[Alba-desarrollo] SVN Alba r4819 - in prosistem/alba/trunk/alba: apps/principal/modules apps/principal/templates config data/sql lib/model lib/model/map lib/model/om

commits en pressenter.com.ar commits en pressenter.com.ar
Lun Jul 16 22:00:32 CEST 2007

Author: ftoledo
Date: 2007-07-16 17:00:27 -0300 (Mon, 16 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 4819

cambiando el menu desde la base de datos
a un archivo template de html

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/templates/menu.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/templates/menu.php	2007-07-1=
6 18:23:01 UTC (rev 4818)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/templates/menu.php	2007-07-1=
6 20:00:27 UTC (rev 4819)
@@ -1,75 +1,151 @@
- *    This file is part of Alba.
- *
- *    Alba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published =
- *    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- *    (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *    Alba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *    GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *    along with Alba; if not, write to the Free Software
- *    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1=
301  USA
- */
- * menu
- *
- * @package    alba
- * @author     Jos=C3=A9 Luis Di Biase <josx en interorganic.com.ar>
- * @author     H=C3=A9ctor Sanchez <hsanchez en pressenter.com.ar>
- * @author     Fernando Toledo <ftoledo en pressenter.com.ar>
- * @version    SVN: $Id$
- * @filesource
- * @license GPL
- */
-  //Obtengo el contenido del menu
-	use_helper ('Debug');
-	function drawMenu($id_parent) {
-        global $sf_user;
-		echo "<ul>\n";
-        $c =3D new Criteria();
-        $c->add(MenuPeer::FK_PADRE_MENU_ID,$id_parent);
-        if ($id_parent =3D=3D 1)
-            $c->add(MenuPeer::ID,1,Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); // evitan menu =
-        $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(MenuPeer::ORDEN);
-        $nodos =3D MenuPeer::doSelect($c);
-       =20
-		foreach($nodos as $nodo) {
-            if (sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->hasCredential($nodo=
->getPerm()) || $nodo->getPerm() =3D=3D '') {
-    			echo "\t<li>";
-                if ($nodo->getNombre() !=3D '-') {
-                    echo "<span></span>";
-                    if ($nodo->getTarget() =3D=3D '')
-                        echo link_to($nodo->getNombre(),$nodo->getLink()=
) . "\n";
-                    else
-                        echo link_to($nodo->getNombre(),$nodo->getLink()=
,array('target'=3D> $nodo->getTarget())) . "\n";
-                   =20
-    		    	if ($nodo->getLink() =3D=3D'#')
-    				    drawMenu($nodo->getId());
-                }
-        		echo "</li>\n";
-	        }
-            else
-                debug_message("falta permiso de menu: " . $nodo->getPerm=
-		}
-		echo "</ul>\n";
-	}
 <script>                                                                =
 	var my<?php echo sfConfig::get("app_alba_menutheme")?>Base =3D "<?echo =
sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot() . '/js/jsmen=
u/themes/' .sfConfig::get("app_alba_menutheme"). '/'?>";
 </script>                                                               =
 <script src=3D"<?echo sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativ=
eUrlRoot() . '/js/jsmenu/themes/'.sfConfig::get("app_alba_menutheme").'/t=
 <div id=3D"menu" align=3D"center">
-	<? drawMenu(1); ?>
+	<ul>
+	    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Administraci&oacute;n</a>
+            <ul>
+	            <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">General</a>
+                    <ul>
+	                    <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Definir Organi=
+	                    <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Definir Establ=
+                    </ul>
+                </li>
+	            <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Configuraciones Previas</a>
+                    <ul>
+	                    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Generales</a>
+                            <ul>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r Pa&iacute;ses","pais")?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r Provincias",'provincia')?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r Distritos Escolares","distritoescolar")?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r Categor&iacute;a de IVA","tipoiva")?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Tipo D=
+                            </ul>
+                        </li>
+	                    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Alumnos</a>
+                            <ul>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r tipo de bajas","conceptobaja")?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r tipo de asistencia","tipoasistencia")?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r Escala de notas","escalanota")?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Tipos =
de entrada al legajo pedag&oacute;gico","legajocategoria")?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r Categor&iacute;as del Bolet&iacute;n de Concepto","concepto")?></li>
+                            </ul>
+                        </li>
+	                    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Docentes</a>
+                            <ul>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Tipos =
de docentes",'tipodocente')?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Motivo=
s de baja", "cargobaja")?></li>
+                            </ul>
+                        </li>
+	                    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Calendarios y Horari=
+                            <ul>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r Ciclos Lectivos","coclilectivo")?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r Per=C3=ADodos","ciclolectivo/agregarTurnosYPeriodos")?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r turnos","turnos")?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Tipos =
de intevalos de horario escolar","horarioescolartipo")?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r feriados del a&ntilde;o","feriado")?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Calend=
ario de vacunas","calendariovacunacion")?></li>
+                            </ul>
+                        </li>
+	                    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Locaciones y Espacio=
+                            <ul>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r tipos de Locaciones","tipolocacion")?></li>
+	                            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Defini=
r tipos de Espacios","tipoespacio")?></li>
+                            </ul>
+                        </li>
+                    </ul>
+                </li>
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Preferencias Generales=
+	            <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Seguridad</a>
+                    <ul>
+	                    <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Usuario","usua=
+	                    <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Rol","rol")?><=
+	                    <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Permiso","perm=
+	                    <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("M&oacute;dulo"=
+                    </ul>
+                </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+	    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Cuentas</a>
+            <ul>
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Administrar","cuenta")=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Responsables","respons=
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+	    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Alumnos</a>
+            <ul>
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Ingresar Nuevo","alumn=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Listar Todos","alumno/=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Buscar Alumno para..."=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Asistencia por Secci&o=
+	            <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Boletines</a>
+                    <ul>
+	                    <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Concepto","bol=
+	                    <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Notas","boleti=
+                    </ul>
+                </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+	    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Docentes</a>
+            <ul>
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Administrar","docente"=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Actividad/Materia por =
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+	    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Gesti&oacute;n Escolar</a>
+            <ul>
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Definir Grados/A&ntild=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Definir Secciones/Divi=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Asignar Alumno a Secci=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Ingresar Materias/Acti=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Actividades por Grado/=
