
-UID:holiday0014 en icaldates.com
-UID:holiday0015 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Groundhog Day
-UID:holiday0018 en icaldates.com
-UID:holiday0019 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Independence Day
-UID:holiday0020 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Labor Day
-DESCRIPTION:1st Monday of September
-UID:holiday0021 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Lincoln's Birthday
-DESCRIPTION:February 12
-UID:holiday0022 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday)
-DESCRIPTION:47 days before Easter
-UID:holiday0023 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Martin Luther King Jr.
-DESCRIPTION:3rd Monday of January
-UID:holiday0024 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Memorial Day
-DESCRIPTION:Last Monday of May
-UID:holiday0025 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Mother's Day
-DESCRIPTION:2nd Sunday of May
-UID:holiday0026 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:New Year's Day
-UID:holiday0027 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:New Year's Eve
-DESCRIPTION:December 31
-UID:holiday0028 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:President's Day
-DESCRIPTION:3rd Monday of February
-UID:holiday0030 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Secretaries Day
-DESCRIPTION:Wednesday of last full week in April
-UID:holiday0032 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:St. Patrick's Day
-UID:holiday0033 en icaldates.com
-DESCRIPTION:4th Thursday of November
-UID:holiday0034 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Valentine's Day
-DESCRIPTION:February 14
-UID:holiday0035 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Veteran's Day
-DESCRIPTION:November 11
-UID:holiday0037 en icaldates.com
-SUMMARY:Washington's Birthday
-DESCRIPTION:February 22
-UID:holiday0038 en icaldates.com
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calenda=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calendars/Wo=
rk.ics 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calendars/Wo=
rk.ics 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-X-WR-CALNAME:Call list
-PRODID:-//Apple Computer\, Inc//iCal 1.5//EN
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-ATTENDEE;CN=3D"Chad Little":mailto:chad en chadsdomain.com
-ATTENDEE;CN=3D"Dan Marusich":mailto:unwound en mac.com
-ORGANIZER;CN=3D"Chad Little":mailto:chad en chadsdomain.com
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:New Event
-SUMMARY:Stef vacation
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef - call - CHCC
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
-SUMMARY:Imaging Conference
-SUMMARY:New Event
-SUMMARY:Stef on call
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calenda=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calendars/pu=
blish.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/calendars/pu=
blish.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-Extension to PHP iCalendar for supporting publishing from Apple iCal
-Date: 11.12.2003
-Author: Dietrich Ayala
-Copyright 2003 Dietrich Ayala
-This allows iCal to publish to your PHP iCalendar site *without* WebDAV =
-This helps with commercial hosts where WebDAV is not available.
-- supports publishing and deleting calendars
-- does not require WebDAV
-1. place this file in your PHP iCalendar calendars directory (or anywher=
e else)
-2. configure path to PHP iCalendar config file (below)
-3. make sure that PHP has write access to the calendars directory (or wh=
atever you set $calendar_path to)
-4. set up directory security on your calendars directory
-5. turn on publishing in your PHP iCalendar config file by setting $phpi=
calendar_publishing to 1.
-The calendars directory should be configured to require authentication.=20
-This protects any private calendar data, and prevents unauthorized users
-from updating or deleting your calendar data.
-Three methods of HTTP authorization are supported.
-1. Server-provided authentication - This can be done via any method supp=
orted by=20
- your webserver. There is much documentation available on the web for =
- per-directory authentication for Apache.
-2. PHP authentication against $auth_internal_username and $auth_internal=
- 2a. using mod_php it just works.
- 2b. If you can't configure the server for http authentication, and you =
are running
- PHP in CGI mode *AND* you have mod_rewrite enabled, then you should=
put the
- following lines in the .htaccess file in your directory:
-<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
-RewriteEngine on
-RewriteRule .* - [E=3DHTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]
-Usage (Apple iCal):
-1. Open iCal, select a calendar for publishing
-2. Select "Publish" from the "Calendar" menu
-3. Configure to your liking, and set the URL to (eg): http://example.com=
-4. Click the "Publish" button
-5. Some PHP versions require a '?' at the end of the URL (eg): http://lo=
-Usage (Sunbird Calendar):
-1. Create a new calendar in Sunbird
- Type Remote
- Location http://example.com/path/to/publish.php/calendarname.ics
- calendarname.ics should be a unique filename and must end with .ics
- Username: either your web server username, or auth_internal_username=20
- Password: either your web server password, or auth_internal_password=20
-1. PHP 4.3.0 or greater is required
-2. Your version of php and apache MUST support $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']
-3. Depending on your web server environment, you may need to set safe_mo=
de =3D Off
- (this won't be necessary if you are using a wrapper like cgiwrap or s=
-You can turn on logging by setting the PHPICALENDAR_LOG_PUBLISHING const=
ant to 1 below.
-This will write out a log file to the same directory as this script.
-Don't forget to turn off logging when done!!
-// include PHP iCalendar configuration variables
-// set calendar path, or just use current directory...make sure there's =
a trailing slash
-if (isset($calendar_path) && $calendar_path !=3D '') {
- if (substr($calendar_path, -1, 1) !=3D'/') $calendar_path =3D $calendar=
-} else {
- $calendar_path =3D '';
-// allow/disallow publishing
-$phpicalendar_publishing =3D isset($phpicalendar_publishing) ? $phpicale=
ndar_publishing : 0;
-define( 'PHPICALENDAR_PUBLISHING', $phpicalendar_publishing );
-// toggle logging
=3D=3D 1) {
- if( ! $logfile =3D fopen('publish_log.txt','a+') ) {
- header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
- header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=3D"ERROR: Unable to open log fil=
- echo 'Unable to open log file.';
- exit;
- }
-// Require authentication=20
-if (!isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
- // Require authentication=20
- if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'])) {
- =3D explode( ':', base64_decode( substr($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'=
], 6) ) );
- }
- if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
- header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=3D"phpICalendar"');
- header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
- echo 'You must be authorized!';
- exit;
- } else {
- if ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] !=3D $auth_internal_username || $_SERVER=
['PHP_AUTH_PW'] !=3D $auth_internal_password) {
- header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=3D"phpICalendar"');
- header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
- echo 'You must be authorized!';
- exit;
- }
- }
-// only allow publishing if explicitly enabled
- header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=3D"ERROR: Calendar Publishing is =
disabled on this server"');
- header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
- echo 'You must be authorized!';
- exit;
-// unpublishing
- // get calendar filename
- $calendar_file =3D $calendar_path.substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] , ( st=
rrpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/') + 1) ) ;
- $calendar_file =3D urldecode($calendar_file);
- logmsg('received request to delete '.$calendar_file);
- // remove calendar file
- if(!unlink($calendar_file))
- {
- logmsg('unable to delete the calendar file');
- }
- else
- {
- logmsg('deleted');
- }
- return;
-// publishing
-elseif($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] =3D=3D 'PUT'){
- logmsg('PUT request');
- // get calendar data
- if($datain =3D fopen('php://input','r')){
- while(!@feof($datain)){
- $data .=3D fgets($datain,4096);
- }
- =09
- @fclose($datain);
- }else{
- logmsg('unable to read input data');
- }
- if(isset($data)){
- if (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
- preg_match("/\/([\w\-\.\+ ]*).ics/i",$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],$matches);
- $calendar_name =3D urldecode($matches[1]);
- }
- // If we don't have it from path info, use the supplied calendar name
- if( ! isset($calendar_name) ) {
- =09
- $cal_arr =3D explode("\n",$data);
- =09
- foreach($cal_arr as $k =3D> $v){
- if(strstr($v,'X-WR-CALNAME:')){
- $arr =3D explode(':',$v);
- $calendar_name =3D trim($arr[1]);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- logmsg('Received request to update: ' . $calendar_name);
- // Remove any invalid characters from the filename
- $calendar_name =3D preg_replace( "/[^\w\.\- ]/", '', $calendar_name );
- if( ( ! isset($calendar_name) ) || ( $calendar_name =3D=3D '' ) ) {
- header('HTTP/1.1 401 Invalid calendar name');
- header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=3D"ERROR: Invalid calendar name=
- echo 'Invalid calendar name.';
- }
- =09
- // If we don't have a name, assume default
- $calendar_name =3D isset($calendar_name) ? $calendar_name : 'default';
- logmsg('Updating calendar: ' . $calendar_name);
- // If this is Apple iCal, an event with a blank summary is private - m=
ark as such
- if( preg_match( "/Apple.*iCal/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ) {
- $data =3D preg_replace(
- "/^\s*SUMMARY:\s*$/m",
- $data
- );
- }
- // write to file
- if($dataout =3D fopen($calendar_path.$calendar_name.'.ics','w+')){
- fputs($dataout, $data, strlen($data) );
- @fclose($dataout);
- }else{
- logmsg( 'could not open file '.$calendar_path.$calendar_name.'.ics' )=
- }
- }
- else {
- logmsg('PUT ERROR - No data supplied.');
- }
-elseif ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] =3D=3D 'GET') {
- if (isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
- preg_match("/\/([ A-Za-z0-9._]*).ics/i",$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],$matches=
- $icsfile =3D urldecode($matches[1]);
- // get calendar data
- if (file_exists($calendar_path . $icsfile . '.ics') &&
- is_readable($calendar_path . $icsfile . '.ics') &&
- is_file($calendar_path . $icsfile . '.ics')
- ) {
- echo file_get_contents($calendar_path . $icsfile . '.ics');
- logmsg('downloaded calendar ' . $icsfile);
- }
- }
=3D=3D 1) {
- fclose($logfile);
-header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
-// for logging
-function logmsg($str){
- global $logfile;
G =3D=3D 1) {
- $user =3D $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
- else
- $user =3D $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
- $logline =3D date('Y-m-d H:i:s ') . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' ' . $u=
ser . ' ' . ${str} . "\n";
- fputs($logfile, $logline, strlen($logline) );
- }
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
(Binary files differ)
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(Binary files differ)
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(Binary files differ)
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(Binary files differ)
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(Binary files differ)
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(Binary files differ)
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--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/af=
rikaans.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/af=
rikaans.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-// Afrikaans language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation version 2.0 by Werner Mollentze (translate en ubertech.co.za=
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-// The following decimal entities are used (to be XML compatible):
-// ê (ê)
-// ë (ë)
-// ô (ô)
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Dag';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Week';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Maand';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Jaar';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Kalender';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Volgende Dag';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Volgende Maand';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Volgende Week';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Volgende Jaar';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Vorige Dag';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Vorige Maand';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Vorige Week';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Vorig Jaar';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Teken in';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Download';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Aangedryf deur';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Aktiwiteit';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Begin Tyd';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Eindig Tyd';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Aktiwiteite gedurende hierdie Maand';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Datum';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Opsomming';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Daglange aktiwiteit';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Opmerkings';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Aktiwiteite gedurende hierdie Jaar';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Vandag';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Hierdie Week';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Hierdie Maand';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Gaan na';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Môre se Aktiwiteite';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Gaan na Vandag';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Gaan na Hierdie Week';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Gaan na Hierdie Maand';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Gaan na Hierdie Jaar';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Soek'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Soektog Resultate';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Pick multiple';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Soek vir'; // will be followed by the search qu=
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Geen aktiwiteite gevind nie';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Drukker Vriendelik';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Tyd';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Opsomming';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Beskrywing';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Hierdie webwerf is';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Geen aktiwiteite vir vandag nie.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'Geen aktiwiteite gedurende hierdie week n=
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'Geen aktiwiteite gedurende hierdie maand=
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'H:i'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%e %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%e %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'af';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'Die soektog het %s sekondes geduur';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Terugkerende aktiwiteit';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Uitsondering';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Geen soekopdrag is verskaf nie';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Voorkeure';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Drukker';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Selekteer u taal voorkeur';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Selekteer u kalender voorkeur';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Selekteer u besigtigingsvoorkeur';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Selekteer u begintyd voorkeur';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Selekteer u voorkeurwaarde vir die eerste da=
g van die week';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Selekteer u voorkeur vertoonstyl';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Stel u voorkeure';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Voltooi op';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Voltooi';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Geskep';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'op';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Prioriteit';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Hoog';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Laag';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Gemiddeld';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'Geen';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Status';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'CONFIRMED' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'CANCELLED';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'TENTATIVE';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Hangende items';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Onvoltooid';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'U voorkeure is bygewerk.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'U voorkeure is bygewerk. Die veranderinge =
sal aanskou kan word wanneer die volgende bladsy gelaai word.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Verwyder voorkeure';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organiseerder';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Bywoner';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Plek';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar Administrasie';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Gebruikersnaam';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Wagwoord';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Teken aan';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Foutiewe gebruikersnaam of wagwoord.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Kalender toevoeging of bywerking';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Voeg \'n kalender by deur \'n nuwe lê=
;er op te laai. Opdateer \'n kalender deur deur \'n lêer met dieself=
de naam op te laai.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Verwyder \'n kalender';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Teken af';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Kalenderlêer';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP foutmelding';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Daar was \'n probleem met die oplaai van di=
e lêer.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Daar was \'n probleem met die oplaai van die=
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'Die lêer wat u wil oplaai is te groot.'=
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'Die lêer wat u wil oplaai is te groot.'=
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'Die lêer wat u wil oplaai was slegs ged=
eeltelik opgelaai.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'U moet \'n lêer selekteer wat opgelaai =
moet word.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Slegs .ics lêers kan opgelaai wor=
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Lêer kopiering het misluk';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Lêer verwydering het misluk';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'was suksesvol verwyder.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'U handeling was suksesvol.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Stuur';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Verwyder';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Alle kalenders gekombineerd';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Sleutel';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Beheer u kalenders vanaf hierdie bladsy';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Stoor \'n koekie vir u besoek aan hierdie =
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Informasie';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Basiese RSS voering is beskikbaar vir elke =
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS is nie geaktiveer vir hierdie webwerf=
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Terug';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Volgende';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Vorige';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Dagaansig';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Weekaansig';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Maandaansig';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Jaaraansig';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('jaar','jare'); // for these, p=
ut singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('maand','maande'); // and plur=
al forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('week','weke'); // these will b=
e %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('dag','daagliks'); // in the r=
eplacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('uur','elke uur');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minuut','elke minuut');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('sekonde','elke sekonde');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Elke %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Eve=
ry 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'tot %date%'; // ie, 'until January=
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int% maal'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'In die maande: %list%'; // ie, 'In=
months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'Op die datums: %list%'; // ie, '=
On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'Op die dae: %list%'; // ie, 'On day=
s: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Sondag','Maandag','Dinsdag','Woensdag','D=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('So','Ma','Di','Wo','Do','Vr','Sa');
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('S','M','D','W','D','V','S');
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Januarie','Februarie','Maart','April','=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Jan','Feb','Maa','Apr','Mei','Jun',=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'H:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'G:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Foutmelding!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Daar het \'n fout plaasgevind!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'Die kalender "%s" was bygewerk toe die =
fout plaasgevind het.';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Die gids kon nie oopgemaak word nie: "%s"'=
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Gebruik asseblief die "Vorige" knoppie om =
terug te keer.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Hierdie bediener blokeer afgeleë =
kalenders wat nie vooraf goedgekeur is nie.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'U het gepoog om toegang tot \'n bep=
erkte kalender op hierdie bediener te verkry.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Ongeldige kalenderlêer. Probeer a=
sseblief \'n ander kalender.';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Die kalender kon nie oopgemaak word nie=
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Daar kon nie na die wegsteekgids (\'cache\=
') geskryf word nie. Kontroleer asseblief u konfigurasie.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/br=
azilian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/br=
azilian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-// Brazilian Portuguese language include
-// For version 1.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Wilton, Bennet (suporte en bennetworks.com.br)=20
-// 01-nov-2002 02:42 PM
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Dia';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Semana';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Mês';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Ano';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Calendário';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Dia seguinte';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Mês seguinte';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Próxima semana';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Ano Seguinte';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Dia anterior';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Mês anterior';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Semana anterior';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Ano anterior';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Assinar';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Download';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Powered by';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Evento';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Hora de início';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Hora de fim';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Eventos deste mês';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Data';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Sumário';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Evento dia todo';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Notas';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Eventos deste ano';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Hoje';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Esta semana';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Este mês';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Ir para';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Eventos para amanha';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Ir para Hoje';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Ir para este semana';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Ir para este mês';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Ir para este ano';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Buscar'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Buscar Resultados';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Pick multiple';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Questão: '; // will be followed by the se=
arch query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Eventos não encontrados';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Versão para imprimir';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Hora';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Resumo';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Descrição';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Esse site é';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Não há eventos para hoje.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'Não há eventos para esta se=
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'Não há eventos para esse m=
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date'] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date'] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rsslanguage'] =3D 'en-us';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'Search took %s seconds';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Recurring event';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Exception';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'No query given';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Preferences';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Printer';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Select your default language:';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Select your default calendar:';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Select your default view:';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Select your default start time:';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Select your default start day of week:';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Select your default style:';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Set preferences';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Completed on';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Completed';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Created:';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Due:';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Priority:';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'High';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Low';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Medium';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'None';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Status';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'CONFIRMED' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'CANCELLED';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'TENTATIVE';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'To do items';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Unfinished';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Your preferences have been set.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Preferences unset. Changes will take place=
next page load.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Unset preferences:';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organizer';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Attendee';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Location';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar Administration';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Username';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Password';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Login';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Wrong username or password.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Add or Update a Calendar';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Add a calendar by uploading a new file. U=
pdate a calendar by uploading a file of the same name.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Delete a Calendar';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Logout';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Calendar File';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP Error';
-$lang['l_upload_error_gen'] =3D 'There was a problem with your upload.';
-$lang['l_upload_error'][0] =3D 'There was a problem with your upload.';
-$lang['l_upload_error'][1] =3D 'The file you are trying to upload is too=
-$lang['l_upload_error'][2] =3D 'The file you are trying to upload is too=
-$lang['l_upload_error'][3] =3D 'The file you are trying upload was only =
partially uploaded.';
-$lang['l_upload_error'][4] =3D 'You must select a file for upload.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Only .ics files may be uploaded.';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Failed to copy file';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Failed to delete file';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'was deleted successfully.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Your action was successful.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Submit';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Delete';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'All combined';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Legend';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Manage your calendars from this page';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Sets a cookie for visiting this site';
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Information';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Basic RSS feeds available for each calendar=
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS is not enabled on this site';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Back';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Next';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Prev';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Day View';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Week View';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Month View';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Year View';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('year','years'); // for these, =
put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('month','months'); // and plur=
al forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('week','weeks'); // these will =
be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('day','days'); // in the repla=
cement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('hour','hours');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minute','minutes');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('second','seconds');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Every %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Ev=
ery 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'until %date%'; // ie, 'until Janua=
ry 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D 'for a count of %int%'; // ie, 'for 5=
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'In months: %list%'; // ie, 'In mon=
ths: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'On dates: %list%'; // ie, 'On da=
tes: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'On days: %list%'; // ie, 'On days: =
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Domingo','Segunda-Fe=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua',=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('D','S','T','Q','Q','S','S=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Janeiro','Fevereir=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Jan','Fev','Mar','Abr=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'g:i A';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'g:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A,%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshor=
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort=
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurate=
ly, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Erro!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Aconteceu um erro!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'O calendário "%s" estava sendo pro=
cessado quando ocorreu este erro.';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Não foi possível abrir: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Por favor use o botão de "Back" para v=
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Este servidor bloqueia calendário=
s remotos que nao foram aprovados.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Tentou acessar um calendário =
o qual é restrito o acesso neste servidor.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Arquivo de calendário invá=
;lido. Por favor tente usar outro calendário.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/bu=
lgarian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/bu=
lgarian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-// Bulgarian language include (UTF-8)
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Georgi Kodinov (kgeorge en progem.bg)
-// Submit new translations to phpicalendar en gmail.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=B5=D0=BD';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=BC=D0=B8=D1=86=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D '=D0=9C=D0=B5=D1=81=D0=B5=D1=86';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D '=D0=93=D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=B8=D0=BD=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D '=D0=9A=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=89 =D0=
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=89 =
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=89=D0=
=B0 =D1=81=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=BC=D0=B8=D1=86=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=89=D0=
=B0 =D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=B8=D0=BD=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B8=D1=88=D0=B5=D0=
=BD =D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BD';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B8=D1=88=D0=B5=D0=
=BD =D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=D0=B5=D1=86';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B8=D1=88=D0=BD=D0=
=B0 =D1=81=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=BC=D0=B8=D1=86=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B8=D1=88=D0=BD=D0=
=B0 =D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=B8=D0=BD=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D '=D0=90=D0=B1=D0=BE=D0=BD=D0=B8=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=
=B9 =D1=81=D0=B5';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=B2=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B8';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D '=D0=93=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B8=D1=80=D0=
=B0=D0=BD=D0=BE =D1=87=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B7';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D '=D0=A1=D1=8A=D0=B1=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=B5';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D '=D0=9A=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=B5=D0=BD =D1=87=D0=B0=D1=
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D '=D0=A1=D1=8A=D0=B1=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B8=D1=8F=
=D1=82=D0=B0 =D0=B2 =D1=82=D0=BE=D0=B7=D0=B8 =D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=D0=B5=D1=86=
-$lang['l_date'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D '=D0=9A=D1=80=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=BA=D0=BE =D0=BE=D0=
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D '=D0=A6=D0=B5=D0=BB=D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=BD=D0=B5=D0=
=B2=D0=BD=D0=BE =D1=81=D1=8A=D0=B1=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=B5';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D '=D0=91=D0=B5=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B6=D0=BA=D0=B8';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D '=D0=A1=D1=8A=D0=B1=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B8=D1=8F=D1=
=82=D0=B0 =D0=B2 =D1=82=D0=B0=D0=B7=D0=B8 =D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=B8=D0=BD=D0=
-$lang['l_today'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=BD=D0=B5=D1=81';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D '=D0=A2=D0=B0=D0=B7=D0=B8 =D1=81=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D '=D0=A2=D0=BE=D0=B7=D0=B8 =D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D '=D0=9E=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=B4=D0=B8 =D0=BD=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D '=D0=A1=D1=8A=D0=B1=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B8=D1=8F=D1=
=82=D0=B0 =D0=B7=D0=B0 =D1=83=D1=82=D1=80=D0=B5';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D '=D0=9E=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=B4=D0=B8 =D0=BD=D0=B0 =D0=
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D '=D0=9E=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=B4=D0=B8 =D0=BD=D0=B0 =D1=
=82=D0=B5=D0=BA=D1=83=D1=89=D0=B0 =D1=81=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=BC=D0=B8=D1=86=D0=
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D '=D0=9E=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=B4=D0=B8 =D0=BD=D0=B0 =D1=
=82=D0=B5=D0=BA=D1=83=D1=89=D0=B8=D1=8F =D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=D0=B5=D1=86';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D '=D0=9E=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=B4=D0=B8 =D0=BD=D0=B0 =D1=
=82=D0=B5=D0=BA=D1=83=D1=89=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=B0 =D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=B8=D0=
-$lang['l_search'] =3D '=D0=A2=D1=8A=D1=80=D1=81=D0=B8'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D '=D0=A0=D0=B5=D0=B7=D1=83=D0=BB=D1=82=D0=B0=D1=
=82=D0=B8 =D0=BE=D1=82 =D1=82=D1=8A=D1=80=D1=81=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B5=D1=82=D0=
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D '=D0=98=D0=B7=D0=B1=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B8 =D0=BD=
-$lang['l_query'] =3D '=D0=97=D0=B0=D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B2=D0=B0=D0=BD=
=D0=B5'; // will be followed by the search query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D '=D0=9D=D1=8F=D0=BC=D0=B0 =D0=BD=D0=B0=D0=BC=
=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B8 =D1=81=D1=8A=D0=B1=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B8=D1=8F=
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D '=D0=98=D0=B7=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4 =D0=B7=D0=B0 =D0=
-$lang['l_time'] =3D '=D0=92=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=BC=D0=B5';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D '=D0=9A=D1=80=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=BA=D0=BE =D0=BE=D0=
-$lang['l_description'] =3D '=D0=9E=D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=81=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B8=
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D '=D0=A2=D0=B0=D0=B7=D0=B8 =D1=81=D1=82=D1=80=
=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B8=D1=86=D0=B0 =D0=B5';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D '=D0=9D=D1=8F=D0=BC=D0=B0 =D1=81=D1=8A=D0=B1=
=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B8=D1=8F =D0=B7=D0=B0 =D0=B4=D0=BD=D0=B5=D1=81.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D '=D0=9D=D1=8F=D0=BC=D0=B0 =D1=81=D1=8A=D0=B1=
=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B8=D1=8F =D0=B7=D0=B0 =D1=82=D0=B0=D0=B7=D0=B8 =D1=81=D0=B5=
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D '=D0=9D=D1=8F=D0=BC=D0=B0 =D1=81=D1=8A=D0=
=B1=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B8=D1=8F =D0=B7=D0=B0 =D1=82=D0=BE=D0=B7=D0=B8 =D0=BC=D0=
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'bg';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D '=D0=A2=D1=8A=D1=80=D1=81=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B5=D1=
=82=D0=BE =D0=BE=D1=82=D0=BD=D0=B5 %s =D1=81=D0=B5=D0=BA.';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=BE=D0=B2=D1=82=D0=B0=D1=80=D1=8F=
=D1=89=D0=BE =D1=81=D0=B5 =D1=81=D1=8A=D0=B1=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=B5';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D '=D0=98=D0=B7=D0=BA=D0=BB=D1=8E=D1=87=D0=B5=D0=
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D '=D0=9D=D1=8F=D0=BC=D0=B0 =D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=BF=D0=
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B0=D1=81=D1=82=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=B9=D0=
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=B8=D0=BD=D1=82=D0=B5=D1=80';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D '=D0=98=D0=B7=D0=B1=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=82=D0=
=B5 =D0=B5=D0=B7=D0=B8=D0=BA =D0=BF=D0=BE =D0=BF=D0=BE=D0=B4=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D '=D0=98=D0=B7=D0=B1=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=82=D0=
=B5 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=80 =D0=BF=D0=BE =D0=BF=D0=
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D '=D0=98=D0=B7=D0=B1=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=82=D0=
=B5 =D0=B8=D0=B7=D0=B3=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4 =D0=BF=D0=BE =D0=BF=D0=BE=D0=B4=D1=
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D '=D0=98=D0=B7=D0=B1=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=82=D0=
=B5 =D0=BD=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD =D1=87=D0=B0=D1=81 =D0=BF=D0=
=BE =D0=BF=D0=BE=D0=B4=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=B7=D0=B1=D0=B8=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D '=D0=98=D0=B7=D0=B1=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=82=D0=
=B5 =D0=BD=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD =D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BD =D0=BD=D0=
=B0 =D1=81=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=BC=D0=B8=D1=86=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=B0 =D0=BF=D0=BE =D0=
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D '=D0=98=D0=B7=D0=B1=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=82=
=D0=B5 =D1=81=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=BB =D0=BF=D0=BE =D0=BF=D0=BE=D0=B4=D1=80=D0=B0=
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BC=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B8 =D0=BD=D0=B0=D1=
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D '=D0=97=D0=B0=D0=B2=D1=8A=D1=80=D1=88=D0=B5=
=D0=BD =D0=BD=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D '=D0=97=D0=B0=D0=B2=D1=8A=D1=80=D1=88=D0=B5=D0=
-$lang['l_created'] =3D '=D0=A1=D1=8A=D0=B7=D0=B4=D0=B0=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BD=
-$lang['l_due'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=BE';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D '=D0=92=D0=B0=D0=B6=D0=BD=D0=BE=D1=81=D1=82';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D '=D0=93=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=8F=D0=BC=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D '=D0=9C=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=BA=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D '=D0=A1=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=BD=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D '=D0=9D=D1=8F=D0=BC=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D '=D0=A1=D1=8A=D1=81=D1=82=D0=BE=D1=8F=D0=BD=D0=B8=
