[Alba-desarrollo] SVN Alba r4822 - in prosistem/alba/trunk/alba: apps/principal/modules/docenteHorario/actions apps/principal/modules/docenteHorario/templates config data/sql lib/model/map lib/model/om

commits en pressenter.com.ar commits en pressenter.com.ar
Mie Jul 18 16:26:33 CEST 2007

Author: josx
Date: 2007-07-18 11:26:27 -0300 (Wed, 18 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 4822

Se reemplazo en docenteHorarios como graba los datos del dia/horario tentativos que los docentes pueden dar clase. (migracion a tabla Eventos) 

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/docenteHorario/actions/actions.class.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/docenteHorario/actions/actions.class.php	2007-07-16 21:03:57 UTC (rev 4821)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/docenteHorario/actions/actions.class.php	2007-07-18 14:26:27 UTC (rev 4822)
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
   public function preExecute ()
-    $this->getResponse()->addStylesheet(sfConfig::get('sf_admin_web_dir').'/css/main', 'first');
-    $this->vista = $this->getRequestParameter('vista');
+//     $this->getResponse()->addStylesheet(sfConfig::get('sf_admin_web_dir').'/css/main', 'first');
+//     $this->vista = $this->getRequestParameter('vista');
   public function executeIndex ()
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
     $optionsDocente = array();
-    $aMuestraRepeticion = array();
     $aHorario = array();
     $c = new Criteria();
@@ -58,14 +57,6 @@
         $optionsDocente[$docente->getId()] = $docente->getApellido().' '.$docente->getNombre();
-    $aRepeticion  = RepeticionPeer::doSelect(new Criteria());
-    $aMuestraRepeticion = array();
-    foreach($aRepeticion  as $repeticion) {
-        $aMuestraRepeticion[$repeticion->getId()] = $repeticion->getDescripcion();
-    }
     if(count($optionsDocente) > 0) {
         $docente_id = ($this->getRequestParameter('idDocente')) ? $this->getRequestParameter('idDocente') : key($optionsDocente) ;
     } else {
@@ -78,58 +69,128 @@
     $this->aHorario = $aHorario;
     $this->optionsDocente = $optionsDocente;
-    $this->aRepeticion = $aMuestraRepeticion;
     public function executeDeleteHorario ()  {
-        $this->docenteHorario = DocenteHorarioPeer::retrieveByPk($this->getRequestParameter('id'));
+        $this->docenteHorario = DocenteHorarioPeer::retrieveByPk( array( $this->getRequestParameter('docente_id'), $this->getRequestParameter('evento_id')));
         $idDocente = $this->docenteHorario->getFkDocenteId();
+        $link = 'docenteHorario/list?idDocente='.$idDocente;
-        $link = 'docenteHorario/list?idDocente='.$idDocente;
+        try {
+            $this->docenteHorario->delete();
+        }
+        catch (PropelException $e) {
+            $this->getRequest()->setError('delete', 'Could not delete the selected Docente Horario. Make sure it does not have any associated items.');
+            return $this->redirect($link);
+        }
         return $this->redirect($link);
+  protected function saveDocenteHorario($docenteHorario)
+  {
+    $docenteHorario->save();
-    public function executeGrabarDocenteHorario() {
-        $aHorario = $this->getRequestParameter('horario');
-        if(is_array($aHorario)) {        
-            foreach($aHorario as $horario) {
-                $horaInicio = $this->_add_zeros($horario['hora_inicio']['hour'],2).":".$this->_add_zeros($horario['hora_inicio']['minute'],2)." ".$horario['hora_inicio']['ampm'];
-                $horaFin = $this->_add_zeros($horario['hora_fin']['hour'],2).":".$this->_add_zeros($horario['hora_fin']['minute'],2)." ".$horario['hora_fin']['ampm'];
-                if($horaInicio != $horaFin) {
-                    if(isset($horario['id']) AND is_numeric($horario['id'])) {
-                        $this->horario = DocenteHorarioPeer::retrieveByPk($horario['id']);
-                    } else {
-                        $this->horario = new DocenteHorario();
-                    }
-                    $this->horario->setHoraInicio($horaInicio);
-                    $this->horario->setHoraFin($horaFin);
-                    $this->horario->setDia($horario['dia']);
-                    $this->horario->setFkDocenteId($this->getRequestParameter('idDocente'));
-                    $this->horario->setFkRepeticionId($horario['fk_repeticion_id']);
-                    $this->horario->save();
-                }
-            }    
-        }
-        return $this->forward('docenteHorario','list','idDocente/'.$this->getRequestParameter('idDocente'));        
+  }
+  protected function deleteDocenteHorario($docenteHorario)
+  {
+    $docenteHorario->delete();
+  }
+  protected function getDocenteHorarioOrCreate($id = 'idDocente', $id2 = 'idEvento')
+  {
+    if (!$this->getRequestParameter($id2))    {
+        $docenteHorario = new DocenteHorario();
+    } else { 
+        $c = new Criteria();
+        $c->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID, $this->getRequestParameter($id));
+        $c->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, $this->getRequestParameter($id2));
+        $docenteHorario = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelectOne($c);
+// Esta linea de aca abajo deberia funcionar pero da un error no se si es del propel o que
+//         $docenteHorario = DocenteHorarioPeer::retrieveByPK(array($this->getRequestParameter($id2), $this->getRequestParameter($id)) );
+        $this->forward404Unless($docenteHorario);
-    function _add_zeros($string, $strlen) {
-        if ($strlen > strlen($string))  {
-            for ($x = strlen($string); $x < $strlen; $x++) {
-                $string = '0' . $string;
-            }
-        }
-        return $string;
+    return $docenteHorario;
+  }
+  public function executeSave()
+  {
+    return $this->forward('docenteHorario', 'edit');
+  }
+  public function executeEdit()
+  {
+    $this->docente = DocentePeer::retrieveByPk($this->getRequestParameter('idDocente'));
+    $this->docenteHorario = $this->getDocenteHorarioOrCreate();
+    $evento_generico = new miEvento();
+    $this->evento = $evento_generico->getEventoOrCreate($this->docenteHorario->getFkEventoId());
+    if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == sfRequest::POST)
+    {
+        $this->evento = $evento_generico->updateEventoFromRequest($this->evento, $this->getRequestParameter('evento'), $this->getUser()->getCulture());
+        $this->evento->save();
+        $this->forward404Unless($this->evento);