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+	    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Calendarios y Horarios</a>
+            <ul>
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Ir a Ciclo Lectivo Act=
+	            <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Horario Escolar</a>
+                    <ul>
+	                    <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Definir horari=
o clases","horarioescolar")?></li>
+	                    <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Generar Horari=
o por secci&oacute;n/divisi&oacute;n","calendario")?></li>
+                    </ul>
+                </li>
+	            <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Horario seg&uacute;n...?</a>
+                    <ul>
+	                    <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("...docentes","=
+	                    <li><span></span><?php echo link_to ("...secci&oacu=
+                    </ul>
+                </li>
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+	    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Locaciones y Espacios</a>
+            <ul>
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Listado de Locaciones"=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Listado de Espacios x =
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+	    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Informes y Consultas</a>
+            <ul>
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Constancia Alumno Regu=
+	            <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Constancia Egreso 7mo</a></l=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Alumnos por divisi&oac=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Boletines","informes/b=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Certificado de Estudio=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Solicitud de Legajo","=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Biblioteca de contenid=
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+	    <li><span></span><a href=3D"#">Ayuda</a>
+            <ul>
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Indice...","ayuda")?><=
+	            <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Cr&eacute;ditos","cred=
+            </ul>
+        </li>
+	    <li><span></span><?php echo link_to("Salir","seguridad/logout")?></=
+    </ul>
 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=3D"JavaScript">                                        =
@@ -77,3 +153,4 @@
 cmDrawFromText ('menu', 'hbr', cm<?php echo sfConfig::get("app_alba_menu=
theme")?>, '<?php echo sfConfig::get("app_alba_menutheme")?>');          =
 -->                                                                     =

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/config/schema.xml
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/config/schema.xml	2007-07-16 18:23:01 UTC (=
rev 4818)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/config/schema.xml	2007-07-16 20:00:27 UTC (=
rev 4819)
@@ -702,21 +702,6 @@
     <column name=3D"descripcion" type=3D"VARCHAR" size=3D"255" required=3D=
-    <table name=3D"menu" idMethod=3D"native">
-        <column name=3D"id" type=3D"INTEGER" required=3D"true" autoIncre=
ment=3D"true" primaryKey=3D"true"/>
-        <column name=3D"nombre" type=3D"VARCHAR" size=3D"255" required=3D=
"true" default=3D""/>
-        <column name=3D"link" type=3D"VARCHAR" size=3D"255" required=3D"=
true" default=3D""/>
-        <column name=3D"perm" type=3D"VARCHAR" size=3D"255" required=3D"=
true" default=3D""/>
-        <column name=3D"target" type=3D"VARCHAR" size=3D"255" required=3D=
"true" default=3D""/>
-        <column name=3D"fk_padre_menu_id" type=3D"INTEGER" required=3D"f=
-        <column name=3D"orden" type=3D"INTEGER" required=3D"false"/>
-        <index name=3D"nombre_menu">
-          <index-column name=3D"nombre"/>
-        </index>
-        <foreign-key foreignTable=3D"menu">        =20
-          <reference local=3D"fk_padre_menu_id" foreign=3D"id"/>      =20
-        </foreign-key>
-    </table>
 	<table name=3D"tipoasistencia" idMethod=3D"native">
     	<column name=3D"id" type=3D"INTEGER" size=3D"11" required=3D"true" =
autoIncrement=3D"true" primaryKey=3D"true"/>
        	<column name=3D"nombre" type=3D"VARCHAR" size=3D"10" required=3D=

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/actualizacion_1.0rc_a_1.0rc2=
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/actualizacion_1.0rc_a_1.0rc2.sql	2=
007-07-16 18:23:01 UTC (rev 4818)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/actualizacion_1.0rc_a_1.0rc2.sql	2=
007-07-16 20:00:27 UTC (rev 4819)
@@ -1,19 +1,5 @@
-INSERT INTO `menu` ( `id` , `nombre` , `link` , `perm` , `fk_padre_menu_=
id` , `orden` , `target` )
-'96', 'Biblioteca de contenidos', 'sfMediaLibrary', 'informes', '9', '0'=
, ''
-INSERT INTO `menu` ( `id` , `nombre` , `link` , `perm` , `fk_padre_menu_=
id` , `orden` , `target` )
-'97', 'Definir Roles de responsables', 'rolResponsable', 'rolResponsable=
', '84', '0', '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` ( `id` , `nombre` , `link` , `perm` , `fk_padre_menu_=
id` , `orden` , `target` )
-VALUES (98,'Per&iacute;odos','ciclolectivo/agregarTurnosYPeriodos','cicl=
 CREATE TABLE `rol_responsable`

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/datos_desde_cero.sql
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/datos_desde_cero.sql	2007-07-16 18=
:23:01 UTC (rev 4818)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/datos_desde_cero.sql	2007-07-16 20=
:00:27 UTC (rev 4819)
@@ -133,95 +133,6 @@
 VALUES (1, 'admin', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', 1, 'admin en localh=
ost', 1, '2006-12-03 00:00:00', '2006-12-03 00:00:00', 'usuario por defec=
to', 'adminsitrador', 1, 0);
--- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla 'menu'
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (1, '-- Menu Raiz --', '#', '', 1, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (2, 'General', '#', '', 10, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (3, 'Cuentas', '#', '', 1, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (4, 'Alumnos', '#', '', 1, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (5, 'Docentes', '#', '', 1, 30, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (6, 'Gesti&oacute;n Escolar', '#', '', 1, 40, '=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (7, 'Calendarios y Horarios', '#', '', 1, 50, '=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (8, 'Locaciones y Espacios', '#', '', 1, 60, ''=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (9, 'Informes y Consultas', '#', '', 1, 70, '')=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (10, 'Administraci&oacute;n', '#', '', 1, 0, ''=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (11, 'Preferencias Generales', 'preferencia', '=
preferencia', 10, 100, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (12, 'Seguridad', '#', 'usuario', 10, 200, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (13, 'Usuario', 'usuario/', 'usuario', 12, 0, '=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (14, 'Rol', 'rol/', 'rol', 12, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (15, 'Permiso', 'permiso/', 'permiso', 12, 0, '=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (16, 'M&oacute;dulo', 'modulo/', 'modulo', 12, =
0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (18, 'Definir Organizaci&oacute;n', 'organizaci=
on/edit?id=3D1', 'organizacion', 2, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (19, 'Definir Establecimiento', 'establecimient=
o', 'establecimiento', 2, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (20, 'Definir Distritos Escolares', 'distritoes=
colar', 'distrito', 83, 30, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (21, 'Definir Provincias', 'provincia', 'provin=
cia', 83, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (22, 'Definir Pa&iacute;ses', 'pais/', 'pais', =
83, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (23, 'Definir Categor&iacute;a de IVA', 'tipoiv=
a/', 'tipoiva', 83, 40, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (24, 'Administrar', 'cuenta/', 'cuenta', 3, 0, =
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (26, 'Responsables', 'responsable/', 'responsab=
le', 3, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (27, 'Boletines', '#', '', 4, 50, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (29, '-', '#', '', 10, 50, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (30, 'Salir', 'seguridad/logout', '', 1, 90, ''=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (31, 'Definir Escala de notas', 'escalanota', '=
escalanota', 84, 30, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (32, 'Definir Categor&iacute;=C2=ADas del Bolet=
&iacute;acute;n de Concepto', 'concepto', 'concepto', 84, 50, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (33, 'Buscar Alumno para...', 'legajopedagogico=
', 'legajopedagogico', 4, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (34, 'Tipos de entrada al legajo pedag&oacute;g=
ico', 'legajocategoria', 'legajocategoria', 84, 40, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (35, 'Ingresar Nuevo', 'alumno/create', 'alumno=
', 4, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (37, 'Administrar', 'docente', '', 5, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (39, 'Tipos de docentes', 'tipodocente', 'tipod=