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=9E=D0=A2=D0=92=D0=AA=D0=A0=D0=
=94=D0=95=D0=9D=D0=90' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D '=D0=9E=D0=A2=D0=9C=D0=95=D0=9D=D0=95=D0=
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=95=D0=9F=D0=9E=D0=A2=D0=92=D0=
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D '=D0=97=D0=B0=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B8';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B2=D1=8A=D1=80=D1=
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B0=D1=81=D1=82=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=B9=D0=
=BA=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B5 =D1=81=D0=B0 =D0=B2=D0=B8 =D0=BF=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=BC=D0=
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B0=D1=81=D1=82=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=B9=
=D0=BA=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B5 =D1=81=D0=B0 =D0=BC=D0=B0=D1=85=D0=BD=D0=B0=D1=82=
=D0=B8. =D0=9F=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=BC=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B5 =D1=89=D0=B5=
=D1=81=D0=B0 =D0=B2=D0=B8=D0=B4=D0=BD=D0=B8 =D0=BF=D1=80=D0=B8 =D1=81=D0=
=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=89=D0=BE =D0=B7=D0=B0=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B6=D0=
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D '=D0=9C=D0=B0=D1=85=D0=BD=D0=B8 =D0=BD=D0=B0=
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D '=D0=9E=D1=80=D0=B3=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B8=D0=B7=D0=
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D '=D0=A3=D1=87=D0=B0=D1=81=D1=82=D0=BD=D0=B8=D0=
-$lang['l_location'] =3D '=D0=9C=D1=8F=D1=81=D1=82=D0=BE';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D '=D0=90=D0=B4=D0=BC=D0=B8=D0=BD=D0=B8=D1=81=
=D1=82=D1=80=D0=B8=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B5 =D0=BD=D0=B0 PHP iCalendar';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D '=D0=98=D0=BC=D0=B5';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=B0=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=BB=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D '=D0=92=D0=BB=D0=B8=D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B5';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D '=D0=93=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=88=D0=BD=D0=BE =D0=B8=
=D0=BC=D0=B5 =D0=B8=D0=BB=D0=B8 =D0=BF=D0=B0=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=BB=D0=B0.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=BE=D0=B1=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=B8 =D0=B8=
=D0=BB=D0=B8 =D0=BE=D0=B1=D0=BD=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=B8 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=BE=D0=B1=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=B8 =D0=BA=
=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=80 =D1=87=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B7 =D0=BA=
=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B2=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B5 =D0=BD=D0=B0 =D0=BD=D0=BE=D0=B2 =D1=84=
=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB. =D0=9E=D0=B1=D0=BD=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=B8 =D1=81=D1=8A=D1=89=
=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=82=D0=B2=D1=83=D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=89 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=
=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=80 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=BE =D0=BA=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B8=
=D1=88 =D1=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB =D1=81=D1=8A=D1=81 =D1=81=D1=8A=D1=89=D0=BE=
=D1=82=D0=BE =D0=B8=D0=BC=D0=B5.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D '=D0=98=D0=B7=D1=82=D1=80=D0=B8=D0=B9 =D0=BA=D0=
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D '=D0=98=D0=B7=D1=85=D0=BE=D0=B4';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D '=D0=A4=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB =D1=81 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP =D0=93=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=88=D0=BA=D0=B0';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D '=D0=98=D0=BC=D0=B0=D1=88=D0=B5 =D0=BF=D1=80=
=D0=BE=D0=B1=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BC =D1=81 =D1=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB=D0=B0 =D0=BA=
=D0=BE=D0=B9=D1=82=D0=BE =D0=BA=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B8=D1=85=D1=82=D0=B5.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D '=D0=98=D0=BC=D0=B0=D1=88=D0=B5 =D0=BF=D1=80=D0=
=BE=D0=B1=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BC =D1=81 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B2=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=
=B5=D1=82=D0=BE =D0=BD=D0=B0 =D1=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=B5.'=
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D '=D0=A4=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB=D0=B0 =D0=BA=D0=BE=D0=
=B9=D1=82=D0=BE =D0=BA=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=B5 =D0=B5 =D0=BF=D1=
=80=D0=B5=D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=BE =D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=8F=D0=
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=B9=D1=82=D0=BE =D0=BA=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=B5 =D0=B5 =D0=BF=D1=
=80=D0=B5=D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=BE =D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=8F=D0=
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D '=D0=A4=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB=D0=B0 =D0=BA=D0=BE=D0=
=B9=D1=82=D0=BE =D0=BA=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=B5 =D0=B5 =D0=BA=D0=
=B0=D1=87=D0=B5=D0=BD =D0=BD=D0=B0=D0=BF=D0=BE=D0=BB=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=B8=D0=
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D '=D0=A2=D1=80=D1=8F=D0=B1=D0=B2=D0=B0 =D0=B4=D0=
=B0 =D0=BF=D0=BE=D1=81=D0=BE=D1=87=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B5 =D1=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=
=BB =D0=B7=D0=B0 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B2=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B5.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D '=D0=9C=D0=BE=D0=B3=D0=B0=D1=82 =D0=B4=D0=
=B0 =D1=81=D0=B5 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=82 =D1=81=D0=B0=D0=BC=D0=
=BE .ics =D1=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=B5.';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D '=D0=93=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=88=D0=BA=D0=B0 =D0=BF=
=D1=80=D0=B8 =D0=BA=D0=BE=D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B5 =D0=BD=D0=B0=
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D '=D0=93=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=88=D0=BA=D0=B0 =D0=BF=
=D1=80=D0=B8 =D0=B8=D0=B7=D1=82=D1=80=D0=B8=D0=B2=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B5 =D0=BD=
=D0=B0 =D1=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D '=D1=83=D1=81=D0=BF=D0=B5=D1=88=D0=BD=D0=BE=
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=B5=D0=B9=D1=81=D1=82=D0=B2=D0=B8=
=D0=B5=D1=82=D0=BE =D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B2=D1=8A=D1=80=D1=88=D0=B8 =D1=83=D1=81=
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-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D '=D0=92=D1=81=D0=B8=D1=87=D0=BA=D0=B8';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D '=D0=9B=D0=B5=D0=B3=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D '=D0=A3=D0=BF=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=BB=D1=8F=
=D0=B2=D0=B0=D0=B9=D1=82=D0=B5 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0=
=D1=80=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B5 =D1=81=D0=B8 =D0=B2 =D1=82=D0=B0=D0=B7=D0=B8 =D1=
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D '=D0=97=D0=B0=D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=81=D0=B2=D0=B0=
=D0=B9 "=D0=B1=D0=B8=D1=81=D0=BA=D0=B2=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=BA=D0=B0" =D0=BF=D1=
=80=D0=B8 =D0=BF=D0=BE=D1=81=D0=B5=D1=89=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B8=D0=B5 =D0=BD=D0=
=B0 =D1=81=D1=82=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B8=D1=86=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS =D0=98=D0=BD=D1=84=D0=BE=D1=80=D0=BC=D0=B0=
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D '=D0=92=D1=81=D0=B5=D0=BA=D0=B8 =D0=BA=D0=B0=
=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=80 =D0=B8=D0=BC=D0=B0 =D0=BF=D1=80=D0=BE=
=D1=81=D1=82=D0=B8 RSS =D0=BF=D0=BE=D1=82=D0=BE=D1=86=D0=B8';
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS =D0=BD=D0=B5 =D0=B5 =D1=80=D0=B0=D0=B7=
=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=88=D0=B5=D0=BD =D0=B7=D0=B0 =D1=82=D0=BE=D0=B7=D0=B8 =D1=81=
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D '=D0=BD=D0=B0=D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B4';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=89';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B8=D1=88=D0=B5=D0=BD'=
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=BD=D0=B5=D0=B2=D0=B5=D0=BD =D0=B8=D0=
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=BC=D0=B8=D1=87=D0=B5=D0=
=BD =D0=B8=D0=B7=D0=B3=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D '=D0=9C=D0=B5=D1=81=D0=B5=D1=87=D0=B5=D0=BD =D0=
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D '=D0=93=D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=B8=D1=88=D0=B5=D0=BD =D0=
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('=D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=B8=D0=BD=D0=
=B0','=D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=B8=D0=BD=D0=B8'); // for these, put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('=D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=D0=B5=D1=86=
','=D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=D0=B5=D1=86=D0=B0'); // and plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('=D1=81=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=BC=D0=B8=D1=
=86=D0=B0','=D1=81=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=BC=D0=B8=D1=86=D0=B8'); // these will =
be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BD','=D0=B4=D0=BD=
=D0=B8'); // in the replacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('=D1=87=D0=B0=D1=81','=D1=87=D0=B0=
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('=D0=BC=D0=B8=D0=BD=D1=83=D1=82=
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('=D1=81=D0=B5=D0=BA=D1=83=D0=BD=
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D '=D0=92=D1=81=D0=B5=D0=BA=D0=B8 %int% =
%freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a=
count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D '=D0=B4=D0=BE %date%'; // ie, 'unti=
l January 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '=D0=B7=D0=B0 %int% =D0=BF=D1=8A=D1=82=
=D0=B8'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D '=D0=92 =D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=D0=B5=D1=86=
=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B5: %list%'; // ie, 'In months: January, February, Marc=
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B0 =D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=
=B8=D1=82=D0=B5: %list%'; // ie, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D '=D0=92 =D0=B4=D0=BD=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B5=
: %list%'; // ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('=D0=9D=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BB=D1=8F','=D0=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('=D0=9D=D0=B5=D0=B4','=D0=9F=D0=BE=D0=BD=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('=D0=9D=D0=B4','=D0=9F=D0=BD','=D0=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('=D0=AF=D0=BD=D1=83=D0=B0=D1=80=D0=B8','=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('=D0=AF=D0=BD=D1=83','=D0=A4=D0=B5=D0=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'G:I';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'G:I';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%e %b (%a)';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D '=D0=93=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=88=D0=BA=D0=B0!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D '=D0=93=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=88=D0=BA=D0=B0!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D '=D0=93=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=88=D0=BA=D0=B0 =D0=
=BF=D1=80=D0=B8 =D0=BE=D0=B1=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=B1=D0=BE=D1=82=D0=BA=D0=B0 =D0=
=BD=D0=B0 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=80=D0=B0 "%s".';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=8A=D1=82=D1=8F "%s" =D0=BD=D0=B5=
=D0=BC=D0=BE=D0=B6=D0=B5 =D0=B4=D0=B0 =D1=81=D0=B5 =D0=BE=D1=82=D0=B2=D0=
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=B8=D1=81=D0=BD=D0=B5=
=D1=82=D0=B5 =D0=B1=D1=83=D1=82=D0=BE=D0=BD=D0=B0 "=D0=92=D1=80=D1=8A=D1=89=
=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B5" =D0=B7=D0=B0 =D0=B4=D0=B0 =D1=81=D0=B5 =D0=B2=D1=8A=D1=
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D '=D0=A2=D0=BE=D0=B7=D0=B8 =D1=81=D1=8A=D1=
=80=D0=B2=D1=8A=D1=80 =D0=BD=D0=B5 =D1=80=D0=B0=D0=B7=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=88=D0=
=B0=D0=B2=D0=B0 =D0=BE=D1=82=D0=B4=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D1=87=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=
=B8 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=80=D0=B8 =D0=BA=D0=BE=D0=
=B8=D1=82=D0=BE =D0=BD=D0=B5 =D1=81=D0=B0 =D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=BE=D0=B1=D1=80=D0=
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D '=D0=92=D0=B8=D0=B5 =D1=81=D0=B5 =D0=
=BE=D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B0=D1=85=D1=82=D0=B5 =D0=B4=D0=B0 =D0=BE=D1=82=D0=
=B2=D0=BE=D1=80=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B5 =D1=87=D0=B0=D1=81=D1=82=D0=B5=D0=BD =D0=
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D0=B2=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B8=D0=
=B4=D0=B5=D0=BD =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=
=BD =D1=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB. =D0=9C=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=8F =D0=BE=D0=BF=D0=B8=
=D1=82=D0=B0=D0=B9=D1=82=D0=B5 =D1=81 =D0=B4=D1=80=D1=83=D0=B3 =D0=BA=D0=B0=
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5 =D0=BC=D0=BE=D0=B3=D0=B0 =D0=
=B4=D0=B0 =D0=BE=D1=82=D0=B2=D0=BE=D1=80=D1=8F =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5 =D0=BC=D0=BE=D0=B3=D0=B0 =D0=B4=
=D0=B0 =D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=88=D0=B0 =D1=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=B5=
=D0=B2=D1=8A=D0=B2 =D0=B2=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=BC=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=BD=D0=B0=D1=82=
=D0=B0 =D0=B4=D0=B8=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=BA=D1=82=D0=BE=D1=80=D0=B8=D1=8F. =D0=9C=
=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=8F =D0=BF=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=82=D0=B5=
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/ca=
talan.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/ca=
talan.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-// Catalan language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Oriol Ferrer Mesia; (tm05788 en salleurl.edu)
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D "Dia";
-$lang['l_week'] =3D "Setmana";
-$lang['l_month'] =3D "Mes";
-$lang['l_year'] =3D "Any";
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D "Calendari";
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D "Dia següent";
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D "Mes següent";
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D "Setmana següent";
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D "Any següent";
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D "Dia anterior";
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D "Mes anterior";
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D "Setmana anterior";
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D "Any anterior";
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D "Subscriure";
-$lang['l_download'] =3D "Descarregar";
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D "Gràcies a";
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Event';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Inici';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Fi';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Events d\'aquest mes';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Data';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Descripció';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Event diario';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Notes';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Events d\'aquest any';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Avui';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Aquesta setmana';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Aquesta mes';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Anar a';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Events de demà';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Anar a Avui';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Anar a aquesta Setmana';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Anar a aquest Mes';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Anar a aquest Any';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Buscar'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Resultats de la cerca';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Pick multiple';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Consulta: '; // will be followed by the search q=
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'No s\'ha trobat cap event';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Format d\'impressió';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Hora';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Resum';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Descripció';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Aquesta pàgina és';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'No hi ha events per a avui.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'No hi ha events per a aquesta setmana.';
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'No hi ha events per a aquest mes.';
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date'] =3D '%e de %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date'] =3D '%e de %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'en-us';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'La cerca ha trigat %s segons';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Event periòdic';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Excepció';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Sense consulta';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Preferències';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Impressora';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Esculli el seu idioma per defecte:';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Esculli el seu calendari per defecte:';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Esculli la seva vista per defecte:';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Esculli la seva hora d\'inici per defecte:'=
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Esculli el seu dia inicial de la setmana:';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Esculli el seu estil per defecte:';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Guardar preferències';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Finalitzat a';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Finalitzat';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Creat:';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Fins:';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Prioritat:';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Alta';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Baixa';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Mitjana';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'Cap';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Estat';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'CONFIRMED' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'CANCELLED';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'TENTATIVE';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Pendent';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Sense acabar';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Les teves preferències s\'han guardat=
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Les preferències s\'han esborat. El=
s canvis seràn visibles quan es recarregui la pàgina';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Esborra les preferències:';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organitzador';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Persones presents';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Lloc';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'Administració PHP iCalendar';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Nom d\'usuari';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'contrasenya';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Login';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Nom d\'usuari o contrasenya incorrectes.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Afegeix o actualitza un Calendari';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Afegeix un Calendari enviant un fitxer. A=
ctualitza un Calendari enviant un fitxer amb el mateix nom.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Esborra un Calendari';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Desconnexió';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Fitxer de Calendari';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'Error de PHP ';
-$lang['l_upload_error_gen'] =3D 'Hi ha hagut un error en el procé=
s d\'enviament.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Hi ha hagut un error en el procés d\'e=
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'El fitxer enviat és massa gran.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'El fitxer enviat és massa gran.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'El fitxer ha estat enviat només parcia=
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Cal sel·leccionar un fitxer a enviar.'=
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Nomes es poden enviar fitxers del tipu=
s .ics.';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Error durant la còpia del fitxer.';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Error al esborrar el fitxer.';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'ha estat eliminat.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'L\'acció ha acabat satisfact&ograv=
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Envia';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Esborra';
-$lang['l_all_cal_comb'] =3D 'Tots els calendaris alhora';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Legend';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Manage your calendars from this page';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Sets a cookie for visiting this site';
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Information';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Basic RSS feeds available for each calendar=
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS is not enabled on this site';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Endarrera';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Següent';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Anterior';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Vista Diària';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Vista Setmanal';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Vista Mensual';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Vista Anual';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('any','anys'); // for these, pu=
t singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('mes','mesos'); // and plural =
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('setmana','setmanes'); // these=
will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('dia','dies'); // in the repla=
cement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('hora','hores');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minut','minuts');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('segon','segons');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Cada %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Eve=
ry 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'fins al %date%'; // ie, 'until Jan=
uary 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int% vegades'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'Durant els mesos: %list%'; // ie, =
'In months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'Durant els dies: %list%'; // ie,=
'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'Durant els dies de la setmana: %list%=
'; // ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Diumenge','Dilluns','Dimarts','Dimecres',=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Dium','Dill','Dima','Dime','Dij','Div=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('D','L','M','X','J','V','S');
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Gener','Febrer','Març','Abril','=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Gen','Feb','Mar','Abr','Mai','Jun',=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'G:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'G:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e de %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e de %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e de %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e de %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B de %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e de %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Error!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Hi ha hagut error!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'L\'error s\'ha produït mentre es p=
rocessava el calendari "%s".';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Incapaç d\'obrir: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Per favor, utilitzi el botó "endarr=
era" per a tornar.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Aquest servidor bloqueja calendaris re=
mots que no han estat acceptats.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Ha intentat arribar a un calendari =
que té l\'accés restringit.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Fitxer de calendari invàlid. Pe=
r favor, provi un altre calendari.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/cz=
ech.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/cz=
ech.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-// Czech language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Whit, studio ji=E2=89=88=C3=A6=E2=88=9A=C2=B0k (whit en s=
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Den';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'T=E2=88=9A=CE=A9den';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'M=C6=92=C3=B5s=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0c';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Rok';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Kalend=E2=88=9A=C2=B0=E2=89=88=C3=B4';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'N=E2=88=9A=C2=B0sleduj=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0c=E2=88=
=9A=E2=89=A0 den';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'N=E2=88=9A=C2=B0sleduj=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0c=E2=88=
=9A=E2=89=A0 m=C6=92=C3=B5s=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0c';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'N=E2=88=9A=C2=B0sleduj=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0c=E2=
=88=9A=E2=89=A0 t=E2=88=9A=CE=A9den';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'P=E2=89=88=C3=B4=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0=E2=89=88=C2=
=B0t=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 rok';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'P=E2=89=88=C3=B4edchoz=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 den'=
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'P=E2=89=88=C3=B4edchoz=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 m=C6=
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'P=E2=89=88=C3=B4edchoz=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 t=E2=
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'P=E2=89=88=C3=B4edchoz=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 rok=
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'P=E2=89=88=C3=B4ihla=E2=89=88=C2=B0';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'St=E2=88=9A=C2=B0hni';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Powered by';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Ud=E2=88=9A=C2=B0lost';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Za=C6=92=C3=A7=E2=88=9A=C2=B0tek';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Konec';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Tento m=C6=92=C3=B5s=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0c';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Datum';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Souhrn';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Cel=E2=88=9A=CE=A9 den';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Pozn=E2=88=9A=C2=B0mky';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Tento rok';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Dnes';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Tento t=E2=88=9A=CE=A9den';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Tento m=C6=92=C3=B5s=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0c';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Jdi';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Z=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0tra';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Dne=E2=89=88=C2=B0ek';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Tento t=E2=88=9A=CE=A9den';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Tento m=C6=92=C3=B5s=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0c';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Tento rok';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Hledej'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'V=E2=88=9A=CE=A9sledky hled=E2=88=9A=C2=B0n=E2=
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'V=E2=88=9A=CE=A9choz=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 mu=
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Dotaz: '; // will be followed by the search que=
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D '=E2=89=88=CE=A9=E2=88=9A=C2=B0dn=E2=88=9A=C2=
=A9 nalezen=E2=88=9A=C2=A9 z=E2=88=9A=C2=B0znamy';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Tisk';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D '=C6=92=C3=A5as';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Souhrn';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Popis';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Tato str=E2=88=9A=C2=B0nka je';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D '=E2=89=88=CE=A9=E2=88=9A=C2=B0dn=E2=88=9A=C2=
=A9 z=E2=88=9A=C2=B0znamy v tomto dni.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D '=E2=89=88=CE=A9=E2=88=9A=C2=B0dn=E2=88=9A=
=C2=A9 z=E2=88=9A=C2=B0znamy v tomto t=E2=88=9A=CE=A9dnu.';
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D '=E2=89=88=CE=A9=E2=88=9A=C2=B0dn=E2=88=9A=
=C2=A9 z=E2=88=9A=C2=B0znamy v tomto m=C6=92=C3=B5s=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0ci.'=
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'G:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%A, %e %B'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%A, %e %B'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'cs-cz';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'Hled=E2=88=9A=C2=B0n=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 trva=
lo %s vte=E2=89=88=C3=B4in';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Opakuj=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0c=E2=88=9A=E2=89=
=A0 se ud=E2=88=9A=C2=B0lost';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'V=E2=88=9A=CE=A9jimka';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Nebyl zad=E2=88=9A=C2=B0n dotaz';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Nastaven=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Tisk=E2=88=9A=C2=B0rna';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'V=E2=88=9A=CE=A9choz=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 jazy=
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'V=E2=88=9A=CE=A9choz=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 kalen=
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'V=E2=88=9A=CE=A9choz=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 pohl=
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'V=E2=88=9A=CE=A9choz=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 star=
tovn=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 =C6=92=C3=A7as:';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'V=E2=88=9A=CE=A9choz=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 prvn=E2=
=88=9A=E2=89=A0 den t=E2=88=9A=CE=A9dne:';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'V=E2=88=9A=CE=A9choz=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 sty=
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Ulo=E2=89=88=C3=A6 nastaven=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0=
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Kompletn=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 v';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Kompletn=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Vytvo=E2=89=88=C3=B4eno:';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Due:';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Priorita:';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Vysok=E2=88=9A=C2=B0';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'N=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0zk=E2=88=9A=C2=B0';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'St=E2=89=88=C3=B4edn=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D '=E2=89=88=CE=A9=E2=88=9A=C2=B0dn=E2=88=9A=C2=
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Status';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'Konfirmovan=C3=BD=C2=A0' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'Odvolan=C3=BD=C2=A0';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'p=C5=99edb=C4=9B=C5=BEn=C3=BD=C2=A0';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Seznam =E2=88=9A=E2=88=ABkol=E2=89=88=C3=98';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Nedokon=C6=92=C3=A7eno';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Your preferences have been set.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Preferences unset. Changes will take place=
next page load.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Unset preferences';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organizer';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Attendee';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Location';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar Administration';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Username';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Password';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Login';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Wrong username or password.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Add or Update a Calendar';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Add a calendar by uploading a new file. U=
pdate a calendar by uploading a file of the same name.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Delete a Calendar';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Logout';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Calendar File';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP Error';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'There was a problem with your upload.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'There was a problem with your upload.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'The file you are trying to upload is too big=
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'The file you are trying to upload is too big=
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'The file you are trying upload was only part=
ially uploaded.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'You must select a file for upload.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Only .ics files may be uploaded.';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Failed to copy file';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Failed to delete file';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'was deleted successfully.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Your action was successful.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Submit';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Delete';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'All Combined';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Legend';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Manage your calendars from this page';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Sets a cookie for visiting this site';
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Information';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Basic RSS feeds available for each calendar=
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS is not enabled on this site';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Zp=C6=92=C3=B5t';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Dal=E2=89=88=C2=B0=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'P=E2=89=88=C3=B4edchoz=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Zobraz den';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Zobraz t=E2=88=9A=CE=A9den';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Zobraz m=C6=92=C3=B5s=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0c';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Zobraz rok';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('rok','roky'); // for these, pu=
t singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('m=C6=92=C3=B5s=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0=
c','m=C6=92=C3=B5s=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0ce'); // and plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('t=E2=88=9A=CE=A9den','t=E2=88=9A=
=CE=A9dny'); // these will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('den','dny'); // in the replac=
ement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('hodina','hodiny');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minuta','minuty');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('vt=E2=89=88=C3=B4ina','vte=E2=
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Ka=E2=89=88=C3=A6d=E2=88=9A=CE=A9 %in=
t% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day fo=
r a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'a=E2=89=88=C3=A6 do %date%'; // ie=
, 'until January 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int% kr=E2=88=9A=C2=B0t'; // ie, 'f=
or 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'V m=C6=92=C3=B5s=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0c=E2=
=88=9A=E2=89=A0ch: %list%'; // ie, 'In months: January, February, March=
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'V datech: %list%'; // ie, 'On da=
tes: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'Ve dnech: %list%'; // ie, 'On days:=
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Ned=C6=92=C3=B5le','Pond=C6=92=C3=B5l=E2=88=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Ne','Po','=E2=88=9A=C3=B6t','St','=C6=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('N','P','=E2=88=9A=C3=B6','S','=C6=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Leden','=E2=88=9A=C3=B6nor','B=E2=89=88=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Led.','=E2=88=9A=C3=B6no.','B=E2=89=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'G:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'g:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e. %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e. %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e. %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e. %B';// new since last translation
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e. %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about $dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Chyba!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Chybov=E2=88=9A=C2=A9 okno!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'P=E2=89=88=C3=B4i vytv=E2=88=9A=C2=B0=E2=
=89=88=C3=B4en=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0 kalend=E2=88=9A=C2=B0=E2=89=88=C3=B4e =E2=
=80=9A=C3=84=C3=BB%s=E2=80=9A=C3=84=C3=B9 se vyskytla chyba.';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Nelze otev=E2=89=88=C3=B4=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0=
t: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Pou=E2=89=88=C3=A6ij tla=C6=92=C3=A7=E2=88=
=9A=E2=89=A0tko "Zp=C6=92=C3=B5t" pro n=E2=88=9A=C2=B0vrat.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Tento server blokuje vzd=E2=88=9A=C2=B0=
len=E2=88=9A=C2=A9 kalend=E2=88=9A=C2=B0=E2=89=88=C3=B4e, kter=E2=88=9A=C2=
=A9 nejsou odsouhlaseny.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Zkou=E2=89=88=C2=B0=E2=88=9A=E2=89=A0=
=E2=89=88=C2=B0 p=E2=89=88=C3=B4istupovat k zamknut=E2=88=9A=C2=A9mu kale=
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Chybn=E2=88=9A=CE=A9 soubor. Vyber jin=
=E2=88=9A=CE=A9 kalend=E2=88=9A=C2=B0=E2=89=88=C3=B4.';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Unable to open calendar.';
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Unable to write to cache directory. Please=
check your config.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/da=
nish.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/da=
nish.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-// Danish language include
-// For version 1.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Henrik H=EF=BF=BDjmark (styxx en worldonline.dk)
-// and Jakob Peterh=EF=BF=BDnsel (marook en creepers.org)
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$day_lang =3D 'Dag';
-$week_lang =3D 'Uge';
-$month_lang =3D 'Måned';
-$year_lang =3D 'År';
-$calendar_lang =3D 'kalender';
-$next_day_lang =3D 'Næste dag';
-$next_month_lang =3D 'Næste måned';
-$next_week_lang =3D 'Næste uge';
-$next_year_lang =3D 'Næste år';
-$last_day_lang =3D 'Forrige dag';
-$last_month_lang =3D 'Forrige måned';
-$last_week_lang =3D 'Forrige uge';
-$last_year_lang =3D 'Forrige år';
-$subscribe_lang =3D 'Abonnér';
-$download_lang =3D 'Hent';
-$powered_by_lang =3D 'Drevet af';
-$event_lang =3D 'Aftale';
-$event_start_lang =3D 'Start tidspunkt';
-$event_end_lang =3D 'Slut tidspunkt';
-$this_months_lang =3D 'Denne måneds aftaler';
-$date_lang =3D 'Dato';
-$summary_lang =3D 'Opsummering';
-$all_day_lang =3D 'Heldags aftale';
-$notes_lang =3D 'Noter';
-$this_years_lang =3D 'Dette ås aftaler';
-$today_lang =3D 'I dag';
-$this_week_lang =3D 'Denne uge';
-$this_month_lang =3D 'Denne måned';
-$jump_lang =3D 'Gå til';
-$tomorrows_lang =3D 'Næste dags aftaler';
-$goday_lang =3D 'Gå til i dag';
-$goweek_lang =3D 'Gå til denne uge';
-$gomonth_lang =3D 'Gå til denne måned';
-$goyear_lang =3D 'Gå til dette år';
-$search_lang =3D 'Søg'; // the verb
-$results_lang =3D 'S&oskash;ge resultater';
-$query_lang =3D 'Søgekriterier: '; // will be followed by the s=
earch query
-$no_results_lang =3D 'Der er ikke fundet nogen aftaler';
-$goprint_lang =3D 'Udskriftsvenligt';
-$time_lang =3D 'Tid';
-$summary_lang =3D 'Opsummering';
-$description_lang =3D 'Beskrivelse';
-$this_site_is_lang =3D 'Denne webadresse er';
-$no_events_day_lang =3D 'Ingen aftaler i dag.';
-$no_events_week_lang =3D 'Ingen aftaler i denne uge.';
-$no_events_month_lang =3D 'Ingen aftaler i denne måned.';
-$rss_day_date =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$rss_week_date =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$rss_month_date =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$search_took_lang =3D 'Søgningen tog %s sekunder';
-$recurring_event_lang =3D 'Gentagen aftale';
-$exception_lang =3D 'Undtagelse';
-$no_query_lang =3D 'Der er ingen forspørgsel';
-$preferences_lang =3D 'Indstillinger';
-$printer_lang =3D 'Printer';
-$select_lang_lang =3D 'Vælg sprog:';
-$select_cal_lang =3D 'Vælg kalender:';
-$select_view_lang =3D 'Vælg visning:';
-$select_time_lang =3D 'Vælg starttidspunkt :';
-$select_day_lang =3D 'Vælg startdag:';
-$select_style_lang =3D 'Vælg stil :';
-$set_prefs_lang =3D 'Gem indstillinger';
-$completed_date_lang =3D 'Afsluttet på';
-$completed_lang =3D 'Afsluttet';
-$created_lang =3D 'Lavet:';
-$due_lang =3D 'Klar:';
-$priority_lang =3D 'Prioritet:';
-$priority_high_lang =3D 'Høj';
-$priority_low_lang =3D 'Lav';
-$priority_medium_lang =3D 'Medium';
-$priority_none_lang =3D 'Ingen';
-$status_lang =3D 'Status';
-$todo_lang =3D 'Ting der skal gøres';
-$unfinished_lang =3D 'Uafsluttet';
-$prefs_set_lang =3D 'Dine indstillinger er gemt.'; //Your preferences =
have been set.
