[Alba-desarrollo] SVN Alba r4587 - in prosistem/alba/trunk/alba: apps/principal/modules apps/principal/modules/evento apps/principal/modules/evento/actions apps/principal/modules/evento/config apps/principal/modules/evento/templates apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/actions apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/config apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/templates lib/model

commits en pressenter.com.ar commits en pressenter.com.ar
Mie Abr 25 23:36:33 CEST 2007

Author: josx
Date: 2007-04-25 18:36:27 -0300 (Wed, 25 Apr 2007)
New Revision: 4587

Agrego primer panatalla de agregar evento y modulo manual para dar de alta calendario

Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/actions/actions.class.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/actions/actions.class.php	2007-04-25 21:24:42 UTC (rev 4586)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/actions/actions.class.php	2007-04-25 21:36:27 UTC (rev 4587)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ *    This file is part of Alba.
+ *
+ *    Alba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *    (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *    Alba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *    GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *    along with Alba; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+ * evento actions
+ *
+ * @package    alba
+ * @author     José Luis Di Biase <josx en interorganic.com.ar>
+ * @author     Héctor Sanchez <hsanchez en pressenter.com.ar>
+ * @author     Fernando Toledo <ftoledo en pressenter.com.ar>
+ * @version    SVN: $Id: actions.class.php 4566 2007-04-25 15:07:43Z josx $
+ * @filesource
+ * @license GPL
+ */
+class eventoActions extends sfActions
+    public function executeIndex() {
+        return $this->forward('evento', 'edit');
+//         $this->evento = new Evento();
+    }
+    protected function saveEvento($evento) {
+        $evento->save();
+    }
+    public function executeCreate() {
+        return $this->forward('evento', 'edit');
+    }
+    public function executeEdit() {
+        $this->evento = $this->getEventoOrCreate();
+        if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == sfRequest::POST) {
+            $this->updateEventoFromRequest();
+            $this->saveEvento($this->evento);
+            $this->setFlash('notice', 'Your modifications have been saved');
+            if ($this->getRequestParameter('save_and_add')) {
+                return $this->redirect('evento/create');
+            } else if ($this->getRequestParameter('save_and_list')) {
+                return $this->redirect('evento/list');
+            } else {
+                return $this->redirect('evento/edit?id='.$this->evento->getId());
+            }
+        } else {
+//             $this->labels = $this->getLabels();
+        }
+    }
+    public function handleErrorEdit() {
+        $this->preExecute();
+        $this->evento = $this->getEventoOrCreate();
+        $this->updateEventoFromRequest();
+//         $this->labels = $this->getLabels();
+        return sfView::SUCCESS;
+    }
+  protected function getEventoOrCreate($id = 'id')  {
+    if (!$this->getRequestParameter($id)) {
+        $evento = new Evento();
+    } else {
+      $evento = EventoPeer::retrieveByPk($this->getRequestParameter($id));
+      $this->forward404Unless($evento);
+    }
+    return $evento;
+  }
+    protected function updateEventoFromRequest() {
+        $evento = $this->getRequestParameter('evento');
+        print_R($evento);
+        $evento_obj = new Evento();
+        if(isset($alumno['apellido'])) {
+            $evento_obj->setApellido($alumno['apellido']);
+        }
+        if (isset($alumno['fecha_nacimiento'])) {
+            if ($alumno['fecha_nacimiento']) {
+                try {
+                    $dateFormat = new sfDateFormat($this->getUser()->getCulture());
+                    if (!is_array($alumno['fecha_nacimiento'])) {
+                        $value = $dateFormat->format($alumno['fecha_nacimiento'], 'I', $dateFormat->getInputPattern('g'));
+                    } else {
+                        $value_array = $alumno['fecha_nacimiento'];
+                        $value = $value_array['year'].'-'.$value_array['month'].'-'.$value_array['day'].(isset($value_array['hour']) ? ' '.$value_array['hour'].':'.$value_array['minute'].(isset($value_array['second']) ? ':'.$value_array['second'] : '') : '');
+                    }
+                    $this->alumno->setFechaNacimiento($value);
+                }
+                catch (sfException $e) {
+                // not a date
+                }
+            } else {
+                $this->alumno->setFechaNacimiento(null);
+            }
+        }
+    $this->alumno->setActivo(isset($alumno['activo']) ? $alumno['activo'] : 0);
+    return $evento_obj;
+  }
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/actions/actions.class.php
Name: svn:keywords
   + "Id Author URL Date Rev"

Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/config/security.yml
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/config/security.yml	2007-04-25 21:24:42 UTC (rev 4586)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/config/security.yml	2007-04-25 21:36:27 UTC (rev 4587)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+    is_secure: on
+    credentials: calendario
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/config/security.yml
Name: svn:keywords
   + "Id Author URL Date Rev"

Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/templates/_hora_fin.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/templates/_hora_fin.php	2007-04-25 21:24:42 UTC (rev 4586)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/templates/_hora_fin.php	2007-04-25 21:36:27 UTC (rev 4587)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?php use_helper('DateForm') ?>
+<?php echo select_time_tag("evento[hora_fin]", $evento->getHoraFin(), array('include_second' => false, '12hour_time' => true ), array('disabled' => true));?>
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/templates/_hora_fin.php
Name: svn:keywords
   + "Id Author URL Date Rev"

Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/templates/_hora_inicio.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/templates/_hora_inicio.php	2007-04-25 21:24:42 UTC (rev 4586)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/templates/_hora_inicio.php	2007-04-25 21:36:27 UTC (rev 4587)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?php use_helper('DateForm') ?>
+<?php echo select_time_tag("evento[hora_inicio]", $evento->getHoraInicio(), array('include_second' => false, '12hour_time' => true), array('disabled' => true));?>
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/templates/_hora_inicio.php
Name: svn:keywords
   + "Id Author URL Date Rev"

Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/templates/editSuccess.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/templates/editSuccess.php	2007-04-25 21:24:42 UTC (rev 4586)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/templates/editSuccess.php	2007-04-25 21:36:27 UTC (rev 4587)
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+<?php use_helper('I18N','Object') ?>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+    function cambiarDeEstado(element) {
+        if (document.getElementById(element).disabled == true)
+            document.getElementById(element).disabled=false;
+        else
+            document.getElementById(element).disabled=true;
+    }
+    function HabilitaDeshabilitaHora() {
+        cambiarDeEstado('evento_hora_inicio_hour');
+        cambiarDeEstado('evento_hora_inicio_minute');
+        cambiarDeEstado('evento_hora_inicio_ampm');
+        cambiarDeEstado('evento_hora_fin_hour');
+        cambiarDeEstado('evento_hora_fin_minute');
+        cambiarDeEstado('evento_hora_fin_ampm');
+    }
+    function HabilitaDeshabilitaRepeticion() {
+        cambiarDeEstado('evento_frecuencia_7');
+        cambiarDeEstado('evento_frecuencia_6');
+        cambiarDeEstado('evento_frecuencia_5');
+        cambiarDeEstado('evento_frecuencia_4');
+        cambiarDeEstado('evento_recurrencia_fin_tipo_0');
+        cambiarDeEstado('evento_recurrencia_fin_tipo_1');
+        cambiarDeEstado('evento_recurrencia_fin_tipo_2');
+        deshabilitaRangoFrecuencia();
+        deshabilitaReglas();
+        if(document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_7').disabled == false && document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_7').checked == true) {
+            mostrarRegla('anual');
+        }
+        if(document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_6').disabled == false && document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_6').checked == true) {
+            mostrarRegla('mensual');
+        }
+        if(document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_5').disabled == false && document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_5').checked == true) {
+            mostrarRegla('semana');
+        }
+        if(document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_4').disabled == false && document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_4').checked == true) {
+            mostrarRegla('diaria');
+        }
+        if(document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_fin_tipo_1').disabled == false && document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_fin_tipo_1').checked == true) {
+            HabilitaDeshabilitaRangoFrecuencia('evento_frecuencia_fin_repeticion');
+        }
+        if(document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_fin_tipo_2').disabled == false && document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_fin_tipo_2').checked == true) {
+            HabilitaDeshabilitaRangoFrecuencia('evento_frecuencia_fin_fecha');
+        }
+    }
+    function HabilitaDeshabilitaRangoFrecuencia(element) {
+        deshabilitaRangoFrecuencia();
+        document.getElementById(element).disabled=false;
+    }
+    function deshabilitaRangoFrecuencia() {
+        document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_fin_repeticion').disabled=true;
+        document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_fin_fecha').disabled=true;
+    }
+    function mostrarRegla(element) {
+        deshabilitaReglas();
+        document.getElementById(element).style.display = '';
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_0').disabled = false;
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_1').disabled = false;
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_2').disabled = false;
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_3').disabled = false;
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_4').disabled = false;
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_5').disabled = false;
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_6').disabled = false;
+        document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_intervalo_diaria').disabled = false;
+        document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_intervalo_semana').disabled = false; 
+    }
+    function deshabilitaReglas() {
+        document.getElementById('anual').style.display = 'none';
+        document.getElementById('mensual').style.display = 'none';
+        document.getElementById('semana').style.display = 'none';
+        document.getElementById('diaria').style.display = 'none';
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_0').disabled = true;
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_1').disabled = true;
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_2').disabled = true;
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_3').disabled = true;
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_4').disabled = true;
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_5').disabled = true;
+        document.getElementById('evento_recurrencia_dias_6').disabled = true;
+        document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_intervalo_diaria').disabled = true;
+        document.getElementById('evento_frecuencia_intervalo_semana').disabled = true;
+    }   
+<div id="sf_admin_container">
+<h1>Evento </h1>
+ <?php if ($sf_request->hasErrors()): ?>
+    <div class="form-errors">
+        <h2><?php echo __('There are some errors that prevent the form to validate') ?></h2>
+        <ul>
+            <?php foreach ($sf_request->getErrorNames() as $name): ?>
+              <li><?php echo $sf_request->getError($name) ?></li>
+            <?php endforeach; ?>
+        </ul>
+    </div>
+    <?php elseif ($sf_flash->has('notice')): ?>
+    <div class="save-ok">
+        <h2><?php echo __($sf_flash->get('notice')) ?></h2>
+    </div>
+    <?php endif; ?>
+<?php echo form_tag('evento/edit', 'id=sf_admin_edit_form name=sf_admin_edit_form multipart=true') ?>
+<fieldset id="sf_fieldset_index" class="">
+            <div class="form-row">
+              <?php echo label_for('evento[titulo]', __('Titulo:'), 'class="required" ') ?>
+              <div class="content<?php if ($sf_request->hasError('evento{titulo}')): ?> form-error<?php endif; ?>">
+              <?php if ($sf_request->hasError('evento{titulo}')): ?>
+                <?php echo form_error('evento{titulo}', array('class' => 'form-error-msg')) ?>
+              <?php endif; ?>
+              <?php echo object_input_tag($evento, 'getTitulo', array (