ocente', 85, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (40, 'Motivos de baja', 'cargobaja', 'cargobaja=
', 85, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (41, 'Ingresar Materias/Actividades', 'activida=
d', '', 6, 40, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (42, 'Definir Grados/A&ntilde;os', 'anio', '', =
6, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (43, 'Actividades por Grado/A&ntilde;o', 'relAn=
ioActividad', '', 6, 50, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (44, 'Definir Secciones/Divisiones', 'division'=
, '', 6, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (45, 'Definir feriados del a&ntilde;o', 'feriad=
o', 'feriado', 86, 40, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (46, 'Definir Ciclos Lectivos', 'ciclolectivo',=
 '', 86, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (47, 'Horario Escolar', '#', '', 7, 50, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (48, 'Tipos de intevalos de horario escolar', '=
horarioescolartipo', 'horarioescolartipo', 86, 30, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (49, 'Calendario de vacunas', 'calendariovacuna=
cion', 'calendariovacunacion', 86, 50, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (50, '=C2=BFHorario seg&uacute;n...?', '#', '',=
 7, 100, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (51, '...docentes', 'calendario/busquedaDocente=
', '', 50, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (52, '...secci&oacute;n/divisi&oacute;n', 'cale=
ndario/busquedaDivision', '', 50, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (53, 'Listado de Locaciones', 'locacion', '', 8=
, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (54, 'Definir tipos de Locaciones', 'tipolocaci=
on', 'tipolocacion', 87, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (55, 'Listado de Espacios x Locaci&oacute;n', '=
espacios', '', 8, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (56, 'Definir tipos de Espacios', 'tipoespacio'=
, 'tipoespacio', 87, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (57, 'Definir horario clases', 'horarioescolar'=
, '', 47, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (58, 'Constancia Alumno Regular', 'informes/con=
stanciaAlumnoRegularFormulario?vista=3Dimprimir', 'informes', 9, 0, '_bla=
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`orden`, `target`) VALUES (60, 'Constancia Egreso 7mo', 'informes/certifi=
cadoPrimariaFormulario?vista=3Dimprimir', 'informes', 9, 0, '_blank');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (65, 'Ayuda', '#', '', 1, 80, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (67, 'Indice...', 'ayuda/', '', 65, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (68, 'Cr&eacute;ditos', 'default', '', 65, 0, '=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (69, 'Generar Horario por secci&oacute;n/divisi=
&oacute;n', 'calendario', 'calendario', 47, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (71, 'Configuraciones Previas', '#', '', 10, 10=
, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (72, 'Definir tipo de bajas', 'conceptobaja', '=
conceptobaja', 84, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (73, 'Asistencia por Secci&oacute;n/Divisi&oacu=
te;n', 'asistencia', 'asistencia', 4, 40, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (74, 'Definir tipo de asistencia', 'tipoasisten=
cia', 'tipoasistencia', 84, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (75, 'Definir turnos', 'turnos', 'turnos', 86, =
10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (78, 'Asignar Alumno a Secci&oacute;n/Divisi&oa=
cute;n', 'relAlumnoDivision/create', 'relAlumnoDivision', 6, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (79, 'Actividad/Materia por Docente', 'relActiv=
idadDocente', 'relActividadDocente', 5, 300, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (81, 'Concepto', 'boletin/listConcepto', 'bolet=
inconcepto', 27, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (82, 'Notas', 'boletin/list', 'boletinnotas', 2=
7, 1, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (83, 'Generales', '#', '', 71, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (84, 'Alumnos', '#', '', 71, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (85, 'Docentes', '#', '', 71, 30, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (86, 'Calendarios y Horarios', '#', '', 71, 40,=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (87, 'Locaciones y Espacios', '#', '', 71, 50, =
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (88, 'Listar Todos', 'alumno/list', 'alumno', 4=
, 2, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (89, 'Tipo Documento', 'tipodocumento', '', 83,=
 40, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (90, 'Alumnos por divsi&oacute;n', 'informes/al=
umnosPorDivisionFormulario?vista=3Dimprimir', 'informes', 9, 0, '_blank')=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (91, 'Boletines', 'informes/boletinFormulario',=
 'informes', 9, 0, '_blank');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (92, 'Certificado de Estudios', 'informes/certi=
ficadoEstudiosBusquedaFormulario', 'informes', '9', '0', '_blank');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (93, 'Solicitud de Legajo', 'informes/solicitud=
LegajoBusquedaFormulario', 'informes', '9', '0', '_blank');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (94, 'Definir Per&iacute;odos', 'ciclolectivo/a=
gregarTurnosYPeriodos', 'ciclolectivo', 86, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (95, 'Ir a Ciclo Lectivo Actual', 'ciclolectivo=
/agregarTurnosYPeriodos', 'ciclolectivo', 7, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (96, 'Biblioteca de contenidos', 'sfMediaLibrar=
y', 'informes', 9, 0, '');=20
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (97, 'Definir Roles de responsables', 'rolRespo=
nsable', 'rolResponsable', 84, 0, '');
 -- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla 'modulo'

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/datos_ejemplo.sql
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/datos_ejemplo.sql	2007-07-16 18:23=
:01 UTC (rev 4818)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/datos_ejemplo.sql	2007-07-16 20:00=
:27 UTC (rev 4819)
@@ -2627,90 +2627,6 @@
 INSERT INTO `locacion` (`id`, `nombre`, `descripcion`, `direccion`, `ciu=
dad`, `codigo_postal`, `telefono`, `fax`, `encargado`, `encargado_telefon=
o`, `fk_provincia_id`, `fk_tipolocacion_id`, `principal`) VALUES (1, 'Sed=
e Central. ', '-', 'Piedras 841', 'CABA', '1620', '4300-7070', '', 'Lic. =
Marcos Avellaneda', '155 654 2255', 1, 1, 0);
 INSERT INTO `locacion` (`id`, `nombre`, `descripcion`, `direccion`, `ciu=
dad`, `codigo_postal`, `telefono`, `fax`, `encargado`, `encargado_telefon=
o`, `fk_provincia_id`, `fk_tipolocacion_id`, `principal`) VALUES (2, 'Gim=
nasio Club social.', 'Lugar donde se realiza educaci=C3=B3n f=C3=ADsica.'=
, 'Campichuelo 150', 'CABA', '1630', '4300-3232', '', 'Jorge L=C3=B3pez (=
portero)', '4300-3232', 1, 2, 0);
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (1, '-- Menu Raiz --', '#', '', 1, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (2, 'General', '#', '', 10, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (3, 'Cuentas', '#', '', 1, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (4, 'Alumnos', '#', '', 1, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (5, 'Docentes', '#', '', 1, 30, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (6, 'Gesti&oacute;n Escolar', '#', '', 1, 40, '=
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`orden`, `target`) VALUES (7, 'Calendarios y Horarios', '#', '', 1, 50, '=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (8, 'Locaciones y Espacios', '#', '', 1, 60, ''=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (9, 'Informes y Consultas', '#', '', 1, 70, '')=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (10, 'Administraci&oacute;n', '#', '', 1, 0, ''=
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`orden`, `target`) VALUES (11, 'Preferencias Generales', 'preferencia', '=
preferencia', 10, 100, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (12, 'Seguridad', '#', 'usuario', 10, 200, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (13, 'Usuario', 'usuario/', 'usuario', 12, 0, '=
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`orden`, `target`) VALUES (14, 'Rol', 'rol/', 'rol', 12, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (15, 'Permiso', 'permiso/', 'permiso', 12, 0, '=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (16, 'M&oacute;dulo', 'modulo/', 'modulo', 12, =
0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (18, 'Definir Organizaci&oacute;n', 'organizaci=
on/edit?id=3D1', 'organizacion', 2, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (19, 'Definir Establecimiento', 'establecimient=
o', 'establecimiento', 2, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (20, 'Definir Distritos Escolares', 'distritoes=
colar', 'distrito', 83, 30, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (21, 'Definir Provincias', 'provincia', 'provin=
cia', 83, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (22, 'Definir Pa&iacute;ses', 'pais/', 'pais', =
83, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (23, 'Definir Categor&iacute;a de IVA', 'tipoiv=
a/', 'tipoiva', 83, 40, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (24, 'Administrar', 'cuenta/', 'cuenta', 3, 0, =
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (26, 'Responsables', 'responsable/', 'responsab=
