[Solar-general] soy rico

Sebastian Bassi sbassi en clubdelarazon.org
Dom Ago 10 09:28:05 CEST 2008

2008/8/9 Diego Saravia <dsa at unsa.edu.ar>:
> http://baquia.com/actualidad/noticias/14019/apple-retira-la-aplicacion-de-los-1000-dolares

Mirá lo que dijo una mujer que bajó ese "programa":

"I feel really bad for other people who bought that app like me
because public ridicule is so hurtful. We're real people with real
lives and lots of money, not morons like everyone is reporting," Norom
said choking back angry tears, "Some jackass stopped me and asked if I
wanted to buy his mint condition, sealed copy of Windows Vista for
$1,000. Even an idiot knows not to install that crappy program even if
it's free."

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