[Alba-desarrollo] SVN Alba r4283 -
commits en pressenter.com.ar
commits en pressenter.com.ar
Vie Feb 23 17:06:53 CET 2007
Author: ftoledo
Date: 2007-02-23 13:06:52 -0300 (Fri, 23 Feb 2007)
New Revision: 4283
warinig para cuando el ciclo lectivo no esta seleccionado
Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/templates/layout.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/templates/layout.php 2007-02-23 14:54:23 UTC (rev 4282)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/templates/layout.php 2007-02-23 16:06:52 UTC (rev 4283)
@@ -3,160 +3,157 @@
-if($vista == "noMuestraMenu") {
- echo $content;
-} else {
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xhtml1-200000126/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-<?php echo include_http_metas() ?>
-<?php echo include_metas() ?>
-<?php echo include_title() ?>
+<?php if($vista == "noMuestraMenu"): ?>
+ <?php echo $content; ?>
+<?php else: ?>
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xhtml1-200000126/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+ <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+ <head>
-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?echo sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot() . '/js/jsmenu/themes/'.MENU_THEME.'/theme.css' ?>"/>
-<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
+ <?php echo include_http_metas() ?>
+ <?php echo include_metas() ?>
+ <?php echo include_title() ?>
-<style type="text/css">
-.fdown {
- background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/index3_5x2.png"?>);
-.fmedio {
- background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/fmedio.png"?>);
-.ftop {
- background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/index3_1x4.png"?>);
-.fmenu {
- background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/fmenu.png"?>);
-td {
- font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
- font-size: 11px;
-.fizq {
- background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/fizq.png"?>);
-.fizq-menu {
- background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/fizq-menu.png"?>);
-.menuimg {
- background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/index_2x1.png"?>);
-.fder {
- background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/fder.png"?>);
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?echo sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot() . '/js/jsmenu/themes/'.MENU_THEME.'/theme.css' ?>"/>
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
- if($vista == "imprimir") {
-?><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/~josx/alba/css/impresion.css" /><?
+ <style type="text/css">
+ .fdown {
+ background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/index3_5x2.png"?>);
+ .fmedio {
+ background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/fmedio.png"?>);
+ }
+ .ftop {
+ background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/index3_1x4.png"?>);
+ }
+ .fmenu {
+ background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/fmenu.png"?>);
+ }
+ td {
+ font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 11px;
+ }
+ .fizq {
+ background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/fizq.png"?>);
+ }
+ .fizq-menu {
+ background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/fizq-menu.png"?>);
+ }
+ .menuimg {
+ background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/index_2x1.png"?>);
+ }
+ .fder {
+ background-image: url(<?=sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot()."/images/gui/fder.png"?>);
+ }
+ </style>
+ <?php if($vista == "imprimir") :?>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/~josx/alba/css/impresion.css" />
+ <? endif;?>
- if($vista == "imprimir") {
- echo $content;
- } else {
+ </head>
+ <body>
- <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr valign="top">
- <td colspan="2" class="fmedio">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
- <tr>
- <td class="fmedio"><?=image_tag("gui/index_1x1.png", array ( 'width' => '758' , 'heigth' => '77' ) )?></td>
- <td class="fmedio" align="right"><!-- datos del usuario -->
- <?php if($sf_user->isAuthenticated() == true): ?>
+ <?php if($vista == "imprimir") :?>
+ <?php echo $content; ?>
+ <?php else: ?>
+ <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr valign="top">
+ <td colspan="2" class="fmedio">
+ <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="fmedio"><?=image_tag("gui/index_1x1.png", array ( 'width' => '758' , 'heigth' => '77' ) )?></td>
+ <td class="fmedio" align="right"><!-- datos del usuario -->
+ <?php if($sf_user->isAuthenticated() == true): ?>
- <table class="user-info">
- <tr>
- <td nowrap="nowrap">Bienvenido, <a href="#" onmouseover="this.T_BGCOLOR='#d3e3f6';this.T_SHADOWWIDTH=3;this.T_FONTCOLOR='blue';this.T_BORDERWIDTH=2;this.T_BORDERCOLOR='#000000'; return escape('Organización: <?echo $sf_user->getAttribute("organizacion_nombre")?> ' )"><?php echo $sf_user->getAttribute('usuario')?></a>
- <?php if (SF_DEBUG)
- echo ' #'. $sf_user->getAttribute('id');
- ?>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo link_to($sf_user->getAttribute('establecimiento_nombre'),'establecimiento/cambiar')?>
- <?php if (SF_DEBUG)
- echo ' #'. $sf_user->getAttribute('fk_establecimiento_id');
- ?>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td nowrap="nowrap">Ciclo: <?php echo link_to($sf_user->getAttribute('ciclolectivo_descripcion'),'ciclolectivo/cambiar')?>
- <?php if (SF_DEBUG)
- echo ' #'. $sf_user->getAttribute('fk_ciclolectivo_id');
- ?>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <?php else: ?>
- Bienvenido, Anónimo
- <?php endif; ?>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- <td><?=image_tag("gui/index_1x2.png", array ( 'width' => '17' , 'heigth' => '77' ) )?></td>
- </tr>
+ <table class="user-info">
+ <tr>
+ <td nowrap="nowrap">Bienvenido, <a href="#" onmouseover="this.T_BGCOLOR='#d3e3f6';this.T_SHADOWWIDTH=3;this.T_FONTCOLOR='blue';this.T_BORDERWIDTH=2;this.T_BORDERCOLOR='#000000'; return escape('Organización: <?echo $sf_user->getAttribute("organizacion_nombre")?> ' )"><?php echo $sf_user->getAttribute('usuario')?></a>
+ <?php if (SF_DEBUG)
+ echo ' #'. $sf_user->getAttribute('id');
+ ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo link_to($sf_user->getAttribute('establecimiento_nombre'),'establecimiento/cambiar')?>
+ <?php if (SF_DEBUG)
+ echo ' #'. $sf_user->getAttribute('fk_establecimiento_id');
+ ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td nowrap="nowrap">Ciclo: <?php echo link_to($sf_user->getAttribute('ciclolectivo_descripcion'),'ciclolectivo/cambiar')?>
+ <?php if (SF_DEBUG)
+ echo ' #'. $sf_user->getAttribute('fk_ciclolectivo_id');
+ ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <?php else: ?>
+ Bienvenido, Anónimo
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td><?php echo image_tag("gui/index_1x2.png", array ( 'width' => '17' , 'heigth' => '77' ) )?></td>
+ </tr>
- <tr valign="top">
- <td class="fizq-menu" width="1%"> </td>
- <td colspan="1" class="fmenu"><?