le', 3, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (27, 'Boletines', '#', '', 4, 50, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (29, '-', '#', '', 10, 50, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (30, 'Salir', 'seguridad/logout', '', 1, 90, ''=
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`orden`, `target`) VALUES (31, 'Definir Escala de notas', 'escalanota', '=
escalanota', 84, 30, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (32, 'Definir Categor&iacute;=ADas del Bolet&ia=
cute;acute;n de Concepto', 'concepto', 'concepto', 84, 50, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (33, 'Buscar Alumno para...', 'legajopedagogico=
', 'legajopedagogico', 4, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (34, 'Tipos de entrada al legajo pedag&oacute;g=
ico', 'legajocategoria', 'legajocategoria', 84, 40, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (35, 'Ingresar Nuevo', 'alumno/create', 'alumno=
', 4, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (37, 'Administrar', 'docente', '', 5, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (39, 'Tipos de docentes', 'tipodocente', 'tipod=
ocente', 85, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (40, 'Motivos de baja', 'cargobaja', 'cargobaja=
', 85, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (41, 'Ingresar Materias/Actividades', 'activida=
d', '', 6, 40, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (42, 'Definir Grados/A&ntilde;os', 'anio', '', =
6, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (43, 'Actividades por Grado/A&ntilde;o', 'relAn=
ioActividad', '', 6, 50, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (44, 'Definir Secciones/Divisiones', 'division'=
, '', 6, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (45, 'Definir feriados del a&ntilde;o', 'feriad=
o', 'feriado', 86, 40, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (46, 'Definir Ciclos Lectivos', 'ciclolectivo',=
 '', 86, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (47, 'Horario Escolar', '#', '', 7, 50, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (48, 'Tipos de intevalos de horario escolar', '=
horarioescolartipo', 'horarioescolartipo', 86, 30, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (49, 'Calendario de vacunas', 'calendariovacuna=
cion', 'calendariovacunacion', 86, 50, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (50, '=BFHorario seg&uacute;n...?', '#', '', 7,=
 100, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (51, '...docentes', 'calendario/busquedaDocente=
', '', 50, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (52, '...secci&oacute;n/divisi&oacute;n', 'cale=
ndario/busquedaDivision', '', 50, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (53, 'Listado de Locaciones', 'locacion', '', 8=
, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (54, 'Definir tipos de Locaciones', 'tipolocaci=
on', 'tipolocacion', 87, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (55, 'Listado de Espacios x Locaci&oacute;n', '=
espacios', '', 8, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (56, 'Definir tipos de Espacios', 'tipoespacio'=
, 'tipoespacio', 87, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (57, 'Definir horario clases', 'horarioescolar'=
, '', 47, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (58, 'Constancia Alumno Regular', 'informes/con=
stanciaAlumnoRegularFormulario?vista=3Dimprimir', 'informes', 9, 0, '_bla=
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`orden`, `target`) VALUES (60, 'Constancia Egreso 7mo', 'informes/certifi=
cadoPrimariaFormulario?vista=3Dimprimir', 'informes', 9, 0, '_blank');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (65, 'Ayuda', '#', '', 1, 80, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (67, 'Indice...', 'ayuda/', '', 65, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (68, 'Cr&eacute;ditos', 'default', '', 65, 0, '=
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`orden`, `target`) VALUES (69, 'Generar Horario por secci&oacute;n/divisi=
&oacute;n', 'calendario', 'calendario', 47, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (71, 'Configuraciones Previas', '#', '', 10, 10=
, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (72, 'Definir tipo de bajas', 'conceptobaja', '=
conceptobaja', 84, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (73, 'Asistencia por Secci&oacute;n/Divisi&oacu=
te;n', 'asistencia', 'asistencia', 4, 40, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (74, 'Definir tipo de asistencia', 'tipoasisten=
cia', 'tipoasistencia', 84, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (75, 'Definir turnos', 'turnos', 'turnos', 86, =
10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (78, 'Asignar Alumno a Secci&oacute;n/Divisi&oa=
cute;n', 'relAlumnoDivision/create', 'relAlumnoDivision', 6, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (79, 'Actividad/Materia por Docente', 'relActiv=
idadDocente', 'relActividadDocente', 5, 300, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (81, 'Concepto', 'boletin/listConcepto', 'bolet=
inconcepto', 27, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (82, 'Notas', 'boletin/list', 'boletinnotas', 2=
7, 1, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (83, 'Generales', '#', '', 71, 10, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (84, 'Alumnos', '#', '', 71, 20, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (85, 'Docentes', '#', '', 71, 30, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (86, 'Calendarios y Horarios', '#', '', 71, 40,=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (87, 'Locaciones y Espacios', '#', '', 71, 50, =
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (88, 'Listar Todos', 'alumno/list', 'alumno', 4=
, 2, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (89, 'Tipo Documento', 'tipodocumento', '', 83,=
 40, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (90, 'Alumnos por divsi&oacute;n', 'informes/al=
umnosPorDivisionFormulario?vista=3Dimprimir', 'informes', 9, 0, '_blank')=
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (91, 'Boletines', 'informes/boletinFormulario',=
 'informes', 9, 0, '_blank');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (92, 'Certificado de Estudios', 'informes/certi=
ficadoEstudiosBusquedaFormulario', 'informes', '9', '0', '_blank');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (93, 'Solicitud de Legajo', 'informes/solicitud=
LegajoBusquedaFormulario', 'informes', '9', '0', '_blank');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (94, 'Definir Per&iacute;odos', 'ciclolectivo/a=
gregarTurnosYPeriodos', 'ciclolectivo', 86, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (95, 'Ir a Ciclo Lectivo Actual', 'ciclolectivo=
/agregarTurnosYPeriodos', 'ciclolectivo', 7, 0, '');
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (96, 'Biblioteca de contenidos', 'sfMediaLibrar=
y', 'informes', 9, 0, '');=20
-INSERT INTO `menu` (`id`, `nombre`, `link`, `perm`, `fk_padre_menu_id`, =
`orden`, `target`) VALUES (97, 'Definir Roles de responsables', 'rolRespo=
nsable', 'rolResponsable', 84, 0, '');
 -- Volcar la base de datos para la tabla `modulo`

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/schema.sql
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/schema.sql	2007-07-16 18:23:01 UTC=
 (rev 4818)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/data/sql/schema.sql	2007-07-16 20:00:27 UTC=
 (rev 4819)
@@ -1328,30 +1328,6 @@
-#-- menu
-	`nombre` VARCHAR(255) default '' NOT NULL,
-	`link` VARCHAR(255) default '' NOT NULL,
-	`perm` VARCHAR(255) default '' NOT NULL,
-	`target` VARCHAR(255) default '' NOT NULL,
-	`fk_padre_menu_id` INTEGER,
-	`orden` INTEGER,
-	PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
-	KEY `nombre_menu`(`nombre`),
-	INDEX `menu_FI_1` (`fk_padre_menu_id`),
-	CONSTRAINT `menu_FK_1`
-		FOREIGN KEY (`fk_padre_menu_id`)
-		REFERENCES `menu` (`id`)
 #-- tipoasistencia

Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Menu.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Menu.php	2007-07-16 18:23:01 UTC =
(rev 4818)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Menu.php	2007-07-16 20:00:27 UTC =
(rev 4819)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-require_once 'lib/model/om/BaseMenu.php';
- * Skeleton subclass for representing a row from the 'menu' table.
- *
- *=20
- *
- * You should add additional methods to this class to meet the
- * application requirements.  This class will only be generated as
- * long as it does not already exist in the output directory.
- *
- * @package model
- */=09
-class Menu extends BaseMenu {
-    public function __toString() {
-        return $this->getNombre();
-    }
-} // Menu

Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/MenuPeer.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/MenuPeer.php	2007-07-16 18:23:01 =
UTC (rev 4818)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/MenuPeer.php	2007-07-16 20:00:27 =
UTC (rev 4819)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-  // include base peer class
-  require_once 'lib/model/om/BaseMenuPeer.php';
- =20
-  // include object class
-  include_once 'lib/model/Menu.php';
- * Skeleton subclass for performing query and update operations on the '=
menu' table.
- *
- *=20
- *
- * You should add additional methods to this class to meet the
- * application requirements.  This class will only be generated as
- * long as it does not already exist in the output directory.