-$prefs_unset_lang =3D 'Indstillinger fjernet. Ændringer er synli=
g ved næste sidevisning.'; //Preferences unset. Changes will take p=
lace next page load.
-$unset_prefs_lang =3D 'Unset preferences:';
-$organizer_lang =3D 'Organizer';
-$attendee_lang =3D 'Attendee';
-$location_lang =3D 'Location';
-$admin_header_lang =3D 'PHP iCalendar Administration';
-$username_lang =3D 'Username';
-$password_lang =3D 'Password';
-$login_lang =3D 'Login';
-$invalid_login_lang =3D 'Wrong username or password.';
-$addupdate_cal_lang =3D 'Add or Update a Calendar';
-$addupdate_desc_lang =3D 'Add a calendar by uploading a new file. Update=
a calendar by uploading a file of the same name.';
-$delete_cal_lang =3D 'Delete a Calendar';
-$logout_lang =3D 'Logout';
-$cal_file_lang =3D 'Calendar File';
-$php_error_lang =3D 'PHP Error';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'There was a problem with your upload.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'There was a problem with your upload.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'The file you are trying to upload is too big.=
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'The file you are trying to upload is too big.=
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'The file you are trying upload was only parti=
ally uploaded.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'You must select a file for upload.';
-$upload_error_type_lang =3D 'Only .ics files may be uploaded.';
-$copy_error_lang =3D 'Failed to copy file';
-$delete_error_lang =3D 'Failed to delete file';
-$delete_success_lang =3D 'was deleted successfully.';
-$action_success_lang =3D 'Your action was successful.';
-$submit_lang =3D 'Submit';
-$delete_lang =3D 'Delete';
-// ----- New for 1.0
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'All calendars combined';
-// - navigation
-$back_lang =3D 'Tilbage';
-$next_lang =3D 'Næste';
-$prev_lang =3D 'Forrige';
-$day_view_lang =3D 'Vis Dag';
-$week_view_lang =3D 'Vis Uge';
-$month_view_lang =3D 'Vis Måned';
-$year_view_lang =3D 'Vis År';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('år','år'); // for t=
hese, put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('måned','måneder');=
// and plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('uge','uger'); // these will b=
e %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('dag','dage'); // in the repla=
cement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('time','timer');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minut','minutter');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('sekund','sekunder');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Hver %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Eve=
ry 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'Indtil %date%'; // ie, 'until Janu=
ary 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int% gange'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'I månderne: %list%'; // ie, 'I=
n months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'På datoerne: %list%'; // ie,=
'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'På dagene: %list%'; // ie, 'On =
days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Søndag','Mandag','Tirsdag','Onsdag=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Søn','Man','Tir','Ons','Tor','=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('S','M','T','O','T','F','L');
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Januar','Februar','Marts','April','Maj'=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Maj','Jun',=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'H:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'H:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$error_title_lang =3D 'Fejl!';
-$error_window_lang =3D 'Der opstod en fejl!';
-$error_calendar_lang =3D 'Kalenderen "%s" blev benyttet da fejlen opstod=
-$error_path_lang =3D 'Kan ikke åbne stien : "%s"';
-$error_back_lang =3D 'Brug venligst "Tilbage" knappen for at gå ti=
-$error_remotecal_lang =3D 'Denne server blokerer for eksterne kalendere =
der ikke er blevet godkendt';
-$error_restrictedcal_lang =3D 'Du har forsøgt at få adgang =
til en beskyttet kalender på denne server.';
-$error_invalidcal_lang =3D 'Kalenderen kan ikke læses. Prøv=
en anden kalender.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/du=
tch.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/du=
tch.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-// English language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation version 1.0 by Lieven Gekiere (Lieven en gekiere.com)
-// Translation version 2.0 by John Treffer (john en roem.org)
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Dag';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Week';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Maand';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Jaar';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Kalender';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Volgende Dag';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Volgende Maand';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Volgende Week';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Volgend Jaar';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Vorige Dag';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Vorige Maand';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Vorige Week';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Vorig Jaar';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Abonneer';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Download';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Gemaakt met';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Activiteit';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Start Tijd';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Eind Tijd';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Activiteiten deze Maand';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Datum';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Overzicht';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Dagactiviteit';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Opmerkingen';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Activiteiten dit Jaar';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Vandaag';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Deze Week';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Deze Maand';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Ga naar';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Activiteiten Morgen';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Ga naar Vandaag';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Ga naar Deze Week';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Ga naar Deze Maand';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Ga naar Dit Jaar';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Zoeken'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Zoekresultaten';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Pick multiple';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Zoekopdracht'; // will be followed by the searc=
h query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Geen activiteiten gevonden';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Makkelijk printbaar';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Tijd';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Samenvatting';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Omschrijving';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Deze site is';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Geen activiteiten vandaag.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'Geen activiteiten deze week.';
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'Geen activiteiten deze maand.';
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'H:i'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%e %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%e %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'nl';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'Zoeken duurde %s seconden';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Terugkerende activiteit';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Uitzondering';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Geen zoekopdracht gegeven';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Voorkeuren';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Printer';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Selecteer jouw standaard Taal';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Selecteer jouw standaard Kalender';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Selecteer jouw standaard View';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Selecteer jouw standaard Start Tijd';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Selecteer jouw standaard Start Weekdag';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Selecteer jouw standaard Stijl';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Stel voorkeuren in';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Afgewerkt op';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Afgewerkt';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Gemaakt';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'op';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Prioriteit';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Hoog';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Laag';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Gemiddeld';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'Geen';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Status';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'CONFIRMED' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'CANCELLED';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'TENTATIVE';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Af te werken items';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Niet afgewerkt';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Uw voorkeuren zijn bewaard.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Voorkeuren gewist. Aanpassingen zijn actie=
f bij de volgende pagina die u laadt.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Voorkeuren wissen';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organisator';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Aanwezige';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Locatie';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar Administratie';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Gebruikersnaam';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Wachtwoord';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Login';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Foutieve gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Voeg een kalender toe of pas hem aan';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Voeg een kalender toe door een bestand up=
te loaden. Update een kalender door hem te uploaden met dezelfde naam.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Verwijder een kalender';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Log uit';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Kalenderbestand';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP foutmelding';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Er was een probleem met uw upload.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Er was een probleem met uw upload.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'Het bestand dat je probeert up te loaden is =
te groot.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'Het bestand dat je probeert up te loaden is =
te groot.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'Het bestand dat je probeert up te loaden is =
maar gedeeltelijk geuploaded.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'U moet een bestand selecteren om te uploaden=
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Enkel .ics bestanden mogen geuploaded =
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Kopieren bestand mislukt';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Verwijderen bestand mislukt';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'is succesvol verwijderd.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Uw handeling was succesvol.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Verzenden';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Verwijder';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Alle kalenders gecombineerd';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Legenda';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Beheer je kalenders via deze pagina';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Bewaart een cookie voor het bezoeken van d=
eze site';
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Informatie';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Basis RSS feeds beschikbaar voor iedere Kal=
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS is niet ingesteld op deze site';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Terug';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Volgende';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Vorige';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Dagoverzicht';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Weekoverzicht';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Maandoverzicht';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Jaaroverzicht';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('jaar','jaren'); // for these, =
put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('maand','maanden'); // and plu=
ral forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('week','weken'); // these will =
be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('dag','dagen'); // in the repl=
acement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('uur','uren');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minuut','minuten');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('seconde','seconden');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Iedere %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'E=
very 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'tot %date%'; // ie, 'until January=
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int% maal'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'In de maanden: %list%'; // ie, 'In=
months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'Op datums: %list%'; // ie, 'On d=
ates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'Op dagen: %list%'; // ie, 'On days:=
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Zondag','Maandag','Dinsdag','Woensdag','D=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Zo','Ma','Di','Wo','Do','Vr','Za');
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('Z','M','D','W','D','V','Z');
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Januari','Februari','Maart','April','Me=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Jan','Feb','Maa','Apr','Mei','Jun',=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'H:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'G:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e %B';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Foutmelding!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Er is een fout opgetreden!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'De kalender "%s" werd verwerkt toen de =
fout optrad.';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Onmogelijk om de directory te openen: "%s"=
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Gebruik de knop "Vorige" om terug te keren=
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Deze server blokkeert niet-geaccepteer=
de kalenders.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'U probeerde toegang te verwerven to=
t een beveiligde kalender.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Ongeldig kalenderbestand. Probeer een =
andere kalender aub.';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Onmogelijk kalender te openen.';
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Onmogelijk om naar cache directory te schr=
ijven. Controleer uw configuratie.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/es=
peranto.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/es=
peranto.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-// Esperanto language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar=20
-// Translation by Sjoerd Bosga (sjoerd en esperanto.se)
-// Submit new translations to phpicalendar en gmail.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Tago';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Semajno';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Monato';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Jaro';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'kalendaro';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Venonta tago';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Venonta monato';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Venonta semajno';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Venonta jaro';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Antaŭa tago';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Antaŭa monato';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Antaŭa semajno';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Antaŭa jaro';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Abonu';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Elŝutu';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Funkciigita per';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Evento';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Komenchoro';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Finhoro';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Eventoj de tiu ĉi monato';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Dato';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Resumo';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Tuttaga evento';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Notoj';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Eventoj de tiu ĉi jaro';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Hodiaŭ';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Ĉi-semajne';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Ĉi-monate';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Saltu al';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Eventoj de morgaŭ';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Iru al hodiaŭ';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Iru al nuna semajno';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Iru al nuna monato';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Iru al nuna jaro';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'serĉi'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Rezultoj de serĉado';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Vi serĉis'; // will be followed by the sear=
ch query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Neniuj eventoj troviĝis';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Por printado';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Horo';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Resumo';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Priskribo';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Tiu ĉi-paĝaro estas';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Neniuj eventoj hodiaŭ.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'Neniuj eventoj ĉi-semajne.';
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'Neniuj eventoj ĉi-monato.';
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date'] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date'] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'eo';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'Serĉado daŭris %s sekundojn';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Ripetita evento';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Escepto';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Vi ne indikis kion serĉi';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Preferoj';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Printilo';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Elektu vian preferatan lingvon:';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Elektu vian preferatan kalendaron:';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Elektu vian preferatan montradon:';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Elektu vian preferatan komencan horon:';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Elektu vian preferatan unuan tagon en semajn=
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Elektu vian preferatan stilon:';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Konservu preferojn';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Farita je';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Farita';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Kreita:';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Devos preti je:';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Prioritato:';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Alta';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Malalta';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Meza';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'Nenia';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Stato';
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Farendaĵoj';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Nekompletigita';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Viaj preferoj estas konservitaj.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Viaj preferoj malkonserviĝis. Ŝa=
nĝoj videblos venontan fojon kiam vi malfermos paĝon.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Malkonservu miajn preferojn:';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organizanto:';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Ĉeestanto:';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Ejo:';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar Administrado';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Uzanto';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Pasvorto';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Ensaluti';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Malĝusta uzantonomo aŭ pasvorto=
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Aldoni aŭ ĝisdatigi kalendaron'=
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Aldonu kalendaron enŝutante novan do=
sieron. Ĝisdatigu kalendaron enŝutante dosieron kun sama nomo.'=
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Forigi kalendaron';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Elsaluti';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Kalendar-dosiero';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP eraro';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Estis iu problemo pri via enŝutado.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Estis iu problemo pri via enŝutado.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'La dosiero kiun vi provas enŝuti estas t=
ro granda.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'La dosiero kiun vi provas enŝuti estas t=
ro granda.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'La dosiero kiun vi provas enŝuti nur par=
te enŝutiĝis.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Vi devas selekti dosieron por enŝuti.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Nur .ics dosieroj akceptiĝas.';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Malsukcesis kopii la dosieron';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Malsukcesis forigi la dosieron';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'estis sukcese forigita.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Via peto plenumiĝis.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Enŝuti';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Forigi';
-// ----- New after 1.0
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Ĉiuj kalendaroj kune';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Reen';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Venonta';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Antaŭa';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Taga montrado';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Semajna montrado';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Monata montrado';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Jara montrado';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('jaron','jarojn'); // for these=
, put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('monaton','monatojn'); // and =
plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('semajno','semajnojn'); // thes=
e will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('tagon','tagojn'); // in the r=
eplacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('horon','horojn');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minuton','minutojn');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('sekundon','sekundojn');
-// Problem! In Esperanto also "Every" needs to have a different form for=
singular and plural!
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Ĉiu(j)n %int% %freq% %for%'; // =
ie, 'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'ĝis %date%'; // ie, 'until Ja=
nuary 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int% fojojn'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'Dum la monatoj: %list%'; // ie, 'I=
n months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'Dum la jenaj tagoj de la monato: %=
list%'; // ie, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'Dum la jenaj tagoj de la semajno: %li=
st%'; // ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Dimanĉo','Lundo','Mardo','Merkredo',=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Dim','Lun','Mar','Mer','Ĵaŭ=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('D','L','M','M','Ĵ','V','S')=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Januaro','Februaro','Marto','Aprilo','M=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Maj','Jun',=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'G:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'G:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %B %e';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Eraro!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Okazis eraro!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'La eraro okazis dum traktado de la kalend=
aro "%s".';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Ne eblis malfermi la jenon: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Bonvolu uzi la "Reen" butonon por reiri.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Tiu ĉi servilo blokas eksterajn kal=
endarojn kiuj ne estas aprobitaj.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Vi provis aliri kalendaron kiu estas=
limigita fare de tiu ĉ servilo.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Nevalida kalendardosiero. Bonvolu provi=
alian kalendaron.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/fi=
nnish.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/fi=
nnish.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-// Finnish language include
-// For version 1.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Kari Somby (kari.somby en pp.inet.fi)
-// Revice for version 2.0.1 PHP iCalendar
-// Text and script update by Matti Monnonen (matti en monnonen.com)
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Päivä';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Viikko';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Kuukausi';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Vuosi';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Kalenteri';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Seuraava Päivä';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Seuraava Kuukausi';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Seuraava Viikko';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Seuraava Vuosi';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Edellinen Päivä';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Edellinen Kuukausi';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Edellinen Viikko';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Edellinen Vuosi';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Kopioi kalenteri';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Lataa tiedosto';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Powered by';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Tapahtuma';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Aloitusaika';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Lopetusaika';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Tämän Kuukauden tapahtumat';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Päivä';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Yhteenveto';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Koko päivän tapahtuma';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Muistiinpanot';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Tämän Vuoden tapahtumat';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Tänään';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Tämä Viikko';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Tämä Kuukausi';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Siirry';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Huomisen Tapahtumat';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Mene Tähän Päivään';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Mene Tähän Viikkoon';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Mene Tähän Kuukauteen';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Mene Tähän Vuoteen';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Etsi'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Etsinnän Tulokset';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Pick multiple';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Kysely'; // will be followed by the search query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Tapahtumia ei löytynyt';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Tulostettava versio';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Aika';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Yhteenveto';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Selitys';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Tämä sivusto on';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Ei tapahtumia tänään.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'Ei tapahtumia tällä viikolla.';
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'Ei tapahtumia tässä kuussa.';
-$lang['l_rss_day'] =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date'] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date'] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'fi-fi';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'Etsimiseen meni %s sekuntia';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Toistuva tapahtuma';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Poikkeus';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Kyselyä ei annettu';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Ominaisuudet';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Tulostin';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Valitse oletuskieli:';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Valitse oletuskalenteri:';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Valitse oletusnäkymä:';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Valitse oletusaloitusaika:';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Valitse oletusaloituspäivä viikoll=
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Valitse oletustyyli:';
-$lang['l_t_prefs'] =3D 'Aseta ominaisuudet';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Valmistuu';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Valmis';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Luotu:';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Erääntyy:';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Tärkeys:';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Korkea';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Matala';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Keski';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'Ei mitään';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Tila';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'CONFIRMED' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'CANCELLED';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'TENTATIVE';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Tehtävät:';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Päättymättömät';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Päättymättömät';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Asetukset päivitetty';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Asetuksia ei päivitetty. Muutokset p&=
auml;ivitetään seuraavan sivun ladattua';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Asetukset peruttu';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organisoija';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Osanottajat';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Paikka';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar Hallinta';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Käyttäjätunnus';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Salasana';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Kirjaudu sisään';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Väärä käyttäj&aum=
l;tunnus tai salasana.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Lisää tai päivitä kalen=
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Lisää kalenteri lataamalla uusi =
tiedosto. Päivitä kalenteri samannimisellä tiedostolla';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Tuhoa kalenteri';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Kirjaudu ulos';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Kalenteritiedosto';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP virhe';
-$lang['l_upload_error_gen'] =3D 'Tiedoston latauksessa oli ongelma.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Tiedoston latauksessa oli ongelma.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'Ladattavan tiedoston koko on liian suuri.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'Ladattavan tiedoston koko on liian suuri';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'Tiedoston lataus onnistui vain osittain.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Valitse ladattava tiedosto.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Voit ladata vain .ics tiedostoja.';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Tiedoston kopiointi epäonnistui.';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Tiedoston tuhoaminen epäonnistui.';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'Tuhoaminen onnistui.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Toiminta onnistui.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Lähetä';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Tuhoa';
-// ----- New for 0.9.5
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Kaikki yhdistettynä';
-// ---- New for 2.0.1
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Otsikko';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Kalenterin hallinta sivu';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Keksin asetukset vierailijoille';
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Tiedot';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Perus RSS tiedot jokaiselle kalenterille';
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS ei ole käytössä tä=
;llä sivulla';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Takaisin';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Seuraava';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Edellinen';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Päivänäkymä';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Viikkonäkymä';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Kuukausinäkymä';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Vuosinäkymä';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three'
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('vuosi','vuotta'); // for these=
, put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('kuukausi','kuukautta'); // and=
plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('viikko','viikkoa'); // these w=
ill be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('päivä','päivä=
;ä'); // in the replacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('tunti','tuntia');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minuutti','minuuttia');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('sekuntti','sekunttia');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Joka %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Ever=
y 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D '%date% asti'; // ie, 'until January 4=
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int% kertaa'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'Kuukaudet: %list%'; // ie, 'In mon=
ths: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'Viikonpäivät: %list%'; // ie=
, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Sunnuntai','Maanantai','Tiistai','Keskivi=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Su','Ma','Ti','Ke','To','Pe','La');
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('S','M','T','K','T','P','L');
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Tammikuu','Helmikuu','Maaliskuu','Huhti=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Tammi','Helmi','Maalis','Huhti','T=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-//$timeFormat =3D 'g:i A';
-$timeFormat =3D 'H:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'H:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e %Bta';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%b %e';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %B %e';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Virhe!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Tapahtui virhe!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'Kalenteria "%s" käsiteltiin virhee=
n sattuessa.';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Polkua: "%s" ei voi avata';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Ole hyvä ja käytä "Takaisin=
" nappia palataksesi takaisin.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Tämä palvelin sallii vain hy=
väksyttyjen etäkalentereiden käytön.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Yritit käyttää kale=
nteria, jonka käyttö on rajoitettu.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Ei kelvollinen kalenterin nimi. Ole h=
yvä ja yritä toista kalenteria.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/fr=
ench.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/fr=
ench.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-// French language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Einbert (einbert en einbert.net)
-// And some sentences form version 1.0 made by La Shampouineuse (info en la=
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Jour';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Semaine';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Mois';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Année';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Calendrier';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Jour suivant';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Mois suivant';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Semaine suivante';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Année suivante';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Jour précédent';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Mois précédent';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Semaine précédente';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Année précédente';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Souscrire';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Télécharger';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Produit avec';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Evénement';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Début';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Fin';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Evénements de ce mois';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Date';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Résumé';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Evénements de ce jour';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Notes';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Evénements de cette année';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Aujourd\'hui';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Cette semaine';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Ce mois';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Voir';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Evénement de demain';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Voir aujourd\'hui';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Voir cette semaine';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Voir ce mois';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Voir cette année';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Rechercher'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Résultats de la recherche';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Choix multiple';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Requète'; // will be followed by the sea=
rch query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Aucun événement trouvé=
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Version imprimable';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Heure';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Résumé';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Description';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Ce site est';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Pas d\'événements aujourd\'h=
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'Pas d\'événements cette sem=
