[Bdi4emc-help] quickstep

David Szakovits dszakovits at cfl.rr.com
Mon Sep 22 21:36:58 CEST 2008

   thanks, the files seemed to be under /usr/realtime....  so i copied
   them under /lib as you suggested.
   this helped but there appears to be a problem with the parport address
   now.   maybe you know how to fix this?  also tried to answer your
   Paul wrote:

Hi David

On Monday 22 September 2008, David Szakovits wrote:

   i had trouble compiling in the drivers/vital directory, but i felt i
   could safely comment this out and so i did.

Can you remember what errors occurred with the Vital driver ?

   it starts out not finding "pci/pci.h" and then a bunch of undefined
   macros and variables.


   when i did "make modules_install"  at one point Makefile tried to
   include /Makefile.inc, i presume because somehow $(PWD) became
   undefined.  i hard coded the path into Makefile and with these changes
   it looked like everything went ok but with so many warnings concerning
   deprecated char** strings, i could easily missed an error or two.
   perhaps the compile did go successfully since often Make stops with an
   actual error.

To resolve the deprecated char warnings requires a couple of hours of 
tiresome, repetative search/replace - Maybe I'll make a start this evening.

   do you just declare these "char **"  as "const char** " or is there a
   better equivalent declaration that doesn't require const?

These symbols are all provided by various RTAI modules - These *should* be in 
the /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-rtai/ tree somewhere, if not, you'll need to copy 
them over (suggest /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-rtai/extra) and then run depmod.

If you still get errors regarding the above symbols, could you 
check /boot/config-2.6.24-16-rtai and tell me if CONFIG_MODVERSION=y.


   actually it is the plural CONFIG_MOVERSIONS=y and it is set equal to

Regards, Paul.


   here is what i get at the terminal (dmesg output is below this)
inivar = plat/nonrealtime/bin/inivar
INIFILE = x3.ini
RS274NGC_PARAMFILE = generic.var
starting emc...
starting EMC MOTION PROGRAM -- quickstep...
Can not find -sec TRAJ -var BLEND_TOL_REL -num 1
Can not find -sec EMCMOT -var QS_PINOUT -num 1
modprobe quickstep  PERIOD=22000 STEPPING_TYPE=0 IO_BASE_ADDRESS=0x378 SHMEM_KE
FATAL: Error inserting quickstep (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-rtai/extra/quickstep.k
o): Operation not permitted
can't install quickstep
x3.ini was not changed.
generic.var was not changed.
Removing kernel module rtai_math
Removing kernel module rtai_sched
Removing kernel module rtai_hal

[363100.415742] I-pipe: Domain RTAI registered.
[363100.415759] RTAI[hal]: <3.6> mounted over IPIPE-NOTHREADS 2.0-04.
[363100.415763] RTAI[hal]: compiled with gcc version 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubunt
[363100.415772] RTAI[hal]: mounted (IPIPE-NOTHREADS, IMMEDIATE (INTERNAL IRQs D
[363100.415777] PIPELINE layers:
[363100.415780] e0cd1000 9ac15d93 RTAI 200
[363100.415784] c0383180 0 Linux 100
[363100.439701] RTAI[malloc]: global heap size = 2097152 bytes, <BSD>.
[363100.441466] RTAI[sched]: loaded (IMMEDIATE, UP, USER/KERNEL SPACE: <with RT
AI OWN KTASKs>, kstacks pool size = 524288 bytes.
[363100.441476] RTAI[sched]: hard timer type/freq = 8254-PIT/1193180(Hz); defau
lt timing: periodic; linear timed lists.
[363100.441483] RTAI[sched]: Linux timer freq = 250 (Hz), CPU freq = 1243350000
[363100.441488] RTAI[sched]: timer setup = 2010 ns, resched latency = 2688 ns.
[363100.450535] RTAI[math]: loaded.
[363100.454731] emcmot: SHMEM_KEY = 100
[363100.454745] emcmot: IO_BASE_ADDRESS = 378
[363100.454749] emcmot: EMCMOT_TASK_PRIORITY = 2
[363100.454753] emcmot: EMCMOT_TASK_STACK_SIZE = 12288
[363100.454757] emcmot: sizeof(RT_TASK) = 1152
[363100.454761] emcmot: sizeof(EMCMOT_STRUCT) = 688592
[363100.454765] emcmot: default blend tolerance = 4000000 ns*feed
[363100.463652] emcmot: emcmotStruct allocated at 0xE0F6C000 from rtai_kmalloc(
[363100.465782] Finished configuring emcmotStruct
[363100.527781] emcmot: No parport found at 0x378
[363100.527795] can't initialize motion hardware
[363100.527799] emcmot: releasing rtai shared memory.
[363103.340504] RTAI[math]: unloaded.
[363103.375457] SCHED releases registered named ALIEN RTGLBF
[363103.389860] RTAI[malloc]: unloaded.
[363103.489378] RTAI[sched]: unloaded (forced hard/soft/hard transitions: traps
 0, syscalls 0).
[363103.522599] I-pipe: Domain RTAI unregistered.
[363103.522615] RTAI[hal]: unmounted.

   i notice this has something to do with the parport address.   i
   checked in /proc/ioports and it is not there either.   i suspect this
   is a problem to do with the use of the emc2 ubuntu as a starting
   point.  i know nothing at all about this but i have previously noted
   that the parport does not show up in /proc/ioports on emc2 machines.
   i suppose i could start over with a different installation CD.   i
   thought i could save some work installing rtai but maybe not.   i ran
   into this sort of thing before when i wanted to run emc1 and emc2 on
   the same OS.  i always gave up.

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