+        $this->updateDocenteHorarioFromRequest($this->evento->getId());
+        $this->saveDocenteHorario($this->docenteHorario);
+        $this->setFlash('notice', 'Your modifications have been saved');
+        if ($this->getRequestParameter('save_and_add'))
+      {
+        return $this->redirect('docenteHorario/create');
+      }
+      else if ($this->getRequestParameter('save_and_list'))
+      {
+        return $this->redirect('docenteHorario/list');
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        return $this->redirect('docenteHorario/edit?idDocente='.$this->docenteHorario->getFkDocenteId().'&idEvento='.$this->docenteHorario->getFkEventoId());
+      }
+    else
+    {
+       $this->labels = $this->getLabels();
+    }
+  }
+  protected function updateDocenteHorarioFromRequest($fk_evento_id = '')  {
+    $docenteHorario = $this->getRequestParameter('docente_horario');
+    if ($fk_evento_id) {
+            $this->docenteHorario->setFkEventoId($fk_evento_id);
+    } else {
+            $this->docenteHorario->setFkEventoId(null);
+    }
+//     if (isset($docenteHorario['fk_evento_id'])) {
+//         $this->docenteHorario->setFkEventoId($docenteHorario['fk_evento_id'] ? $docenteHorario['fk_evento_id'] : null);
+//     }
+    if (isset($docenteHorario['fk_docente_id'])) {
+        $this->docenteHorario->setFkDocenteId($docenteHorario['fk_docente_id'] ? $docenteHorario['fk_docente_id'] : null);
+    }
+  }
+  protected function getLabels()  {
+    return array(
+      'docente_horario{fk_docente_id}' => 'Docente:',
+      'docente_horario{fk_evento_id}' => 'Evento:',
+    );
+  }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/docenteHorario/templates/editSuccess.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/docenteHorario/templates/editSuccess.php	2007-07-16 21:03:57 UTC (rev 4821)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/docenteHorario/templates/editSuccess.php	2007-07-18 14:26:27 UTC (rev 4822)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<?php use_helper('Object', 'Validation', 'ObjectAdmin', 'I18N', 'Date') ?>
+<?php use_stylesheet('/sf/sf_admin/css/main') ?>
+<div id="sf_admin_container">
+<h1><?php echo __('Editar Horarios Tentativos de %1%', array ('%1%' => $docente->getNombre()." ".$docente->getApellido() ) ) ?></h1>
+<div id="sf_admin_content">
+<?php if ($sf_request->hasErrors()): ?>
+<div class="form-errors">
+<h2><?php echo __('There are some errors that prevent the form to validate') ?></h2>
+<?php foreach ($sf_request->getErrorNames() as $name): ?>
+  <dt><?php echo __($labels[$name]) ?></dt>
+  <dd><?php echo $sf_request->getError($name) ?></dd>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
+<?php elseif ($sf_flash->has('notice')): ?>
+<div class="save-ok">
+<h2><?php echo __($sf_flash->get('notice')) ?></h2>
+<?php endif; ?>
+<?php echo form_tag('docenteHorario/edit', array(
+  'id'        => 'sf_admin_edit_form',
+  'name'      => 'sf_admin_edit_form',
+  'multipart' => true,
+)) ?>
+<?php echo input_hidden_tag('docente_horario[fk_docente_id]', $docente->getId()) ?>
+<?php include_partial('evento/carga_evento', array('evento' => $evento )) ?>
+<ul class="sf_admin_actions">
+  <li><?php echo button_to(__('list'), 'docenteHorario/list?idDocente='.$docente->getId(), array (
+  'class' => 'sf_admin_action_list',
+)) ?></li>
+  <li><?php echo submit_tag(__('save'), array (
+  'name' => 'save',
+  'class' => 'sf_admin_action_save',
+)) ?></li>
+  <li><?php echo submit_tag(__('save and add'), array (
+  'name' => 'save_and_add',
+  'class' => 'sf_admin_action_save_and_add',
+)) ?></li>
+<ul class="sf_admin_actions">
+      <li class="float-left"><?php if ($docenteHorario->getFkDocenteId()&&$docenteHorario->getFkEventoId()): ?>
+<?php echo button_to(__('delete'), 'docenteHorario/delete?docente_id='.$docenteHorario->getFkDocenteId()."&evento_id=".$docenteHorario->getFkEventoId(), array (
+  'post' => true,
+  'confirm' => __('Are you sure?'),
+  'class' => 'sf_admin_action_delete',
+)) ?><?php endif; ?>
+  </ul>
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/docenteHorario/templates/editSuccess.php
Name: svn:keywords
   + "Id Author URL Date Rev"

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/docenteHorario/templates/listSuccess.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/docenteHorario/templates/listSuccess.php	2007-07-16 21:03:57 UTC (rev 4821)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/docenteHorario/templates/listSuccess.php	2007-07-18 14:26:27 UTC (rev 4822)
@@ -17,49 +17,37 @@
 <div id="sf_admin_header"></div>
 <div id="sf_admin_container">
+<?php if(count($aHorario) > 0 ) {?>
 <h2>Horarios Tentativos</h2>
 <table cellspacing="0" class="sf_admin_list">
-    <th id="sf_admin_list_th_dia">d&iacute;a</th>
-    <th id="sf_admin_list_th_repeticion">Repetici&oacute;n</th>
-    <th id="sf_admin_list_th_hora_inicio">Hora Inicio</th>
-    <th id="sf_admin_list_th_hora_fin">Hora Fin</th>
-    <th id="sf_admin_list_th_action">Acciones</th>
+    <th id="sf_admin_list_th_dia">Evento</th>
-    $i = 0;
-    foreach($aHorario as $horario){
+<?php $i = 1; foreach ($aHorario as $docente_horario): $odd = fmod(++$i, 2) ?>
   <tr class="sf_admin_row_0">
-    <td><?php echo select_tag("horario[$i][dia]", options_for_select(diasDeLaSemana(), $horario->getDia() ) );?></td>
-    <td><?php echo select_tag("horario[$i][fk_repeticion_id]", options_for_select($aRepeticion ,$horario->getFkRepeticionId()  ) );?></td>
-    <td><?php echo select_time_tag("horario[$i][hora_inicio]", $horario->getHoraInicio(), array('include_second' => false, '12hour_time' => true));?></td>
-    <td><?php echo select_time_tag("horario[$i][hora_fin]", $horario->getHoraFin(), array('include_second' => false, '12hour_time' => true));?></td>    
-    <?php echo input_hidden_tag("horario[$i][id]", $horario->getId()); ?>
-    <td>
-    <ul class="sf_admin_td_actions">
-    <li><?php echo link_to(image_tag(sfConfig::get('sf_admin_web_dir').'/images/delete_icon.png', array('alt' => __('delete'), 'title' => __('delete'))), 'docenteHorario/deleteHorario?id='.$horario->getId()); ?>
-    </ul>
-    </td>
+    <td><?php echo ($docente_horario->getEvento())?$docente_horario->getEvento()->getInfoEnTexto():""; ?></td>
+<ul class="sf_admin_td_actions">
+  <li><?php echo link_to(image_tag('/sf/sf_admin/images/edit_icon.png', array('alt' => __('edit'), 'title' => __('edit'))), 'docenteHorario/edit?idDocente='.$docente_horario->getFkDocenteId()."&idEvento=".$docente_horario->getFkEventoId()) ?></li>