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'Pas d\'événements ce mois.=
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'H:i'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%e %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%e %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'fr-fr';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'La recherche a pris %s seconds';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Evénement récurent';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Exception';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Aucune requète';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Préférences';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Imprimante';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Choisissez votre langage par défaut'=
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Choisissez votre calendrier par défau=
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Choisissez votre vue par défaut';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Choisissez votre heure de début par =
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Choisissez votre jour de début de sem=
aine par défaut';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Choisissez votre style par défaut';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Enregistrer les préférences';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Terminé le';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Terminé';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Créé';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Fin:';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Priorité';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Haute';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Basse';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Moyenne';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'Aucune';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Status:';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'CONFIRMED' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'CANCELLED';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'TENTATIVE';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Tâches à réaliser';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Non faites';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Vos préférences ont ét&=
eacute; modifiées.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Préférences supprimée=
s. Changement au prochain chargement de la page.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Supprimez les préférences';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organizer';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Attendee';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Status';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Location';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'Administration de PHP iCalendar';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Utilisateur';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Mot de passe';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Authentification';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Utilisateur ou mot de passe erroné.=
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Ajoutez ou modifiez un calendrier';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Ajoutez un calendrier en chargeant un nou=
veau fichier. Modifiez un calendrier en chargeant un fichier de mêm=
e nom.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Effacez un calendrier';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Logout';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Fichier calendrier';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'Erreur PHP';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Une erreur lors du télécharge=
ment s\'est produite.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Une erreur lors du téléchargem=
ent s\'est produite.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'Le fichier que vous tentez de tél&eac=
ute;charger est trop grand.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'Le fichier que vous tentez de tél&eac=
ute;charger est trop grand.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'Le fichier n\'a été que partie=
llement téléchargé.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Vous devez choisir un fichier à t&eac=
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Seuls des fichiers au format .ics peuv=
ent être téléchargés.';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'La copie du fichier a échoué'=
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'La suppression du fichier a échou&=
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'a été supprimé avec=
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Action effectuée avec succè=
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Envoyer';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Supprimer';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Tous les calendriers';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Légende';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Contrôlez vos calendriers à p=
artir de cette page';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Stock un cookie pour la visite de ce site'=
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'Information RSS';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'RSS feeds basic disponible pour chaque cale=
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS n\'est pas disponible sur ce site';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Retour';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Suivant';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Précédent';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Vue Journalière';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Vue Hebdomadaire';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Vue Mensuelle';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Vue annuelle';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('an','ans'); // for these, put =
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('mois','mois'); // and plural =
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('semaine','semaines'); // these=
will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('jour','jours'); // in the rep=
lacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('heure','heures');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minutes','minutes');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('seconde','secondes');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Tou(te)s %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, =
'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'jusqu\'au %date%'; // ie, 'until J=
anuary 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D 'pendant %int%'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'Aux mois: %list%'; // ie, 'In mont=
hs: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'Aux dates: %list%'; // ie, 'On d=
ates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'Aux jours: %list%'; // ie, 'On days=
: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Dimanche','Lundi','Mardi','Mercredi','Jeu=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Dim','Lun','Mar','Mer','Jeu','Ven','S=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('D','L','M','M','J','V','S');
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Janvier','Février','Mars','Avril=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Jan','Fév','Mar','Avr','Mai'=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'H:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'g:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A %e %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a %e %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A %e %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Erreur!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Une erreur s\'est produite!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'Une erreur s\'est produite lors du trai=
tement du calendrier "%s".';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Impossible d\'ouvrir le chemin: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Veuillez utiliser le bouton "Retour" pour =
revenir en arrière.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Ce serveur refuse les calendriers dist=
ants non approuvés.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Vous avez essayé d\'utiliser=
un calendrier dont les permissions sont restreintes sur ce serveur.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Fichier calendrier invalide. Veuillez =
essayer un calendrier différent.';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Unable to open calendar.';
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Unable to write to cache directory. Please=
check your config.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/ga=
lego.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/ga=
lego.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-// English language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Juan carlos Negron(carich37 en hotmail.com)
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Día';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Semana';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Mes';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Ano';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Calendario';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Día seguinte';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Mes seguinte';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Semana seguinte';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Ano seguinte';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Día anterior';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Mes anterior';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Semana anterior';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Ano anterior';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Suscribir';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Descargar';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Realizado con';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Evento';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Inicio';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Fin';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Eventos deste mes';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Data';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Descrición';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'todo o día';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Notas';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Eventos deste ano';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Hoxe';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Esta semana';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Este mes';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Ir a';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Eventos de mañá';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Ir a Hoxe';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Ir á semana';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Ir ao Mes';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Ir ao Ano';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Procurar'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Resultados da procura';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Picar multiples';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Consulta: '; // will be followed by the search =
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Ningún evento atopado';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Formato de impresión';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Hora';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Resume';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Descrición';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Esta páxina é';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Non hai eventos para hoxe.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'No hai eventos para esta semana.';
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'No hai eventos para este mes.';
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%e de %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%e de %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'es-gl';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'A procura tardou %s segundos';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Evento peri&ocaute;dico';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Exceción';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'falta a consulta';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Preferenzas';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Impresora';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Escolla o seu idioma por defecto:';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Escolla o seu calendario por defecto:';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Elixa a súa vista por defeto:';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Elixa a súa hora de inicio por defec=
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Escolla o seu dáa da semana de inicio=
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Seleccione o seu estilo por defecto:';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Gardar preferenzas';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Finalizado o';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Finalizado';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Creado:';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Data límite:';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Prioridade:';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Alta';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Baixa';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Media';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'Ningunha';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Estado';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'CONFIRMADO' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'CANCELADO';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'TENTATIVA';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Por facer';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Sen rematar';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'As súas preferenzas foron gardadas.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Preferenzas non activas. Os cambios activa=
ranse ao recargar a páxina.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Preferenzas sen activar:';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organizador';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Participante';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Lugar';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'Administración de PHP iCalendar';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Usuario';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Contrasinal';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Rexistro';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Usuario ou contrasinal incorrectos.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Agregar ou actualizar un calendario';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Agrega un calendario, enviando un arquivo=
novo. Actualiza un calendario reemprazandoo cun arquivo co mesmo nome.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Borra un calendario';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Saír';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Arquivo de Calendario';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'Error PHP';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Houbo un problema co seu envío.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Houbo un problema co seu envío.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'O arquivo que intenta enviar é demasi=
ado grande.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'O arquivo que intenta enviar é demasi=
ado grande.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'Soamente foi recibido unha parte do arquivo =
que intentaba enviar.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Debe elixir un arquivo para enviar.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Só se aceptan arquivos de calen=
dario (.ics).';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Fallou a copia do archivo';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Fallou o borrado do arquivo';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'foi borrado con éxito.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'A súa acción foi realizada =
con éxito.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Enviar';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Borrar';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Todos os calendarios combinados';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Lenda';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Administra os calendarios desde esta p&aac=
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Establece unha cookie por vistar este siti=
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'Información sobre as RSS';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Fontes RSS básicas que están =
dispoñibles para cada calendario';
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS non está dispoñible nes=
te sitio';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Atrás';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Seguinte';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Anterior';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Vista diaria';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Vista semanal';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Vista mensual';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Vista anual';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three'
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('ano','anos'); // for these, pu=
t singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('mes','meses'); // and plur=
al forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('semana','semanas'); // these=
will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('día','días'); /=
/ in the replacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('hora','horas');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minuto','minutos');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('segundo','segundos');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Cada %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Ev=
ery 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'ata %date%'; // ie, 'until January=
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D 'durante %int% veces'; // ie, 'for 5 =
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'Nos meses: %list%'; // ie, 'In mon=
ths: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'Nos días: %list%'; // ie,=
'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'Nos días da semana: %list%'; //=
ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Domingo','Luns','Martes','Mércores=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Dom','Lun','Mar','Mer','Xov','Ven','S=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('D','L','M','Me','X','V','S');
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Xaneiro','Febreiro','Marzo','Abril','Mai=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Xan','Feb','Mar','Abr','Maio','Xu&n=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'g:i A';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'g:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e de %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e de %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e de %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e de %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B de %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e de %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D '¡Erro!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D '¡Houbo un erro!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'Cando se produxo este erro, proces&aacu=
te;base "%s" do calendario.';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Incapaz de abrir a ruta a: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Por favor, use o botón "Atrá=
s" para volver.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Este servidor bloquea calendarios remo=
tos que no foron aprobados.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Vostede intentou aceder a un calend=
ario restrinxido neste servidor.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Arquivo de calendario inválido=
. Por favor, probe con outro calendario.';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Imposible abrir o calendario.';
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Imposible escribir ao directorio da cach&e=
acute;. Por favor, revise a súa configuración.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/ge=
rman.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/ge=
rman.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-// German language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by David Reindl (dre en andare.ch)
-// Corrected by whippersnapper slomo (mail en slomo.de)
-// Revised for version 2.0 by Holger Schleicher (holger en vc4.de)
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Tag';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Woche';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Monat';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Jahr';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Kalender';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Folgender Tag';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Folgender Monat';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Folgende Woche';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Folgendes Jahr';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Vorheriger Tag';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Vorheriger Monat';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Vorherige Woche';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Vorheriges Jahr';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Abbonieren';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Herunterladen';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Powered by';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Eintrag';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Beginn';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Ende';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Einträge in diesem Monat';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Datum';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Beschreibung';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Tagesereignis';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Notiz';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Einträge für dieses Jahr';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Heute';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Diese Woche';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Diesen Monat';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Gehe zu';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Morgige Einträge';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Gehe zum heutigen Tag';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Gehe zur aktuellen Woche';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Gehe zum aktuellen Monat';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Gehe zum aktuellen Jahr';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Suchen'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Suchergebnisse';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Mehrfachauswahl';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Suche'; // will be followed by the search query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Keine Einträge gefunden';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Druckversion';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Zeit';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Zusammenfassung';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Beschreibung';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Diese Site ist';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Keine Einträge für heute.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'Keine Einträge in dieser Woche.';
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'Keine Einträge in diesem Monat.';
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'H:i'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%e. %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%e. %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'de-de';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'Suche dauerte %s Sekunden';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Wiederkehrender Eintrag';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Ausnahme';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Kein Suchbegriff';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Einstellungen';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Drucker';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Standardsprache wählen:';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Standardkalender wählen:';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Standardansicht wählen:';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Tag beginnt um:';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Woche beginnt mit:';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Standardstil wählen:';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Einstellungen speichern';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Erledigt am';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Erledigt';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Erstellt';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Fällig:';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Priorität:';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'hoch';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'niedrig';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'mittel';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'keine';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Status';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'Bestätigt' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'Abgesagt';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'Vorläufig';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Aufgaben';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Andauernd';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Einstellungen wurden gespeichert.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Einstellungen gelöscht. Änderung=
en werden beim Aufruf der nächsten Seite aktiv.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Einstellungen löschen:';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organisator';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Teilnehmer';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Ort';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar Administration';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Benutzername';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Passwort';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Anmelden';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Falscher Benutzername oder Passwort.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Kalender aktualisieren oder hochladen';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Um einen Kalendar hinzuzufügen, lade=
n Sie ein neues Kalender Dokument hoch. Um einen Kalender zu aktualisiere=
n, laden Sie ein Kalender Dokument mit dem selben Namen hoch.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Einen Kalender löschen';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Abmelden';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Kalender Dokument';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP Fehler';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Es ist ein Problem beim Hochladen aufgetret=
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Fehler beim Hochladen des Dokuments.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'Das hochzuladende Dokument ist zu gross.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'Das Dokument, welches Sie versuchen hochzula=
den, ist zu gross.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'Das Dokument, welches Sie versuchen hochzula=
den wurde nur teilweise empfangen.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Sie müssen ein Dokument zum Hochladen a=
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Nur Dokumente mit der Suffix .ics d&uu=
ml;rfen hochgeladen werden.';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Kopieren des Dokuments nicht erfolgreich';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Löschen des Dokuments nicht erfolgre=
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'wurde gelöscht.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Die Aktion war erfolgreich.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Absenden';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Löschen';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Alle Kalender zusammen';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Legende';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Verwalten Sie Ihre Kalender mit dieser Sei=
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Sets a cookie for visiting this site';
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Information';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Basic RSS feeds available for each calendar=
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS is not enabled on this site';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Zurück';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Nächste';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Vorherige';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Tagesansicht';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Wochenansicht';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Monatsansicht';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Jahresansicht';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('Jahr','Jahre'); // for these, =
put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('Monat','Monate'); // and plur=
al forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('Woche','Wochen'); // these wil=
l be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('Tag','Tage'); // in the repla=
cement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('Stunde','Stunden');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('Minute','Minuten');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('Sekunde','Sekunden');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Jeden %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Ev=
ery 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'bis %date%'; // ie, 'until January=
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D 'für %int% Mal'; // ie, 'for 5 t=
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'In den Monaten: %list%'; // ie, 'I=
n months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'An den Daten: %list%'; // ie, 'O=
n dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'An den Tagen: %list%'; // ie, 'On d=
ays: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Son','Mon','Die','Mit','Don','Fre','S=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('S','M','D','M','D','F','S');
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Januar','Februar','März','April','=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Jan','Feb','Mär','Apr','Mai','=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'H:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'H:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e. %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%B %e';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e. %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D ' %e. %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e. %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Fehler!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'Der Kalender "%s" wurde bearbeitet, als=
dieser Fehler auftrat.';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Der Pfad "%s" kann nicht geöffnet wer=
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Bitte klicken Sie die "Zurück" Schalt=
fläche des Browsers um zurückzuspringen.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Dieser Server blockiert entfernte Kale=
nder, welche nicht freigegeben wurden.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Sie haben versucht einen Kalender m=
it eingeschränktem Zugriff auf diesem Server aufzurufen.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Dieser Kalender enthält Fehler. B=
itte wählen Sie einen anderen aus.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/hu=
ngarian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/hu=
ngarian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-// Hungarian language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by M. Gy. (mgyhardsoft en mgyhardsoft.hu)
-// Submit new translations to phpicalendar en gmail.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Nap';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'H=C3=A9t';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'H=C3=B3nap';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D '=C3=89v';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Napt=C3=A1r';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'K=C3=B6vetkez=C5=91 nap';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'K=C3=B6vetkez=C5=91 h=C3=B3nap';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'K=C3=B6vetkez=C5=91 h=C3=A9t';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'K=C3=B6vetkez=C5=91 =C3=A9v';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'El=C5=91z=C5=91 nap';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'El=C5=91z=C5=91 h=C3=B3nap';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'El=C5=91z=C5=91 Week';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'El=C5=91z=C5=91 Year';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Feliratkoz=C3=A1s';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Let=C3=B6lt=C3=A9s';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Powered by';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Esem=C3=A9ny';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Kezd=C5=91id=C5=91';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'V=C3=A9gid=C5=91';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Az ehavi esem=C3=A9nyek';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'D=C3=A1tum';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D '=C3=96sszegz=C3=A9s';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Eg=C3=A9sz napos esem=C3=A9ny';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Jegyzetek';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Az idei esem=C3=A9nyek';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Ma';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Ez a h=C3=A9t';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Ez a h=C3=B3nap';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Ugr=C3=A1s';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Holnapi esem=C3=A9nyek';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'A mai napra';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Az aktu=C3=A1lis h=C3=A9tre';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Az aktu=C3=A1lis h=C3=B3napra';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Az aktu=C3=A1lis =C3=A9vre';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Keres=C3=A9s'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Keres=C3=A9si eredm=C3=A9nyek';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'T=C3=B6bbsz=C3=B6r=C3=B6s v=C3=A1laszt=C3=
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Lek=C3=A9rdez=C3=A9s'; // will be followed by th=
e search query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Nincs esem=C3=A9ny';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Nyomtat=C3=A1sk=C3=A9sz';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Id=C5=91';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D '=C3=96sszegz=C3=A9s';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Le=C3=ADr=C3=A1s';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'This site is';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Ma nincs esem=C3=A9ny.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'A h=C3=A9ten nincs esem=C3=A9ny.';
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'A h=C3=B3napban nincs esem=C3=A9ny.';
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'G:i'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'hu';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'A keres=C3=A9s %s m=C3=A1sodpercig tartott.=
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Ism=C3=A9tl=C5=91d=C5=91 esem=C3=A9ny';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Kiv=C3=A9tel';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Nincs lek=C3=A9rdez=C3=A9s megadva';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Preferenci=C3=A1k';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Nyomtat=C3=B3';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Alap=C3=A9rtelmezett nyelv';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Alap=C3=A9rtelmezett napt=C3=A1r';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Alap=C3=A9rtelmezett n=C3=A9zet';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Alap=C3=A9rtelmezett kezd=C5=91id=C5=91';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'A h=C3=A9t els=C5=91 napja';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'St=C3=ADlus';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Preferenci=C3=A1k be=C3=A1ll=C3=ADt=C3=A1sa';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'A befejez=C3=A9s d=C3=A1tuma';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Befejezve';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'L=C3=A9trehozva';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Hat=C3=A1rid=C5=91';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Priorit=C3=A1s';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Magas';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Alacsony';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'K=C3=B6zepes';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'Nincs';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'St=C3=A1tusz';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'ELFOGADVA' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'VISSZAUTAS=C3=8DTVA';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'FELT=C3=89TELES';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Tennival=C3=B3k';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Befejezetlen';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Be=C3=A1ll=C3=ADtottam a preferenci=C3=A1it.=
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Vissza=C3=A1ll=C3=ADtottam a preferenci=C3=
=A1it. A v=C3=A1ltoz=C3=A1sok a k=C3=B6vetkez=C5=91 lapbet=C3=B6lt=C3=A9s=
n=C3=A9l =C3=A9rv=C3=A9nyes=C3=ADt=C5=91dnek.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'A preferenci=C3=A1k vissza=C3=A1ll=C3=ADt=C3=
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Szervez=C5=91';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'R=C3=A9sztvev=C5=91';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Hely';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar adminisztr=C3=A1ci=C3=B3';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Felhaszn=C3=A1l=C3=B3n=C3=A9v';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Jelsz=C3=B3';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Bejelentkez=C3=A9s';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Rossz felhaszn=C3=A1l=C3=B3n=C3=A9v vagy j=
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Napt=C3=A1r hozz=C3=A1ad=C3=A1sa vagy fris=
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D '=C3=9Aj f=C3=A1jl felt=C3=B6lt=C3=A9se =C3=
=BAj napt=C3=A1rt ad. Megl=C3=A9v=C5=91 napt=C3=A1rat ugyanolyan nev=C5=B1=
f=C3=A1jl felt=C3=B6lt=C3=A9s=C3=A9vel friss=C3=ADthet=C3=BCnk.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Napt=C3=A1r t=C3=B6rl=C3=A9se';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Kijelentkez=C3=A9s';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Napt=C3=A1rf=C3=A1jl';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP hiba';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Probl=C3=A9ma l=C3=A9pett fel a felt=C3=B6l=
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Probl=C3=A9ma l=C3=A9pett fel a felt=C3=B6lt=
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'A felt=C3=B6lteni k=C3=ADv=C3=A1nt f=C3=A1jl=
t=C3=BAl nagy.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'A felt=C3=B6lteni k=C3=ADv=C3=A1nt f=C3=A1jl=
t=C3=BAl nagy.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'A felt=C3=B6lteni k=C3=ADv=C3=A1nt f=C3=A1jl=
nak csak egy r=C3=A9sze t=C3=B6lt=C5=91d=C3=B6tt fel.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Ki kell v=C3=A1lasztani egy f=C3=A1jlt felt=C3=
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Csak .ics f=C3=A1jlokat lehet felt=C3=
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Nem siker=C3=BClt a f=C3=A1jl m=C3=A1sol=C3=A1=
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Nem siker=C3=BClt a f=C3=A1jl t=C3=B6rl=C3=
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'sikeresen t=C3=B6r=C3=B6lve.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'A m=C5=B1velet siker=C3=BClt.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Felvitel';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'T=C3=B6rl=C3=A9s';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Mind egy=C3=BCtt';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Jelmagyar=C3=A1zat';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Ezen a lapon a napt=C3=A1rakat kezelheti';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'S=C3=BCtit =C3=A1ll=C3=ADt be a lap l=C3=A1=
