Fwd: Re: [Fwd: [Solar-general] Carta de DAVID SUGAR a solar en relacion al sabotage de heinz al software libre.]

Juan Carlos Gentile jucar en hipatia.info
Jue Mar 30 18:06:42 CEST 2006

El Jueves 30 Marzo 2006 19:19, Federico Heinz escribió:

Quoting again David:

"So I misunderstood when Richard told me on the phone?  Stefano
Misunderstood when Richard confirmed my account to him?  Maybe Richard
misunderstood what Heiny said to him originally or what Heiny said to
others?  Everyone misunderstands Heiny and what Heiny wrote in the
past?!  Poor little Federico Heiny must be the most misundertood person
on the planet!  So we are left to conclude that either Heiny is wrong, 
or the world is.  Hmm...Apply Occum's razer...

"Asi que yo entendi mal cuando Richard me dijo eso al telefono? Stefano 
entendio mal cuando Richard confirmo eso con el? Tal vez Richard entendio mal 
lo que Heiny dijo a el originalmente o lo que Heiny dijo a otros? Todos 
entienden mal a Heiny y lo que Heiny escribio en el pasado?!  Pobre little 
Federico Heiny debe ser la persona mas mal entendida del planeta! Asi que 
estamos obligados a creer que o Heiny esta equivocado o el mundo lo esta. 
Hmmm... Aplicar Occum's razer..."

and David again:

"First, the source of this conflict really goes to Richard's refusal to
speak at the Madres University, an act I happen to feel was a national
insult.  This happened because Federico Heinz convinced him, as Richard
said to me directly, that the Madres University teaches radicals and
terrorist ideas, and spoke in active support of the 9/11 attack on the
U.S.  These were the things Richard told me Heinz said that convinced
him not to speak at Madres.  I do fully trust what Richard told me on
[esp] -> ya fue traducido en otro correo

It is clear to anyone.... that what David said is that everyone must be wrong 
for one to believe Heiny's version... whether those who spoke to rms, those 
who rms had confirmed to, or the whole world. It's all about Heiny, 
apparently. Then, I think David was sarcastic... seems that everyone must be 
wrong for fh to be right :)

Esta claro para todos... que lo que David dijo es que todos deben estar 
equivocados para uno que cree en la version de Heiny.. aquellos que hablaron 
con rms, aquellos a los cuales rms les ha confirmado, o el mundo entero. Todo 
esta alrededor de Heiny. Asi, creo que David fue sarcastico... parece que 
todos deben estar equivocados para que fh sea verdadero :)


> Juan Carlos Gentile quotes David Sugar saying:
> > [...] So I misunderstood when Richard told me on the phone?  Stefano
> > Misunderstood when Richard confirmed my account to him?  Maybe Richard
> > misunderstood what Heiny said to him originally [...]
> [en]
> Maybe you did. It happens pretty often that people don't understand each
> other well, or don't remember things accurately. In this case, it is
> enough for any of the people in the chain to remember inaccurately. And
> the error accumulates.
> Fortunately, electronic memories don't fade as easily. RMS has confirmed
> that the messages I published comprises the entirety of the e-mail
> exchange we had on the issue at the time. So you can read the e-mails
> for yourself, and verify whether what you claim is accurate or not.
> [es]
> Quizás comprendiste mal. Pasa muy a menudo que las personas no
> interpretan correctamente lo que otros les dicen, o no las recuerdan con
> exactitud. En este caso, basta con que sólo una de las personas en la
> cadena interprete mal. Y el error es acumulativo.
> Afortunadamente, la memoria digital no es tan frágil. RMS ha confirmado
> que los mensajes que publiqué contienen todos el intercambio de correo
> electrónico que tuvimos en aquel momento sobre el tema. Así que puedes
> leer los mensajes tú mismo, y verificar si tu versión es correcta o no.
> 	Fede

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