+  <li><?php echo link_to(image_tag('/sf/sf_admin/images/delete_icon.png', array('alt' => __('delete'), 'title' => __('delete'))), 'docenteHorario/delete?idDocente='.$docente_horario->getFkDocenteId()."&idEvento=".$docente_horario->getFkEventoId(), array (
+  'post' => true,
+  'confirm' => __('Are you sure?'),
+)) ?></li>
-  <?php $i++; }?>
-  <tr class="sf_admin_row_0">
-    <td><b>NUEVO</b></td>
-    <td></td>
-    <td></td>
-    <td></td>
-    <td></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr class="sf_admin_row_0">
-    <td><?php echo select_tag("horario[$i][dia]", options_for_select(diasDeLaSemana()));?></td>
-    <td><?php echo select_tag("horario[$i][fk_repeticion_id]", options_for_select($aRepeticion) );?></td>
-    <td><?php echo select_time_tag("horario[$i][hora_inicio]", array(), array('include_second' => false, '12hour_time' => true));?></td>
-    <td><?php echo select_time_tag("horario[$i][hora_fin]", array(), array('include_second' => false, '12hour_time' => true));?></td>
-    <td></td>
-  </tr>
+<?php endforeach; ?>
@@ -68,10 +56,19 @@
-        <div>
+<?php } else { ?>
+No hay horarios cargados
+<?php }?>
           <ul class="sf_admin_actions">
-            <?php echo submit_tag('submit', 'class=sf_admin_action_save value=Grabar')?>
+$id  = ($sf_params->get('idDocente'))?$sf_params->get('idDocente'):1;
+echo button_to(__('create'), 'docenteHorario/edit?idDocente='.$id, array ( 'class' => 'sf_admin_action_create',)) 
              <?php echo button_to('Listado de Docentes','docente/list', array ('class' => 'sf_admin_action_list'))?>

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/config/schema.xml
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/config/schema.xml	2007-07-16 21:03:57 UTC (rev 4821)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/config/schema.xml	2007-07-18 14:26:27 UTC (rev 4822)
@@ -652,14 +652,10 @@
     <table name="docente_horario" idMethod="native">
-      <column name="id" type="integer" size="11" required="true" autoIncrement="true" primaryKey="true"/>
-      <column name="fk_docente_id" type="integer" size="11" required="true" default="0"/>
-      <column name="fk_repeticion_id" type="integer" size="11" required="true" default="0"/>
-      <column name="hora_inicio" type="time" required="true"/>
-      <column name="hora_fin" type="time" required="true"/>
-      <column name="dia" type="integer" size="11" required="true" default="0"/>
-      <foreign-key foreignTable="repeticion">
-        <reference local="fk_repeticion_id" foreign="id"/>       
+      <column name="fk_docente_id" type="integer" size="11" required="true" primaryKey="true"/>
+      <column name="fk_evento_id" type="integer" size="11" required="true" primaryKey="true"/>
+      <foreign-key foreignTable="evento">
+        <reference local="fk_evento_id" foreign="id"/>       
       <foreign-key foreignTable="docente">
         <reference local="fk_docente_id" foreign="id"/>       

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/actualizacion_1.0rc_a_1.0rc2.sql
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/actualizacion_1.0rc_a_1.0rc2.sql	2007-07-16 21:03:57 UTC (rev 4821)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/actualizacion_1.0rc_a_1.0rc2.sql	2007-07-18 14:26:27 UTC (rev 4822)
@@ -62,4 +62,11 @@
 ALTER TABLE `rel_actividad_docente` DROP COLUMN id;
 ALTER TABLE `rel_actividad_docente` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `fk_actividad_id` , `fk_docente_id` ) ;
+ALTER TABLE `docente_horario` DROP `id` , DROP `fk_repeticion_id` , DROP `hora_inicio` , DROP `hora_fin` , DROP `dia` ;
+ALTER TABLE `docente_horario` ADD `fk_evento_id` INT NOT NULL ;
+ALTER TABLE `docente_horario` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `fk_docente_id` , `fk_evento_id` );
+ALTER TABLE `docente_horario` ADD INDEX `fk_evento_FI_1` ( `fk_evento_id` );
+DROP TABLE `menu`;

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/DocenteHorarioMapBuilder.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/DocenteHorarioMapBuilder.php	2007-07-16 21:03:57 UTC (rev 4821)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/DocenteHorarioMapBuilder.php	2007-07-18 14:26:27 UTC (rev 4822)
@@ -30,19 +30,11 @@
 		$tMap = $this->dbMap->addTable('docente_horario');
-		$tMap->setUseIdGenerator(true);
+		$tMap->setUseIdGenerator(false);
-		$tMap->addPrimaryKey('ID', 'Id', 'int', CreoleTypes::INTEGER, true, 11);
+		$tMap->addForeignPrimaryKey('FK_DOCENTE_ID', 'FkDocenteId', 'int' , CreoleTypes::INTEGER, 'docente', 'ID', true, 11);
-		$tMap->addForeignKey('FK_DOCENTE_ID', 'FkDocenteId', 'int', CreoleTypes::INTEGER, 'docente', 'ID', true, 11);
+		$tMap->addForeignPrimaryKey('FK_EVENTO_ID', 'FkEventoId', 'int' , CreoleTypes::INTEGER, 'evento', 'ID', true, 11);
-		$tMap->addForeignKey('FK_REPETICION_ID', 'FkRepeticionId', 'int', CreoleTypes::INTEGER, 'repeticion', 'ID', true, 11);
-		$tMap->addColumn('HORA_INICIO', 'HoraInicio', 'int', CreoleTypes::TIME, true, null);
-		$tMap->addColumn('HORA_FIN', 'HoraFin', 'int', CreoleTypes::TIME, true, null);
-		$tMap->addColumn('DIA', 'Dia', 'int', CreoleTypes::INTEGER, true, 11);
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseDocente.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseDocente.php	2007-07-16 21:03:57 UTC (rev 4821)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseDocente.php	2007-07-18 14:26:27 UTC (rev 4822)
@@ -1635,7 +1635,7 @@
-	public function getDocenteHorariosJoinRepeticion($criteria = null, $con = null)
+	public function getDocenteHorariosJoinEvento($criteria = null, $con = null)
 				include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseDocenteHorarioPeer.php';
 		if ($criteria === null) {
@@ -1653,14 +1653,14 @@
 				$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID, $this->getId());
-				$this->collDocenteHorarios = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelectJoinRepeticion($criteria, $con);
+				$this->collDocenteHorarios = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelectJoinEvento($criteria, $con);
 		} else {
 			$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID, $this->getId());
 			if (!isset($this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria) || !$this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria->equals($criteria)) {
-				$this->collDocenteHorarios = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelectJoinRepeticion($criteria, $con);
+				$this->collDocenteHorarios = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelectJoinEvento($criteria, $con);
 		$this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria = $criteria;