- *
- * @package model
- */=09
-class MenuPeer extends BaseMenuPeer {
-} // MenuPeer

Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/MenuMapBuilder.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/MenuMapBuilder.php	2007-07-16=
 18:23:01 UTC (rev 4818)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/map/MenuMapBuilder.php	2007-07-16=
 20:00:27 UTC (rev 4819)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-class MenuMapBuilder {
-	const CLASS_NAME =3D 'lib.model.map.MenuMapBuilder';
-	private $dbMap;
-	public function isBuilt()
-	{
-		return ($this->dbMap !=3D=3D null);
-	}
-	public function getDatabaseMap()
-	{
-		return $this->dbMap;
-	}
-	public function doBuild()
-	{
-		$this->dbMap =3D Propel::getDatabaseMap('alba');
-		$tMap =3D $this->dbMap->addTable('menu');
-		$tMap->setPhpName('Menu');
-		$tMap->setUseIdGenerator(true);
-		$tMap->addPrimaryKey('ID', 'Id', 'int', CreoleTypes::INTEGER, true, nu=
-		$tMap->addColumn('NOMBRE', 'Nombre', 'string', CreoleTypes::VARCHAR, t=
rue, 255);
-		$tMap->addColumn('LINK', 'Link', 'string', CreoleTypes::VARCHAR, true,=
-		$tMap->addColumn('PERM', 'Perm', 'string', CreoleTypes::VARCHAR, true,=
-		$tMap->addColumn('TARGET', 'Target', 'string', CreoleTypes::VARCHAR, t=
rue, 255);
-		$tMap->addForeignKey('FK_PADRE_MENU_ID', 'FkPadreMenuId', 'int', Creol=
eTypes::INTEGER, 'menu', 'ID', false, null);
-		$tMap->addColumn('ORDEN', 'Orden', 'int', CreoleTypes::INTEGER, false,=
-	}=20
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseMenu.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseMenu.php	2007-07-16 18:23:=
01 UTC (rev 4818)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseMenu.php	2007-07-16 20:00:=
27 UTC (rev 4819)
@@ -1,660 +0,0 @@
-abstract class BaseMenu extends BaseObject  implements Persistent {
-	protected static $peer;
-	protected $id;
-	protected $nombre =3D '';
-	protected $link =3D '';
-	protected $perm =3D '';
-	protected $target =3D '';
-	protected $fk_padre_menu_id;
-	protected $orden;
-	protected $aMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId;
-	protected $collMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId;
-	protected $lastMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuIdCriteria =3D null;
-	protected $alreadyInSave =3D false;
-	protected $alreadyInValidation =3D false;
-	public function getId()
-	{
-		return $this->id;
-	}
-	public function getNombre()
-	{
-		return $this->nombre;
-	}
-	public function getLink()
-	{
-		return $this->link;
-	}
-	public function getPerm()
-	{
-		return $this->perm;
-	}
-	public function getTarget()
-	{
-		return $this->target;
-	}
-	public function getFkPadreMenuId()
-	{
-		return $this->fk_padre_menu_id;
-	}
-	public function getOrden()
-	{
-		return $this->orden;
-	}
-	public function setId($v)
-	{
-						if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_int($v) && is_numeric($v)) {
-			$v =3D (int) $v;
-		}
-		if ($this->id !=3D=3D $v) {
-			$this->id =3D $v;
-			$this->modifiedColumns[] =3D MenuPeer::ID;
-		}
-	}=20
-	public function setNombre($v)
-	{
-						if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_string($v)) {
-			$v =3D (string) $v;=20
-		}
-		if ($this->nombre !=3D=3D $v || $v =3D=3D=3D '') {
-			$this->nombre =3D $v;
-			$this->modifiedColumns[] =3D MenuPeer::NOMBRE;
-		}
-	}=20
-	public function setLink($v)
-	{
-						if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_string($v)) {
-			$v =3D (string) $v;=20
-		}
-		if ($this->link !=3D=3D $v || $v =3D=3D=3D '') {
-			$this->link =3D $v;
-			$this->modifiedColumns[] =3D MenuPeer::LINK;
-		}
-	}=20
-	public function setPerm($v)
-	{
-						if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_string($v)) {
-			$v =3D (string) $v;=20
-		}
-		if ($this->perm !=3D=3D $v || $v =3D=3D=3D '') {
-			$this->perm =3D $v;
-			$this->modifiedColumns[] =3D MenuPeer::PERM;
-		}
-	}=20
-	public function setTarget($v)
-	{
-						if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_string($v)) {
-			$v =3D (string) $v;=20
-		}
-		if ($this->target !=3D=3D $v || $v =3D=3D=3D '') {
-			$this->target =3D $v;
-			$this->modifiedColumns[] =3D MenuPeer::TARGET;
-		}
-	}=20
-	public function setFkPadreMenuId($v)
-	{
-						if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_int($v) && is_numeric($v)) {
-			$v =3D (int) $v;
-		}
-		if ($this->fk_padre_menu_id !=3D=3D $v) {
-			$this->fk_padre_menu_id =3D $v;
-			$this->modifiedColumns[] =3D MenuPeer::FK_PADRE_MENU_ID;
-		}
-		if ($this->aMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId !=3D=3D null && $this->aMenuRel=
atedByFkPadreMenuId->getId() !=3D=3D $v) {
-			$this->aMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId =3D null;
-		}
-	}=20
-	public function setOrden($v)
-	{
-						if ($v !=3D=3D null && !is_int($v) && is_numeric($v)) {
-			$v =3D (int) $v;
-		}
-		if ($this->orden !=3D=3D $v) {
-			$this->orden =3D $v;
-			$this->modifiedColumns[] =3D MenuPeer::ORDEN;
-		}
-	}=20
-	public function hydrate(ResultSet $rs, $startcol =3D 1)
-	{
-		try {
-			$this->id =3D $rs->getInt($startcol + 0);
-			$this->nombre =3D $rs->getString($startcol + 1);
-			$this->link =3D $rs->getString($startcol + 2);
-			$this->perm =3D $rs->getString($startcol + 3);
-			$this->target =3D $rs->getString($startcol + 4);
-			$this->fk_padre_menu_id =3D $rs->getInt($startcol + 5);
-			$this->orden =3D $rs->getInt($startcol + 6);
-			$this->resetModified();
-			$this->setNew(false);
-						return $startcol + 7;=20
-		} catch (Exception $e) {
-			throw new PropelException("Error populating Menu object", $e);
-		}
-	}
-	public function delete($con =3D null)
-	{
-		if ($this->isDeleted()) {
-			throw new PropelException("This object has already been deleted.");
-		}
-		if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$con =3D Propel::getConnection(MenuPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
-		}
-		try {
-			$con->begin();
-			MenuPeer::doDelete($this, $con);
-			$this->setDeleted(true);
-			$con->commit();
-		} catch (PropelException $e) {
-			$con->rollback();
-			throw $e;
-		}
-	}
-	public function save($con =3D null)
-	{
-		if ($this->isDeleted()) {
-			throw new PropelException("You cannot save an object that has been de=
-		}
-		if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$con =3D Propel::getConnection(MenuPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
-		}
-		try {
-			$con->begin();
-			$affectedRows =3D $this->doSave($con);
-			$con->commit();
-			return $affectedRows;
-		} catch (PropelException $e) {
-			$con->rollback();
-			throw $e;
-		}
-	}
-	protected function doSave($con)
-	{
-		$affectedRows =3D 0; 		if (!$this->alreadyInSave) {
-			$this->alreadyInSave =3D true;
-											=09
-			if ($this->aMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId !=3D=3D null) {
-				if ($this->aMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId->isModified()) {
-					$affectedRows +=3D $this->aMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId->save($con);
-				}
-				$this->setMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId($this->aMenuRelatedByFkPadreMen=
-			}
-						if ($this->isModified()) {
-				if ($this->isNew()) {
-					$pk =3D MenuPeer::doInsert($this, $con);
-					$affectedRows +=3D 1; 										 										=20
-					$this->setId($pk); =20
-					$this->setNew(false);
