[Bdi4emc-help] I got this error
RC Nut
rcnut at shaw.ca
Sat Mar 24 05:07:56 CET 2007
Hi all;
I was trying to install 4.51 on a new machine which came to a halt with this
Can someone explain my problem?
-------------- next part --------------
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 771, in nextClicked
self.setScreen ()
File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 1107, in setScreen
new_screen = apply(self.currentWindow.getScreen, args)
File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/timezone_gui.py", line 52, in getScreen
self.tz = TimezoneMap(zonetab=zonetab, map=path)
File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/timezone_map_gui.py", line 49, in __init__
tpixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(map)
GError: Failed to load image '/usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/map480.png': Fatal error in PNG image file: IDAT: CRC error
Local variables in innermost frame:
default: Europe/London
map: /usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/map480.png
self: <TimezoneMap object (GtkVBox) at 0xb78afa04>
zonetab: <timezone_map_gui.ZoneTab instance at 0xb764c8ac>
root: <gnome.canvas.CanvasGroup object (GnomeCanvasGroup) at 0xb78af9dc>
Dispatcher instance, containing members:
intf: InstallInterface instance, containing members:
intf.icw: InstallControlWindow instance, containing members:
intf.icw.displayHelp: True
intf.icw.releaseNotesViewerPid: None
intf.icw.help: <TextViewBrowser object (GtkTextView) at 0xb78eaf7c>
intf.icw.help_sw: <gtk.ScrolledWindow object (GtkScrolledWindow) at 0xb794920c>
intf.icw.nextButtonStock: <gtk.Button object (GtkButton) at 0xb7949c34>
intf.icw.dispatch: Already dumped
intf.icw.reloadRcQueued: 0
intf.icw.ii: Already dumped
intf.icw.installFrame: <gtk.Frame object (GtkFrame) at 0xb7949d4c>
intf.icw.debugButton: <gtk.Button object (GtkButton) at 0xb79495cc>
intf.icw.table: <gtk.Table object (GtkTable) at 0xb79491bc>
intf.icw.releaseButton: <gtk.Button object (GtkButton) at 0xb7949f7c>
intf.icw.hbox: <gtk.HBox object (GtkHBox) at 0xb7949cd4>
intf.icw.helpFrame: <gtk.Frame object (GtkFrame) at 0xb7949edc>
intf.icw.windowList: []
intf.icw.window: <gtk.Window object (GtkWindow) at 0xb794b6e4>
intf.icw.helpState: True
intf.icw.releaseNotesStartViewer: 0
intf.icw.prevButtonStock: <gtk.Button object (GtkButton) at 0xb794966c>
intf.icw.configFileData: {'TitleBar': pixmaps/anaconda_header.png, 'Title': Debian GNU/Linux, 'Splashscreen': pixmaps/first.png, 'WelcomeScreen': pixmaps/splash.png}
intf.icw.bin: <gtk.Frame object (GtkFrame) at 0xb78ea284>
intf.icw.handle: 275
intf.icw.releaseNotesStartViewerAttempts: 0
intf.icw.buttonBox: <gtk.HButtonBox object (GtkHButtonBox) at 0xb7949874>
intf.icw.hideHelpButton: <gtk.Button object (GtkButton) at 0xb794925c>
intf.icw.currentWindow: TimezoneWindow instance, containing members:
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics: InstallControlState instance, containing members:
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextButtonLabel: None
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.helpButtonEnabled: True
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.searchPath: ('/mnt/source/RHupdates', './', '/usr/share/anaconda/')
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.prevButtonLabel: None
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.grabNext: 0
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.title: Time Zone Selection
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextButtonInfo: None
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.prevButton: gtk-prev
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.helpEnabled: 3
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextEnabled: 1
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.htmlFile: timezone