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseDocenteHorario.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseDocenteHorario.php	2007-07-16 21:03:57 UTC (rev 4821)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseDocenteHorario.php	2007-07-18 14:26:27 UTC (rev 4822)
@@ -9,32 +9,16 @@
-	protected $id;
+	protected $fk_docente_id;
-	protected $fk_docente_id = 0;
+	protected $fk_evento_id;
-	protected $fk_repeticion_id = 0;
+	protected $aEvento;
-	protected $hora_inicio;
-	protected $hora_fin;
-	protected $dia = 0;
-	protected $aRepeticion;
 	protected $aDocente;
@@ -44,13 +28,6 @@
 	protected $alreadyInValidation = false;
-	public function getId()
-	{
-		return $this->id;
-	}
 	public function getFkDocenteId()
@@ -58,78 +35,13 @@
-	public function getFkRepeticionId()
+	public function getFkEventoId()
-		return $this->fk_repeticion_id;
+		return $this->fk_evento_id;
-	public function getHoraInicio($format = 'H:i:s')
-	{
-		if ($this->hora_inicio === null || $this->hora_inicio === '') {
-			return null;
-		} elseif (!is_int($this->hora_inicio)) {
-						$ts = strtotime($this->hora_inicio);
-			if ($ts === -1 || $ts === false) { 				throw new PropelException("Unable to parse value of [hora_inicio] as date/time value: " . var_export($this->hora_inicio, true));
-			}
-		} else {
-			$ts = $this->hora_inicio;
-		}
-		if ($format === null) {
-			return $ts;
-		} elseif (strpos($format, '%') !== false) {
-			return strftime($format, $ts);
-		} else {
-			return date($format, $ts);
-		}
-	}
-	public function getHoraFin($format = 'H:i:s')
-	{
-		if ($this->hora_fin === null || $this->hora_fin === '') {
-			return null;
-		} elseif (!is_int($this->hora_fin)) {
-						$ts = strtotime($this->hora_fin);
-			if ($ts === -1 || $ts === false) { 				throw new PropelException("Unable to parse value of [hora_fin] as date/time value: " . var_export($this->hora_fin, true));
-			}
-		} else {
-			$ts = $this->hora_fin;
-		}
-		if ($format === null) {
-			return $ts;
-		} elseif (strpos($format, '%') !== false) {
-			return strftime($format, $ts);
-		} else {
-			return date($format, $ts);
-		}
-	}
-	public function getDia()
-	{
-		return $this->dia;
-	}
-	public function setId($v)
-	{
-						if ($v !== null && !is_int($v) && is_numeric($v)) {
-			$v = (int) $v;
-		}
-		if ($this->id !== $v) {
-			$this->id = $v;
-			$this->modifiedColumns[] = DocenteHorarioPeer::ID;
-		}
-	} 
 	public function setFkDocenteId($v)
@@ -137,7 +49,7 @@
 			$v = (int) $v;
-		if ($this->fk_docente_id !== $v || $v === 0) {
+		if ($this->fk_docente_id !== $v) {
 			$this->fk_docente_id = $v;
 			$this->modifiedColumns[] = DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID;
@@ -148,93 +60,37 @@
-	public function setFkRepeticionId($v)
+	public function setFkEventoId($v)
 						if ($v !== null && !is_int($v) && is_numeric($v)) {
 			$v = (int) $v;
-		if ($this->fk_repeticion_id !== $v || $v === 0) {
-			$this->fk_repeticion_id = $v;
-			$this->modifiedColumns[] = DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID;
+		if ($this->fk_evento_id !== $v) {
+			$this->fk_evento_id = $v;
+			$this->modifiedColumns[] = DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID;
-		if ($this->aRepeticion !== null && $this->aRepeticion->getId() !== $v) {
-			$this->aRepeticion = null;
+		if ($this->aEvento !== null && $this->aEvento->getId() !== $v) {
+			$this->aEvento = null;
-	public function setHoraInicio($v)
-	{
-		if ($v !== null && !is_int($v)) {
-			$ts = strtotime($v);
-			if ($ts === -1 || $ts === false) { 				throw new PropelException("Unable to parse date/time value for [hora_inicio] from input: " . var_export($v, true));
-			}
-		} else {
-			$ts = $v;
-		}
-		if ($this->hora_inicio !== $ts) {
-			$this->hora_inicio = $ts;
-			$this->modifiedColumns[] = DocenteHorarioPeer::HORA_INICIO;
-		}
-	} 
-	public function setHoraFin($v)
-	{
-		if ($v !== null && !is_int($v)) {
-			$ts = strtotime($v);
-			if ($ts === -1 || $ts === false) { 				throw new PropelException("Unable to parse date/time value for [hora_fin] from input: " . var_export($v, true));
-			}
-		} else {
-			$ts = $v;
-		}
-		if ($this->hora_fin !== $ts) {
-			$this->hora_fin = $ts;
-			$this->modifiedColumns[] = DocenteHorarioPeer::HORA_FIN;
-		}
-	} 
-	public function setDia($v)
-	{
-						if ($v !== null && !is_int($v) && is_numeric($v)) {
-			$v = (int) $v;
-		}
-		if ($this->dia !== $v || $v === 0) {
-			$this->dia = $v;
-			$this->modifiedColumns[] = DocenteHorarioPeer::DIA;
-		}
-	} 
 	public function hydrate(ResultSet $rs, $startcol = 1)
 		try {
-			$this->id = $rs->getInt($startcol + 0);
+			$this->fk_docente_id = $rs->getInt($startcol + 0);
-			$this->fk_docente_id = $rs->getInt($startcol + 1);
+			$this->fk_evento_id = $rs->getInt($startcol + 1);
-			$this->fk_repeticion_id = $rs->getInt($startcol + 2);
-			$this->hora_inicio = $rs->getTime($startcol + 3, null);
-			$this->hora_fin = $rs->getTime($startcol + 4, null);
-			$this->dia = $rs->getInt($startcol + 5);
-						return $startcol + 6; 
+						return $startcol + 2; 
 		} catch (Exception $e) {
 			throw new PropelException("Error populating DocenteHorario object", $e);
@@ -292,11 +148,11 @@
-			if ($this->aRepeticion !== null) {
-				if ($this->aRepeticion->isModified()) {
-					$affectedRows += $this->aRepeticion->save($con);
+			if ($this->aEvento !== null) {
+				if ($this->aEvento->isModified()) {
+					$affectedRows += $this->aEvento->save($con);
-				$this->setRepeticion($this->aRepeticion);
+				$this->setEvento($this->aEvento);
 			if ($this->aDocente !== null) {
@@ -311,7 +167,6 @@
 				if ($this->isNew()) {
 					$pk = DocenteHorarioPeer::doInsert($this, $con);
 					$affectedRows += 1; 										 										 
-					$this->setId($pk);  
 				} else {
 					$affectedRows += DocenteHorarioPeer::doUpdate($this, $con);
@@ -355,9 +210,9 @@
-			if ($this->aRepeticion !== null) {
-				if (!$this->aRepeticion->validate($columns)) {
-					$failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $this->aRepeticion->getValidationFailures());
+			if ($this->aEvento !== null) {
+				if (!$this->aEvento->validate($columns)) {
+					$failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $this->aEvento->getValidationFailures());
@@ -392,23 +247,11 @@
 		switch($pos) {
 			case 0:
-				return $this->getId();
+				return $this->getFkDocenteId();
 			case 1:
-				return $this->getFkDocenteId();
+				return $this->getFkEventoId();
-			case 2:
-				return $this->getFkRepeticionId();
-				break;
-			case 3:
-				return $this->getHoraInicio();
