[Bdi4emc-help] wiki layout

bdi4emc-help at lists.ourproject.org bdi4emc-help at lists.ourproject.org
Mon Dec 12 02:09:19 CET 2005

With only eight of us so far (please, send an email introducing yourselves), 
it may be too early to discuss the layout of the wiki. My current thinking is 
to have three, maybe four nodes on the front page in addition to a couple of 
links to the mailing list and project summary pages. These would be:

 * Documentation of EMC in use - g-codes, programming, etc.

 * Installation of BDI-4

 * Hints and tips for using Linux in general.

 * Documentation drawn from ISO/DIN standards relating to RS274NGC, StepNC,
   and APT.

One thing I do not want to see is the wiki degenerating in to a disjointed or 
fragmented collection of postit style pages littered with misleading or bogus 

The first task on my todo list is to transcibe Tom Kramer's RS274NGC paper, 
and/or review the existing EMC Handbook in preparation for item one on the 
list. Any offers of help would be greatly appreciated - If you know to (even 
the basics of) using LyX, even better.

Regards, Paul.

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