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.prevEnabled: 1
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.cw: Already dumped
intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextButton: gtk-next
intf.icw.currentWindow.timezone: Timezone instance, containing members:
intf.icw.currentWindow.timezone.utc: 0
intf.icw.currentWindow.timezone.utcOffset: 0
intf.icw.currentWindow.timezone.arc: 0
intf.icw.currentWindow.timezone.tz: Europe/London
intf.icw.currentWindow.timezone.dst: 0
intf.icw.box: <gtk.VBox object (GtkVBox) at 0xb794934c>
intf.icw.releaseNotesType: text
intf.icw.langSearchPath: [en_US.UTF-8, en_US, en, C]
intf.icw.showHelpButton: <gtk.Button object (GtkButton) at 0xb7949964>
intf.icw.dir: 1
intf.runres: 800x600
intf.dispatch: Already dumped
instPath: /mnt/sysimage
dispatch: Already dumped
skipSteps: {'upgrademigfind': 1, 'firewall': 2, 'makebootdisk': 1, 'indivpackage': 1, 'xcustom': 1, 'betanag': 1, 'fdasd': 1, 'authentication': 1, 'findpackages': 1, 'fdisk': 1, 'upgrademigratefs': 1, 'confirmupgrade': 1, 'bootloaderadvanced': 1, 'upgrademount': 1, 'upgbootloader': 1, 'addswap': 1, 'upgradecontinue': 1, 'findrootparts': 2, 'findinstall': 1, 'upgradeswapsuggestion': 1, 'videocard': 1, 'bootdisk': 1, 'package-selection': 1}
method: CdromInstallMethod instance, containing members:
method.messageWindow: <bound method InstallInterface.messageWindow of <gui.InstallInterface instance at 0xb76044cc>>
method.currentIso: None
method.timestamp: None
method.tree: /mnt/source
method.rootPath: /mnt/sysimage
method.currentDisc: [1]
method.loopbackFile: None
method.progressWindow: <bound method InstallInterface.progressWindow of <gui.InstallInterface instance at 0xb76044cc>>
method.device: hdc
step: 33
flags: Flags instance, containing members:
flags.flags: {'expert': 0, 'selinux': 0, 'autostep': 0, 'setupFilesystems': 1, 'usevnc': 0, 'autoscreenshot': 0, 'test': 0, 'serial': 0}
firstStep: 0
id: InstallData instance, containing members:
id.dbpath: None
id.firewall: Firewall instance, containing members:
id.firewall.ftp: 0
id.firewall.http: 0
id.firewall.enabled: 1
id.firewall.smtp: 0
id.firewall.telnet: 0
id.firewall.ssh: 0
id.firewall.trustdevs: []
id.firewall.ports: []
id.rootParts: None
id.upgradeRoot: None
id.xsetup: XSetup instance, containing members:
id.xsetup.skipx: 0
id.xsetup.imposed_sane_default: 1
id.xsetup.xhwstate: XF86HardwareState instance, containing members:
id.xsetup.xhwstate.probed_physical_height: 230
id.xsetup.xhwstate.probed_video_ram: 65536
id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard_PCIBus: None
id.xsetup.xhwstate.colordepth: 24
id.xsetup.xhwstate.monitor_name: BENQ FP557s
id.xsetup.xhwstate.dri_enabled: 1
id.xsetup.xhwstate.monitor: monName: BENQ FP557s
monHoriz: 31-63
monVert: 56-75
physicalWidth: 310
physicalHeight: 230
id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard_name: ATI Radeon 7200
id.xsetup.xhwstate.video_ram: 0
id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard_driver: radeon
id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard_options: []
id.xsetup.xhwstate.vsync: 56-75
id.xsetup.xhwstate.physical_height: 230
id.xsetup.xhwstate.probed_vsync: 56-75
id.xsetup.xhwstate.physical_width: 310
id.xsetup.xhwstate.hsync: 31-63
id.xsetup.xhwstate.probed_physical_width: 310
id.xsetup.xhwstate.xconfig: None
id.xsetup.xhwstate.all_resolutions: [640x480, 800x480, 800x600, 1024x600, 1024x768, 1152x768, 1152x864, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1400x1050, 1440x900, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1900x1200, 1920x1200, 1920x1440, 2048x1536]
id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard: primary: 0
vidCards: [<rhpl.videocard.VideoCard instance at 0xb723452c>]
Primary Video Card Info:
device: fb0