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS inform=C3=A1ci=C3=B3';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Az alap RSS esem=C3=A9nyek minden napt=C3=A1=
rhoz el=C3=A9rhet=C5=91k';
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'Az RSS nincs enged=C3=A9lyezve ezen az ol=
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Vissza';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'K=C3=B6vetkez=C5=91';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'El=C5=91z=C5=91';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Napi n=C3=A9zet';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Heti n=C3=A9zet';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Havi n=C3=A9zet';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D '=C3=89ves n=C3=A9zet';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('=C3=A9v','=C3=A9vek'); // for t=
hese, put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('h=C3=B3nap','h=C3=B3napok'); /=
/ and plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('h=C3=A9t','hetek'); // these wi=
ll be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('nap','napok'); // in the replac=
ement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('=C3=B3ra','=C3=B3r=C3=A1k');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('perc','percek');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('m=C3=A1sodperc','m=C3=A1sodper=
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Minden %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Eve=
ry 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D '%date%-ig'; // ie, 'until January 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int%-sz=C3=B6r'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'Ezen h=C3=B3napokban: %list%'; // ie=
, 'In months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'Ezen d=C3=A1tumokkor: %list%'; //=
ie, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'Ezen napokon: %list%'; // ie, 'On days=
: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Vas=C3=A1rnap','H=C3=A9tf=C5=91','Kedd','S=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Vas.','H=C3=A9.','Ke.','Sze.','Cs=C3=BC=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('V','H','K','Sze','Cs','P','Szo')=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Janu=C3=A1r','Febru=C3=A1r','M=C3=A1rciu=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Jan.','Feb.','M=C3=A1r.','=C3=81pr.=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'H:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'G:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%B %e, %A';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%B %e';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%b %e, %a';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%b %e';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%Y %B';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%B %e, %A';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Hiba!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Hiba t=C3=B6rt=C3=A9nt!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'A "%s" napt=C3=A1rat dolgoztam fel, amik=
or a hiba t=C3=B6rt=C3=A9nt.';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Nem tudtam megnyitni a k=C3=B6nyvt=C3=A1rat=
: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'K=C3=A9rem, haszn=C3=A1lja a "Vissza" gombo=
t a visszat=C3=A9r=C3=A9shez!';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Ez a szerver blokkolja a nem elfogadott=
t=C3=A1voli napt=C3=A1rakat.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Olyan napt=C3=A1rt pr=C3=B3b=C3=A1l=
t el=C3=A9rni, amely korl=C3=A1tozott hozz=C3=A1f=C3=A9r=C3=A9s=C5=B1 eze=
n a szerveren.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D '=C3=89rv=C3=A9nytelen napt=C3=A1rf=C3=A1=
jl! K=C3=A9rem, v=C3=A1lasszon egy m=C3=A1sik napt=C3=A1rt!';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Nem tudtam megnyitni a napt=C3=A1rt!';
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Nem tudtam =C3=ADrni az =C3=A1tmeneti k=C3=B6=
nyvt=C3=A1rba. K=C3=A9rem, ellen=C5=91rizze a be=C3=A1ll=C3=ADt=C3=A1soka=
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/it=
alian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/it=
alian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-// Italian language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// First translation by Luca Cacciagrano (clooka en clac.it)
-// Updated translation by Daniele Nicolucci (jollino en discussioni.org)
-// v.2 updated translation by Mattia Grosso (testone at inwind dot it)
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Giorno';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Settimana';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Mese';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Anno';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Calendario';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Giorno Successivo';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Mese Successivo';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Settimana Successiva';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Anno Successivo';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'GIorno Precedente';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Mese Precedente';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Settimana Precedente';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Anno Precedente';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Sottoscrivi';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Scarica';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Powered by';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Evento';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Inizio';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Fine';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Eventi di questo mese';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Data';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Sommario';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Eventi giornalieri';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Note';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Eventi di quest\'anno';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Oggi';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Questa Settimana';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Questo Mese';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Vai a';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Eventi di domani';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Vai a Oggi';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Vai a Questa Settimana';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Vai a Questo Mese';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Vai a Questo Anno';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Cerca'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Risultati Ricerca';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Selezione multipla';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Chiave di ricerca'; // will be followed by the =
search query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Nessun evento trovato';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Versione Stampabile';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Ora';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Sommario';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Descrizione';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Questo sito è';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Nessun evento per oggi.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'Nessun evento per questa settimana.';
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'Nessun evento per questo mese.';
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'G:i'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%e %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%e %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'it-it';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'La ricerca ha richiesto %s secondi';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Evento ricorrente';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Eccezione';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Nessuna chiave di ricerca specificata';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Preferenze';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Stampante';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Seleziona la lingua predefinita';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Seleziona il calendario predefinito';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Seleziona la vista predefinita';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Seleziona l\'ora di inizio predefinita';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Seleziona il giorno di inizio settimana pred=
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Seleziona lo stile predefinito';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Imposta le preferenze';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Completato il';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Completato';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Creato';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Fatto';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Priorità';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Alta';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Bassa';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Media';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'Nessuna';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Stato';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'Confermato' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'Annullato';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'Sperimentale';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Attività';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Non terminato';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Le tue preferenze sono state registrate.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Preferenze annullate. Le modifiche avranno=
effetto al caricamento della prossima pagina.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Ripristina le impostazioni iniziali';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organizzatore';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Invitato';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Luogo';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'Amministrazione PHP iCalendar';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Nome utente';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Password';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Entra';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Nome utente o password errata.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Aggiungi o Aggiorna un Calendario';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Aggiungi un calendario caricando un nuovo=
file. L\'aggiornamento si effettua caricando un calendario con lo stesso=
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Elimina un Calendario';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Esci';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'File Calendario';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'Errore PHP';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Si è verificato un problema durante =
il caricamento.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Si è verificato un problema durante i=
l caricamento.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'Il documento che stai cercando di caricare &=
egrave; troppo grande.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'Il documento che stai cercando di caricare &=
egrave; troppo grande.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'Il documento che stai cercando di caricare &=
egrave; stato trasferito solo in parte.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Devi selezionare un file da caricare.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Solo i documenti .ics possono essere c=
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Errore durante la copia del documento';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Errore durante l\'eliminazione del docume=
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'è stato eliminato correttamente.'=
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'La tua azione è andata a buon fin=
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Conferma';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Cancella';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Tutti assieme';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Legenda';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Gestisci i tuoi calendari da questa pagina=
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Imposta un cookie per la visita a questo s=
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'Informazione RSS';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'I feed RSS di base sono disponibili per ogn=
i calendario';
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS non è abilitato per questo sit=
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Indietro';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Avanti';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Precedente';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Vista per Giorno';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Vista per Settimana';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Vista per Mese';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Vista per Anno';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('anno','anni'); // for these, p=
ut singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('mese','mesi'); // and plural =
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('settimana','settimane'); // th=
ese will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('giorno','giorni'); // in the =
replacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('ora','ore');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('miniuto','minuti');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('secondo','secondi');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Ogni %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Eve=
ry 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'fino a: %date%'; // ie, 'until Jan=
uary 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D 'per %int% volte'; // ie, 'for 5 time=
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'Nei mesi: %list%'; // ie, 'In mont=
hs: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'In data: %list%'; // ie, 'On dat=
es: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'Nei giorni: %list%'; // ie, 'On day=
s: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Domenica','Lunedì','Martedì=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Dom','Lun','Mar','Mer','Gio','Ven','S=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('D','L','M','M','G','V','S');
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Gennaio','Febbraio','Marzo','Aprile','M=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Gen','Feb','Mar','Apr','Mag','Giu',=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'G:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'G:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Errore!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Si è verificato un errore!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'Questo errore si è verificato du=
rante l\'elaborazione del Calendario "%s".';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Impossibile aprire il percorso: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Usa il tasto "Indietro" per tornare alla p=
agina precedente.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Questa server blocca i calendari remot=
i che non sono stati approvati.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Hai cercato di consultare un calend=
ario protetto su questo server.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Documento calendario non corretto. Pro=
va un altro calendario.';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Unable to open calendar.';
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Unable to write to cache directory. Please=
check your config.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/ja=
panese.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/ja=
panese.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-// English language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Jared Wangen (jared en silter.org)
-// With the help of Eri Hayashiguchi
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D '=E6=97=A5';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D '=E9=80=B1';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D '=E6=9C=88';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D '=E5=B9=B4';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D '=E3=82=AB=E3=83=AC=E3=83=B3=E3=83=80=E3=83=BC=
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D '=E7=BF=8C=E6=97=A5';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D '=E6=9D=A5=E6=9C=88';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D '=E6=9D=A5=E9=80=B1';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D '=E6=9D=A5=E5=B9=B4';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D '=E5=89=8D=E6=97=A5';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D '=E5=85=88=E6=9C=88';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D '=E5=85=88=E9=80=B1';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D '=E5=8E=BB=E5=B9=B4';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D '=E8=BF=BD=E5=8A=A0';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D '=E3=83=80=E3=82=A6=E3=83=B3=E3=83=AD=E3=83=BC=
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Powered by';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D '=E4=BB=B6=E5=90=8D';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D '=E9=96=8B=E5=A7=8B=E6=97=A5';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D '=E7=B5=82=E4=BA=86=E6=97=A5';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E6=9C=88=E3=81=AE=E4=BA=88=E5=AE=
-$lang['l_date'] =3D '=E6=97=A5=E4=BB=98';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D '=E4=BB=B6=E5=90=8D';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D '=E7=B5=82=E6=97=A5=E3=82=A4=E3=83=99=E3=83=B3=
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D '=E6=B3=A8=E9=87=88';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E5=B9=B4=E3=81=AE=E4=BA=88=E5=AE=9A=
-$lang['l_today'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E6=97=A5';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E9=80=B1';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E6=9C=88';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D '=E7=A7=BB=E5=8B=95';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D '=E6=98=8E=E6=97=A5=E3=81=AE=E4=BA=88=E5=AE=9A=
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E6=97=A5=E3=81=AB=E7=A7=BB=E5=8B=95';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E9=80=B1=E3=81=AB=E7=A7=BB=E5=8B=95'=
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E6=9C=88=E3=81=AB=E7=A7=BB=E5=8B=95=
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E5=B9=B4=E3=81=AB=E7=A7=BB=E5=8B=95'=
-$lang['l_search'] =3D '=E6=A4=9C=E7=B4=A2'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D '=E6=A4=9C=E7=B4=A2=E7=B5=90=E6=9E=9C';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Pick multiple';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D '=E6=A4=9C=E7=B4=A2=E3=82=AD=E3=83=BC=E3=83=AF=E3=
=83=BC=E3=83=89'; // will be followed by the search query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D '=E4=B8=80=E8=87=B4=E3=81=99=E3=82=8B=E4=BA=88=
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D '=E5=8D=B0=E5=88=B7=E7=94=A8=E8=A1=A8=E7=A4=BA=
-$lang['l_time'] =3D '=E6=99=82=E9=96=93';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D '=E8=A6=81=E7=B4=84';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D '=E3=83=A1=E3=83=A2';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'This site is';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E6=97=A5=E3=81=AF=E4=BA=88=E5=AE=
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E9=80=B1=E3=81=AF=E4=BA=88=E5=AE=
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E6=9C=88=E3=81=AF=E4=BA=88=E5=AE=
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%b %e=E6=97=A5'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%b %e=E6=97=A5'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'ja';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D '=E6=A4=9C=E7=B4=A2=E3=81=AB%s=E7=A7=92=E3=81=
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D '=E5=BC=95=E3=81=8D=E7=B6=9A=E3=81=8F=E4=BA=
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D '=E7=89=B9=E4=BE=8B';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D '=E6=A4=9C=E7=B4=A2=E3=82=AD=E3=83=BC=E3=83=AF=
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D '=E7=92=B0=E5=A2=83=E8=A8=AD=E5=AE=9A';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D '=E3=83=97=E3=83=AA=E3=83=B3=E3=82=BF=E3=83=BC'=
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D '=E3=83=87=E3=83=95=E3=82=A9=E3=83=AB=E3=83=88=
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D '=E3=83=87=E3=83=95=E3=82=A9=E3=83=AB=E3=83=88=
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D '=E3=83=87=E3=83=95=E3=82=A9=E3=83=AB=E3=83=88=
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D '=E3=83=87=E3=83=95=E3=82=A9=E3=83=AB=E3=83=88=
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D '=E3=83=87=E3=83=95=E3=82=A9=E3=83=AB=E3=83=88=
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D '=E3=83=87=E3=83=95=E3=82=A9=E3=83=AB=E3=83=
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D '=E7=92=B0=E5=A2=83=E8=A8=AD=E5=AE=9A=E3=82=92=
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D '%s=E3=81=AB=E5=AE=8C=E6=88=90=E3=81=95=E3=
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D '=E5=AE=8C=E4=BA=86';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D '=E4=BD=9C=E6=88=90=E6=97=A5:';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D '=E6=9C=9F=E9=99=90:';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D '=E5=84=AA=E5=85=88=E9=A0=86=E4=BD=8D:';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D '=E9=AB=98=E3=81=84';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D '=E4=BD=8E=E3=81=84';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D '=E6=99=AE=E9=80=9A';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D '=E3=81=AA=E3=81=97';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D '=E7=8A=B6=E6=85=8B';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'CONFIRMED' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'CANCELLED';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'TENTATIVE';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D '=E5=82=99=E5=BF=98=E9=8C=B2';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D '=E5=AE=8C=E6=88=90=E3=81=95=E3=82=8C=E3=81=A6=
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Your preferences have been set.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Preferences unset. Changes will take place=
next page load.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D '=E4=BF=9D=E5=AD=98=E3=81=95=E3=82=8C=E3=81=
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organizer';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Attendee';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Location';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar Administration';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Username';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Password';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Login';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Wrong username or password.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Add or Update a Calendar';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Add a calendar by uploading a new file. U=
pdate a calendar by uploading a file of the same name.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Delete a Calendar';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Logout';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Calendar File';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP Error';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'There was a problem with your upload.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'There was a problem with your upload.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'The file you are trying to upload is too big=
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'The file you are trying to upload is too big=
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'The file you are trying upload was only part=
ially uploaded.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'You must select a file for upload.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Only .ics files may be uploaded.';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Failed to copy file';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Failed to delete file';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'was deleted successfully.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Your action was successful.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Submit';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Delete';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'All Combined';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D '=E5=87=A1=E4=BE=8B';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Manage your calendars from this page';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D '=E3=81=93=E3=81=AE=E3=82=B5=E3=82=A4=E3=83=
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Information';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Basic RSS feeds available for each calendar=
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS is not enabled on this site';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D '=E6=88=BB=E3=82=8B';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D '=E6=AC=A1';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D '=E5=89=8D';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D '=E6=97=A5';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D '=E9=80=B1';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D '=E6=9C=88';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D '=E5=B9=B4';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('=E5=B9=B4','=E5=B9=B4'); // fo=
r these, put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('=E3=81=8B=E6=9C=88','=E3=81=8B=
=E6=9C=88'); // and plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('=E9=80=B1','=E9=80=B1'); // th=
ese will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('=E6=97=A5','=E6=97=A5'); // i=
n the replacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('=E6=99=82=E9=96=93','=E6=99=82=E9=
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('=E5=88=86','=E5=88=86');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('=E7=A7=92','=E7=A7=92');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D '%int%%freq%=E3=81=94=E3=81=A8=E3=81=AB=
%for%'; // ie, 'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count =
of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D '%date%=E3=81=BE=E3=81=A7'; // ie, =
'until January 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int%=E5=9B=9E'; // ie, 'for 5 times=
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D '=E6=9C=88=EF=BC=9A%list%'; // ie, =
'In months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D '=E6=97=A5=EF=BC=9A%list%'; // ie=
, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D '=E6=9B=9C=E6=97=A5=EF=BC=9A%list%'; =
// ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('=E6=97=A5=E6=9B=9C=E6=97=A5','=E6=9C=88=E6=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('=E6=97=A5','=E6=9C=88','=E7=81=AB','=E6=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('=E6=97=A5','=E6=9C=88','=E7=81=AB=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('1=E6=9C=88','2=E6=9C=88','3=E6=9C=88','=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D $monthsofyear_lang;
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'g:i A';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'g:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%B%e=E6=97=A5 %A';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%B%e=E6=97=A5';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%b%e=E6=97=A5=EF=BC=88%a=EF=BC=89';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%b%e=E6=97=A5';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%Y=E5=B9=B4%B';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%B%e=E6=97=A5 %A';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D '=E3=82=A8=E3=83=A9=E3=83=BC!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D '=E3=82=A8=E3=83=A9=E3=83=BC=E3=81=8C=E7=99=
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D '=E3=82=A8=E3=83=A9=E3=83=BC=E3=81=8C=E3=
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D '=E3=80=8C%s=E3=80=8D=E3=83=87=E3=82=A3=E3=83=
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D '=E5=89=8D=E3=81=AE=E3=83=9A=E3=83=BC=E3=82=
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D '=E3=81=93=E3=81=AE=E3=82=B5=E3=83=BC=E3=
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D '=E3=81=93=E3=81=AE=E3=82=B5=E3=83=BC=
=E3=83=90=E3=81=A7 =E9=99=90=E3=82=89=E3=82=8C=E3=81=A6=E3=81=84=E3=82=8B=
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Invalid calendar file. Please try a di=
fferent calendar.';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Unable to open calendar.';
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Unable to write to cache directory. Please=
check your config.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/ko=
rean.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/ko=
rean.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-// English language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Sang-un Chang (gomibak en gmail.com)
-// Submit new translations to gomibak en gmail.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D '=EC=9D=BC=EB=B3=84';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D '=EC=A3=BC=EB=B3=84';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D '=EC=9B=94=EB=B3=84';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D '=EB=85=84=EA=B0=84';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D '=EB=8B=AC=EB=A0=A5';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D '=EB=8B=A4=EC=9D=8C =EB=82=A0';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D '=EB=8B=A4=EC=9D=8C =EB=8B=AC';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D '=EB=8B=A4=EC=9D=8C =EC=A3=BC';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D '=EB=8B=A4=EC=9D=8C =ED=95=B4';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D '=EC=A0=84 =EB=82=A0';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D '=EC=A7=80=EB=82=9C =EB=8B=AC';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D '=EC=A7=80=EB=82=9C =EC=A3=BC';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D '=EC=9E=91=EB=85=84';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D '=EC=B6=94=EA=B0=80';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D '=EB=82=B4=EB=A0=A4=EB=B0=9B=EA=B8=B0';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Powered by';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D '=EC=A0=9C=EB=AA=A9';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D '=EC=8B=9C=EC=9E=91';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D '=EB=A7=88=EC=B9=A8';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D '=EC=9D=B4=EB=B2=88 =EB=8B=AC =EC=98=88=EC=A0=
-$lang['l_date'] =3D '=EB=82=A0=EC=A7=9C';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D '=EC=9A=94=EC=95=BD';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D '=EC=A2=85=EC=9D=BC =EA=B3=84=ED=9A=8D';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D '=EC=B0=B8=EA=B3=A0';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D '=EC=98=AC=ED=95=B4 =EC=98=88=EC=A0=95';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D '=EC=98=A4=EB=8A=98';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D '=EC=9D=B4=EB=B2=88 =EC=A3=BC';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D '=EC=9D=B4=EB=B2=88 =EB=8B=AC';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D '=EB=B0=94=EB=A1=9C =EA=B0=80=EA=B8=B0';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D '=EB=82=B4=EC=9D=BC =EC=9D=BC=EC=A0=95';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D '=EC=98=A4=EB=8A=98=EB=A1=9C =EA=B0=80=EA=B8=B0'=
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D '=EC=9D=B4=EB=B2=88 =EC=A3=BC=EB=A1=9C =EA=B0=80=
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D '=EC=9D=B4=EB=B2=88 =EB=8B=AC=EB=A1=9C =EA=B0=80=
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D '=EC=98=AC=ED=95=B4=EB=A1=9C =EA=B0=80=EA=B8=B0=
-$lang['l_search'] =3D '=EA=B2=80=EC=83=89'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D '=EA=B2=80=EC=83=89=EA=B2=B0=EA=B3=BC';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D '=EB=B3=B5=EC=88=98 =EC=84=A0=ED=83=9D';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D '=EA=B2=80=EC=83=89 =ED=82=A4=EC=9B=8C=EB=93=9C'=
; // will be followed by the search query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D '=EC=9D=BC=EC=B9=98=ED=95=98=EB=8A=94 =EC=9D=
=BC=EC=A0=95=EC=9D=B4 =EC=97=86=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=A4.';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D '=EC=9D=B8=EC=87=84=EC=9A=A9 =ED=91=9C=EC=8B=9C=
-$lang['l_time'] =3D '=EC=8B=9C=EA=B0=84';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D '=EC=9A=94=EC=95=BD';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D '=EB=A9=94=EB=AA=A8';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'This site is';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D '=EC=98=A4=EB=8A=98=EC=9D=80 =EC=9D=BC=EC=A0=
=95=EC=9D=B4 =EC=97=86=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=A4.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D '=EC=9D=B4=EB=B2=88 =EC=A3=BC=EB=8A=94 =EC=
=98=88=EC=A0=95=EC=9D=B4 =EC=97=86=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=A4.';
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D '=EC=9D=B4=EB=B2=88 =EB=8B=AC=EC=9D=80 =EC=
=98=88=EC=A0=95=EC=9D=B4 =EC=97=86=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=A4.';
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%b %e=EC=9D=BC'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%b %e=EC=9D=BC'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'ko';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D '=EA=B2=80=EC=83=89=EC=97=90 %s=EC=B4=88 =EA=
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D '=EB=B0=98=EB=B3=B5 =EC=9D=BC=EC=A0=95';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D '=EC=98=88=EC=99=B8';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D '=EA=B2=80=EC=83=89 =ED=82=A4=EC=9B=8C=EB=93=9C=
=EA=B0=80 =EC=97=86=EC=97=88=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=A4.';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D '=EC=83=81=EC=84=B8=EC=84=A4=EC=A0=95';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D '=ED=94=84=EB=A6=B0=ED=84=B0';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D '=EC=96=B8=EC=96=B4=EB=A5=BC =EC=84=A0=ED=83=
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D '=EB=8B=AC=EB=A0=A5=EC=9D=84 =EC=84=A0=ED=83=9D=
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D '=EA=B8=B0=EB=B3=B8 =EB=B3=B4=EA=B8=B0=EB=A5=
=BC =EC=84=A0=ED=83=9D=ED=95=98=EC=84=B8=EC=9A=94.';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D '=EC=8B=9C=EC=9E=91 =EC=8B=9C=EA=B0=84=EC=9D=
=84 =EC=84=A0=ED=83=9D=ED=95=98=EC=84=B8=EC=9A=94.';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D '=EC=8B=9C=EC=9E=91 =EC=9A=94=EC=9D=BC=EC=9D=84=
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D '=EB=B0=B0=EA=B2=BD=EC=9D=84 =EC=84=A0=ED=83=
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D '=EC=83=81=EC=84=B8=EC=84=A4=EC=A0=95=EC=9D=84=
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D '%s=EC=97=90 =EB=81=9D=EB=82=AC=EC=8A=B5=EB=
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D '=EB=A7=88=EC=B9=A8';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D '=EC=9E=91=EC=84=B1=EC=9D=BC:';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D '=EA=B8=B0=EA=B0=84:';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D '=EC=9A=B0=EC=84=A0=EC=88=9C=EC=9C=84:';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D '=EB=86=92=EC=9D=8C';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D '=EB=82=AE=EC=9D=8C';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D '=EB=B3=B4=ED=86=B5';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D '=EC=97=86=EC=9D=8C';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D '=EC=83=81=ED=83=9C';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D '=ED=99=95=EC=9D=B8=EB=90=A8' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D '=EC=B7=A8=EC=86=8C=EB=90=A8';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D '=EC=9E=84=EC=8B=9C';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D '=ED=95=A0 =EC=9D=BC';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D '=EB=81=9D=EB=82=98=EC=A7=80 =EC=95=8A=EC=9D=8C=
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D '=EC=84=A4=EC=A0=95=EC=9D=B4 =EC=A0=80=EC=9E=A5=
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D '=EC=84=A4=EC=A0=95=EC=9D=B4 =EC=A0=80=EC=9E=
=A5=EB=90=98=EC=A7=80 =EC=95=8A=EC=95=98=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=A4. =EB=B3=
=80=EA=B2=BD=EC=9D=80 =EB=8B=A4=EC=9D=8C =EB=B2=88=EB=B6=80=ED=84=B0 =EC=A0=
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D '=EC=A0=80=EC=9E=A5=ED=95=9C =EC=84=A4=EC=A0=
=95=EC=9D=84 =EC=A7=80=EC=9B=80';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organizer';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Attendee';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Location';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar Administration';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D '=EC=9D=B4=EB=A6=84';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D '=EB=B9=84=EB=B0=80=EB=B2=88=ED=98=B8';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D '=EB=A1=9C=EA=B7=B8=EC=9D=B8';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D '=EC=9D=B4=EB=A6=84 =EB=98=90=EB=8A=94 =EB=B9=
=84=EB=B0=80=EB=B2=88=ED=98=B8=EA=B0=80 =ED=8B=80=EB=A6=BD=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Add or Update a Calendar';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Add a calendar by uploading a new file. U=
pdate a calendar by uploading a file of the same name.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Delete a Calendar';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D '=EB=A1=9C=EA=B7=B8=EC=95=84=EC=9B=83';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Calendar File';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP Error';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D '=EC=97=85=EB=A1=9C=EB=93=9C=EC=97=90 =EB=AC=
=B8=EC=A0=9C=EA=B0=80 =EC=83=9D=EA=B2=BC=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=A4.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D '=EC=97=85=EB=A1=9C=EB=93=9C=EC=97=90 =EB=AC=B8=
=EC=A0=9C=EA=B0=80 =EC=83=9D=EA=B2=BC=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=A4.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D '=EC=97=85=EB=A1=9C=EB=93=9C =ED=8C=8C=EC=9D=BC=
=EC=9D=B4 =EB=84=88=EB=AC=B4 =ED=81=BD=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=A4.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D '=EC=97=85=EB=A1=9C=EB=93=9C =ED=8C=8C=EC=9D=BC=
=EC=9D=B4 =EB=84=88=EB=AC=B4 =ED=81=BD=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=A4.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D '=EC=9D=BC=EB=B6=80=EB=A7=8C=EC=9D=B4 =EC=97=85=
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D '=EC=97=85=EB=A1=9C=EB=93=9C=ED=95=A0 =ED=8C=8C=
=EC=9D=BC=EC=9D=84 =EC=84=A0=ED=83=9D=ED=95=98=EC=84=B8=EC=9A=94.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D '.ics =ED=8C=8C=EC=9D=BC=EB=A7=8C =EC=97=
=85=EB=A1=9C=EB=93=9C=ED=95=A0 =EC=88=98 =EC=9E=88=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D '=EB=B3=B5=EC=82=AC =EC=8B=A4=ED=8C=A8';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D '=EC=82=AD=EC=A0=9C =EC=8B=A4=ED=8C=A8';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'was deleted successfully.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Your action was successful.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Submit';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Delete';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D '=EB=AA=A8=EB=93=A0 =EB=8B=AC=EB=A0=A5 =EB=B3=B4=
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D '=EB=B3=B4=EA=B8=B0';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D '=EC=9D=B4 =ED=8E=98=EC=9D=B4=EC=A7=80=EC=97=
=90=EC=84=9C =EB=8B=AC=EB=A0=A5=EC=9D=84 =EA=B4=80=EB=A6=AC=ED=95=A9=EB=8B=
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D '=EC=9D=B4 =ED=8E=98=EC=9D=B4=EC=A7=80=EB=A5=
=BC =EB=B3=B4=EA=B8=B0=EC=9C=84=ED=95=9C =EC=BF=A0=ED=82=A4=EB=A5=BC =EC=84=
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Information';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Basic RSS feeds available for each calendar=
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS is not enabled on this site';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D '=EB=8F=8C=EC=95=84=EA=B0=80=EA=B8=B0';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D '=EB=8B=A4=EC=9D=8C';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D '=EC=95=9E';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D '=EC=9D=BC=EB=B3=84';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D '=EC=A3=BC=EB=B3=84';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D '=EC=9B=94=EB=B3=84';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D '=EB=85=84=EA=B0=84';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('=EB=85=84','=EB=85=84'); // fo=
r these, put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('=EA=B0=9C=EC=9B=94','=EA=B0=9C=
=EC=9B=94'); // and plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('=EC=A3=BC','=EC=A3=BC'); // th=
ese will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('=EC=9D=BC','=EC=9D=BC'); // i=
n the replacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('=EC=8B=9C=EA=B0=84','=EC=8B=9C=EA=