-				break;
-			case 4:
-				return $this->getHoraFin();
-				break;
-			case 5:
-				return $this->getDia();
-				break;
 				return null;
@@ -419,12 +262,8 @@
 		$keys = DocenteHorarioPeer::getFieldNames($keyType);
 		$result = array(
-			$keys[0] => $this->getId(),
-			$keys[1] => $this->getFkDocenteId(),
-			$keys[2] => $this->getFkRepeticionId(),
-			$keys[3] => $this->getHoraInicio(),
-			$keys[4] => $this->getHoraFin(),
-			$keys[5] => $this->getDia(),
+			$keys[0] => $this->getFkDocenteId(),
+			$keys[1] => $this->getFkEventoId(),
 		return $result;
@@ -441,23 +280,11 @@
 		switch($pos) {
 			case 0:
-				$this->setId($value);
+				$this->setFkDocenteId($value);
 			case 1:
-				$this->setFkDocenteId($value);
+				$this->setFkEventoId($value);
-			case 2:
-				$this->setFkRepeticionId($value);
-				break;
-			case 3:
-				$this->setHoraInicio($value);
-				break;
-			case 4:
-				$this->setHoraFin($value);
-				break;
-			case 5:
-				$this->setDia($value);
-				break;
 		} 	}
@@ -465,12 +292,8 @@
 		$keys = DocenteHorarioPeer::getFieldNames($keyType);
-		if (array_key_exists($keys[0], $arr)) $this->setId($arr[$keys[0]]);
-		if (array_key_exists($keys[1], $arr)) $this->setFkDocenteId($arr[$keys[1]]);
-		if (array_key_exists($keys[2], $arr)) $this->setFkRepeticionId($arr[$keys[2]]);
-		if (array_key_exists($keys[3], $arr)) $this->setHoraInicio($arr[$keys[3]]);
-		if (array_key_exists($keys[4], $arr)) $this->setHoraFin($arr[$keys[4]]);
-		if (array_key_exists($keys[5], $arr)) $this->setDia($arr[$keys[5]]);
+		if (array_key_exists($keys[0], $arr)) $this->setFkDocenteId($arr[$keys[0]]);
+		if (array_key_exists($keys[1], $arr)) $this->setFkEventoId($arr[$keys[1]]);
@@ -478,12 +301,8 @@
 		$criteria = new Criteria(DocenteHorarioPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
-		if ($this->isColumnModified(DocenteHorarioPeer::ID)) $criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::ID, $this->id);
 		if ($this->isColumnModified(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID)) $criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID, $this->fk_docente_id);
-		if ($this->isColumnModified(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID)) $criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID, $this->fk_repeticion_id);
-		if ($this->isColumnModified(DocenteHorarioPeer::HORA_INICIO)) $criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::HORA_INICIO, $this->hora_inicio);
-		if ($this->isColumnModified(DocenteHorarioPeer::HORA_FIN)) $criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::HORA_FIN, $this->hora_fin);
-		if ($this->isColumnModified(DocenteHorarioPeer::DIA)) $criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::DIA, $this->dia);
+		if ($this->isColumnModified(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID)) $criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, $this->fk_evento_id);
 		return $criteria;
@@ -493,7 +312,8 @@
 		$criteria = new Criteria(DocenteHorarioPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
-		$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::ID, $this->id);
+		$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID, $this->fk_docente_id);
+		$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, $this->fk_evento_id);
 		return $criteria;
@@ -501,33 +321,34 @@
 	public function getPrimaryKey()
-		return $this->getId();
+		$pks = array();
+		$pks[0] = $this->getFkDocenteId();
+		$pks[1] = $this->getFkEventoId();
+		return $pks;
-	public function setPrimaryKey($key)
+	public function setPrimaryKey($keys)
-		$this->setId($key);
+		$this->setFkDocenteId($keys[0]);
+		$this->setFkEventoId($keys[1]);
 	public function copyInto($copyObj, $deepCopy = false)
-		$copyObj->setFkDocenteId($this->fk_docente_id);
-		$copyObj->setFkRepeticionId($this->fk_repeticion_id);
-		$copyObj->setHoraInicio($this->hora_inicio);
-		$copyObj->setHoraFin($this->hora_fin);
-		$copyObj->setDia($this->dia);
-		$copyObj->setId(NULL); 
+		$copyObj->setFkDocenteId(NULL); 
+		$copyObj->setFkEventoId(NULL); 
@@ -549,33 +370,33 @@
-	public function setRepeticion($v)
+	public function setEvento($v)
 		if ($v === null) {
-			$this->setFkRepeticionId('0');
+			$this->setFkEventoId(NULL);
 		} else {
-			$this->setFkRepeticionId($v->getId());
+			$this->setFkEventoId($v->getId());
-		$this->aRepeticion = $v;
+		$this->aEvento = $v;
-	public function getRepeticion($con = null)
+	public function getEvento($con = null)
-				include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseRepeticionPeer.php';
+				include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseEventoPeer.php';
-		if ($this->aRepeticion === null && ($this->fk_repeticion_id !== null)) {
+		if ($this->aEvento === null && ($this->fk_evento_id !== null)) {
-			$this->aRepeticion = RepeticionPeer::retrieveByPK($this->fk_repeticion_id, $con);
+			$this->aEvento = EventoPeer::retrieveByPK($this->fk_evento_id, $con);
-		return $this->aRepeticion;
+		return $this->aEvento;
@@ -584,7 +405,7 @@
 		if ($v === null) {
-			$this->setFkDocenteId('0');
+			$this->setFkDocenteId(NULL);
 		} else {

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseDocenteHorarioPeer.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseDocenteHorarioPeer.php	2007-07-16 21:03:57 UTC (rev 4821)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseDocenteHorarioPeer.php	2007-07-18 14:26:27 UTC (rev 4822)
@@ -13,48 +13,36 @@
 	const CLASS_DEFAULT = 'lib.model.DocenteHorario';
-	const NUM_COLUMNS = 6;
+	const NUM_COLUMNS = 2;
-	const ID = 'docente_horario.ID';
 	const FK_DOCENTE_ID = 'docente_horario.FK_DOCENTE_ID';
-	const FK_REPETICION_ID = 'docente_horario.FK_REPETICION_ID';
+	const FK_EVENTO_ID = 'docente_horario.FK_EVENTO_ID';
-	const HORA_INICIO = 'docente_horario.HORA_INICIO';
-	const HORA_FIN = 'docente_horario.HORA_FIN';
-	const DIA = 'docente_horario.DIA';
 	private static $phpNameMap = null;
 	private static $fieldNames = array (
-		BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME => array ('Id', 'FkDocenteId', 'FkRepeticionId', 'HoraInicio', 'HoraFin', 'Dia', ),
-		BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME => array (DocenteHorarioPeer::ID, DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID, DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID, DocenteHorarioPeer::HORA_INICIO, DocenteHorarioPeer::HORA_FIN, DocenteHorarioPeer::DIA, ),
-		BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME => array ('id', 'fk_docente_id', 'fk_repeticion_id', 'hora_inicio', 'hora_fin', 'dia', ),