-				} else {
-					$affectedRows +=3D MenuPeer::doUpdate($this, $con);
-				}
-				$this->resetModified(); 			}
-			if ($this->collMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId !=3D=3D null) {
-				foreach($this->collMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId as $referrerFK) {
-					if (!$referrerFK->isDeleted()) {
-						$affectedRows +=3D $referrerFK->save($con);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			$this->alreadyInSave =3D false;
-		}
-		return $affectedRows;
-	}=20
-	protected $validationFailures =3D array();
-	public function getValidationFailures()
-	{
-		return $this->validationFailures;
-	}
-	public function validate($columns =3D null)
-	{
-		$res =3D $this->doValidate($columns);
-		if ($res =3D=3D=3D true) {
-			$this->validationFailures =3D array();
-			return true;
-		} else {
-			$this->validationFailures =3D $res;
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-	protected function doValidate($columns =3D null)
-	{
-		if (!$this->alreadyInValidation) {
-			$this->alreadyInValidation =3D true;
-			$retval =3D null;
-			$failureMap =3D array();
-											=09
-			if ($this->aMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId !=3D=3D null) {
-				if (!$this->aMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId->validate($columns)) {
-					$failureMap =3D array_merge($failureMap, $this->aMenuRelatedByFkPad=
-				}
-			}
-			if (($retval =3D MenuPeer::doValidate($this, $columns)) !=3D=3D true)=
-				$failureMap =3D array_merge($failureMap, $retval);
-			}
-			$this->alreadyInValidation =3D false;
-		}
-		return (!empty($failureMap) ? $failureMap : true);
-	}
-	public function getByName($name, $type =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
-	{
-		$pos =3D MenuPeer::translateFieldName($name, $type, BasePeer::TYPE_NUM=
-		return $this->getByPosition($pos);
-	}
-	public function getByPosition($pos)
-	{
-		switch($pos) {
-			case 0:
-				return $this->getId();
-				break;
-			case 1:
-				return $this->getNombre();
-				break;
-			case 2:
-				return $this->getLink();
-				break;
-			case 3:
-				return $this->getPerm();
-				break;
-			case 4:
-				return $this->getTarget();
-				break;
-			case 5:
-				return $this->getFkPadreMenuId();
-				break;
-			case 6:
-				return $this->getOrden();
-				break;
-			default:
-				return null;
-				break;
-		} 	}
-	public function toArray($keyType =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
-	{
-		$keys =3D MenuPeer::getFieldNames($keyType);
-		$result =3D array(
-			$keys[0] =3D> $this->getId(),
-			$keys[1] =3D> $this->getNombre(),
-			$keys[2] =3D> $this->getLink(),
-			$keys[3] =3D> $this->getPerm(),
-			$keys[4] =3D> $this->getTarget(),
-			$keys[5] =3D> $this->getFkPadreMenuId(),
-			$keys[6] =3D> $this->getOrden(),
-		);
-		return $result;
-	}
-	public function setByName($name, $value, $type =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNA=
-	{
-		$pos =3D MenuPeer::translateFieldName($name, $type, BasePeer::TYPE_NUM=
-		return $this->setByPosition($pos, $value);
-	}
-	public function setByPosition($pos, $value)
-	{
-		switch($pos) {
-			case 0:
-				$this->setId($value);
-				break;
-			case 1:
-				$this->setNombre($value);
-				break;
-			case 2:
-				$this->setLink($value);
-				break;
-			case 3:
-				$this->setPerm($value);
-				break;
-			case 4:
-				$this->setTarget($value);
-				break;
-			case 5:
-				$this->setFkPadreMenuId($value);
-				break;
-			case 6:
-				$this->setOrden($value);
-				break;
-		} 	}
-	public function fromArray($arr, $keyType =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
-	{
-		$keys =3D MenuPeer::getFieldNames($keyType);
-		if (array_key_exists($keys[0], $arr)) $this->setId($arr[$keys[0]]);
-		if (array_key_exists($keys[1], $arr)) $this->setNombre($arr[$keys[1]])=
-		if (array_key_exists($keys[2], $arr)) $this->setLink($arr[$keys[2]]);
-		if (array_key_exists($keys[3], $arr)) $this->setPerm($arr[$keys[3]]);
-		if (array_key_exists($keys[4], $arr)) $this->setTarget($arr[$keys[4]])=
-		if (array_key_exists($keys[5], $arr)) $this->setFkPadreMenuId($arr[$ke=
-		if (array_key_exists($keys[6], $arr)) $this->setOrden($arr[$keys[6]]);
-	}
-	public function buildCriteria()
-	{
-		$criteria =3D new Criteria(MenuPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
-		if ($this->isColumnModified(MenuPeer::ID)) $criteria->add(MenuPeer::ID=
, $this->id);
-		if ($this->isColumnModified(MenuPeer::NOMBRE)) $criteria->add(MenuPeer=
::NOMBRE, $this->nombre);
-		if ($this->isColumnModified(MenuPeer::LINK)) $criteria->add(MenuPeer::=
LINK, $this->link);
-		if ($this->isColumnModified(MenuPeer::PERM)) $criteria->add(MenuPeer::=
PERM, $this->perm);
-		if ($this->isColumnModified(MenuPeer::TARGET)) $criteria->add(MenuPeer=
::TARGET, $this->target);
-		if ($this->isColumnModified(MenuPeer::FK_PADRE_MENU_ID)) $criteria->ad=
d(MenuPeer::FK_PADRE_MENU_ID, $this->fk_padre_menu_id);
-		if ($this->isColumnModified(MenuPeer::ORDEN)) $criteria->add(MenuPeer:=
:ORDEN, $this->orden);
-		return $criteria;
-	}
-	public function buildPkeyCriteria()
-	{
-		$criteria =3D new Criteria(MenuPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
-		$criteria->add(MenuPeer::ID, $this->id);
-		return $criteria;
-	}
-	public function getPrimaryKey()
-	{
-		return $this->getId();
-	}
-	public function setPrimaryKey($key)
-	{
-		$this->setId($key);
-	}
-	public function copyInto($copyObj, $deepCopy =3D false)
-	{
-		$copyObj->setNombre($this->nombre);
-		$copyObj->setLink($this->link);
-		$copyObj->setPerm($this->perm);
-		$copyObj->setTarget($this->target);
-		$copyObj->setFkPadreMenuId($this->fk_padre_menu_id);
-		$copyObj->setOrden($this->orden);
-		if ($deepCopy) {
-									$copyObj->setNew(false);
-			foreach($this->getMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId() as $relObj) {
-				if($this->getPrimaryKey() =3D=3D=3D $relObj->getPrimaryKey()) {
-						continue;
-				}
-				$copyObj->addMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId($relObj->copy($deepCopy));
-			}
-		}=20
-		$copyObj->setNew(true);
-		$copyObj->setId(NULL);=20
-	}
-	public function copy($deepCopy =3D false)
-	{
-				$clazz =3D get_class($this);
-		$copyObj =3D new $clazz();
-		$this->copyInto($copyObj, $deepCopy);
-		return $copyObj;
-	}
-	public function getPeer()
-	{
-		if (self::$peer =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			self::$peer =3D new MenuPeer();
-		}
-		return self::$peer;
-	}
-	public function setMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId($v)
-	{
-		if ($v =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$this->setFkPadreMenuId(NULL);
-		} else {
-			$this->setFkPadreMenuId($v->getId());
-		}
-		$this->aMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId =3D $v;
-	}
-	public function getMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId($con =3D null)
-	{
-				include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseMenuPeer.php';
-		if ($this->aMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId =3D=3D=3D null && ($this->fk_pa=
dre_menu_id !=3D=3D null)) {
-			$this->aMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId =3D MenuPeer::retrieveByPK($this->=
fk_padre_menu_id, $con);
-		=09
-		}
-		return $this->aMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId;
-	}
