[Bdi4emc-help] consequences of newer OpenSSH on remote X11 displays

bdi4emc-help at lists.ourproject.org bdi4emc-help at lists.ourproject.org
Mon Dec 12 01:45:37 CET 2005

Hi Kent

On Sunday 11 December 2005 23:19, bdi4emc-help at lists.ourproject.org wrote:
> With this newer version, the OpenSSH folks changed the configuration so
> that X11Fowarding is disabled by default (for security reasons). Thus,
> connecting to my BDI-host from another box using the shell command "ssh
> -X bdi_ip_or_hostname" and then invoking an X11 application on the
> BDI-box, e.g., xeyes, will result in an error message instead of causing
> a new X window (with the xeyes "eyes" for example) to open on my local
> host as I have come to expect.

Thanks for the info - I think we (as a group) need to discuss a layout of the 
wiki so that little snippets such as this can be found quickly and easily. I 
have a couple of thoughts on the subject which I'll broach in another email..

Small side note: I think it may be Debian that changed the default for X11 
forwarding. I've noted a few other packages have certain security risks 
disabled... This, I suspect, is probably do to Debian being more security 
conscious than some of the other distributions.

Regards, Paul.

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