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('=EB=B6=84','=EB=B6=84');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('=EC=B4=88','=EC=B4=88');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D '%int%%freq% =EB=A7=88=EB=8B=A4 %for%'=
; // ie, 'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D '%date%=EA=B9=8C=EC=A7=80'; // ie, =
'until January 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int%=EB=B2=88'; // ie, 'for 5 times=
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D '=EC=9B=94=EF=BC=9A%list%'; // ie, =
'In months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D '=EC=9D=BC=EF=BC=9A%list%'; // ie=
, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D '=EC=9A=94=EC=9D=BC=EF=BC=9A%list%'; =
// ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('=EC=9D=BC=EC=9A=94=EC=9D=BC','=EC=9B=94=EC=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('=EC=9D=BC','=EC=9B=94','=ED=99=94','=EC=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('=EC=9D=BC','=EC=9B=94','=ED=99=94=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('1=EC=9B=94','2=EC=9B=94','3=EC=9B=94','=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D $monthsofyear_lang;
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'g:i A';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'g:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%B%e=EC=9D=BC %A';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%B%e=EC=9D=BC';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%b%e=EC=9D=BC=EF=BC=88%a=EF=BC=89';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%b%e=EC=9D=BC';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%Y=EB=85=84%B';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%B%e=EC=9D=BC %A';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D '=EC=97=90=EB=9F=AC!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D '=EC=97=90=EB=9F=AC=EA=B0=80 =EB=B0=9C=EC=83=
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D '=EC=97=90=EB=9F=AC=EA=B0=80 =EB=B0=9C=EC=
=83=9D=ED=96=88=EC=9D=84 =EB=95=8C, =E3=80=8C%s=E3=80=8D=EB=8B=AC=EB=A0=A5=
=EC=9D=84 =EC=B2=98=EB=A6=AC=ED=95=98=EA=B3=A0 =EC=9E=88=EC=97=88=EC=8A=B5=
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D '=E3=80=8C%s=E3=80=8D=EB=94=94=EB=A0=89=ED=86=
=A0=EB=A6=AC=EB=A5=BC =EC=97=B4 =EC=88=98 =EC=97=86=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D '=EC=95=9E =ED=8E=98=EC=9D=B4=EC=A7=80=EB=A1=
=9C =EB=8F=8C=EC=95=84=EA=B0=80=EB=A0=A4=EB=A9=B4 =E3=80=8C=EB=8F=8C=EC=95=
=84=EA=B0=80=EA=B8=B0=E3=80=8D=EB=8B=A8=EC=B6=94=EB=A5=BC =ED=81=B4=EB=A6=
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D '=EC=9D=B4 =EC=84=9C=EB=B2=84=EB=8A=94 =
=EC=8A=B9=EC=9D=B8=EB=90=98=EC=A7=80 =EC=95=8A=EC=9D=80 =EC=9B=90=EA=B2=A9=
=EB=8B=AC=EB=A0=A5=EC=9D=84 =EC=97=B4=EC=A7=80 =EC=95=8A=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D '=EC=9D=B4 =EC=84=9C=EB=B2=84=EB=A1=9C=
=EC=A0=9C=ED=95=9C=EB=90=9C =EB=8B=AC=EB=A0=A5=EC=97=90 =EC=A0=91=EA=B7=BC=
=ED=95=98=EB=A0=A4=EA=B3=A0 =ED=96=88=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=A4.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D '=EC=9E=98=EB=AA=BB=EB=90=9C =ED=8C=8C=EC=
=9D=BC=EC=9E=85=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=A4. =EB=8B=A4=EB=A5=B8 =EB=8B=AC=EB=A0=A5=EC=
=9C=BC=EB=A1=9C =ED=95=B4 =EB=B3=B4=EC=84=B8=EC=9A=94.';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D '=EB=8B=AC=EB=A0=A5=EC=9D=84 =EC=97=B4 =EC=
=88=98 =EC=97=86=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=A4.Unable to open calendar.';
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D '=EC=BA=90=EC=8B=9C=EB=94=94=EB=A0=89=ED=84=
=B0=EB=A6=AC=EC=97=90 =EC=93=B8 =EC=88=98 =EC=97=86=EC=8A=B5=EB=8B=88=EB=8B=
=A4. =EC=84=A4=EC=A0=95(config)=EC=9D=84 =ED=99=95=EC=9D=B8=ED=95=98=EC=84=
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/li=
thuanian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/li=
thuanian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-// Lithuanian language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Rima Kurtinaitien=C4=97 rimaiste at hotmail dot com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Diena';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Savait=C4=97';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'M=C4=97nuo';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Metai';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'kalendorius';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Kita diena';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Kitas m=C4=97nuo';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Kita savait=C4=97';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Kiti metai';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Ankstesn=C4=97 diena';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Ankstesnis m=C4=97nuo';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Ankstesn=C4=97 savait=C4=97';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Ankstesni metai';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'U=C5=BEsiregistruoti';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'I=C5=A1sisaugoti';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Naudojamas:';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Renginiai';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Prad=C5=BEia';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Pabaiga';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D '=C5=A0io m=C4=97nesio renginiai';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Data';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Santrauka';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Renginys trunka vis=C4=85 dien=C4=85';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Pastabos';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D '=C5=A0i=C5=B3 met=C5=B3 renginiai';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D '=C5=A0iandien';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D '=C5=A0i=C4=85 savait=C4=99';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D '=C5=A0=C4=AF m=C4=97nes=C4=AF';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Pereiti =C4=AF';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Rytdienos renginiai';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Pereiti =C4=AF =C5=A1iandien=C4=85';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Pereiti =C4=AF =C5=A1i=C4=85 savait=C4=99';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Pereiti =C4=AF =C5=A1=C4=AF m=C4=97nes=C4=AF'=
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Pereiti =C4=AF =C5=A1iuos metus';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Ie=C5=A1koti'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Paie=C5=A1kos rezultatai';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Pick multiple';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'U=C5=BEklausa'; // will be followed by the sear=
ch query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Neradome joki=C5=B3 rengini=C5=B3';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Spausdinimui';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Laikas';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Pavadinimas';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Apra=C5=A1ymas';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D '=C5=A0iame tinklalapyje yra:';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D '=C5=A0iandien rengini=C5=B3 n=C4=97ra.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D '=C5=A0i=C4=85 savat=C4=99 rengini=C5=B3 n=
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D '=C5=A0=C4=AF m=C4=97nes=C4=AF rengini=C5=
=B3 n=C4=97ra.';
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'G:i'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%b %e d.'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%b %e d.'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'lt-lt';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'Paie=C5=A1ka u=C5=BEtruko %s s';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Pasikartojantis renginys';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'I=C5=A1imtys';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Nebuvo u=C5=BEklausos';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Nustatymai';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Spausdintuvas';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Pasirinkite standartin=C4=99 kalb=C4=85';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Pasirinkite standartin=C4=AF kalendori=C5=B3=
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Pasirinkite standartin=C4=AF kalendoriaus v=
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Pasirinkite standartin=C4=AF prad=C5=BEios =
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Pasirinkite standartin=C4=99 savait=C4=97s p=
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Pasirinkite standartin=C4=AF stili=C5=B3';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Patvirtinkite nustatymus';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Atlikta';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Baigta';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Sukurtas';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Numatytas';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Pirmenyb=C4=97';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Auk=C5=A1ta';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D '=C5=BDema';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Vidutin=C4=97';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'Jokia';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'B=C5=ABkl=C4=97';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'CONFIRMED' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'CANCELLED';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'TENTATIVE';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'U=C5=BEduotys';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Nebaigtos';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'J=C5=ABs=C5=B3 pasirinkti nustatymai patvirt=
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Nustatymai nuimti. Pasikeitimus pamatysite=
pakrov=C4=99 puslap=C4=AF i=C5=A1 naujo.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Nuimti nustatymus';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Tvarkara=C5=A1tis';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Dalyviai';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Vieta';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar Administravimas';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Vartotojo vardas';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Slapta=C5=BEodis';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Prisijungti';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Neteisingas vartotojo vardas arba slapta=C5=
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Prid=C4=97ti ar atnaujinti kalendori=C5=B3=
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Prid=C4=97ti kalendori=C5=B3 perkopijuoja=
nt nauj=C4=85 fail=C4=85. Prid=C4=97ti kalendori=C5=B3 naudojant t=C4=85 =
pat=C4=AF failo vard=C4=85.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'I=C5=A1trinti kalendori=C5=B3';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Atsijungti';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Kalendoriaus failas';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP klaida';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Nepavyko nusi=C5=B3sti failo =C4=AF server=C4=
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Nepavyko nusi=C5=B3sti failo =C4=AF server=C4=
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'Siun=C4=8Diamas failas yra per didelis.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'Siun=C4=8Diamas failas yra per didelis.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'Pavyko nusi=C5=B3sti tik dal=C4=AF failo.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Turite pasirinkti fail=C4=85 siuntimui.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Galima si=C5=B3sti tik .ics failus.';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Nepavyko nukopijuoti failo';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Nepavyko i=C5=A1trinti failo';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'buvo s=C4=97kmingai i=C5=A1trintas.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Veiksmas buvo s=C4=97kmingas.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Gerai';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'I=C5=A1trinti';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Visi kalendoriai';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Paai=C5=A1kinimai';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D '=C5=A0iame puslapyje tvarkykite savo kalen=
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Nustato slapuk=C4=85 =C5=A1io puslapio apl=
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Informacija';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Pagrindiniai RSS vaizdai kiekvienam kalendo=
riui yra =C5=A1ie';
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS =C5=A1ioje svetain=C4=97je ne=C4=AFju=
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Atgal';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Kitas';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Ankstesnis';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Diena';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Savait=C4=97';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'M=C4=97nuo';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Metai';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('metus','metus'); // for these,=
put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('m=C4=97nes=C4=AF','m=C4=97nesi=
us'); // and plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('savait=C4=99','savaites'); // =
these will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('dien=C4=85','dienas'); // in =
the replacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('valand=C4=85','valandas');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minut=C4=99','minutes');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('sekund=C4=99','sekundes');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Kas %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Ever=
y 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'iki %date%'; // ie, 'until January=
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int% kartus'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'M=C4=97nesiais: %list%'; // ie, 'I=
n months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'M=C4=97nesio dienomis: %list%'; =
// ie, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'Savait=C4=97s dienomis: %list%'; //=
ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Sekmadienis','Pirmadienis','Antradienis',=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Sk','Pr','An','Tr','Kt','Pn','=C5=A0t=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('S','P','A','T','K','P','=C5=A0')=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Sausio','Vasario','Kovo','Baland=C5=BEi=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Sau','Vas','Kov','Bal','Geg','Bir',=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'G:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'G:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %B %e d.';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%B %e d.';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%b %e d., %a';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%b %e d.';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%Y m. %b m=C4=97n.';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %B %e d.';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Klaida!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D '=C4=AEvyko klaida!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'Kalendorius "%s" buvo kei=C4=8Diamas, k=
ai =C5=A1i klaida =C4=AFvyko.';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Nerastas toks kelias: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Nor=C4=97dami gr=C4=AF=C5=BEti atgal, apau=
skite "Back".';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Serveris nepriima nutolusi=C5=B3 nepat=
virtint=C5=B3 kalendori=C5=B3.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Paband=C4=97te pasiekti u=C5=BEdrau=
st=C4=85 kalendori=C5=B3 =C5=A1iame serveryje.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'kalendoriaus failas. Pabandykite kit=C4=
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Nepavyko atidaryti kalendoriaus.';
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Nepavyko ra=C5=A1yti =C4=AF ke=C5=A1o kata=
log=C4=85. Pasitikrinkite konfig=C5=ABracij=C4=85.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/no=
rwegian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/no=
rwegian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-// Norwegian language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Eirik Wulff (eirik en wulff.biz)
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Dag';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Uke';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Måned';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'År';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Kalender';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Neste dag';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Neste måned';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Neste uke';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Neste år';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Forrige dag';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Forrige måned';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Forrige uke';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Forrige år';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Abonner';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Last ned';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Kjøres med';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Hendelse';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Starttid';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'End Time';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Hendelser denne måneden';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Dato';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Sammendrag';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Heldagshendelse';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Notater';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Hendelser dette året';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'I dag';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Denne uka';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Denne måneden';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Gå til';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Morgendagens hendelser';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Vis dagen i dag';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Vis denne uka';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Vis denne måneden';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Vis dette året';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Søk'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Søkeresultater';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Pick multiple';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Forespørsel: '; // will be followed by t=
he search query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Ingen hendelser';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Utskriftsvennlig';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Tid';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Oppsummering';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Beskrivelse';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Dette webstedet er';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Ingen hendelser i dag.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'Ingen hendelser denne uka.';
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'Ingen hendelser denne måneden.';
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'en-us';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'Søket ti %s sekunder';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Repeterende hendelse';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Unntak';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Ingen forespørsel oppgitt';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Valg';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Skriver';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Velg språk';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Velg standardkalender';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Velg standardvisning';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Velg standard starttid';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Uken starter på';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Velg visningsstil';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Lagre valg';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Ferdig på';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Ferdig';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Opprettet';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Forfall';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Prioritet';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Høy';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Lav';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Medium';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'Ingen';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Status';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'CONFIRMED' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'CANCELLED';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'TENTATIVE';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Oppgaver';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Uferdig';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Valgene dine har blitt lagret.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Valgene ble nullstilte. Endringer vises ve=
d neste nedlasting av siden.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Nullstill valg';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organisator';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Deltaker';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Status';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Sted';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'Administrasjon for PHP iCalendar';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Brukernavn';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Passord';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Logg inn';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Feil i brukernavn/passord.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Legg til eller oppdater kalender';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Legg til ny kalender ved å laste op=
p en ny fil. Oppdater en eksisterende ved å laste opp ny fil med sa=
mme navn.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Slett kalender';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Logg ut';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Kalenderfil';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP-feil';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Problemer med opplastingen.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Vi fikk problemer med opplastingen.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'Filen du laster opp er for stor.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'Filen du laster opp er for stor.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'Filen du prøer å lasste opp ble=
bare delvis lastet.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Du må velge en fil å laste opp.'=
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Kun .ics-filer kan lastes opp.';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Kunne ikke kopiere fila';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Kunne ikke slette fila';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'ble slettet.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Handlingen ble utført.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Legg inn';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Slett';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Alle kalendere samlet';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Kalendere';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Styr kalenderne fra denne siden';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Setter en informasjonskapsel for å l=
agre oppsettet';
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS-informasjon';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'RSS-strømmer er tilgjengelige for hv=
er kalender';
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS er ikke tilgjengelig';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Tilbake';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Neste';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Forrige';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Dagsvisning';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Ukevisning';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Månedsvisning';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Årsvisning';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('år','årlig'); // f=
or these, put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('måned','måneder');=
// and plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('uke','uker'); // these will be=
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('dag','dager'); // in the repl=
acement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('time','timer');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minutt','minutter');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('sekund','sekunder');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Hver %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Eve=
ry 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'til %date%'; // ie, 'until January=
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D 'for et antall av %int%'; // ie, 'for=
5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'I måneder: %list%'; // ie, '=
In months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'På datoene: %list%'; // ie=
, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'På dagene: %list%'; // ie, 'O=
n days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array('søndag','mandag','tirsdag','onsdag'=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('søn','man','tir','ons','tor','=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('S','M','T','O','T','F','L');
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('januar','februar','mars','april','mai',=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('jan','feb','mar','apr','mai','jun',=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'H:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'H:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A %e. %B ';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e. %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a %e. %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%b %e';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A %e. %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Feil!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'En feil oppsto!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'Kalenderen "%s" var i bruk da feilen op=
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Kan ikke åpne stien "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Bruk "Tilbake"-knappen for å gå=
; tilbake.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Denne tjeneren sperrer ikke-lokale kal=
endere som ikke har blitt godkjent.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Du prøver å åpne=
en kalender som har begrenset tilgang.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Ugyldig kalenderfil. Prøv en an=
enn kalender.';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Kunne ikke åpne kalenderfila.';
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Klarer ikke å skrive til cache-mappe=
n. Sjekk oppsettet på webstedet.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/po=
lish.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/po=
lish.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-// Polish language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Stanis=C5=82aw Cie=C5=9Blicki (stahoo en poczta.onet.pl)
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Dzie=C5=84';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Tydzie=C5=84';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Miesi=C4=85c';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Rok';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Kalendarz';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Nast=C4=99pny dzie=C5=84';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Przysz=C5=82y miesi=C4=85c';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Przysz=C5=82y tydzie=C5=84';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Przysz=C5=82y rok';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Poprzedni dzie=C5=84';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Zesz=C5=82y Miesi=C4=85c';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Zesz=C5=82y tydzie=C5=84';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Zesz=C5=82y rok';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Subskrybuj';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Pobierz';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Wspierane przez';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Zadanie';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Pocz=C4=85tek';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Koniec';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Zadania w danym miesi=C4=85cu';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Data';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Info';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Zadanie na ca=C5=82y dzie=C5=84';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Notes';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Zadania w danym roku';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Dzisiaj';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Bie=C5=BC=C4=85cy tydzie=C5=84';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Bie=C5=BC=C4=85cy miesi=C4=85c';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Id=C5=BA do';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Zadania na jutro';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Dzisiaj';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Bie=C5=BC=C4=85cy tydzie=C5=84';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Bie=C5=BC=C4=85cy miesi=C4=85c';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Bie=C5=BC=C4=85cy rok';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Szukaj'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Wyniki poszukiwania';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Pick multiple';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Pytanie: '; // will be followed by the search qu=
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Brak poszukiwanych zada=C5=84';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Do druku';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Czas';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Podsumowanie';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Opis';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Ta strona jest';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Brak zada=C5=84 na ten dzie=C5=84.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'Brak zada=C5=84 na ten tydzie=C5=84.';
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'Brak zada=C5=84 na ten miesi=C4=85c.';
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'G:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%A, %e %B'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%A, %e %B'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'pl'; =09
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'Szukanie zaj=C4=99=C5=82o %s sekund';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Zadanie rekurencyjne';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Wyj=C4=85tek';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Brak pytania';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Preferencje';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Drukarka';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Wybierz domy=C5=9Blny j=C4=99zyk:';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Wybierz domy=C5=9Blny kalendarz:';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Wybierz domy=C5=9Blny podgl=C4=85d:';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Wybierz domy=C5=9Blny czas rozpocz=C4=99cia=
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Wybierz domy=C5=9Blny dzie=C5=84 rozpoczynaj=
=C4=85cy tydzie=C5=84:';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Wybierz domy=C5=9Blny styl:';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Ustaw preferencje';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Zako=C5=84czono';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Zako=C5=84czono';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Utworzono:';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Stosowany:';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Priorytet:';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Wysoki';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Niski';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D '=C5=9Aredni';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D '=C5=BBaden';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Status';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'CONFIRMED' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'CANCELLED';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'TENTATIVE';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Do zrobienia';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Niewykonane';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Twoje preferencje zosta=C5=82y ustawione.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Preferencje przywr=C3=B3cone. Zmiany b=C4=99=
d=C4=85 widoczne po ponownym za=C5=82adowaniu strony.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Przywr=C3=B3=C4=87 preferencje:';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organizer';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Attendee';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Po=C5=82o=C5=BCenie';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'Administracja PHP iCalendara';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Nazwa u=C5=BCytkownika';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Has=C5=82o';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Login';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Z=C5=82a nazwa u=C5=BCytkownika lub has=C5=
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Dodaj lub popraw Kalendarz';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Dodaj Kalendarz przez za=C5=82adowanie no=
wego pliku. Popraw Kalendarz przez za=C5=82adowanie pliku o tej samej naz=
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Usu=C5=84 Kalendarz';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Wyloguj';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Plik Kalendarza';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'B=C5=82=C4=85d PHP';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Powsta=C5=82 problem z plikiem kt=C3=B3ry z=
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Powsta=C5=82 problem z plikiem kt=C3=B3ry za=
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'Plik kt=C3=B3ry pr=C3=B3bujesz za=C5=82adowa=
=C4=87 jest za du=C5=BCy.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'Plik kt=C3=B3ry pr=C3=B3bujesz za=C5=82adowa=
=C4=87 jest za du=C5=BCy.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'Plik kt=C3=B3ry pr=C3=B3bujesz za=C5=82adowa=
=C4=87 zosta=C5=82 za=C5=82adowany cz=C4=99=C5=9Bciowo.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Musisz wybra=C4=87 plik, aby go za=C5=82adow=
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Tylko pliki .ics mog=C4=85 zosta=C4=87=
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Kopiowanie pliku niepowiod=C5=82o si=C4=99';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Usuwanie pliku niepowiod=C5=82o si=C4=99';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'zosta=C5=82 skasowany.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Zako=C5=84czono sukcesem.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Wy=C5=9Blij';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Wyma=C5=BC';
-// ----- New for 1.0
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'All calendars combined';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Legend';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Manage your calendars from this page';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Sets a cookie for visiting this site';
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Information';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Basic RSS feeds available for each calendar=
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS is not enabled on this site';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Wstecz';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Nast.';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Poprz.';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Podgl=C4=85d dnia';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Podgl=C4=85d tygodnia';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Podgl=C4=85d miesi=C4=85ca';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Podgl=C4=85d roku';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('rok','lat'); // for these, put=
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('miesi=C4=85c','miesi=C4=99cy')=
; // and plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('tydzie=C5=84','tygodni'); // t=
hese will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('dzie=C5=84','dni'); // in the=
replacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('godzina','godzin');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minuta','minut');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('sekunda','sekund');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Ka=C5=BCdego %int% %freq% %for%'; // =
ie, 'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'do %date%'; // ie, 'until January =
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int% razy'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'okre=C5=9Blonego miesi=C4=85ca: %lis=
t%'; // ie, 'In months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'okre=C5=9Blonego dnia: %list%'; =
// ie, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'okre=C5=9Blonego dnia tygodnia: %list=
%'; // ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Niedziela','Poniedzia=C5=82ek','Wtorek','=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Nie','Pon','Wt','=C5=9Ar','Czw','Pt',=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('N','P','W','=C5=9A','C','P','S')=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Stycze=C5=84','Luty','Marzec','Kwiecie=C5=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Sty','Luty','Marz','Kwie','Maj','Cz=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'G:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'G:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e %B';// new since last translation
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about $dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'B=C5=82=C4=85d!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Wyst=C4=85pi=C5=82 b=C5=82=C4=85d!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'Podczas przetwarzania pliku kalendarza =
=E2=80=9E%s=E2=80=9D, wyst=C4=85pi=C5=82 b=C5=82=C4=85d.';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Nie mog=C4=99 otworzy=C4=87 =C5=9Bcie=C5=BC=
ki: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Prosz=C4=99 u=C5=BCy=C4=87 przycisku =E2=80=
=9EWstecz=E2=80=9D aby wr=C3=B3ci=C4=87.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Ten serwer blokuje dost=C4=99p do niez=
atwierdzonych zdalnych kalendarzy.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Dost=C4=99p do pliku kalendarza, kt=
=C3=B3ry pr=C3=B3bujesz otworzy=C4=87, jest zabroniony przez serwer.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Z=C5=82y plik kalendarza. Spr=C3=B3bu=
j innego.';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Unable to open calendar.';
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Unable to write to cache directory. Please=
check your config.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/po=
rtuguese.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/po=
rtuguese.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-// Portuguese language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by David Morgado (dcrmorgado en yahoo.com)
-// Based on Translation by Wilton, Bennet (suporte en bennetworks.com.br)=20
-// 21-sep-2004 13:06 PM GMT