-		BasePeer::TYPE_NUM => array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, )
+		BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME => array ('FkDocenteId', 'FkEventoId', ),
+		BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME => array (DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID, DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, ),
+		BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME => array ('fk_docente_id', 'fk_evento_id', ),
+		BasePeer::TYPE_NUM => array (0, 1, )
 	private static $fieldKeys = array (
-		BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME => array ('Id' => 0, 'FkDocenteId' => 1, 'FkRepeticionId' => 2, 'HoraInicio' => 3, 'HoraFin' => 4, 'Dia' => 5, ),
-		BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME => array (DocenteHorarioPeer::ID => 0, DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID => 1, DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID => 2, DocenteHorarioPeer::HORA_INICIO => 3, DocenteHorarioPeer::HORA_FIN => 4, DocenteHorarioPeer::DIA => 5, ),
-		BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME => array ('id' => 0, 'fk_docente_id' => 1, 'fk_repeticion_id' => 2, 'hora_inicio' => 3, 'hora_fin' => 4, 'dia' => 5, ),
-		BasePeer::TYPE_NUM => array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, )
+		BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME => array ('FkDocenteId' => 0, 'FkEventoId' => 1, ),
+		BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME => array (DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID => 0, DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID => 1, ),
+		BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME => array ('fk_docente_id' => 0, 'fk_evento_id' => 1, ),
+		BasePeer::TYPE_NUM => array (0, 1, )
@@ -108,22 +96,14 @@
 	public static function addSelectColumns(Criteria $criteria)
-		$criteria->addSelectColumn(DocenteHorarioPeer::ID);
-		$criteria->addSelectColumn(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID);
+		$criteria->addSelectColumn(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID);
-		$criteria->addSelectColumn(DocenteHorarioPeer::HORA_INICIO);
-		$criteria->addSelectColumn(DocenteHorarioPeer::HORA_FIN);
-		$criteria->addSelectColumn(DocenteHorarioPeer::DIA);
-	const COUNT = 'COUNT(docente_horario.ID)';
-	const COUNT_DISTINCT = 'COUNT(DISTINCT docente_horario.ID)';
+	const COUNT = 'COUNT(docente_horario.FK_DOCENTE_ID)';
 	public static function doCount(Criteria $criteria, $distinct = false, $con = null)
@@ -199,7 +179,7 @@
-	public static function doCountJoinRepeticion(Criteria $criteria, $distinct = false, $con = null)
+	public static function doCountJoinEvento(Criteria $criteria, $distinct = false, $con = null)
 				$criteria = clone $criteria;
@@ -215,7 +195,7 @@
-		$criteria->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID, RepeticionPeer::ID);
+		$criteria->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, EventoPeer::ID);
 		$rs = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelectRS($criteria, $con);
 		if ($rs->next()) {
@@ -255,7 +235,7 @@
-	public static function doSelectJoinRepeticion(Criteria $c, $con = null)
+	public static function doSelectJoinEvento(Criteria $c, $con = null)
 		$c = clone $c;
@@ -265,9 +245,9 @@
 		$startcol = (DocenteHorarioPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - DocenteHorarioPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS) + 1;
-		RepeticionPeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+		EventoPeer::addSelectColumns($c);
-		$c->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID, RepeticionPeer::ID);
+		$c->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, EventoPeer::ID);
 		$rs = BasePeer::doSelect($c, $con);
 		$results = array();
@@ -279,7 +259,7 @@
 			$obj1 = new $cls();
-			$omClass = RepeticionPeer::getOMClass();
+			$omClass = EventoPeer::getOMClass();
 			$cls = Propel::import($omClass);
 			$obj2 = new $cls();
@@ -287,7 +267,7 @@
 			$newObject = true;
 			foreach($results as $temp_obj1) {
-				$temp_obj2 = $temp_obj1->getRepeticion(); 				if ($temp_obj2->getPrimaryKey() === $obj2->getPrimaryKey()) {
+				$temp_obj2 = $temp_obj1->getEvento(); 				if ($temp_obj2->getPrimaryKey() === $obj2->getPrimaryKey()) {
 					$newObject = false;
 										$temp_obj2->addDocenteHorario($obj1); 					break;
@@ -365,7 +345,7 @@
-		$criteria->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID, RepeticionPeer::ID);
+		$criteria->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, EventoPeer::ID);
 		$criteria->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID, DocentePeer::ID);
@@ -390,13 +370,13 @@
 		$startcol2 = (DocenteHorarioPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - DocenteHorarioPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS) + 1;
-		RepeticionPeer::addSelectColumns($c);
-		$startcol3 = $startcol2 + RepeticionPeer::NUM_COLUMNS;
+		EventoPeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+		$startcol3 = $startcol2 + EventoPeer::NUM_COLUMNS;
 		$startcol4 = $startcol3 + DocentePeer::NUM_COLUMNS;
-		$c->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID, RepeticionPeer::ID);
+		$c->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, EventoPeer::ID);
 		$c->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID, DocentePeer::ID);
@@ -414,7 +394,7 @@
-			$omClass = RepeticionPeer::getOMClass();
+			$omClass = EventoPeer::getOMClass();
 			$cls = Propel::import($omClass);
@@ -424,7 +404,7 @@
 			$newObject = true;
 			for ($j=0, $resCount=count($results); $j < $resCount; $j++) {
 				$temp_obj1 = $results[$j];
-				$temp_obj2 = $temp_obj1->getRepeticion(); 				if ($temp_obj2->getPrimaryKey() === $obj2->getPrimaryKey()) {
+				$temp_obj2 = $temp_obj1->getEvento(); 				if ($temp_obj2->getPrimaryKey() === $obj2->getPrimaryKey()) {
 					$newObject = false;
 					$temp_obj2->addDocenteHorario($obj1); 					break;
@@ -465,7 +445,7 @@
-	public static function doCountJoinAllExceptRepeticion(Criteria $criteria, $distinct = false, $con = null)
+	public static function doCountJoinAllExceptEvento(Criteria $criteria, $distinct = false, $con = null)
 				$criteria = clone $criteria;
@@ -509,7 +489,7 @@
-		$criteria->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID, RepeticionPeer::ID);
+		$criteria->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, EventoPeer::ID);
 		$rs = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelectRS($criteria, $con);
 		if ($rs->next()) {
@@ -521,7 +501,7 @@
-	public static function doSelectJoinAllExceptRepeticion(Criteria $c, $con = null)