-	public function initMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId()
-	{
-		if ($this->collMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$this->collMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId =3D array();
-		}
-	}
-	public function getMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId($criteria =3D null, $con=
 =3D null)
-	{
-				include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseMenuPeer.php';
-		if ($criteria =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$criteria =3D new Criteria();
-		}
-		elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
-		{
-			$criteria =3D clone $criteria;
-		}
-		if ($this->collMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			if ($this->isNew()) {
-			   $this->collMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId =3D array();
-			} else {
-				$criteria->add(MenuPeer::FK_PADRE_MENU_ID, $this->getId());
-				MenuPeer::addSelectColumns($criteria);
-				$this->collMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId =3D MenuPeer::doSelect($crite=
ria, $con);
-			}
-		} else {
-						if (!$this->isNew()) {
-											=09
-				$criteria->add(MenuPeer::FK_PADRE_MENU_ID, $this->getId());
-				MenuPeer::addSelectColumns($criteria);
-				if (!isset($this->lastMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuIdCriteria) || !$this-=
>lastMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuIdCriteria->equals($criteria)) {
-					$this->collMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId =3D MenuPeer::doSelect($crit=
eria, $con);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$this->lastMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuIdCriteria =3D $criteria;
-		return $this->collMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId;
-	}
-	public function countMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId($criteria =3D null, $d=
istinct =3D false, $con =3D null)
-	{
-				include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseMenuPeer.php';
-		if ($criteria =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$criteria =3D new Criteria();
-		}
-		elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria)
-		{
-			$criteria =3D clone $criteria;
-		}
-		$criteria->add(MenuPeer::FK_PADRE_MENU_ID, $this->getId());
-		return MenuPeer::doCount($criteria, $distinct, $con);
-	}
-	public function addMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId(Menu $l)
-	{
-		$this->collMenusRelatedByFkPadreMenuId[] =3D $l;
-		$l->setMenuRelatedByFkPadreMenuId($this);
-	}
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseMenuPeer.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseMenuPeer.php	2007-07-16 18=
:23:01 UTC (rev 4818)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/om/BaseMenuPeer.php	2007-07-16 20=
:00:27 UTC (rev 4819)
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-abstract class BaseMenuPeer {
-	const DATABASE_NAME =3D 'alba';
-	const TABLE_NAME =3D 'menu';
-	const CLASS_DEFAULT =3D 'lib.model.Menu';
-	const NUM_COLUMNS =3D 7;
-	const ID =3D 'menu.ID';
-	const NOMBRE =3D 'menu.NOMBRE';
-	const LINK =3D 'menu.LINK';
-	const PERM =3D 'menu.PERM';
-	const TARGET =3D 'menu.TARGET';
-	const ORDEN =3D 'menu.ORDEN';
-	private static $phpNameMap =3D null;
-	private static $fieldNames =3D array (
-		BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME =3D> array ('Id', 'Nombre', 'Link', 'Perm', 'Ta=
rget', 'FkPadreMenuId', 'Orden', ),
-		BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME =3D> array (MenuPeer::ID, MenuPeer::NOMBRE, Men=
uPeer::LINK, MenuPeer::PERM, MenuPeer::TARGET, MenuPeer::FK_PADRE_MENU_ID=
, MenuPeer::ORDEN, ),
-		BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME =3D> array ('id', 'nombre', 'link', 'perm', '=
target', 'fk_padre_menu_id', 'orden', ),
-		BasePeer::TYPE_NUM =3D> array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, )
-	);
-	private static $fieldKeys =3D array (
-		BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME =3D> array ('Id' =3D> 0, 'Nombre' =3D> 1, 'Link=
' =3D> 2, 'Perm' =3D> 3, 'Target' =3D> 4, 'FkPadreMenuId' =3D> 5, 'Orden'=
 =3D> 6, ),
-		BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME =3D> array (MenuPeer::ID =3D> 0, MenuPeer::NOMB=
RE =3D> 1, MenuPeer::LINK =3D> 2, MenuPeer::PERM =3D> 3, MenuPeer::TARGET=
 =3D> 4, MenuPeer::FK_PADRE_MENU_ID =3D> 5, MenuPeer::ORDEN =3D> 6, ),
-		BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME =3D> array ('id' =3D> 0, 'nombre' =3D> 1, 'li=
nk' =3D> 2, 'perm' =3D> 3, 'target' =3D> 4, 'fk_padre_menu_id' =3D> 5, 'o=
rden' =3D> 6, ),
-		BasePeer::TYPE_NUM =3D> array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, )
-	);
-	public static function getMapBuilder()
-	{
-		include_once 'lib/model/map/MenuMapBuilder.php';
-		return BasePeer::getMapBuilder('lib.model.map.MenuMapBuilder');
-	}
-	public static function getPhpNameMap()
-	{
-		if (self::$phpNameMap =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$map =3D MenuPeer::getTableMap();
-			$columns =3D $map->getColumns();
-			$nameMap =3D array();
-			foreach ($columns as $column) {
-				$nameMap[$column->getPhpName()] =3D $column->getColumnName();
-			}
-			self::$phpNameMap =3D $nameMap;
-		}
-		return self::$phpNameMap;
-	}
-	static public function translateFieldName($name, $fromType, $toType)
-	{
-		$toNames =3D self::getFieldNames($toType);
-		$key =3D isset(self::$fieldKeys[$fromType][$name]) ? self::$fieldKeys[=
$fromType][$name] : null;
-		if ($key =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			throw new PropelException("'$name' could not be found in the field na=
mes of type '$fromType'. These are: " . print_r(self::$fieldKeys[$fromTyp=
e], true));
-		}
-		return $toNames[$key];
-	}
-	static public function getFieldNames($type =3D BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME)
-	{
-		if (!array_key_exists($type, self::$fieldNames)) {
-			throw new PropelException('Method getFieldNames() expects the paramet=
er $type to be one of the class constants TYPE_PHPNAME, TYPE_COLNAME, TYP=
E_FIELDNAME, TYPE_NUM. ' . $type . ' was given.');
-		}
-		return self::$fieldNames[$type];
-	}
-	public static function alias($alias, $column)
-	{
-		return str_replace(MenuPeer::TABLE_NAME.'.', $alias.'.', $column);
-	}
-	public static function addSelectColumns(Criteria $criteria)
-	{
-		$criteria->addSelectColumn(MenuPeer::ID);
-		$criteria->addSelectColumn(MenuPeer::NOMBRE);
-		$criteria->addSelectColumn(MenuPeer::LINK);
-		$criteria->addSelectColumn(MenuPeer::PERM);
-		$criteria->addSelectColumn(MenuPeer::TARGET);
-		$criteria->addSelectColumn(MenuPeer::FK_PADRE_MENU_ID);
-		$criteria->addSelectColumn(MenuPeer::ORDEN);
-	}
-	const COUNT =3D 'COUNT(menu.ID)';
-	public static function doCount(Criteria $criteria, $distinct =3D false,=
 $con =3D null)
-	{
-				$criteria =3D clone $criteria;
-				$criteria->clearSelectColumns()->clearOrderByColumns();
-		if ($distinct || in_array(Criteria::DISTINCT, $criteria->getSelectModi=
fiers())) {
-			$criteria->addSelectColumn(MenuPeer::COUNT_DISTINCT);
-		} else {
-			$criteria->addSelectColumn(MenuPeer::COUNT);
-		}
-				foreach($criteria->getGroupByColumns() as $column)
-		{
-			$criteria->addSelectColumn($column);
-		}
-		$rs =3D MenuPeer::doSelectRS($criteria, $con);
-		if ($rs->next()) {
-			return $rs->getInt(1);
-		} else {
