[Solar-general] increible: MS le usa un logo a Mozilla, con permiso.

Ricardo Frydman Eureka! ricardoeureka en gmail.com
Jue Dic 15 17:51:53 CET 2005

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Sebastian Bassi wrote:
> El siguiente es un blog de programadores de MS:
> http://blogs.msdn.com/rssteam/archive/2005/12/14/503778.aspx

A mi no me sorprende....en realidad lo que ahi dice y siguiendo el hilo
que empezo en esta
discusion, es que seria bueno "estandarizar" un icono como el de lector
de RSS, para lo cual se reunieron con gente de Mozilla:

"My last post shared some of our conceptual designs of the feed icon and
expressed some of the criteria that we are using to select the right
icon.  Several of the comments liked icon #4 simply because it looked
liked the Firefox icon, and many (like this one) suggested that we work
with the Firefox team to standardize on an icon.

This seemed like a very good idea, so in November, Amar and I took a
visit down to Silicon Valley to meet with John Lilly and Chris Beard
from Mozilla to get their thoughts on it.  We all agreed that it?s in
the user?s best interest to have one common icon to represent RSS and
RSS-related features in a browser.  And the winner is?"

A mi eso no me parece mal, de hecho me parece una posicion de
acercamiento que denota 2 cosas:

1) Acusan recibo de la /existencia/ concreta del SL
2) Acusan recibo de que es "algo" que se esta imponiendo masivamente,
independientemente de las posiciones publicas de los gerentes....incluso
hay comentarios alli mismo del tipo:

"# re: Icons: It?s still orange
Very nice. Work together more often!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005 5:36 PM by Funbug "

Ese es un blog de los /trabajadores/ de diseño de MS....yo no creo que
esten endemoniados por ello...de la misma manera que no creo que la
persona que limpia y barre el piso de las oficinas del FMI sea una mala

PD: por las dudas: Seba no digo que vos lo hayas dicho...;)

Por otro lado, no logro encontrar la licencia de los logos, solo veo:

"Isn't having the logo files under a different license incompatible with
the GPL?
    First off, the Mozilla Foundation binaries are distributed under MPL
terms, so this question doesn't arise in practice.

    But, even if it did, we don't believe it's incompatible with the GPL
anyway. We are following the interpretation that the logo files are not
part of the program itself (e.g., the Firefox browser), they are simply
data used by that program, and changing the logo data has absolutely no
effect on the functional use of the program. We therefore believe that
licensing of the logo files themselves is outside the scope of any GPL
terms that might be applied to other Mozilla source files (i.e., under
the Mozilla tri-license).

    This position is consistent with comments on the FSF web site
regarding GPL compatibility of a particular font license; see the entry
in the FSF's GPL-incompatible license list regarding the Arphic Public
License. However in the GPL FAQ the FSF does not address this issue

If your question isn't covered here, time to move on to one of the other
Trademark Policy documents."

Lo cual me oscurece mas que aclarar. Y siguiendo el link que sugieren
por alli, solo encuentro un

The requested URL /firefox/buttons.html was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use
an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


En fin, no creo que el tema de para tanto :)

Saludetes Navideños y Findeañosos.

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- --
Ricardo A.Frydman
Consultor en Tecnología Open Source - Administrador de Sistemas
jabber: ricardoeureka en gmail.com - http://www.eureka-linux.com.ar
SIP # 1-747-667-9534
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


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