descr : ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R100 QD [Radeon 7200]
server: Xorg
cardManf: None
vidRam: 65536
carddata: {'CHIPSET': 'R100', 'SEE': 'ATI Radeon (generic)', 'DRIVER': 'radeon', 'NAME': 'ATI Radeon 7200'}
devID: ATI Radeon 7200
fbmodes: None
fbbpp: None
id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard_PCIFn: None
id.xsetup.xhwstate.probed_hsync: 31-63
id.xsetup.xhwstate.resolution: 1024x768
id.xsetup.xhwstate.videocard_PCIDev: None
id.keyboard: Keyboard instance, containing members:
id.keyboard.info: {'KEYBOARDTYPE': pc, 'KEYTABLE': us}
id.keyboard.type: PC
id.keyboard.beenset: 1
id.timezone: Already dumped
id.mouse: FULLNAME="Generic - 3 Button Mouse (PS/2)"
id.upgrade: Boolean instance, containing members:
id.upgrade.val: 0
id.monitor: Already dumped
id.methodstr: cdrom://hdc:/mnt/source
id.fsset: FileSystemSet instance, containing members:
id.fsset.messageWindow: <bound method InstallInterface.messageWindow of <gui.InstallInterface instance at 0xb76044cc>>
id.fsset.volumesCreated: 0
id.fsset.progressWindow: <bound method InstallInterface.progressWindow of <gui.InstallInterface instance at 0xb76044cc>>
id.fsset.migratedfs: 0
id.fsset.waitWindow: <bound method InstallInterface.waitWindow of <gui.InstallInterface instance at 0xb76044cc>>
id.fsset.entries: [fsentry -- device: hda2 mountpoint: /
fsystem: ext3 format: 1
ismounted: 0
, fsentry -- device: hda1 mountpoint: /boot
fsystem: ext3 format: 1
ismounted: 0
, fsentry -- device: none mountpoint: /dev/pts
fsystem: devpts format: 0
ismounted: 0
, fsentry -- device: none mountpoint: /dev/shm
fsystem: tmpfs format: 0
ismounted: 0
, fsentry -- device: none mountpoint: /proc
fsystem: proc format: 0
ismounted: 0
, fsentry -- device: none mountpoint: /sys
fsystem: sysfs format: 0
ismounted: 0
, fsentry -- device: hda3 mountpoint: swap
fsystem: swap format: 1
ismounted: 0
id.fsset.mountcount: 0
id.desktop: Desktop instance, containing members:
id.desktop.info: {}
id.desktop.runlevel: 3
id.x_already_set: 0
id.langSupport: Language instance, containing members:
id.langSupport.info: {'LANG': en_US.UTF-8, 'SYSFONT': latarcyrheb-sun16, 'SUPPORTED': en_US.UTF-8:en_US:en}
id.langSupport.default: English (USA)
id.langSupport.supported: [English (USA)]
id.partitions: Partitions instance, containing members:
id.partitions.useFdisk: 0
id.partitions.useAutopartitioning: 1
id.partitions.autoClearPartType: 2
id.partitions.nextUniqueID: 8
id.partitions.reinitializeDisks: 0
id.partitions.autoClearPartDrives: [hda]
id.partitions.zeroMbr: 0
id.partitions.isKickstart: 0
id.partitions.requests: [New Part Request -- mountpoint: /boot uniqueID: 6
type: ext3 format: 1 badblocks: None
device: hda1 drive: ['hda'] primary: None
size: 100 grow: 0 maxsize: None
start: None end: None migrate: None origfstype: None
, New Part Request -- mountpoint: / uniqueID: 5
type: ext3 format: 1 badblocks: None
device: hda2 drive: ['hda'] primary: None
size: 1024 grow: 1 maxsize: None
start: None end: None migrate: None origfstype: None
, New Part Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: 7
type: swap format: 1 badblocks: None
device: hda3 drive: ['hda'] primary: None
size: 512 grow: 1 maxsize: 1024
start: None end: None migrate: None origfstype: None
, PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members:
currentDrive: None
migrate: None
origfstype: None
primary: None
dev: None
uniqueID: 4
mountpoint: None
requestSize: 7.84423828125
size: 7.84423828125
end: 36081989
grow: 0
start: 36065925
ignoreBootConstraints: 0
type: 1
badblocks: None
format: None
fstype: None
preexist: 1
device: hda-1
maxSizeMB: None
drive: hda
fslabel: None
protected: 0
id.partitions.autoPartitionRequests: [New Part Request -- mountpoint: / uniqueID: None
type: ext3 format: 1 badblocks: None
device: None drive: None primary: None
size: 1024 grow: 1 maxsize: None