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Dia';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Semana';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Mês';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Ano';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Calendário';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Dia seguinte';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Mês seguinte';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Próxima semana';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Ano Seguinte';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Dia anterior';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Mês anterior';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Semana anterior';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Ano anterior';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Assinar';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Download';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Powered by';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Registo';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Hora de início';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Hora de fim';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Registos deste mês';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Data';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Sumário';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Todo o Dia';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Notas';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Registos deste ano';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Hoje';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Esta semana';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Este mês';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Ir para';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Registos para amanhã';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Ir para Hoje';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Ir para esta Semana';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Ir para este Mês';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Ir para este Ano';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Buscar'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Buscar Resultados';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Pick multiple';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Questão: '; // will be followed by the se=
arch query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Registos não encontrados';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Versão para imprimir';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Hora';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Resumo';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Descrição';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Esse site é';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Não há eventos para hoje.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'Não há eventos para esta se=
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'Não há eventos para esse m=
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date'] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date'] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rsslanguage'] =3D 'en-us';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'Search took %s seconds';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Recurring event';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Exception';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'No query given';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Opções';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Printer';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Select your default language:';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Select your default calendar:';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Select your default view:';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Select your default start time:';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Select your default start day of week:';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Select your default style:';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Set preferences';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Completed on';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Completed';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Created:';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Due:';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Priority:';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'High';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Low';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Medium';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'None';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Estado';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'CONFIRMED' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'CANCELLED';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'TENTATIVE';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'To do items';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Unfinished';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Your preferences have been set.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Preferences unset. Changes will take place=
next page load.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Unset preferences:';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organizer';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Attendee';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Local';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar Administration';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Username';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Password';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Login';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Wrong username or password.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Add or Update a Calendar';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Add a calendar by uploading a new file. U=
pdate a calendar by uploading a file of the same name.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Delete a Calendar';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Logout';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Calendar File';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP Error';
-$lang['l_upload_error_gen'] =3D 'There was a problem with your upload.';
-$lang['l_upload_error'][0] =3D 'There was a problem with your upload.';
-$lang['l_upload_error'][1] =3D 'The file you are trying to upload is too=
-$lang['l_upload_error'][2] =3D 'The file you are trying to upload is too=
-$lang['l_upload_error'][3] =3D 'The file you are trying upload was only =
partially uploaded.';
-$lang['l_upload_error'][4] =3D 'You must select a file for upload.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Only .ics files may be uploaded.';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Failed to copy file';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Failed to delete file';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'was deleted successfully.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Your action was successful.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Enviar';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Apagar';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Todos Juntos';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Legenda';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Manage your calendars from this page';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Sets a cookie for visiting this site';
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Information';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Basic RSS feeds available for each calendar=
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS is not enabled on this site';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Back';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Next';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Prev';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Day View';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Week View';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Month View';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Year View';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('year','years'); // for these, =
put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('month','months'); // and plur=
al forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('week','weeks'); // these will =
be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('day','days'); // in the repla=
cement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('hour','hours');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minute','minutes');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('second','seconds');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Every %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Ev=
ery 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'until %date%'; // ie, 'until Janua=
ry 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D 'for a count of %int%'; // ie, 'for 5=
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'In months: %list%'; // ie, 'In mon=
ths: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'On dates: %list%'; // ie, 'On da=
tes: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'On days: %list%'; // ie, 'On days: =
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Domingo','Segunda','=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua',=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('D','S','T','Q','Q','S','S=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Janeiro','Fevereir=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Jan','Fev','Mar','Abr=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'G:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'G:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshor=
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort=
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurate=
ly, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Erro!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Aconteceu um erro!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'O calendário "%s" estava sendo pro=
cessado quando ocorreu este erro.';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Não foi possível abrir: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Por favor use o botão de "Back" para v=
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Este servidor bloqueia calendário=
s remotos que nao foram aprovados.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Tentou acessar um calendário =
o qual é restrito o acesso neste servidor.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Arquivo de calendário invá=
;lido. Por favor tente usar outro calendário.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/ru=
ssian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/ru=
ssian.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-// English language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Chad Little (chad en chadsdomain.com)
-// Submit new translations to phpicalendar en gmail.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=B5=D0=BD=D1=8C';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BB=D1=8F';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D '=D0=9C=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=8F=D1=86';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D '=D0=93=D0=BE=D0=B4';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D '=D0=9A=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4=D1=83=D1=8E=D1=89=D0=
=B8=D0=B9 =D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BD=D1=8C';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4=D1=83=D1=8E=D1=89=D0=
=B8=D0=B9 =D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=8F=D1=86';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4=D1=83=D1=8E=D1=89=D0=
=B0=D1=8F =D0=BD=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BB=D1=8F';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4=D1=83=D1=8E=D1=89=D0=
=B8=D0=B9 =D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=B4';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B4=D1=8B=D0=B4=D1=83=D1=
=89=D0=B8=D0=B9 =D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BD=D1=8C';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B4=D1=8B=D0=B4=D1=83=D1=
=89=D0=B8=D0=B9 =D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=8F=D1=86';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B4=D1=8B=D0=B4=D1=83=D1=
=89=D0=B8=D0=B9 =D0=BD=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BB=D1=8F';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B4=D1=8B=D0=B4=D1=83=D1=
=89=D0=B8=D0=B9 =D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=B4';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=81=D0=B0=D1=
-$lang['l_download'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BA=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B0=D1=82=D1=8C';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BB=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=BE =
-$lang['l_event'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BE=D0=B1=D1=8B=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=B5';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=BE';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D '=D0=9E=D0=BA=D0=BE=D0=BD=D1=87=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BE=D0=B1=D1=8B=D1=82=D0=B8=D1=8F=
-$lang['l_date'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D '=D0=98=D1=82=D0=BE=D0=B3=D0=B8';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BE=D0=B1=D1=8B=D1=82=D0=B8=D1=8F =D0=
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D '=D0=97=D0=B0=D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=82=D0=BA=D0=B8';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BE=D0=B1=D1=8B=D1=82=D0=B8=D1=8F =
-$lang['l_today'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=B5=D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=BD=D1=8F';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D '=D0=AD=D1=82=D0=B0 =D0=BD=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D '=D0=AD=D1=82=D0=BE=D1=82 =D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B9=D1=82=D0=B8 =D0=BA=
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BE=D0=B1=D1=8B=D1=82=D0=B8=D1=8F =D0=
=BD=D0=B0 =D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B2=D1=82=D1=80=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B9=D1=82=D0=B8 =D0=BD=
=D0=B0 =D1=81=D0=B5=D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=BD=D1=8F';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B9=D1=82=D0=B8 =D0=
=BD=D0=B0 =D1=8D=D1=82=D1=83 =D0=BD=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BB=D1=8E';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B9=D1=82=D0=B8 =D0=
=BD=D0=B0 =D1=8D=D1=82=D0=BE=D1=82 =D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=8F=D1=86';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B9=D1=82=D0=B8 =D0=
=BD=D0=B0 =D1=8D=D1=82=D0=BE=D1=82 =D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=B4';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=BE=D0=B8=D1=81=D0=BA'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D '=D0=A0=D0=B5=D0=B7=D1=83=D0=BB=D1=8C=D1=82=D0=
=B0=D1=82=D1=8B =D0=BF=D0=BE=D0=B8=D1=81=D0=BA=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D '=D0=9C=D0=BD=D0=BE=D0=B6=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=82=
=D0=B2=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=BD=D1=8B=D0=B9 =D0=B2=D1=8B=D0=B1=D0=BE=D1=80';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D '=D0=97=D0=B0=D0=BF=D1=80=D0=BE=D1=81'; // will =
be followed by the search query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BE=D0=B1=D1=8B=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=B9 =
=D0=BD=D0=B5 =D0=BD=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=BE';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D '=D0=92=D0=B5=D1=80=D1=81=D0=B8=D1=8F =D0=B4=D0=
=BB=D1=8F =D0=BF=D0=B5=D1=87=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=B8';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D '=D0=92=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=BC=D1=8F';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D '=D0=98=D1=82=D0=BE=D0=B3=D0=B8';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D '=D0=9E=D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=81=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B8=
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D '=D0=AD=D1=82=D0=BE=D1=82 =D1=81=D0=B0=D0=B9=
=D1=82 ';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D1=82 =D1=81=D0=BE=D0=B1=D1=8B=
=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=B9 =D0=BD=D0=B0 =D1=81=D0=B5=D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=B4=D0=BD=D1=8F=
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D1=82 =D1=81=D0=BE=D0=B1=D1=8B=
=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=B9 =D0=BD=D0=B0 =D1=8D=D1=82=D1=83 =D0=BD=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B5=
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D1=82 =D1=81=D0=BE=D0=B1=D1=
=8B=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=B9 =D0=BD=D0=B0 =D1=8D=D1=82=D0=BE=D1=82 =D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'ru-ru';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D '=D0=97=D0=B0=D1=82=D1=80=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B5=D0=
=BD=D0=BE =D0=BD=D0=B0 =D0=BF=D0=BE=D0=B8=D1=81=D0=BA %s =D1=81=D0=B5=D0=BA=
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=BE=D0=B2=D1=82=D0=BE=D1=80=D1=8F=
=D1=8E=D1=89=D0=B5=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=8F =D1=81=D0=BE=D0=B1=D1=8B=D1=82=D0=B8=
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D '=D0=98=D1=81=D0=BA=D0=BB=D1=8E=D1=87=D0=B5=D0=
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D1=82 =D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=BF=D1=80=D0=
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B0=D1=81=D1=82=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=B9=D0=
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=B8=D0=BD=D1=82=D0=B5=D1=80';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D '=D0=92=D1=8B=D0=B1=D1=80=D0=B0=D1=82=D1=8C =
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D '=D0=92=D1=8B=D0=B1=D1=80=D0=B0=D1=82=D1=8C =D0=
=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=80=D1=8C =D0=BF=D0=BE =D1=83=D0=
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D '=D0=92=D1=8B=D0=B1=D1=80=D0=B0=D1=82=D1=8C =
=D0=B2=D0=B8=D0=B4 =D0=BF=D0=BE =D1=83=D0=BC=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=87=D0=B0=D0=BD=
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D '=D0=92=D1=8B=D0=B1=D1=80=D0=B0=D1=82=D1=8C =
=D0=B2=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=BC=D1=8F =D0=BD=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D '=D0=92=D1=8B=D0=B1=D1=80=D0=B0=D1=82=D1=8C =D0=
=BD=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=BE =D0=BD=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BB=D0=B8 =D0=
=BF=D0=BE =D1=83=D0=BC=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=87=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B8=D1=8E';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D '=D0=92=D1=8B=D0=B1=D1=80=D0=B0=D1=82=D1=8C=
=D1=81=D1=82=D0=B8=D0=BB=D1=8C =D0=BF=D0=BE =D1=83=D0=BC=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=87=
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D '=D0=A3=D1=81=D1=82=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=
=B8=D1=82=D1=8C =D0=BD=D0=B0=D1=81=D1=82=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=B9=D0=BA=D0=B8';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D '=D0=97=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=B5=D1=80=D1=88=D0=B5=
=D0=BD=D0=BE =D0=B2';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D '=D0=97=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=B5=D1=80=D1=88=D0=B5=D0=
-$lang['l_created'] =3D '=D0=A1=D0=BE=D0=B7=D0=B4=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=BE';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=BE';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=B8=D0=BE=D1=80=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D '=D0=92=D1=8B=D1=81=D0=BE=D0=BA=D0=B8=D0=B9=
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B8=D0=B7=D0=BA=D0=B8=D0=B9';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D '=D0=A1=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=BD=D0=B8=D0=B9=
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D1=82';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D '=D0=A1=D1=82=D0=B0=D1=82=D1=83=D1=81';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=9E=D0=94=D0=A2=D0=92=D0=95=D0=
=A0=D0=96=D0=94=D0=95=D0=9D=D0=9E' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D '=D0=9E=D0=A2=D0=9C=D0=95=D0=9D=D0=95=D0=
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=BE=D0=B4 =D0=B2=D0=BE=D0=BF=D1=
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D '=D0=97=D0=B0=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=87=D0=B8';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=B5=D1=80=D1=
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D '=D0=92=D0=B0=D1=88=D0=B8 =D1=83=D1=81=D1=82=D0=
=B0=D0=BD=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=BA=D0=B8 =D0=BF=D1=80=D0=B8=D0=BC=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D '=D0=92=D0=B0=D1=88=D0=B8 =D1=83=D1=81=D1=82=
=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=BA=D0=B8 =D0=BE=D1=82=D0=BC=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B5=
=D0=BD=D1=8B. =D0=98=D0=B7=D0=BC=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B8=D1=8F =D0=B2=
=D1=81=D1=82=D1=83=D0=BF=D1=8F=D1=82 =D0=B2 =D1=81=D0=B8=D0=BB=D1=83 =D0=BF=
=D1=80=D0=B8 =D1=81=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=B4=D1=83=D1=8E=D1=89=D0=B5=D0=B9 =D0=B7=
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D '=D0=9E=D1=82=D0=BC=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B8=D1=82=
=D1=8C =D0=BD=D0=B0=D1=81=D1=82=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=B9=D0=BA=D0=B8';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D '=D0=9E=D1=80=D0=B3=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B8=D0=B7=D0=
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D '=D0=98=D1=81=D0=BF=D0=BE=D0=BB=D0=BD=D0=B5=D0=
-$lang['l_location'] =3D '=D0=9C=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=82=D0=BE';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D '=D0=90=D0=B4=D0=BC=D0=B8=D0=BD=D0=B8=D1=81=
=D1=82=D1=80=D0=B8=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B8=D0=B5 PHP iCalenda=
r ';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D '=D0=9B=D0=BE=D0=B3=D0=B8=D0=BD';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=B0=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=8C';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D '=D0=9B=D0=BE=D0=B3=D0=B8=D0=BD';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D0=BF=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=B8=
=D0=BB=D1=8C=D0=BD=D1=8B=D0=B9 =D0=BB=D0=BE=D0=B3=D0=B8=D0=BD =D0=B8=D0=BB=
=D0=B8 =D0=BF=D0=B0=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=8C.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=BE=D0=B1=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=B8=D1=82=
=D1=8C =D0=B8=D0=BB=D0=B8 =D0=BE=D0=B1=D0=BD=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=B8=D1=82=D1=8C=
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=BE=D0=B1=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=B8=D1=82=
=D1=8C =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=80=D1=8C =D1=87=D0=B5=
=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B7 =D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B3=D1=80=D1=83=D0=B7=D0=BA=D1=83 =D0=BD=
=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=BE=D0=B3=D0=BE =D1=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB=D0=B0. =D0=9E=D0=B1=
=D0=BD=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=B8=D1=82=D1=8C =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=
=D0=B0=D1=80=D1=8C =D1=87=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B7 =D0=BF=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=
=D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=81=D1=8C =D1=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB=D0=B0 =D1=81=
=D1=82=D0=B0=D0=BA=D0=B8=D0=BC =D0=B6=D0=B5 =D0=B8=D0=BC=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B5=
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D '=D0=A3=D0=B4=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B8=D1=82=D1=8C =D0=
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D '=D0=92=D1=8B=D1=85=D0=BE=D0=B4';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D '=D0=A4=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP =D0=9E=D1=88=D0=B8=D0=B1=D0=BA=D0=B0';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=B1=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BC=D0=
=B0 =D1=81 =D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=88=D0=B5=D0=B9 =D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B3=D1=80=D1=83=D0=
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=B1=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BC=D0=
=B0 =D1=81 =D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=88=D0=B5=D0=B9 =D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B3=D1=80=D1=83=D0=
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D '=D0=A4=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB =D1=81=D0=BB=D0=B8=D1=
=88=D0=BA=D0=BE=D0=BC =D0=B1=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=8C=D1=88=D0=BE=D0=B9.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D '=D0=A4=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB =D1=81=D0=BB=D0=B8=D1=
=88=D0=BA=D0=BE=D0=BC =D0=B1=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=8C=D1=88=D0=BE=D0=B9.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D '=D0=A4=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB =D1=87=D0=B0=D1=81=D1=
=82=D0=B8=D1=87=D0=BD=D0=BE =D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B3=D1=80=D1=83=D0=B6=D0=B5=D0=
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D '=D0=92=D1=8B =D0=B4=D0=BE=D0=BB=D0=B6=D0=BD=D1=
=8B =D0=B2=D1=8B=D0=B1=D1=80=D0=B0=D1=82=D1=8C =D1=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB =D0=
=B4=D0=BB=D1=8F =D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B3=D1=80=D1=83=D0=B7=D0=BA=D0=B8.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D '=D0=A2=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=8C=D0=BA=D0=BE =D1=
=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB=D1=8B =D1=81 =D1=80=D0=B0=D1=81=D1=88=D0=B8=D1=80=D0=
=B5=D0=BD=D0=B8=D0=B5=D0=BC .ics files =D0=BC=D0=BE=D0=B3=D1=83=D1=82 =D0=
=B1=D1=8B=D1=82=D1=8C =D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B3=D1=80=D1=83=D0=B6=D0=B5=D0=BD=D1=
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D '=D0=9E=D1=88=D0=B8=D0=B1=D0=BA=D0=B0 =D0=BF=
=D1=80=D0=B8 =D0=BA=D0=BE=D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B8=
=D0=B8 =D1=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D '=D0=9E=D1=88=D0=B8=D0=B1=D0=BA=D0=B0 =D0=BF=
=D1=80=D0=B8 =D1=83=D0=B4=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B8=D0=B8 =D1=84=D0=B0=
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D '=D1=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB =D1=83=D0=B4=D0=
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=B5=D0=B9=D1=81=D1=82=D0=B2=D0=B8=
=D0=B5 =D1=83=D1=81=D0=BF=D0=B5=D1=88=D0=BD=D0=BE =D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=B5=
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D '=D0=9F=D0=BE=D0=B4=D1=82=D0=B2=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B4=
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D '=D0=A3=D0=B4=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B8=D1=82=D1=8C';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D '=D0=92=D1=81=D0=B5 =D0=B2=D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D '=D0=9B=D0=B5=D0=B3=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D '=D0=A3=D0=BF=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=BB=D1=8F=
=D1=82=D1=8C =D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=88=D0=B8=D0=BC =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=
=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=BC =D1=81 =D1=8D=D1=82=D0=BE=D0=B9 =D1=81=D1=82=
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D '=D0=A3=D1=81=D1=82=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=BE=D0=B2=
=D0=B8=D1=82=D1=8C cookie =D0=B4=D0=BB=D1=8F =D0=B1=D1=8B=D1=81=D1=82=D1=80=
=D0=BE=D0=B9 =D0=B0=D1=83=D1=82=D0=B5=D0=BD=D1=82=D0=B8=D1=84=D0=B8=D0=BA=
=D0=B0=D1=86=D0=B8=D0=B8 =D0=BD=D0=B0 =D1=8D=D1=82=D0=BE=D0=BC =D1=81=D0=B0=
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS =D0=B8=D0=BD=D1=84=D0=BE=D1=80=D0=BC=D0=B0=
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D '=D0=91=D0=B0=D0=B7=D0=BE=D0=B2=D1=8B=D0=B5 =
RSS =D0=B4=D0=BE=D1=81=D1=82=D1=83=D0=BF=D0=BD=D1=8B =D0=B4=D0=BB=D1=8F =D0=
=BA=D0=B0=D0=B6=D0=B4=D0=BE=D0=B3=D0=BE =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS =D0=BE=D1=82=D0=BA=D0=BB=D1=8E=D1=87=D0=
=B5=D0=BD=D0=BE =D0=BD=D0=B0 =D1=8D=D1=82=D0=BE=D0=BC =D1=81=D0=B0=D0=B9=D1=
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B0=D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B4';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D '=D0=92=D0=BF=D0=B5=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B4';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D '=D0=9F=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=B4=D1=8B=D0=B4=D1=83=D1=89=D0=
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D '=D0=94=D0=B5=D0=BD=D1=8C';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BB=D1=8F';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D '=D0=9C=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=8F=D1=86';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D '=D0=93=D0=BE=D0=B4';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('=D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=B4','=D0=B3=D0=BE=
=D0=B4=D1=8B'); // for these, put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('=D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=8F=D1=86=
','=D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=8F=D1=86=D1=8B'); // and plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('=D0=BD=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BB=D1=
=8F','=D0=BD=D0=B5=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BB=D0=B8'); // these will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('=D0=B4=D0=B5=D0=BD=D1=8C','=D0=B4=
=D0=BD=D0=B8'); // in the replacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('=D1=87=D0=B0=D1=81','=D1=87=D0=B0=
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('=D0=BC=D0=B8=D0=BD=D1=83=D1=82=
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('=D1=81=D0=B5=D0=BA=D1=83=D0=BD=
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D '=D0=9A=D0=B0=D0=B6=D0=B4=D1=8B=D0=B5 =
%int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day=
for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D '=D0=B4=D0=BE %date%'; // ie, 'unti=
l January 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '=D1=81=D1=87=D0=B5=D1=82=D1=87=D0=B8=D0=
=BA =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=B6=D0=B4=D1=8B=D0=B5 %int%'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D '=D0=92 =D0=BC=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=8F=D1=86=
=D0=B5: %list%'; // ie, 'In months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D '=D0=92 =D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=B0=D1=
=85: %list%'; // ie, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D '=D0=92 =D0=B4=D0=BD=D1=8F=D1=85: %lis=
t%'; // ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('=D0=92=D0=BE=D1=81=D0=BA=D1=80=D0=B5=D1=81=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('=D0=92=D1=81=D0=BA','=D0=9F=D0=BD=D0=B4=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('=D0=92','=D0=9F','=D0=92','=D0=A1=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('=D0=AF=D0=BD=D0=B2=D0=B0=D1=80=D1=8C','=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('=D0=AF=D0=BD=D0=B2','=D0=A4=D0=B5=D0=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'g:i A';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'g:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %B %e';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%B %e';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %b %e';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%b %e';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %B %e';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D '=D0=BE=D1=88=D0=B8=D0=B1=D0=BA=D0=B0!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D '=D0=BE=D1=88=D0=B8=D0=B1=D0=BA=D0=B0 !';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D '=D0=9A=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=
=B0=D1=80=D1=8C "%s" =D0=B1=D1=8B=D0=BB =D0=BE=D0=B1=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=B1=D0=
=BE=D1=82=D0=B0=D0=BD =D1=81 =D0=BE=D1=88=D0=B8=D0=B1=D0=BA=D0=BE=D0=B9.'=
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D0=B2=D0=BE=D0=B7=D0=BC=D0=BE=
=D0=B6=D0=BD=D0=BE =D0=BE=D1=82=D0=BA=D1=80=D1=8B=D1=82=D1=8C =D0=BF=D1=83=
=D1=82=D1=8C: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B0=D0=B6=D0=BC=D0=B8=D1=82=D0=B5=
=D0=BA=D0=BB=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=B8=D1=88=D1=83 "=D0=9D=D0=B0=D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=B4=
" =D0=B4=D0=BB=D1=8F =D0=B2=D0=BE=D0=B7=D0=B2=D1=80=D0=B0=D1=82=D0=B0.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D '=D0=AD=D1=82=D0=BE=D1=82 =D1=81=D0=B5=D1=
=80=D0=B2=D0=B5=D1=80 =D0=B1=D0=BB=D0=BE=D0=BA=D0=B8=D1=80=D1=83=D0=B5=D1=
=82 =D1=83=D0=B4=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=BD=D1=8B=D0=B5 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D '=D0=92=D1=8B =D0=BF=D1=8B=D1=82=D0=B0=
=D0=B5=D1=82=D0=B5=D1=81=D1=8C =D0=BF=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=83=D1=87=D0=B8=D1=82=
=D1=8C =D0=B4=D0=BE=D1=81=D1=82=D1=83=D0=BF =D0=BA =D0=BE=D0=B3=D1=80=D0=B0=
=D0=BD=D0=B8=D1=87=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=BD=D0=BE=D0=BC=D1=83 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D0=BF=D1=80=D0=B0=D0=B2=D0=
=B8=D0=BB=D1=8C=D0=BD=D1=8B=D0=B9 =D1=84=D0=BE=D1=80=D0=BC=D0=B0=D1=82 =D1=
=84=D0=B0=D0=B9=D0=BB=D0=B0 =D0=BA=D0=B0=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B4=D0=B0=D1=
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D0=B2=D0=BE=D0=B7=D0=BC=D0=
=BE=D0=B6=D0=BD=D0=BE =D0=BE=D1=82=D0=BA=D1=80=D1=8B=D1=82=D1=8C =D0=BA=D0=
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D '=D0=9D=D0=B5=D1=82 =D0=B2=D0=BE=D0=B7=D0=BC=
=D0=BE=D0=B6=D0=BD=D0=BE=D1=81=D1=82=D0=B8 =D0=B7=D0=B0=D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=81=
=D0=B0=D1=82=D1=8C =D0=B2 =D0=BA=D1=8D=D1=88 =D0=B4=D0=B8=D1=80=D0=B5=D0=BA=
=D1=82=D0=BE=D1=80=D0=B8=D1=8E. =D0=9F=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=B5=D1=80=D1=8C=
=D1=82=D0=B5 =D1=81=D0=B2=D0=BE=D1=8E =D0=BA=D0=BE=D0=BD=D1=84=D0=B8=D0=B3=
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/sl=
ovak.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/sl=
ovak.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-// Slovak language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Jan Michalicka (webdev en jimi.sk)
-// Submit new translations to phpicalendar en gmail.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'De=C5=88';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'T=C3=BD=C5=BEde=C5=88';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Mesiac';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Rok';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Kalend=C3=A1r';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Nasleduj=C3=BAci de=C5=88';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Nasleduj=C3=BAci mesiac';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Nasleduj=C3=BAci t=C3=BD=C5=BEde=C5=88';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Nasleduj=C3=BAci rok';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Predch=C3=A1dzaj=C3=BAci de=C5=88';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Predch=C3=A1dzaj=C3=BAci mesiac';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Predch=C3=A1dzaj=C3=BAci t=C3=BD=C5=BEde=C5=88=
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Predch=C3=A1dzaj=C3=BAci rok';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Prihl=C3=A1si=C5=A5';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Stiahnu=C5=A5';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Poskytol';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Udalos=C5=A5';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Od';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Do';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Udalosti tohoto mesiaca';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'D=C3=A1tum';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Zhrnutie';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Ka=C5=BEdodenn=C3=A1 udalos=C5=A5';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Pozn=C3=A1mky';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Udalosti tohoto roku';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Dnes';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Tento t=C3=BD=C5=BEde=C5=88';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Tento mesiac';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Cho=C4=8F na';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Zajtraj=C5=A1ie udalosti';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Cho=C4=8F na dne=C5=A1n=C3=BD de=C5=88';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Cho=C4=8F na tento t=C3=BD=C5=BEde=C5=88';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Cho=C4=8F na tento mesiac';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Cho=C4=8F na tento rok';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'Vyh=C4=BEadaj'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'V=C3=BDsledky vyh=C4=BEadania';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Vyber viacero';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Ot=C3=A1zka'; // will be followed by the search=
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Nena=C5=A1li sa =C5=BEiadne udalosti';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'N=C3=A1hlad na tla=C4=8D';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D '=C4=8Cas';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Zhrnutie';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Popis';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'T=C3=A1to str=C3=A1nka je';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D '=C5=BDiadne udalosti nadnes.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D '=C5=BDiadne udalosti na tento t=C3=BD=C5=BE=
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D '=C5=BDiadne udalosti na tento mesiac.';
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'G:i'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'sk';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'Vyh=C4=BEadanie trvalo %s sek=C3=BAnd';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Opakuj=C3=BAca sa udalos=C5=A5';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'V=C3=BDnimka';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Nebola zadan=C3=A1 ot=C3=A1zka';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Nastavenia';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Tla=C4=8Diare=C5=88';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Vyber predvolen=C3=BD jazyk';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Vyber predvolen=C3=BD kalend=C3=A1r';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Vyber predvolen=C3=BD n=C3=A1h=C4=BEad';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Vyber predvolen=C3=BD za=C4=8Diatok d=C5=88=
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Vyber predvolen=C3=BD koniec d=C5=88a';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Vyber predvolen=C3=BD =C5=A1t=C3=BDl kalen=
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Ulo=C5=BE nastavenia';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Vybaven=C3=A9 d=C5=88a';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Vybaven=C3=A9';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Vytvoren=C3=A9';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Pre';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Priorita';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Vysok=C3=A1';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'N=C3=ADzka';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Stredn=C3=A1';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D '=C5=BDiadna';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Stav';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'POTVRDEN=C3=89' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'ZRU=C5=A0EN=C3=89';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D '=C4=8CAKAJ=C3=9ACE';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D '=C3=9Alohy';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Nedokon=C4=8Den=C3=A9';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Tvoje nastavenia boli ulo=C5=BEen=C3=A9.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Nastavenia boli zru=C5=A1en=C3=A9. Zmeny s=
a prejavia pri zobrazen=C3=AD nasleduj=C3=BAcej str=C3=A1nky.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Zru=C5=BE nastavenia';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organiz=C3=A9r';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D '=C3=9A=C4=8Dastn=C3=ADk';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Miesto';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar Administr=C3=A1cia';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'U=C5=BE=C3=ADvate=C4=BEsk=C3=A9 meno';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Heslo';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Prihl=C3=A1si=C5=A5';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Chybn=C3=A9 u=C5=BE=C3=ADvate=C4=BEsk=C3=A9=
meno alebo heslo.';
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Pridaj alebo uprav tvoj kalend=C3=A1r';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Pridaj kalend=C3=A1r nahrat=C3=ADm nov=C3=
=A9ho s=C3=BAboru. Uprav kalend=C3=A1r nahrat=C3=ADm s=C3=BAboru s rovnak=
=C3=BDm nazvom.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Vyma=C5=BE kalend=C3=A1r';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Odhl=C3=A1si=C5=A5';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'S=C3=BAbor s kalend=C3=A1rom';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP Chyba';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Nastal probl=C3=A9m s nahrat=C3=ADm.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Nastal probl=C3=A9m s nahrat=C3=ADm.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'S=C3=BAbor je pr=C3=ADli=C5=A1 ve=C4=BEk=C3=BD=
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'S=C3=BAbor je pr=C3=ADli=C5=A1 ve=C4=BEk=C3=BD=
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'S=C3=BAbor bol nahrat=C3=BD iba =C4=8Diasto=C4=
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Mus=C3=AD=C5=A1 vybra=C5=A5 s=C3=BAbor pre n=