+	public static function doSelectJoinAllExceptEvento(Criteria $c, $con = null)
 		$c = clone $c;
@@ -589,10 +569,10 @@
 		$startcol2 = (DocenteHorarioPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - DocenteHorarioPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS) + 1;
-		RepeticionPeer::addSelectColumns($c);
-		$startcol3 = $startcol2 + RepeticionPeer::NUM_COLUMNS;
+		EventoPeer::addSelectColumns($c);
+		$startcol3 = $startcol2 + EventoPeer::NUM_COLUMNS;
-		$c->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID, RepeticionPeer::ID);
+		$c->addJoin(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, EventoPeer::ID);
 		$rs = BasePeer::doSelect($c, $con);
@@ -606,7 +586,7 @@
 			$obj1 = new $cls();
-			$omClass = RepeticionPeer::getOMClass();
+			$omClass = EventoPeer::getOMClass();
 			$cls = Propel::import($omClass);
@@ -616,7 +596,7 @@
 			$newObject = true;
 			for ($j=0, $resCount=count($results); $j < $resCount; $j++) {
 				$temp_obj1 = $results[$j];
-				$temp_obj2 = $temp_obj1->getRepeticion(); 				if ($temp_obj2->getPrimaryKey() === $obj2->getPrimaryKey()) {
+				$temp_obj2 = $temp_obj1->getEvento(); 				if ($temp_obj2->getPrimaryKey() === $obj2->getPrimaryKey()) {
 					$newObject = false;
@@ -656,7 +636,6 @@
 			$criteria = clone $values; 		} else {
 			$criteria = $values->buildCriteria(); 		}
-		$criteria->remove(DocenteHorarioPeer::ID); 
@@ -683,9 +662,12 @@
 		if ($values instanceof Criteria) {
 			$criteria = clone $values; 
-			$comparison = $criteria->getComparison(DocenteHorarioPeer::ID);
-			$selectCriteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::ID, $criteria->remove(DocenteHorarioPeer::ID), $comparison);
+			$comparison = $criteria->getComparison(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID);
+			$selectCriteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID, $criteria->remove(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID), $comparison);
+			$comparison = $criteria->getComparison(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID);
+			$selectCriteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, $criteria->remove(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID), $comparison);
 		} else { 			$criteria = $values->buildCriteria(); 			$selectCriteria = $values->buildPkeyCriteria(); 		}
@@ -723,7 +705,20 @@
 			$criteria = $values->buildPkeyCriteria();
 		} else {
 						$criteria = new Criteria(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-			$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::ID, (array) $values, Criteria::IN);
+												if(count($values) == count($values, COUNT_RECURSIVE))
+			{
+								$values = array($values);
+			}
+			$vals = array();
+			foreach($values as $value)
+			{
+				$vals[0][] = $value[0];
+				$vals[1][] = $value[1];
+			}
+			$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID, $vals[0], Criteria::IN);
+			$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, $vals[1], Criteria::IN);
@@ -777,40 +772,17 @@
-	public static function retrieveByPK($pk, $con = null)
-	{
+	public static function retrieveByPK( $fk_docente_id, $fk_evento_id, $con = null) {
 		if ($con === null) {
 			$con = Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-		$criteria = new Criteria(DocenteHorarioPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
-		$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::ID, $pk);
+		$criteria = new Criteria();
+		$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_DOCENTE_ID, $fk_docente_id);
+		$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, $fk_evento_id);
 		$v = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
-		return !empty($v) > 0 ? $v[0] : null;
+		return !empty($v) ? $v[0] : null;
-	public static function retrieveByPKs($pks, $con = null)
-	{
-		if ($con === null) {
-			$con = Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-		}
-		$objs = null;
-		if (empty($pks)) {
-			$objs = array();
-		} else {
-			$criteria = new Criteria();
-			$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::ID, $pks, Criteria::IN);
-			$objs = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
-		}
-		return $objs;
-	}
 if (Propel::isInit()) {
 			try {

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseEvento.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseEvento.php	2007-07-16 21:03:57 UTC (rev 4821)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseEvento.php	2007-07-18 14:26:27 UTC (rev 4822)
@@ -54,6 +54,12 @@
 	protected $lastRelDivisionActividadDocenteCriteria = null;
+	protected $collDocenteHorarios;
+	protected $lastDocenteHorarioCriteria = null;
 	protected $alreadyInSave = false;
@@ -410,6 +416,14 @@
+			if ($this->collDocenteHorarios !== null) {
+				foreach($this->collDocenteHorarios as $referrerFK) {
+					if (!$referrerFK->isDeleted()) {
+						$affectedRows += $referrerFK->save($con);
+					}
+				}
+			}
 			$this->alreadyInSave = false;
 		return $affectedRows;
@@ -459,7 +473,15 @@
+				if ($this->collDocenteHorarios !== null) {
+					foreach($this->collDocenteHorarios as $referrerFK) {
+						if (!$referrerFK->validate($columns)) {
+							$failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $referrerFK->getValidationFailures());
+						}
+					}
+				}
 			$this->alreadyInValidation = false;
@@ -662,6 +684,10 @@
+			foreach($this->getDocenteHorarios() as $relObj) {
+				$copyObj->addDocenteHorario($relObj->copy($deepCopy));
+			}
@@ -897,4 +923,109 @@
 		return $this->collRelDivisionActividadDocentes;
+	public function initDocenteHorarios()
+	{
+		if ($this->collDocenteHorarios === null) {
+			$this->collDocenteHorarios = array();
+		}
+	}
+	public function getDocenteHorarios($criteria = null, $con = null)
+	{
+				include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseDocenteHorarioPeer.php';
+		if ($criteria === null) {
+			$criteria = new Criteria();
+		}
+		elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
+		{
+			$criteria = clone $criteria;
+		}
+		if ($this->collDocenteHorarios === null) {
+			if ($this->isNew()) {
+			   $this->collDocenteHorarios = array();
+			} else {
+				$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, $this->getId());
+				DocenteHorarioPeer::addSelectColumns($criteria);
+				$this->collDocenteHorarios = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
+			}
+		} else {
+						if (!$this->isNew()) {
+				$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, $this->getId());
+				DocenteHorarioPeer::addSelectColumns($criteria);