start: None end: None migrate: None origfstype: None
, New Part Request -- mountpoint: /boot uniqueID: None
type: ext3 format: 1 badblocks: None
device: None drive: None primary: None
size: 100 grow: 0 maxsize: None
start: None end: None migrate: None origfstype: None
, New Part Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: None
type: swap format: 1 badblocks: None
device: None drive: None primary: None
size: 512 grow: 1 maxsize: 1024
start: None end: None migrate: None origfstype: None
id.partitions.deletes: [drive: hda start: 63 end: 36065924
id.firstboot: 0
id.configFileData: {'TitleBar': pixmaps/anaconda_header.png, 'Title': Debian GNU/Linux, 'Splashscreen': pixmaps/first.png, 'WelcomeScreen': pixmaps/splash.png}
id.compspkg: None
id.grpset: None
id.upgradeRemove: []
id.upgradeInfoFound: None
id.auth: Authentication instance, containing members:
id.auth.useKrb5: 0
id.auth.useShadow: 1
id.auth.useMD5: 1
id.auth.enableCache: 0
id.auth.useLdapauth: 0
id.auth.useLdap: 0
id.auth.useNIS: 0
id.auth.nisuseBroadcast: 1
id.auth.useSamba: 0
id.auth.useHesiod: 0
id.dependencies: []
id.useraccount: Tinyuser instance, containing members:
id.useraccount.passwd: None
id.useraccount.gecos: None
id.useraccount.name: None
id.bootloader: x86BootloaderInfo instance, containing members:
id.bootloader.kickstart: 0
id.bootloader.doUpgradeOnly: 0
id.bootloader.useLinear: 1
id.bootloader.defaultDevice: mbr
id.bootloader.pure: None
id.bootloader.args: KernelArguments instance, containing members:
id.bootloader.args.args: noapic
id.bootloader.kernelLocation: /boot/
id.bootloader.device: hda
id.bootloader.configfile: /etc/lilo.conf
id.bootloader.above1024: 1
id.bootloader.serialOptions: None
id.bootloader.useGrubVal: 1
id.bootloader.serialDevice: None
id.bootloader.images: BootImages instance, containing members:
id.bootloader.images.default: hda2
id.bootloader.images.images: {'hda2': ('linux', 'Debian GNU/Linux', 'ext3')}
id.bootloader.drivelist: [hda]
id.bootloader.serial: 0
id.bootloader.forceLBA32: 0
id.extraModules: []
id.network: Network instance, containing members:
id.network.hostname: localhost.localdomain
id.network.overrideDHCPhostname: 0
id.network.netdevices: {'eth0': DEVICE=eth0
id.network.primaryNS: None
id.network.firstnetdevice: eth0
id.network.ternaryNS: None
id.network.isConfigured: 0
id.network.domains: []
id.network.secondaryNS: None
id.network.gateway: None
id.instClass: InstallClass instance, containing members:
id.floppyDevice: fd0
id.isHeadless: 0
id.videocard: Already dumped
id.instLanguage: InstallTimeLanguage instance, containing members:
id.instLanguage.current: en_US.UTF-8
id.diskset: DiskSet instance, containing members:
id.diskset.disks: {'hda': <PedDisk object at 0xb7cae488>}
id.diskset.onlyPrimary: None
id.handleDeps: 0
id.security: Security instance, containing members:
id.security.selinux: 0
id.upgradeSwapInfo: None
dir: 1
<5>Linux version (root at B.124) (gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)) #1 Tue Dec 27 11:57:21 GMT 2005
<6>BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
<4> BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009fc00 (usable)
<4> BIOS-e820: 000000000009fc00 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
<4> BIOS-e820: 00000000000e0000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
<4> BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 000000001ffc0000 (usable)
<4> BIOS-e820: 000000001ffc0000 - 000000001fff8000 (ACPI data)
<4> BIOS-e820: 000000001fff8000 - 0000000020000000 (ACPI NVS)
<4> BIOS-e820: 00000000fec00000 - 00000000fec01000 (reserved)
<4> BIOS-e820: 00000000fee00000 - 00000000fee01000 (reserved)
<4> BIOS-e820: 00000000ffb80000 - 00000000ffc00000 (reserved)
<4> BIOS-e820: 00000000fff00000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
<5>511MB LOWMEM available.