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Iba .ics s=C3=BAbory m=C3=B4=C5=BEu by=
=C5=A5 nahrat=C3=A9.';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Nepodarilo sa skop=C3=ADrova=C5=A5 s=C3=BAb=
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Nepodarilo sa vymaza=C5=A5 s=C3=BAbor';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'Bol =C3=BAspe=C5=A1ne vymazan=C3=BD.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Akcia bolo =C3=BAspe=C5=A1n=C3=A1.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Odosla=C5=A5';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Vymaza=C5=A5';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'V=C5=A1etky kombin=C3=A1cie';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Legenda';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Spravuj svoje kaled=C3=A1re z tejto str=C3=
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Povo=C4=BE cookies pre pou=C5=BEitie tejto=
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS inform=C3=A1cie';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Z=C3=A1kladne RSS je dostupn=C3=A9 pre ka=C5=
=BEd=C3=BD kalend=C3=A1r';
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS nie je povolen=C3=A9 na tejto str=C3=A1=
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Naspa=C5=A5';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Nasleduj=C3=BAci';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Predch=C3=A1dzaj=C3=BAci';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Denn=C3=BD preh=C4=BEad';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'T=C3=BD=C5=BEdenn=C3=BD preh=C4=BEad';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Mesa=C4=8Dn=C3=BD preh=C4=BEad';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Ro=C4=8Dn=C3=BD preh=C4=BEad';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('rok','roky'); // for these, pu=
t singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('mesiac','mesiace'); // and pl=
ural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('t=C3=BD=C5=BEde=C5=88','t=C3=BD=
=C5=BEdne'); // these will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('de=C5=88','dni'); // in the r=
eplacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('hodina','hod=C3=ADn');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('min=C3=BAta','min=C3=BAt');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('sekunda','sek=C3=BAnd');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Ka=C5=BEd=C3=BD %int% %freq% %for%'; =
// ie, 'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'A=C5=BE do %date%'; // ie, 'until =
January 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D 'pre po=C4=8Det %int%'; // ie, 'for 5=
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'V mesiacoch: %list%'; // ie, 'In m=
onths: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'V d=C5=88och: %list%'; // ie, 'O=
n dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'V d=C5=88och: %list%'; // ie, 'On d=
ays: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('Nede=C4=BEa','Pondelok','Utorok','Streda'=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('Ne','Po','Ut','St','=C5=A0t','Pi','So=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('N','P','U','S','=C5=A0','P','S')=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Janu=C3=A1r','Febru=C3=A1r','Marec','Ap=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','M=C3=A1j','=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'G:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'G:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e. %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e. %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e. %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e. %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e. %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Cyba!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Nastava chyba!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'Po=C4=8Das vzniku chyby sa spracov=C3=A1=
val kalend=C3=A1r "%s".';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Ned=C3=A1 sa otvori=C5=A5 cesta: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Pros=C3=ADm pou=C5=BEi tla=C4=8D=C3=ADtko =
"Nasp=C3=A4=C5=A5" pre n=C3=A1vrat.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Server blokuje kalend=C3=A1re, ktor=C3=
=A9 neboli potvrden=C3=A9.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Pokus o pr=C3=ADstup ku kalend=C3=A1=
ru, ktor=C3=BD je na serveri ochr=C3=A1nen=C3=BD.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Chyb=C3=BD s=C3=BAbor s kalend=C3=A1ro=
m. Pros=C3=ADm sk=C3=BAs in=C3=BD kalend=C3=A1r.';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Nepodarilo sa otvori=C5=A5 kalend=C3=A1=
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Nepodarilo sa zap=C3=ADsa=C5=A5 do adres=C3=
=A1ra cache. Skontroluj konfugur=C3=A1ciu.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/sl=
ovensko.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/sl=
ovensko.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-// English language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Mitja podpecan (mitjap en hal.si)
-// Submit new translations to phpicalendar en gmail.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Dan';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Teden';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'Mesec';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D 'Leto';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D 'Koledar';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Naslednji dan';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'Naslednji mesec';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'Naslednji teden';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'Naslednje leto';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'Prej=C5=A1nji dan';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'Prej=C5=A1nji mesec';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'Prej=C5=A1nji teden';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'Prej=C5=A1nje leto';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Naro=C4=8Di se';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Prenesi';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Poganja';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'Dogodek';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Pri=C4=8Detek ob';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Konec ob';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'Dogodki v tem mesecu';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Datum';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Povzetek';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Celodnevni dogodek';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Bele=C5=BEke';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D 'Leto=C5=A1nji dogodki';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Danes';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Ta teden';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Ta mesec';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'Sko=C4=8Di na';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Jutri=C5=A1nji dogodki';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'Pojdi na dan';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'Pojdi na ta teden';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'Pojdi na ta mesec';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'Pojdi na to leto';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'I=C5=A1=C4=8Di'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Rezultati iskanja';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Izberi ve=C4=8D';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'Niz'; // will be followed by the search query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Ni dogodkov';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Natisni';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D '=C4=8Cas';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Povezetek';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'Opis';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Ta spletna stran podpira';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Danes ni dogodkov.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'V tem tednu ni dogodkov.';
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'V tem mesecu ni dogodkov.';
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'G:i'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%e. %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%e. %b'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'sl-SL';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'Iskanje je trajalo %s sekund';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D 'Ponavljajo=C4=8D dogodek';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Izjema';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Niz ni vne=C5=A1en';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Nastavitve';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Tiskalnik';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'Izberi privzeti jezik';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'Izberi privzeti koledar';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'Izberi privzeti prikaz';
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'Izberi pri=C4=8Detek dneva';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'Izberi pri=C4=8Detek tedna';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'Izberi privzeti stil';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Shrani';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'Dokon=C4=8Dano dne';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Dokon=C4=8Dano';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Ustvarjeno';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'Zapade';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Prioriteta';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'Visoka';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'Nizka';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Srednja';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'Brez';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Stanje';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'POTRJENO' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'PREKLICANO';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'NEPOTRJENO';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Opravki';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Neopravljeno';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Nastavitve so shranjene.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Nastavitve bodo u=C4=8Dinkovale ob osve=C5=
=BEitvi strani';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D 'Nastavitve odstranjene.';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Osebni koledar';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'Udele=C5=BEenec';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Kraj';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar administracijna';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Uporabni=C5=A1ko ime';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'Geslo';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Prijava';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Napa=C4=8Dno porabni=C5=A1ko ime ali geslo=
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'Dodaj ali osve=C5=BEi koledar';
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'Dodaj ali osve=C5=BEi koledar s prenosom =
datoteke na stre=C5=BEnik.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Odstrani koledar';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Odjava';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Koledar datoteka';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP napaka';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Napaka pri prenosu na stre=C5=BEnik.';
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Napaka pri prenosu na stre=C5=BEnik.';
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'Datoteka, ki jo posku=C5=A1ate prenesti je p=
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'Datoteka, ki jo posku=C5=A1ate prenesti je p=
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'Datoteka je bila le delno prene=C5=A1ena.';
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Izberite datoteko za prenos.';
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Prenesti je mogo=C4=8De le .ics datote=
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Napaka pri kopiranju datoteke.';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Napaka pri odstranjevanju datoteke.';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'je bila uspe=C5=A1no izbrisana.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Dejanje je bilo uspe=C5=A1no izvr=C5=A1e=
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Po=C5=A1lji';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Odstrani';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Vsi koledarji';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Legenda';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Urejaj koledarje s te strani';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Dolo=C4=8Di pi=C5=A1kotek za obiskovanje t=
e strani';
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS informacije';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Osnovna RSS podaja na voljo za vsak koledar=
-$lang['l_rss_enabled'] =3D 'RSS omogo=C4=8Den';
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS za to stran ni omogo=C4=8Den';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Nazaj';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'Naprej';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'Prej=C5=A1nji';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Poka=C5=BEi dan';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Poka=C5=BEi teden';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Poka=C5=BEi mesec';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Poka=C5=BEi leto';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('leto','let'); // for these, pu=
t singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('mesec','mesecev'); // and plu=
ral forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('teden','tednov'); // these wil=
l be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('dan','dni'); // in the replac=
ement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('uro','ur');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minuta','minut');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('sekunda','sekund');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Vsak %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Eve=
ry 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'do %date%'; // ie, 'until January =
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int%'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'V mesecih: %list%'; // ie, 'In mon=
ths: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'Na datum: %list%'; // ie, 'On da=
tes: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'Na dan: %list%'; // ie, 'On days: M=
on, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('nedelja','ponedeljek','torek','sreda','=C4=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('ned','pon','tor','sre','=C4=8Det','pe=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('n','p','t','s','=C4=8D','p','s')=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('januar','februar','marec','april','maj'=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('jan','feb','mar','apr','maj','jun',=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'G:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'G:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %e. %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e. %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e. %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e. %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %e. %B';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Napaka!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Pri=C5=A1lo je do napake!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'Do napake je pri=C5=A1lo pri delu s kol=
edarjem "%s".';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Nemogo=C4=8De odpreti pot: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Prosim uporabite gumb "Nazaj", da bi posku=
sili znova.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Stre=C5=BEnik blokira koledarje, ki ni=
so bili odobreni.';
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Nimate dostopa do tega koledarja.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Naveljavna koledar datoteka. Poskusite=
drug koledar.';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Ni mogo=C4=8De odpreti koledarja.';
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Ni mogo=C4=8De pisati v mapo trenutneka po=
mnilnika. Preverite konfiguracijo.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/sw=
edish.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/sw=
edish.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-// Swedish language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Swedish Translation by Kristoffer (krille en payback.nu)
-// Submit new translations to chad en chadsdomain.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D 'Dag';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D 'Vecka';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D 'M=C3=A5nad';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D '=C3=85r';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D '';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D 'Imorgon';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D 'N=C3=A4sta M=C3=A5nad';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D 'N=C3=A4sta Vecka';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D 'N=C3=A4sta =C3=85r';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D 'F=C3=B6reg=C3=A5ende Dag';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D 'F=C3=B6reg=C3=A5ende M=C3=A5nad';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D 'F=C3=B6reg=C3=A5ende Vecka';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D 'F=C3=B6reg=C3=A5ende =C3=85r';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D 'Prenumerera';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D 'Ladda Ned';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Sidan drivs av';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D 'H=C3=A4ndelse';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D 'Start Tid';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D 'Slut Tid';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D 'M=C3=A5nadens H=C3=A4ndelser';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D 'Datum';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Summering';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D 'Heldags h=C3=A4ndelse';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D 'Notering';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D '=C3=85rest H=C3=A4ndelser';
-$lang['l_today'] =3D 'Idag';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D 'Denna Vecka';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D 'Denna M=C3=A5nad';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D 'G=C3=A5 Till';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D 'Morgondagens H=C3=A4ndelser';
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D 'G=C3=A5 till dagens Datum';
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D 'G=C3=A5 till denna Vecka';
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D 'G=C3=A5 till denna M=C3=A5nad';
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D 'G=C3=A5 till detta =C3=85r';
-$lang['l_search'] =3D 'S=C3=B6k'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D 'Resultat av S=C3=B6kning';
-$lang['l_pick_multiple'] =3D 'Pick multiple';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D 'S=C3=B6kord'; // will be followed by the search=
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D 'Inga kalenderh=C3=A4ndelser funna';
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D 'Utskriftsv=C3=A4nlig';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D 'Tid';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D 'Sammanfattning';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D 'F=C3=B6rklaring';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D 'Kalendern =C3=A4r';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D 'Inga kalenderh=C3=A4ndelser idag.';
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D 'Inga kalenderh=C3=A4ndelser denna vecka.'=
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D 'Inga kalenderh=C3=A4ndelser denna m=C3=A5=
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date '] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date '] =3D '%b %e'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'en-us';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D 'S=C3=B6kningen tog %s sekunder';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D '=C3=85terkommande h=C3=A4ndelse';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D 'Undantag';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D 'Ingen fr=C3=A5ga st=C3=A4lld';
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D 'Inst=C3=A4llningar';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D 'Skrivare';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D 'St=C3=A4ll in f=C3=B6rvalt spr=C3=A5k';
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D 'St=C3=A4ll in f=C3=B6rvald kalender';
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D 'St=C3=A4ll in f=C3=B6rvalt kalender utseend=
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D 'St=C3=A4ll in f=C3=B6rvald starttid';
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D 'St=C3=A4ll in vilken dag din kalendervecka b=
=C3=B6rjar med';
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D 'V=C3=A4lj utseende';
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D 'Spara inst=C3=A4llningar';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D 'F=C3=A4rdig den';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D 'Skapad';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D 'Skapad';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D 'till den';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D 'Prioritet';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D 'H=C3=B6g';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D 'L=C3=A5g';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D 'Medium';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D 'Ingen';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D 'Status';
-$lang['l_status_confirmed'] =3D 'CONFIRMED' ;=20
-$lang['l_status_cancelled'] =3D 'CANCELLED';=20
-$lang['l_status_tentative'] =3D 'TENTATIVE';=20
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D 'Att g=C3=B6ra';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D 'Ouppklarade';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D 'Dina inst=C3=A4llningar har sparats.';
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D 'Nya inst=C3=A4llningar. F=C3=B6r=C3=A4ndri=
ngarna kommer att visas vid n=C3=A4sta sidvisning.';
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D '=C3=85terst=C3=A4ll inst=C3=A4llningar';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D 'Organizer';
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D 'N=C3=A4rvarande';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D 'Plats';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar Administration';
-$lang['l_username'] =3D 'Anv=C3=A4ndarnamn';
-$lang['l_password'] =3D 'L=C3=B6senord';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D 'Login';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D 'Felaktigt l=C3=B6senord eller anv=C3=A4nda=
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D 'L=C3=A4gg till eller uppdatera en kalender=
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D 'L=C3=A4gg till en ny kalender genom att l=
adda upp en ny fil. Uppdatera en kalender genom att ladda upp en fil med =
samma namn.';
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D 'Radera en kalender';
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D 'Logga ut';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D 'Kalender fil';
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP Error';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D 'Det uppstod ett problem med din uppladdning=
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D 'Det uppstod ett problem med din uppladdning.=
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D 'Filen du f=9Ars=C3=B6ker ladda upp =C3=A4r f=
=C3=B6r stor.';
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D 'Filen du f=9Ars=C3=B6ker ladda upp =C3=A4r f=
=C3=B6r stor.';
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D 'Filen du f=9Ars=C3=B6kte ladda upp blev inte=
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D 'Du m=C3=A5ste v=C3=A4lja en fil f=C3=B6r upp=
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D 'Du kan bara ladda upp .ics filer!';
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D 'Misslyckades med att kopiera filen!';
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D 'Misslyckades med att radera filen!';
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D 'raderades.';
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D 'Ditt kommando genomf=C3=B6rdes.';
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D 'Skicka';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D 'Radera';
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D 'Visa alla kalendrar';
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Kalendrar';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Hantera dina kalendrar fr=8Cn den h=8Ar si=
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'L=C3=A4mnar en cookie-fil vid bes=C3=B6k';
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Information';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'RSS str=C3=B6mmar =C3=A4r tillg=C3=A4ngliga=
f=C3=B6r alla scheman';
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS =C3=A4r inte aktiverat';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D 'Tillbaka';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D 'N=C3=A4sta';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D 'F=C3=B6reg=C3=A5ende';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D 'Visa Dag';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D 'Visa Vecka';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D 'Visa M=C3=A5nad';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D 'Visa =C3=85r';
-// ---------------------------------
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('=C3=A5r','=C3=A5r'); // for th=
ese, put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('m=C3=A5nad','m=C3=A5nader'); =
// and plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('vecka','veckor'); // these wil=
l be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('dag','dagar'); // in the repla=
cement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('timme','timmar');
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('minut','minuter');
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('sekund','sekunder');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D 'Varje %int% %freq% %for%'; // ie, 'Eve=
ry 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D 'fram till %date%'; // ie, 'until Ja=
nuary 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D 'totalt %int%'; // ie, 'for 5 times'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D 'F=C3=B6ljande m=C3=A5nader: %list%';=
// ie, 'In months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D 'F=C3=B6ljande datum: %list%'; //=
ie, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D 'F=C3=B6ljande dagar: %list%'; // ie,=
'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('S=C3=B6ndag','M=C3=A5ndag','Tisdag','Onsda=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('S=C3=B6n','M=C3=A5n','Tis','Ons','Tor=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('S','M','T','O','T','F','L');
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('Januari','Februari','Mars','April','Maj'=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','Maj','Jun',=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'H:i';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'H:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%Aen den %e %B';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%e %B';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %e %b';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%e %b';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%B %Y';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %B %e';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D 'Fel!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D 'Det har uppst=C3=A5tt ett fel!';
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D 'Den var "%s" kalendern som jobbades med=
n=C3=A4r felet uppstod.';
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D 'Kan inte =C3=B6ppna s=C3=B6kv=C3=A4g: "%s'=
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D 'Anv=C3=A4nd "Tillbaka" knappen p=C3=A5 din=
webbl=C3=A4sare f=C3=B6r att backa.';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D 'Denna server blockerar kalendrar fr=8C=
n andra servrar som =C3=A4nnu inte blivit accepterade an administrat=C3=B6=
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D 'Du har f=C3=B6rs=C3=B6kt att komma=
=C3=A5t en kalender som du ej har l=C3=A4sr=C3=A4ttigher till.';
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D 'Felaktigt kalendernamn. Prova g=C3=A4=
rna en annan kalender.';
-$lang['l_error_cantopen'] =3D 'Unable to open calendar.';
-$lang['l_error_cache'] =3D 'Unable to write to cache directory. Please=
check your config.';
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languag=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/tr=
aditional_chinese.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:43:49 UTC (rev 5189)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/languages/tr=
aditional_chinese.inc.php 2007-10-03 18:51:36 UTC (rev 5190)
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-// Trad. Chinese language include
-// For version 2.0 PHP iCalendar
-// Translation by Kevin Fyure (digdog en mac.com)
-// Submit new translations to phpicalendar en gmail.com
-$lang['l_day'] =3D '=E6=97=A5';
-$lang['l_week'] =3D '=E9=80=B1';
-$lang['l_month'] =3D '=E6=9C=88';
-$lang['l_year'] =3D '=E5=B9=B4';
-$lang['l_calendar'] =3D '=E8=A1=8C=E4=BA=8B=E6=9B=86';
-$lang['l_next_day'] =3D '=E6=98=8E=E5=A4=A9';
-$lang['l_next_month'] =3D '=E4=B8=8B=E5=80=8B=E6=9C=88';
-$lang['l_next_week'] =3D '=E4=B8=8B=E9=80=B1';
-$lang['l_next_year'] =3D '=E6=98=8E=E5=B9=B4';
-$lang['l_last_day'] =3D '=E6=98=A8=E5=A4=A9';
-$lang['l_last_month'] =3D '=E4=B8=8A=E5=80=8B=E6=9C=88';
-$lang['l_last_week'] =3D '=E4=B8=8A=E9=80=B1';
-$lang['l_last_year'] =3D '=E5=8E=BB=E5=B9=B4';
-$lang['l_subscribe'] =3D '=E8=A8=82=E9=96=B1';
-$lang['l_download'] =3D '=E4=B8=8B=E8=BC=89';
-$lang['l_powered_by'] =3D 'Powered by';
-$lang['l_event'] =3D '=E4=BA=8B=E4=BB=B6';
-$lang['l_event_start'] =3D '=E9=96=8B=E5=A7=8B=E6=99=82=E9=96=93';
-$lang['l_event_end'] =3D '=E7=B5=90=E6=9D=9F=E6=99=82=E9=96=93';
-$lang['l_this_months'] =3D '=E6=9C=AC=E6=9C=88=E4=BA=8B=E4=BB=B6';
-$lang['l_date'] =3D '=E6=97=A5=E6=9C=9F';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D '=E4=B8=BB=E9=A1=8C';
-$lang['l_all_day'] =3D '=E6=95=B4=E6=97=A5=E4=BA=8B=E4=BB=B6';
-$lang['l_notes'] =3D '=E9=99=84=E8=A8=BB';
-$lang['l_this_years'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E5=B9=B4=E7=9A=84=E4=BA=8B=E4=BB=B6=
-$lang['l_today'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E5=A4=A9';
-$lang['l_this_week'] =3D '=E6=9C=AC=E9=80=B1';
-$lang['l_this_month'] =3D '=E6=9C=AC=E6=9C=88';
-$lang['l_jump'] =3D '=E7=A7=BB=E8=87=B3';
-$lang['l_tomorrows'] =3D '=E6=98=8E=E5=A4=A9=E7=9A=84=E4=BA=8B=E4=BB=B6=
-$lang['l_goday'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E5=A4=A9=E7=9A=84=E8=A1=8C=E4=BA=8B=E6=
-$lang['l_goweek'] =3D '=E6=9C=AC=E9=80=B1=E7=9A=84=E8=A1=8C=E4=BA=8B=E6=
-$lang['l_gomonth'] =3D '=E6=9C=AC=E6=9C=88=E7=9A=84=E8=A1=8C=E4=BA=8B=E6=
-$lang['l_goyear'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E5=B9=B4=E7=9A=84=E8=A1=8C=E4=BA=8B=E6=
-$lang['l_search'] =3D '=E6=90=9C=E5=B0=8B'; // the verb
-$lang['l_results'] =3D '=E6=90=9C=E5=B0=8B=E7=B5=90=E6=9E=9C';
-$lang['l_query'] =3D '=E6=9F=A5=E5=B0=8B'; // will be followed by the =
search query
-$lang['l_no_results'] =3D '=E6=B2=92=E6=9C=89=E6=89=BE=E5=88=B0=E7=9B=B8=
-$lang['l_goprint'] =3D '=E5=8F=8B=E5=96=84=E5=88=97=E5=8D=B0';
-$lang['l_time'] =3D '=E6=99=82=E9=96=93';
-$lang['l_summary'] =3D '=E4=B8=BB=E9=A1=8C';
-$lang['l_description'] =3D '=E9=99=84=E8=A8=BB';
-$lang['l_this_site_is'] =3D '=E6=9C=AC=E7=AB=99=E6=98=AF';
-$lang['l_no_events_day'] =3D '=E4=BB=8A=E5=A4=A9=E6=B2=92=E6=9C=89=E4=BB=
-$lang['l_no_events_week'] =3D '=E6=9C=AC=E9=80=B1=E6=B2=92=E6=9C=89=E4=BB=
-$lang['l_no_events_month'] =3D '=E6=9C=AC=E6=9C=88=E6=B2=92=E6=9C=89=E4=BB=
-$lang['l_rss_day_date'] =3D 'g:i A'; // Lists just the time
-$lang['l_rss_week_date'] =3D '%b %e =E6=97=A5'; // Lists just the day
-$lang['l_rss_month_date'] =3D '%b %e =E6=97=A5'; // Lists just the da=
-$lang['l_rss_language'] =3D 'zh-tw';
-$lang['l_search_took'] =3D '=E6=9C=AC=E6=AC=A1=E6=90=9C=E5=B0=8B=E8=8A=B1=
=E5=BB=A2 %s =E7=A7=92';
-$lang['l_recurring_event'] =3D '=E9=87=8D=E8=A4=87=E4=BA=8B=E4=BB=B6';
-$lang['l_exception'] =3D '=E4=BE=8B=E5=A4=96';
-$lang['l_no_query'] =3D '=E6=B2=92=E6=9C=89=E6=9F=A5=E5=B0=8B=E8=B3=87=
-$lang['l_preferences'] =3D '=E5=81=8F=E5=A5=BD=E8=A8=AD=E5=AE=9A';
-$lang['l_printer'] =3D '=E5=8F=8B=E5=96=84=E5=88=97=E5=8D=B0';
-$lang['l_select_lang'] =3D '=E8=AB=8B=E9=81=B8=E6=93=87=E9=A0=90=E8=A8=AD=
-$lang['l_select_cal'] =3D '=E8=AB=8B=E9=81=B8=E6=93=87=E9=A0=90=E8=A8=AD=
-$lang['l_select_view'] =3D '=E8=AB=8B=E9=81=B8=E6=93=87=E9=A0=90=E8=A8=AD=
-$lang['l_select_time'] =3D '=E8=AB=8B=E9=81=B8=E6=93=87=E9=A0=90=E8=A8=AD=
-$lang['l_select_day'] =3D '=E8=AB=8B=E9=81=B8=E6=93=87=E9=A0=90=E8=A8=AD=
-$lang['l_select_style'] =3D '=E8=AB=8B=E9=81=B8=E6=93=87=E9=A0=90=E8=A8=
-$lang['l_set_prefs'] =3D '=E5=84=B2=E5=AD=98=E8=A8=AD=E5=AE=9A';
-$lang['l_completed_date'] =3D '=E5=AE=8C=E6=88=90=E6=96=BC';
-$lang['l_completed'] =3D '=E5=B7=B2=E5=AE=8C=E6=88=90';
-$lang['l_created'] =3D '=E5=BB=BA=E7=AB=8B=E6=97=A5=E6=9C=9F:';
-$lang['l_due'] =3D '=E5=88=B0=E6=9C=9F=E6=97=A5:';
-$lang['l_priority'] =3D '=E9=87=8D=E8=A6=81=E6=80=A7:';
-$lang['l_priority_high'] =3D '=E5=BE=88=E9=87=8D=E8=A6=81';
-$lang['l_priority_low'] =3D '=E4=B8=8D=E9=87=8D=E8=A6=81';
-$lang['l_priority_medium'] =3D '=E9=87=8D=E8=A6=81';
-$lang['l_priority_none'] =3D '=E7=84=A1';
-$lang['l_status'] =3D '=E7=8B=80=E6=85=8B';
-$lang['l_todo'] =3D '=E5=BE=85=E8=BE=A6=E4=BA=8B=E9=A0=85';
-$lang['l_unfinished'] =3D '=E5=B0=9A=E6=9C=AA=E5=AE=8C=E6=88=90';
-$lang['l_prefs_set'] =3D '=E6=82=A8=E7=9A=84=E5=81=8F=E5=A5=BD=E8=A8=AD=
-$lang['l_prefs_unset'] =3D '=E8=A8=AD=E5=AE=9A=E5=B7=B2=E9=82=84=E5=8E=
-$lang['l_unset_prefs'] =3D '=E9=82=84=E5=8E=9F=E8=A8=AD=E5=AE=9A:';
-$lang['l_organizer'] =3D '=E8=90=AC=E7=94=A8=E8=A1=8C=E4=BA=8B=E6=9B=86=
-$lang['l_attendee'] =3D '=E5=87=BA=E5=B8=AD=E8=80=85';
-$lang['l_location'] =3D '=E4=BD=8D=E7=BD=AE';
-$lang['l_admin_header'] =3D 'PHP iCalendar =E7=AE=A1=E7=90=86=E5=8D=80'=
-$lang['l_username'] =3D '=E4=BD=BF=E7=94=A8=E8=80=85=E5=90=8D=E7=A8=B1=
-$lang['l_password'] =3D '=E5=AF=86=E7=A2=BC';
-$lang['l_login'] =3D '=E7=99=BB=E5=85=A5';
-$lang['l_invalid_login'] =3D '=E5=B8=B3=E8=99=9F=E6=88=96=E5=AF=86=E7=A2=
-$lang['l_addupdate_cal'] =3D '=E6=96=B0=E5=A2=9E=E6=88=96=E6=9B=B4=E6=96=
-$lang['l_addupdate_desc'] =3D '=E4=B8=8A=E5=82=B3=E6=96=B0=E6=AA=94=E6=A1=
-$lang['l_delete_cal'] =3D '=E5=88=AA=E9=99=A4=E8=A1=8C=E4=BA=8B=E6=9B=86=
-$lang['l_logout'] =3D '=E7=99=BB=E5=87=BA';
-$lang['l_cal_file'] =3D '=E8=A1=8C=E4=BA=8B=E6=9B=86=E6=AA=94=E6=A1=88=
-$lang['l_php_error'] =3D 'PHP =E9=8C=AF=E8=AA=A4';
-$upload_error_gen_lang =3D '=E6=82=A8=E4=B8=8A=E5=82=B3=E7=9A=84=E6=AA=94=
-$upload_error_lang[0] =3D '=E6=82=A8=E4=B8=8A=E5=82=B3=E7=9A=84=E6=AA=94=
-$upload_error_lang[1] =3D '=E6=82=A8=E4=B8=8A=E5=82=B3=E7=9A=84=E6=AA=94=
-$upload_error_lang[2] =3D '=E6=82=A8=E4=B8=8A=E5=82=B3=E7=9A=84=E6=AA=94=
-$upload_error_lang[3] =3D '=E6=82=A8=E5=8F=AA=E4=B8=8A=E5=82=B3=E7=9A=84=
-$upload_error_lang[4] =3D '=E6=82=A8=E5=BF=85=E9=A0=88=E9=81=B8=E5=AE=9A=
-$lang['l_upload_error_type'] =3D '=E5=8F=AA=E8=83=BD=E4=B8=8A=E5=82=B3=E5=
=89=AF=E6=AA=94=E5=90=8D=E6=98=AF .ics =E7=9A=84=E8=A1=8C=E4=BA=8B=E6=9B=86=
-$lang['l_copy_error'] =3D '=E8=A4=87=E8=A3=BD=E6=AA=94=E6=A1=88=E5=A4=B1=
-$lang['l_delete_error'] =3D '=E5=88=AA=E9=99=A4=E6=AA=94=E6=A1=88=E5=A4=
-$lang['l_delete_success'] =3D '=E5=B7=B2=E6=88=90=E5=8A=9F=E5=88=AA=E9=99=
-$lang['l_action_success'] =3D '=E6=93=8D=E4=BD=9C=E6=88=90=E5=8A=9F=E3=80=
-$lang['l_submit'] =3D '=E7=A2=BA=E5=AE=9A';
-$lang['l_delete'] =3D '=E5=88=AA=E9=99=A4';
-// ----- New for 0.9.5
-$all_cal_comb_lang =3D '=E5=B7=B2=E7=B5=90=E5=90=88=E6=89=80=E6=9C=89=E7=
-// New for 2.0
-$lang['l_legend'] =3D 'Legend';
-$lang['l_admin_subhead'] =3D 'Manage your calendars from this page';
-$lang['l_prefs_subhead'] =3D 'Sets a cookie for visiting this site';
-$lang['l_rss_info'] =3D 'RSS Information';
-$lang['l_rss_subhead'] =3D 'Basic RSS feeds available for each calendar=
-$lang['l_rss_notenabled'] =3D 'RSS is not enabled on this site';
-// - navigation
-$lang['l_back'] =3D '=E5=9B=9E=E5=8E=BB';
-$lang['l_next'] =3D '=E4=B8=8B=E4=B8=80=E9=A0=81';
-$lang['l_prev'] =3D '=E5=89=8D=E4=B8=80=E9=A0=81';
-$lang['l_day_view'] =3D '=E6=8C=89=E6=97=A5=E9=A1=AF=E7=A4=BA';
-$lang['l_week_view'] =3D '=E6=8C=89=E9=80=B1=E9=A1=AF=E7=A4=BA';
-$lang['l_month_view'] =3D '=E6=8C=89=E6=9C=88=E9=A1=AF=E7=A4=BA';
-$lang['l_year_view'] =3D '=E6=8C=89=E5=B9=B4=E9=A1=AF=E7=A4=BA';
-// $format_recur, items enclosed in % will be substituted with variables
-$format_recur_lang['delimiter'] =3D ', '; // ie, 'one, two, three=
-$format_recur_lang['yearly'] =3D array('=E5=B9=B4','=E5=B9=B4'); // fo=
r these, put singular
-$format_recur_lang['monthly'] =3D array('=E6=9C=88','=E6=9C=88'); // a=
nd plural forms
-$format_recur_lang['weekly'] =3D array('=E9=80=B1','=E9=80=B1'); // th=
ese will be %freq%
-$format_recur_lang['daily'] =3D array('=E6=97=A5','=E6=97=A5'); // i=
n the replacement below
-$format_recur_lang['hourly'] =3D array('=E6=99=82','=E5=B0=8F=E6=99=82'=
-$format_recur_lang['minutely'] =3D array('=E5=88=86','=E5=88=86=E9=90=98=
-$format_recur_lang['secondly'] =3D array('=E7=A7=92','=E7=A7=92');
-$format_recur_lang['start'] =3D '%freq% =E6=AF=8F %int% %for%'; // ie,=
'Every 1 day until January 4' or 'Every 1 day for a count of 5'
-$format_recur_lang['until'] =3D '=E5=88=B0 %date% =E4=B9=8B=E5=89=8D';=
// ie, 'until January 4'
-$format_recur_lang['count'] =3D '%int% =E6=AC=A1'; // ie, 'for 5 time=
-$format_recur_lang['bymonth'] =3D '=E6=96=BC=E9=80=99=E5=B9=BE=E6=9C=88=
: %list%'; // ie, 'In months: January, February, March'
-$format_recur_lang['bymonthday'] =3D '=E6=96=BC=E9=80=99=E5=B9=BE=E8=99=9F=
: %list%'; // ie, 'On dates: 1, 2, 3, 4'
-$format_recur_lang['byday'] =3D '=E6=96=BC=E9=80=99=E5=B9=BE=E5=A4=A9:=
%list%'; // ie, 'On days: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs'
-// ---------------------------------
-$daysofweek_lang =3D array ('=E6=98=9F=E6=9C=9F=E6=97=A5','=E6=98=9F=E6=
-$daysofweekshort_lang =3D array ('=E9=80=B1=E6=97=A5','=E9=80=B1=E4=B8=80=
-$daysofweekreallyshort_lang =3D array ('=E6=97=A5','=E4=B8=80','=E4=BA=8C=
-$monthsofyear_lang =3D array ('=E4=B8=80=E6=9C=88','=E4=BA=8C=E6=9C=88=
-$monthsofyearshort_lang =3D array ('=E4=B8=80=E6=9C=88','=E4=BA=8C=E6=9C=
-// For time formatting, check out: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function=
-$timeFormat =3D 'g:i A';
-$timeFormat_small =3D 'g:i';
-// For date formatting, see note below
-$dateFormat_day =3D '%A, %B %e =E6=97=A5';
-$dateFormat_week =3D '%B %e =E6=97=A5';
-$dateFormat_week_list =3D '%a, %b%e=E6=97=A5';
-$dateFormat_week_jump =3D '%b %e =E6=97=A5';
-$dateFormat_month =3D '%Y =E5=B9=B4 %B';
-$dateFormat_month_list =3D '%A, %B %e =E6=97=A5';
-$dateFormat_year =3D '%Y';
-Notes about dateFormat_*
- The pieces are similar to that of the PHP function strftime(),=20
- however only the following is supported at this time:
- %A - the full week day name as specified in $daysofweek_lang
- %a - the shortened week day name as specified in $daysofweekshort_lang
- %B - the full month name as specified in $monthsofyear_lang
- %b - the shortened month name as specified in $monthsofyearshort_lang
- %e - the day of the month as a decimal number (1 to 31)
- %Y - the 4-digit year
- If this causes problems with representing your language accurately, let
- us know. We will be happy to modify this if needed.
-// Error messages - %s will be replaced with a variable
-$lang['l_error_title'] =3D '=E9=8C=AF=E8=AA=A4!';
-$lang['l_error_window'] =3D '=E6=9C=89=E9=8C=AF=E8=AA=A4=E7=99=BC=E7=94=9F=
-$lang['l_error_calendar'] =3D '=E8=99=95=E7=90=86=E8=A1=8C=E4=BA=8B=E6=9B=
=86 "%s" =E6=99=82=E7=99=BC=E7=94=9F=E6=AD=A4=E9=8C=AF=E8=AA=A4=E3=80=82'=
-$lang['l_error_path'] =3D '=E7=84=A1=E6=B3=95=E9=96=8B=E5=95=9F=E6=AD=A4=
=E8=B7=AF=E5=BE=91: "%s"';
-$lang['l_error_back'] =3D '=E8=AB=8B=E4=BD=BF=E7=94=A8 "=E5=9B=9E=E5=8E=BB=
" =E6=8C=89=E9=88=95=E9=80=80=E5=9B=9E=E3=80=82';
-$lang['l_error_remotecal'] =3D '=E6=9C=AC=E4=BC=BA=E6=9C=8D=E5=99=A8=E6=9C=
-$lang['l_error_restrictedcal'] =3D '=E6=82=A8=E8=A9=A6=E5=9C=96=E5=AD=98=
-$lang['l_error_invalidcal'] =3D '=E9=8C=AF=E8=AA=A4=E7=9A=84=E8=A1=8C=E4=
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/templat=
(Binary files differ)
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(Binary files differ)
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/templat=
(Binary files differ)
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(Binary files differ)
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(Binary files differ)
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(Binary files differ)
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(Binary files differ)
Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/cal/lib/templat=
(Binary files differ)
Más información sobre la lista de distribución Alba-desarrollo