+              'size' => 64,
+              'control_name' => 'evento[titulo]',
+            )) ?>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+            <h2><?php echo __('Fecha y Hora') ?></h2>
+             <div class="form-row">
+              <?php echo label_for('evento[fecha_inicio]', __('Inicio:'), 'class="required" ') ?>
+              <div class="content<?php if ($sf_request->hasError('evento{fecha_inicio}')): ?> form-error<?php endif; ?>">
+              <?php if ($sf_request->hasError('evento{fecha_inicio}')): ?>
+                <?php echo form_error('evento{fecha_inicio}', array('class' => 'form-error-msg')) ?>
+              <?php endif; ?>
+              <?php echo object_input_date_tag($evento, 'getFechaInicio', array (
+              'rich' => true,
+//              'withtime' => true,
+              'calendar_button_img' => sfConfig::get('sf_admin_web_dir').'/images/date.png',
+              'control_name' => 'evento[fecha_inicio]',
+            )) ?>
+                &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+                <?php include_partial('hora_inicio', array ('evento' => $evento));?>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+             <div class="form-row">
+              <?php echo label_for('evento[fecha_fin]', __('Fin:'), 'class="required" ') ?>
+              <div class="content<?php if ($sf_request->hasError('evento{fecha_fin}')): ?> form-error<?php endif; ?>">
+              <?php if ($sf_request->hasError('evento{fecha_fin}')): ?>
+                <?php echo form_error('evento{fecha_fin}', array('class' => 'form-error-msg')) ?>
+              <?php endif; ?>
+              <?php echo object_input_date_tag($evento, 'getFechaFin', array (
+              'rich' => true,
+//              'withtime' => true,
+              'calendar_button_img' => sfConfig::get('sf_admin_web_dir').'/images/date.png',
+              'control_name' => 'evento[fecha_fin]',
+            )) ?>
+                &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+                <?php include_partial('hora_fin', array ('evento' => $evento));?>
+                </div>
+             </div>
+        <div class="form-row">
+            <?php echo label_for('hora_asociada', __('Hora asociada:')) ?>
+            <div class="content">
+                <?php echo checkbox_tag('evento[hora_asociada]', 1, false, array('onChange'=>'javascrip:HabilitaDeshabilitaHora();')) ?>                
+            </div>
+        </div>
+        <br>
+        <h2>
+        <?php echo __('Activar Repetición') ?>
+        <?php echo checkbox_tag('evento[activar]', 1, false, array('onChange'=>'javascrip:HabilitaDeshabilitaRepeticion();')) ?>                
+        </h2>       
+        <h4>Regla de recurrencia</h4>
+        <div class="form-row">
+        <?php echo radiobutton_tag('evento[frecuencia][]', '4', true, array('disabled' => true, 'onChange' => 'javascript:mostrarRegla(\'diaria\')') ) ?>Diaria&nbsp;&nbsp;
+        <?php echo radiobutton_tag('evento[frecuencia][]', '5', false, array('disabled' => true, 'onChange' => 'javascript:mostrarRegla(\'semana\')')) ?>Semanal&nbsp;&nbsp;
+        <?php echo radiobutton_tag('evento[frecuencia][]', '6', false, array('disabled' => true, 'onChange' => 'javascript:mostrarRegla(\'mensual\')')) ?>Mensual&nbsp;&nbsp;
+        <?php echo radiobutton_tag('evento[frecuencia][]', '7', false, array('disabled' => true, 'onChange' => 'javascript:mostrarRegla(\'anual\')')) ?>Anual&nbsp;&nbsp;
+        </div>
+        <div class="form-row" id="diaria" style="display:none">
+            Repetir cada <?php echo input_tag('evento[frecuencia_intervalo_diaria]', '1', array('disabled' => true, 'maxlength' => 3, 'size' => 3 )) ?>  d&iacute;a(s)
+        </div>
+        <div class="form-row" id="semana" style="display:none">
+            Repetir cada <?php echo input_tag('evento[frecuencia_intervalo_semana]', '1', array('disabled' => true, 'maxlength' => 2, 'size' => 2 )) ?> semana(s)<br><br>
+            <?php echo checkbox_tag('evento[recurrencia_dias][]', '0', false, array('disabled' => true) ) ?>Domingo&nbsp;&nbsp;
+            <?php echo checkbox_tag('evento[recurrencia_dias][]', '1', false, array('disabled' => true) ) ?>Lunes&nbsp;&nbsp;
+            <?php echo checkbox_tag('evento[recurrencia_dias][]', '2', false, array('disabled' => true) ) ?>Martes&nbsp;&nbsp;
+            <?php echo checkbox_tag('evento[recurrencia_dias][]', '3', false, array('disabled' => true) ) ?>Miercoles&nbsp;&nbsp;
+            <?php echo checkbox_tag('evento[recurrencia_dias][]', '4', false, array('disabled' => true) ) ?>Jueves&nbsp;&nbsp;
+            <?php echo checkbox_tag('evento[recurrencia_dias][]', '5', false, array('disabled' => true) ) ?>Viernes&nbsp;&nbsp;
+            <?php echo checkbox_tag('evento[recurrencia_dias][]', '6', false, array('disabled' => true) ) ?>Sabado&nbsp;&nbsp;
+        </div>
+        <div class="form-row" id="mensual" style="display:none">
+        </div>
+        <div class="form-row" id="anual" style="display:none">
+        </div>
+        <h4>Rango de frecuencia</h4>
+        <div class="form-row">  
+            <?php echo radiobutton_tag('evento[recurrencia_fin_tipo][]', '0', true, array('disabled' => true, 'onClick' => 'javascript:deshabilitaRangoFrecuencia()') ) ?>Sin fecha de Finalizaci&oacute;n&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>
+            <?php echo radiobutton_tag('evento[recurrencia_fin_tipo][]', '1', false, array('disabled' => true, 'onClick' => 'javascript:HabilitaDeshabilitaRangoFrecuencia(\'evento_frecuencia_fin_repeticion\')') ) ?>Terminar despues: &nbsp;&nbsp;
+            <?php echo input_tag('evento[frecuencia_fin_repeticion]', '1', array('disabled' => true, 'maxlength' => 4, 'size' => 4 )) ?>    <br>
+            <?php echo radiobutton_tag('evento[recurrencia_fin_tipo][]', '2', false, array('disabled' => true, 'onClick' => 'javascript:HabilitaDeshabilitaRangoFrecuencia(\'evento_frecuencia_fin_fecha\')') ) ?>Terminar el:&nbsp;&nbsp;
+            <?php echo input_date_tag('evento[frecuencia_fin_fecha]', '', array ( 'rich' => true, 'calendar_button_img' => sfConfig::get('sf_admin_web_dir').'/images/date.png',
+              'control_name' => 'evento[frecuencia_fin_fecha]', 'disabled' => true
+            )) ?><br>
+        </div>
+<ul class="sf_admin_actions">
+  <li><?php echo submit_tag(__('Grabar'), array (
+  'name' => 'Grabar',
+  'class' => 'sf_admin_action_save',
+)) ?></li>
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/evento/templates/editSuccess.php
Name: svn:keywords
   + "Id Author URL Date Rev"

Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/actions/actions.class.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/actions/actions.class.php	2007-04-25 21:24:42 UTC (rev 4586)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/actions/actions.class.php	2007-04-25 21:36:27 UTC (rev 4587)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ *    This file is part of Alba.
+ *
+ *    Alba is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *    (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *    Alba is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *    GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *    along with Alba; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+ * relDivisionActividadDocente actions.
+ *
+ * @package    alba
+ * @subpackage relDivisionActividadDocente
+ * @author     José Luis Di Biase <josx en interorganic.com.ar>
+ * @author     Héctor Sanchez <hsanchez en pressenter.com.ar>
+ * @author     Fernando Toledo <ftoledo en pressenter.com.ar>
+ * @version    SVN: $Id: actions.class.php 4492 2007-03-19 14:59:17Z josx $
+ * @filesource
+ * @license GPL
+ */
+class relDivisionActividadDocenteActions extends autorelDivisionActividadDocenteActions

Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/actions/actions.class.php
Name: svn:keywords
   + "Id Author URL Date Rev"

Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/config/generator.yml
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/config/generator.yml	2007-04-25 21:24:42 UTC (rev 4586)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/config/generator.yml	2007-04-25 21:36:27 UTC (rev 4587)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+  class:              sfPropelAdminGenerator
+  param:
+    model_class:      RelDivisionActividadDocente
+    theme:            default
+    fields:
+        fk_docente_id: { name: Docente }
+        fk_division_id: { name: Divisi&oacute;n }
+        fk_actividad_id: { name: Actividad }
+        fk_repeticion_id: { name: Repetici&oacute;n }
+        fecha_inicio: {vname: Fecha Inicio,  params: date_format='dd/MM/yy' }
+        fecha_fin: { name: Fecha fin , params: date_format='dd/MM/yy' }
+        hora_inicio: { name: Hora Inicio }
+        hora_fin: { name: Hora fin }
+    list:
+        title: Generaci&oacute;n Manual de horarios por divisi&oacute;n 
+        display: [ division, actividad , docente, fecha_inicio, fecha_fin, hora_inicio, hora_fin ]
+        object_actions:
+            _edit: -
+            _delete: -
+    edit:
+        title: Editar horarios 
+        display: [ fk_division_id, fk_actividad_id , fk_docente_id, fecha_inicio, fecha_fin, hora_inicio, hora_fin ]
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/config/generator.yml
Name: svn:keywords
   + "Id Author URL Date Rev"

Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/config/security.yml
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/config/security.yml	2007-04-25 21:24:42 UTC (rev 4586)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/config/security.yml	2007-04-25 21:36:27 UTC (rev 4587)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+    is_secure: on
+    credentials: calendario
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/config/security.yml
Name: svn:keywords
   + "Id Author URL Date Rev"

Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/templates/_hora_fin.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/templates/_hora_fin.php	2007-04-25 21:24:42 UTC (rev 4586)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/templates/_hora_fin.php	2007-04-25 21:36:27 UTC (rev 4587)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?php use_helper('DateForm') ?>
+<?php echo select_time_tag("rel_division_actividad_docente[[hora_fin]", $rel_division_actividad_docente->getHoraFin(), array('include_second' => false, '12hour_time' => true));?>
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/templates/_hora_fin.php
Name: svn:keywords
   + "Id Author URL Date Rev"

Added: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/templates/_hora_inicio.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/templates/_hora_inicio.php	2007-04-25 21:24:42 UTC (rev 4586)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/templates/_hora_inicio.php	2007-04-25 21:36:27 UTC (rev 4587)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?php use_helper('DateForm') ?>
+<?php echo select_time_tag("rel_division_actividad_docente[hora_inicio]", $rel_division_actividad_docente->getHoraInicio(), array('include_second' => false, '12hour_time' => true));?>
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/apps/principal/modules/relDivisionActividadDocente/templates/_hora_inicio.php
Name: svn:keywords
   + "Id Author URL Date Rev"

Modified: prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Evento.php
--- prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Evento.php	2007-04-25 21:24:42 UTC (rev 4586)
+++ prosistem/alba/trunk/alba/lib/model/Evento.php	2007-04-25 21:36:27 UTC (rev 4587)
@@ -9,4 +9,16 @@
 class Evento extends BaseEvento
+    function getHoraInicio() {
+        // si la hora de ambos es diferente de 00:00:00 entonces si tiene hora
+    }
+    function getHoraFin() {
+        // si la hora de ambos es diferente de 00:00:00 entonces si tiene hora
+    }

Más información sobre la lista de distribución Alba-desarrollo