<7>On node 0 totalpages: 131008
<7> DMA zone: 4096 pages, LIFO batch:1
<7> Normal zone: 126912 pages, LIFO batch:31
<7> HighMem zone: 0 pages, LIFO batch:1
<6>DMI 2.3 present.
<4>Allocating PCI resources starting at 20000000 (gap: 20000000:dec00000)
<4>Built 1 zonelists
<5>Kernel command line: initrd=initrd.img ramdisk_size=16384 noapic BOOT_IMAGE=vmlinuz
<6>Initializing CPU#0
<4>PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 11, 32768 bytes)
<4>Detected 1296.494 MHz processor.
<6>Using tsc for high-res timesource
<4>Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
<4>Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
<4>Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
<6>Memory: 510124k/524032k available (2292k kernel code, 13384k reserved, 844k data, 160k init, 0k highmem)
<4>Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode... Ok.
<7>Calibrating delay loop... 2555.90 BogoMIPS (lpj=1277952)
<4>Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
<7>CPU: After generic identify, caps: 3febfbff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
<7>CPU: After vendor identify, caps: 3febfbff 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
<6>CPU: Trace cache: 12K uops, L1 D cache: 8K
<6>CPU: L2 cache: 256K
<7>CPU: After all inits, caps: 3febfbff 00000000 00000000 00000080 00000000 00000000 00000000
<4>CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1300MHz stepping 07
<6>Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
<6>Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done.
<6>Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
<6>checking if image is initramfs...it isn't (no cpio magic); looks like an initrd
<6>Freeing initrd memory: 4959k freed
<6>NET: Registered protocol family 16
<6>PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfda95, last bus=2
<6>PCI: Using configuration type 1
<6>mtrr: v2.0 (20020519)
<6>Linux Plug and Play Support v0.97 (c) Adam Belay
<5>SCSI subsystem initialized
<6>usbcore: registered new driver usbfs
<6>usbcore: registered new driver hub
<4>PCI: Probing PCI hardware
<4>PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00)
<7>Boot video device is 0000:01:00.0
<6>PCI: Transparent bridge - 0000:00:1e.0
<6>PCI: Using IRQ router PIIX/ICH [8086/2440] at 0000:00:1f.0
<6>SGI XFS with ACLs, security attributes, large block numbers, no debug enabled
<6>SGI XFS Quota Management subsystem
<6>Initializing Cryptographic API
<6>isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
<6>isapnp: No Plug & Play device found
<6>Real Time Clock Driver v1.12
<6>Linux agpgart interface v0.101 (c) Dave Jones
<6>agpgart: Detected an Intel i850 Chipset.
<6>agpgart: AGP aperture is 64M @ 0xf8000000
<6>[drm] Initialized drm 1.0.0 20040925
<6>PNP: No PS/2 controller found. Probing ports directly.
<6>serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
<6>serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
<6>Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 48 ports, IRQ sharing enabled
<4>ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
<6>io scheduler noop registered
<6>io scheduler deadline registered
<4>RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 16384K size 1024 blocksize
<6>loop: loaded (max 8 devices)
<6>Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
<6>ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
<6>ICH2: IDE controller at PCI slot 0000:00:1f.1
<6>ICH2: chipset revision 4
<6>ICH2: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
<6> ide0: BM-DMA at 0xffa0-0xffa7, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
<6> ide1: BM-DMA at 0xffa8-0xffaf, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
<7>Probing IDE interface ide0...
<4>ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
<7>Probing IDE interface ide1...
<4>ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
<7>Probing IDE interface ide2...
<7>Probing IDE interface ide3...
<7>Probing IDE interface ide4...
<7>Probing IDE interface ide5...
<6>hda: max request size: 128KiB
<6>hda: 36094464 sectors (18480 MB) w/371KiB Cache, CHS=35808/16/63, UDMA(33)
<6>hda: cache flushes not supported
<6> hda: hda1
<6>hdc: ATAPI 48X DVD-ROM drive, 512kB Cache, UDMA(33)
<6>Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20
<4>ide-floppy driver 0.99.newide
<6>USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver v2.2
<6>PCI: Found IRQ 5 for device 0000:00:1f.2
<7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1f.2 to 64
<6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1f.2: UHCI Host Controller
<6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1f.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
<6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1f.2: irq 5, io base 0x0000ef40
<6>hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
<6>PCI: Found IRQ 9 for device 0000:00:1f.4
<7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1f.4 to 64
<6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1f.4: UHCI Host Controller
<6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1f.4: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
<6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1f.4: irq 9, io base 0x0000ef80
<6>hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
<6>Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
<6>usbcore: registered new driver usb-storage
<6>USB Mass Storage support registered.