- if($sf_user->isAuthenticated() == true) {
- include("menu.php");
- }
- ?>
- <div id="menu" align="right">
- <? $uri = sfRouting::getInstance()->getCurrentInternalUri();
- $vista_var = "vista=imprimir";
- $separador = (strstr($uri,'?'))?'&':'?';
- $vista_var = $separador.$vista_var;
- echo link_to(image_tag(sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot().'/images/small/print.png'),$uri.$vista_var,'popup=true');
- ?>
- </div>
+ <tr valign="top">
+ <td class="fizq-menu" width="1%"> </td>
+ <td colspan="1" class="fmenu"><?
+ if($sf_user->isAuthenticated() == true) {
+ include("menu.php");
+ }
+ ?>
+ <div id="menu" align="right">
+ <?php $uri = sfRouting::getInstance()->getCurrentInternalUri();
+ $vista_var = "vista=imprimir";
+ $separador = (strstr($uri,'?'))?'&':'?';
+ $vista_var = $separador.$vista_var;
+ echo link_to(image_tag(sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getRelativeUrlRoot().'/images/small/print.png'),$uri.$vista_var,'popup=true');
+ ?>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td><?php echo image_tag("gui/index_2x2.png", array ( 'width' => '17' , 'heigth' => '35' ) )?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr valign="top">
+ <td width="33" class="fizq"> </td>
+ <td width="959">
+ <div id="cabecera" align="center">
+ <?php
+ if($sf_user->isAuthenticated() != true) {
+ if ($sf_params->get('module') != 'seguridad' && $sf_params->get('action') !='login') {
+ include_partial('seguridad/login', array('sf_params' => $sf_params, 'error_inicio_sesion' => @$error_inicio_sesion));
- <td><?=image_tag("gui/index_2x2.png", array ( 'width' => '17' , 'heigth' => '35' ) )?></td>
- </tr>
- <tr valign="top">
- <td width="33" class="fizq"> </td>
- <td width="959">
-<div id="cabecera" align="center">
- if($sf_user->isAuthenticated() != true) {
- if ($sf_params->get('module') != 'seguridad' && $sf_params->get('action') !='login') {
- include_partial('seguridad/login', array('sf_params' => $sf_params, 'error_inicio_sesion' => @$error_inicio_sesion));
- }
- }
-?></div><br><div id="content"><?php echo $content ?></div>
- </td>
- <td width="17" class="fder"> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr valign="top">
- <td><?=image_tag("gui/index3_5x1.png", array ( 'width' => '33' , 'heigth' => '22' ) )?></td>
- <td class="fdown"> </td>
- <td><?=image_tag("gui/index3_5x3.png", array ( 'width' => '17' , 'heigth' => '20' ) )?></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
-<? } ?>
-<? echo javascript_include_tag('varios/wz_tooltip.js'); ?>
-<? } ?>
\ No newline at end of file
+ }
+ }
+ ?>
+ </div>
+ <br>
+ <?php if ($sf_user->isAuthenticated() && $sf_user->getAttribute('fk_ciclolectivo_id') == 0):?>
+ <div class="form-errors">No tiene un ciclo lectivo seleccionado.<br/>
+ Éste valor es requerido para algunos módulos, por favor seleccione uno.
+ </div>
+ <?php endif;?>
+ <div id="content"><?php echo $content ?></div>
+ </td>
+ <td width="17" class="fder"> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr valign="top">
+ <td><?php echo image_tag("gui/index3_5x1.png", array ( 'width' => '33' , 'heigth' => '22' ) )?></td>
+ <td class="fdown"> </td>
+ <td><?php echo image_tag("gui/index3_5x3.png", array ( 'width' => '17' , 'heigth' => '20' ) )?></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ </body>
+ <?php echo javascript_include_tag('varios/wz_tooltip.js'); ?>
+ </html>
+<? endif; ?>
\ No newline at end of file
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