+				if (!isset($this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria) || !$this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria->equals($criteria)) {
+					$this->collDocenteHorarios = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria = $criteria;
+		return $this->collDocenteHorarios;
+	}
+	public function countDocenteHorarios($criteria = null, $distinct = false, $con = null)
+	{
+				include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseDocenteHorarioPeer.php';
+		if ($criteria === null) {
+			$criteria = new Criteria();
+		}
+		elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
+		{
+			$criteria = clone $criteria;
+		}
+		$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, $this->getId());
+		return DocenteHorarioPeer::doCount($criteria, $distinct, $con);
+	}
+	public function addDocenteHorario(DocenteHorario $l)
+	{
+		$this->collDocenteHorarios[] = $l;
+		$l->setEvento($this);
+	}
+	public function getDocenteHorariosJoinDocente($criteria = null, $con = null)
+	{
+				include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseDocenteHorarioPeer.php';
+		if ($criteria === null) {
+			$criteria = new Criteria();
+		}
+		elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
+		{
+			$criteria = clone $criteria;
+		}
+		if ($this->collDocenteHorarios === null) {
+			if ($this->isNew()) {
+				$this->collDocenteHorarios = array();
+			} else {
+				$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, $this->getId());
+				$this->collDocenteHorarios = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelectJoinDocente($criteria, $con);
+			}
+		} else {
+			$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_EVENTO_ID, $this->getId());
+			if (!isset($this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria) || !$this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria->equals($criteria)) {
+				$this->collDocenteHorarios = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelectJoinDocente($criteria, $con);
+			}
+		}
+		$this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria = $criteria;
+		return $this->collDocenteHorarios;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseRepeticion.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseRepeticion.php	2007-07-16 21:03:57 UTC (rev 4821)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseRepeticion.php	2007-07-18 14:26:27 UTC (rev 4822)
@@ -26,12 +26,6 @@
 	protected $lastRelDivisionActividadDocenteCriteria = null;
-	protected $collDocenteHorarios;
-	protected $lastDocenteHorarioCriteria = null;
 	protected $alreadyInSave = false;
@@ -191,14 +185,6 @@
-			if ($this->collDocenteHorarios !== null) {
-				foreach($this->collDocenteHorarios as $referrerFK) {
-					if (!$referrerFK->isDeleted()) {
-						$affectedRows += $referrerFK->save($con);
-					}
-				}
-			}
 			$this->alreadyInSave = false;
 		return $affectedRows;
@@ -248,15 +234,7 @@
-				if ($this->collDocenteHorarios !== null) {
-					foreach($this->collDocenteHorarios as $referrerFK) {
-						if (!$referrerFK->validate($columns)) {
-							$failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $referrerFK->getValidationFailures());
-						}
-					}
-				}
 			$this->alreadyInValidation = false;
@@ -382,10 +360,6 @@
-			foreach($this->getDocenteHorarios() as $relObj) {
-				$copyObj->addDocenteHorario($relObj->copy($deepCopy));
-			}
@@ -621,109 +595,4 @@
 		return $this->collRelDivisionActividadDocentes;
-	public function initDocenteHorarios()
-	{
-		if ($this->collDocenteHorarios === null) {
-			$this->collDocenteHorarios = array();
-		}
-	}
-	public function getDocenteHorarios($criteria = null, $con = null)
-	{
-				include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseDocenteHorarioPeer.php';
-		if ($criteria === null) {
-			$criteria = new Criteria();
-		}
-		elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
-		{
-			$criteria = clone $criteria;
-		}
-		if ($this->collDocenteHorarios === null) {
-			if ($this->isNew()) {
-			   $this->collDocenteHorarios = array();
-			} else {
-				$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID, $this->getId());
-				DocenteHorarioPeer::addSelectColumns($criteria);
-				$this->collDocenteHorarios = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
-			}
-		} else {
-						if (!$this->isNew()) {
-				$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID, $this->getId());
-				DocenteHorarioPeer::addSelectColumns($criteria);
-				if (!isset($this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria) || !$this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria->equals($criteria)) {
-					$this->collDocenteHorarios = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria = $criteria;
-		return $this->collDocenteHorarios;
-	}
-	public function countDocenteHorarios($criteria = null, $distinct = false, $con = null)
-	{
-				include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseDocenteHorarioPeer.php';
-		if ($criteria === null) {
-			$criteria = new Criteria();
-		}
-		elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
-		{
-			$criteria = clone $criteria;
-		}
-		$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID, $this->getId());
-		return DocenteHorarioPeer::doCount($criteria, $distinct, $con);
-	}
-	public function addDocenteHorario(DocenteHorario $l)
-	{
-		$this->collDocenteHorarios[] = $l;
-		$l->setRepeticion($this);
-	}
-	public function getDocenteHorariosJoinDocente($criteria = null, $con = null)
-	{
-				include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseDocenteHorarioPeer.php';
-		if ($criteria === null) {
-			$criteria = new Criteria();
-		}
-		elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
-		{
-			$criteria = clone $criteria;
-		}
-		if ($this->collDocenteHorarios === null) {
-			if ($this->isNew()) {
-				$this->collDocenteHorarios = array();
-			} else {
-				$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID, $this->getId());
-				$this->collDocenteHorarios = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelectJoinDocente($criteria, $con);
-			}
-		} else {
-			$criteria->add(DocenteHorarioPeer::FK_REPETICION_ID, $this->getId());
-			if (!isset($this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria) || !$this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria->equals($criteria)) {
-				$this->collDocenteHorarios = DocenteHorarioPeer::doSelectJoinDocente($criteria, $con);
-			}
-		}
-		$this->lastDocenteHorarioCriteria = $criteria;
-		return $this->collDocenteHorarios;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file

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