[Bdi4emc-help] configuring ini file

Paul bdi4emc at bulldoghome.com
Fri Dec 1 22:26:08 CET 2006

Hi Alex

On Friday 01 December 2006 17:50, alex wrote:
> But can you shed some light on setting limit and home switches?
> I eyeballed  hardware section of the manual for some time and it looks
> like they are hardwired for this version of  EMC ?
> Are they wired this way: homes - pin 12
>                                     limits + -pin 15
>                                     limits - - pin 13 ?
> Also , how can I ignore homing for Z axis?

The home and limit switches are hard coded in to the sources. For many users, 
this limitation is not a problem, but for others, it is, so there is work 
afoot to address this and other issues (more on that when the time comes).

As for ignoring the homing on a single axis - If the axis with the home 
switches use HOME_SWITCH_POLARITY=0, set HOME_SWITCH_POLARITY=1 for the axis 
without a switch - As long as pin 12 is pulled high when X and Y are not 
sitting on their respective switches, Z will always be evaluated as "homed". 
Set the HOME and HOME_OFFSET parameters so that the homed axis does not sit 
on a switch and you shouldn't have any problems.

Regards, Paul.

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