-						return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	public static function doSelectOne(Criteria $criteria, $con =3D null)
-	{
-		$critcopy =3D clone $criteria;
-		$critcopy->setLimit(1);
-		$objects =3D MenuPeer::doSelect($critcopy, $con);
-		if ($objects) {
-			return $objects[0];
-		}
-		return null;
-	}
-	public static function doSelect(Criteria $criteria, $con =3D null)
-	{
-		return MenuPeer::populateObjects(MenuPeer::doSelectRS($criteria, $con)=
-	}
-	public static function doSelectRS(Criteria $criteria, $con =3D null)
-	{
-		if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-		}
-		if (!$criteria->getSelectColumns()) {
-			$criteria =3D clone $criteria;
-			MenuPeer::addSelectColumns($criteria);
-		}
-				$criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-						return BasePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
-	}
-	public static function populateObjects(ResultSet $rs)
-	{
-		$results =3D array();
-				$cls =3D MenuPeer::getOMClass();
-		$cls =3D Propel::import($cls);
-				while($rs->next()) {
-	=09
-			$obj =3D new $cls();
-			$obj->hydrate($rs);
-			$results[] =3D $obj;
-		=09
-		}
-		return $results;
-	}
-	public static function doCountJoinAll(Criteria $criteria, $distinct =3D=
 false, $con =3D null)
-	{
-		$criteria =3D clone $criteria;
-				$criteria->clearSelectColumns()->clearOrderByColumns();
-		if ($distinct || in_array(Criteria::DISTINCT, $criteria->getSelectModi=
fiers())) {
-			$criteria->addSelectColumn(MenuPeer::COUNT_DISTINCT);
-		} else {
-			$criteria->addSelectColumn(MenuPeer::COUNT);
-		}
-				foreach($criteria->getGroupByColumns() as $column)
-		{
-			$criteria->addSelectColumn($column);
-		}
-		$rs =3D MenuPeer::doSelectRS($criteria, $con);
-		if ($rs->next()) {
-			return $rs->getInt(1);
-		} else {
-						return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	public static function doSelectJoinAll(Criteria $c, $con =3D null)
-	{
-		$c =3D clone $c;
-				if ($c->getDbName() =3D=3D Propel::getDefaultDB()) {
-			$c->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-		}
-		MenuPeer::addSelectColumns($c);
-		$startcol2 =3D (MenuPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - MenuPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMN=
S) + 1;
-		$rs =3D BasePeer::doSelect($c, $con);
-		$results =3D array();
-		while($rs->next()) {
-			$omClass =3D MenuPeer::getOMClass();
-			$cls =3D Propel::import($omClass);
-			$obj1 =3D new $cls();
-			$obj1->hydrate($rs);
-			$results[] =3D $obj1;
-		}
-		return $results;
-	}
-	public static function getTableMap()
-	{
-		return Propel::getDatabaseMap(self::DATABASE_NAME)->getTable(self::TAB=
-	}
-	public static function getOMClass()
-	{
-		return MenuPeer::CLASS_DEFAULT;
-	}
-	public static function doInsert($values, $con =3D null)
-	{
-		if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-		}
-		if ($values instanceof Criteria) {
-			$criteria =3D clone $values; 		} else {
-			$criteria =3D $values->buildCriteria(); 		}
-		$criteria->remove(MenuPeer::ID);=20
-				$criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-		try {
-									$con->begin();
-			$pk =3D BasePeer::doInsert($criteria, $con);
-			$con->commit();
-		} catch(PropelException $e) {
-			$con->rollback();
-			throw $e;
-		}
-		return $pk;
-	}
-	public static function doUpdate($values, $con =3D null)
-	{
-		if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-		}
-		$selectCriteria =3D new Criteria(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-		if ($values instanceof Criteria) {
-			$criteria =3D clone $values;=20
-			$comparison =3D $criteria->getComparison(MenuPeer::ID);
-			$selectCriteria->add(MenuPeer::ID, $criteria->remove(MenuPeer::ID), $=
-		} else { 			$criteria =3D $values->buildCriteria(); 			$selectCriteria=
 =3D $values->buildPkeyCriteria(); 		}
-				$criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-		return BasePeer::doUpdate($selectCriteria, $criteria, $con);
-	}
-	public static function doDeleteAll($con =3D null)
-	{
-		if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-		}
-		$affectedRows =3D 0; 		try {
-									$con->begin();
-			$affectedRows +=3D BasePeer::doDeleteAll(MenuPeer::TABLE_NAME, $con);
-			$con->commit();
-			return $affectedRows;
-		} catch (PropelException $e) {
-			$con->rollback();
-			throw $e;
-		}
-	}
-	 public static function doDelete($values, $con =3D null)
-	 {
-		if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$con =3D Propel::getConnection(MenuPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
-		}
-		if ($values instanceof Criteria) {
-			$criteria =3D clone $values; 		} elseif ($values instanceof Menu) {
-			$criteria =3D $values->buildPkeyCriteria();
-		} else {
-						$criteria =3D new Criteria(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-			$criteria->add(MenuPeer::ID, (array) $values, Criteria::IN);
-		}
-				$criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-		$affectedRows =3D 0;=20
-		try {
-									$con->begin();
-		=09
-			$affectedRows +=3D BasePeer::doDelete($criteria, $con);
-			$con->commit();
-			return $affectedRows;
-		} catch (PropelException $e) {
-			$con->rollback();
-			throw $e;
-		}
-	}
-	public static function doValidate(Menu $obj, $cols =3D null)
-	{
-		$columns =3D array();
-		if ($cols) {
-			$dbMap =3D Propel::getDatabaseMap(MenuPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
-			$tableMap =3D $dbMap->getTable(MenuPeer::TABLE_NAME);
-			if (! is_array($cols)) {
-				$cols =3D array($cols);
-			}
-			foreach($cols as $colName) {
-				if ($tableMap->containsColumn($colName)) {
-					$get =3D 'get' . $tableMap->getColumn($colName)->getPhpName();
-					$columns[$colName] =3D $obj->$get();
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-		}
-		$res =3D  BasePeer::doValidate(MenuPeer::DATABASE_NAME, MenuPeer::TABL=
E_NAME, $columns);
-    if ($res !=3D=3D true) {
-        $request =3D sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest();
-        foreach ($res as $failed) {
-            $col =3D MenuPeer::translateFieldname($failed->getColumn(), =
-            $request->setError($col, $failed->getMessage());
-        }
-    }
-    return $res;
-	}
-	public static function retrieveByPK($pk, $con =3D null)
-	{
-		if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-		}
-		$criteria =3D new Criteria(MenuPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
-		$criteria->add(MenuPeer::ID, $pk);
-		$v =3D MenuPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
-		return !empty($v) > 0 ? $v[0] : null;
-	}
-	public static function retrieveByPKs($pks, $con =3D null)
-	{
-		if ($con =3D=3D=3D null) {
-			$con =3D Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
-		}
-		$objs =3D null;
-		if (empty($pks)) {
-			$objs =3D array();
-		} else {
-			$criteria =3D new Criteria();
-			$criteria->add(MenuPeer::ID, $pks, Criteria::IN);
-			$objs =3D MenuPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
-		}
-		return $objs;
-	}
-if (Propel::isInit()) {
-			try {
-		BaseMenuPeer::getMapBuilder();
-	} catch (Exception $e) {
-		Propel::log('Could not initialize Peer: ' . $e->getMessage(), Propel::=
-	}
-} else {
-			require_once 'lib/model/map/MenuMapBuilder.php';
-	Propel::registerMapBuilder('lib.model.map.MenuMapBuilder');

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