<6>usbcore: registered new driver hiddev
<6>usbcore: registered new driver usbhid
<6>drivers/usb/input/hid-core.c: v2.01:USB HID core driver
<6>mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
<6>md: md driver 0.90.1 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MD_SB_DISKS=27
<6>NET: Registered protocol family 2
<6>IP: routing cache hash table of 4096 buckets, 32Kbytes
<4>TCP established hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
<4>TCP bind hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
<6>TCP: Hash tables configured (established 32768 bind 32768)
<6>md: Autodetecting RAID arrays.
<6>md: autorun ...
<6>md: ... autorun DONE.
<5>RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
<4>VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
<6>input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard on isa0060/serio0
<6>input: ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse on isa0060/serio1
<7>vga16fb: initializing
<6>vga16fb: mapped to 0xc00a0000
<4>Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x30
<6>fb0: VGA16 VGA frame buffer device
<6>Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
<6>FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
<6>NET: Registered protocol family 1
<6>NET: Registered protocol family 17
<7>libata version 1.11 loaded.
<6>e100: Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Driver, 3.4.8-k2-NAPI
<6>e100: Copyright(c) 1999-2005 Intel Corporation
<6>PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 0000:02:08.0
<6>e100: eth0: e100_probe: addr 0xff9ff000, irq 11, MAC addr 00:03:47:A8:A4:CC
<7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3
<7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A
<4>Unable to identify CD-ROM format.
<4>VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev loop0.
<6>md: raid0 personality registered as nr 2
<6>md: raid1 personality registered as nr 3
<6>raid5: automatically using best checksumming function: pIII_sse
<4> pIII_sse : 1704.000 MB/sec
<4>raid5: using function: pIII_sse (1704.000 MB/sec)
<6>md: raid5 personality registered as nr 4
<6>JFS: nTxBlock = 4025, nTxLock = 32201
<6>device-mapper: 4.4.0-ioctl (2005-01-12) initialised: dm-devel at redhat.com
* modules to insert vesafb
* module(s) vesafb not found
* load module set done
* modules to insert vgastate vga16fb
* loaded vgastate from /modules/modules.cgz
* loaded vga16fb from /modules/modules.cgz
* inserted /tmp/vgastate.ko
* inserted /tmp/vga16fb.ko
* load module set done
* 515220 kB are available
* modules to insert cramfs vfat sunrpc lockd nfs loop isofs floppy unix af_packet nls_iso8859-1
* loaded sunrpc from /modules/modules.cgz
* loaded lockd from /modules/modules.cgz
* loaded nfs from /modules/modules.cgz
* loaded floppy from /modules/modules.cgz
* loaded unix from /modules/modules.cgz
* loaded af_packet from /modules/modules.cgz
* loaded nls_iso8859-1 from /modules/modules.cgz
* module(s) cramfs vfat loop isofs not found
* inserted /tmp/sunrpc.ko
* inserted /tmp/lockd.ko
* inserted /tmp/nfs.ko
* inserted /tmp/floppy.ko
* inserted /tmp/unix.ko
* inserted /tmp/af_packet.ko
* inserted /tmp/nls_iso8859-1.ko
* load module set done
* modules to insert aec62xx alim15x3 amd74xx libata ata_piix atiixp cmd64x triflex cy82c693 cs5520 cs5530 hpt34x hpt366 piix pdc202xx_old pdc202xx_new serverworks sis5513 slc90e66 trm290 via82cxxx cdrom ide-cd ide-disk ide-generic edd
* loaded libata from /modules/modules.cgz
* loaded ata_piix from /modules/modules.cgz
* module(s) aec62xx alim15x3 amd74xx atiixp cmd64x triflex cy82c693 cs5520 cs5530 hpt34x hpt366 piix pdc202xx_old pdc202xx_new serverworks sis5513 slc90e66 trm290 via82cxxx cdrom ide-cd ide-disk ide-generic edd not found
* inserted /tmp/libata.ko
* inserted /tmp/ata_piix.ko
* load module set done
* modules to insert scsi_mod sd_mod sr_mod
* module(s) scsi_mod sd_mod sr_mod not found
* load module set done
* looking for usb controllers
* no usb controller found
* no firewire controller found
* no pcic controller found
* probing buses
* finished bus probing
* modules to insert mii e100
* loaded mii from /modules/modules.cgz
* loaded e100 from /modules/modules.cgz
* inserted /tmp/mii.ko
* inserted /tmp/e100.ko
* load module set done
* trying to mount CD device hdc
* mntloop loop0 on /mnt/runtime as /mnt/source/Debian/base/stage2.img fd is 12
* MD5SUM -> 87e02a6dbb3184dae21c72a69268db01
* skipsectors = 15
* isostatus = 0
* getting ready to spawn shell now
* modules to insert aec62xx alim15x3 amd74xx atiixp cmd64x triflex cy82c693 cs5520 cs5530 hpt34x hpt366 piix pdc202xx_old pdc202xx_new serverworks sis5513 slc90e66 trm290 via82cxxx cdrom ide-cd ide-disk ide-generic edd
* module(s) aec62xx alim15x3 amd74xx atiixp cmd64x triflex cy82c693 cs5520 cs5530 hpt34x hpt366 piix pdc202xx_old pdc202xx_new serverworks sis5513 slc90e66 trm290 via82cxxx cdrom ide-cd ide-disk ide-generic edd not found
* load module set done
* modules to insert scsi_mod sd_mod sr_mod
* module(s) scsi_mod sd_mod sr_mod not found
* load module set done
* probing buses
* finished bus probing
* modules to insert
* load module set done
* looking for video cards requiring agpgart module
* no video cards found
* modules to insert psmouse mousedev 8250
* module(s) psmouse mousedev 8250 not found
* load module set done
* modules to insert md raid0 raid1 xor raid5 loop fat isofs msdos jbd ext2 ext3 reiserfs jfs xfs dm-mod
* loaded raid0 from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz
* loaded raid1 from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz
* loaded xor from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz
* loaded raid5 from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz
* loaded jfs from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz
* loaded dm-mod from /mnt/runtime/modules/modules.cgz
* module(s) md loop fat isofs msdos jbd ext2 ext3 reiserfs xfs not found
* inserted /tmp/raid0.ko
* inserted /tmp/raid1.ko
* inserted /tmp/xor.ko
* inserted /tmp/raid5.ko
* inserted /tmp/jfs.ko
* inserted /tmp/dm-mod.ko
* load module set done
* loading parallel port drivers...
* modules to insert parport_pc
* module(s) parport_pc not found
* load module set done
* failed to load parport_pc module
* Running anaconda script /usr/bin/anaconda
* Display mode = g
* Method = cdrom://hdc:/mnt/source
* Started mini-wm
* anaconda floppy device fd0
* running ['/usr/X11R6/bin/setxkbmap', '-layout', 'us', '-model', 'pc105', '-option', '']
* moving (1) to step welcome
* moving (1) to step language
* moving (1) to step keyboard
* running ['/usr/X11R6/bin/setxkbmap', '-layout', 'us', '-model', 'pc105', '-option', '']
* moving (1) to step checkmonitorok
* moving (1) to step setsanex
* moving (1) to step installtype
* Detected 512M of memory
* Swap attempt of 512M to 1024M
* moving (1) to step partitionmethod
* moving (1) to step partitionobjinit
* moving (1) to step partitionmethodsetup
* moving (1) to step partition
* moving (-1) to step partitionmethodsetup
* moving (-1) to step partitionobjinit
* moving (-1) to step partitionmethod
* moving (1) to step partitionobjinit
* moving (1) to step partitionmethodsetup
* moving (1) to step autopartition
* moving (1) to step autopartitionexecute
* moving (1) to step partition
* moving (1) to step partitiondone
* moving (1) to step bootloadersetup
* moving (1) to step bootloader
* moving (1) to step networkdevicecheck
* moving (1) to step network
* moving (1) to step languagesupport
* moving (1) to step timezone
File descriptor 3 left open
File descriptor 4 left open
File descriptor 5 left open
File descriptor 6 left open
File descriptor 7 left open
File descriptor 9 left open
File descriptor 10 left open
No volume groups found
apable devices
Wiping internal cache
Finding all volume groups
No volume groups found
Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...
cal volumes. This may take a while...
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